Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Kajon: Sorry to hear about the laundry mess! At the same time, it did bring a chuckle. I started D doing her laundry in 11th grade. Even this year she would still ask me questions sometimes. When she came home from her overnight camp job last Sunday for less then 24 hours and brought 2 international counselors with her, they waltzed in with tons of laundry. Thankfully I was at work on Monday while they got it all done. They had must have 3 or 4 loads each with them. However, my S is at the camp until Sunday so I have hardly had to do any laundry for the last few weeks with both of them gone.</p>

<p>Austinmtmom - sorry to hear about your mom. Monday can seem like a long time when you are waiting for important news like this. Sending positive thoughts for your mom and you.</p>

<p>zoosermom - I’m a little late getting back to this topic (or is it just that this thread flies?) re other ideas for Bar/Bat Mitzvah favors. My D once received a fleece throw and also one of those round squishy pillows (okay it is late here and I am forgetting what it is called!). Friends of ours gave out those small travel alarm clocks for their son’s favors a few years ago (the little ones you can get at Target). They were not personalized but each of my kids used them for 4-5 years until they stopped working. One of D’s friends gave out personalized playing cards (her brother recently had his Bar Mitzvah and did the same). There are definitely some fun things that are not expensive out there. The decks of cards definitely get used.</p>

<p>Sewemma - not sure when you will make it back here, but you and your family have been in my thoughts every day.</p>

<p>D leaves for school in 33 days but only gets back home from her summer job in 31 days. No time to shop for clothes. She is going with what she has. I’m only hoping we can get things all packed and shipped in time and perhaps she can squeeze in a haircut. And there is still the matter of not having finished researching and ordering her a laptop. I picked up her old one last night and realized it is pretty heavy. Too heavy to carry around a campus with books. Plus it is 5 years old and I doubt it will last. We have decided on a PC, not a Mac. Any ideas? I think D’s main requirement is that it have a long battery life. </p>

<p>On a good note, I was in Macy’s the other day and found her a very nice but not too girly comforter. It is Tommy Hilfiger but was on sale and I used a coupon. They were out of the matching sheets in Twin XL but I found a coordinating set on clearance. Who knew designer stuff could be on clearance? I’m hoping D will like this set. Even though I will have to ship it, it is cost much less than the set she was considering from PB Teen - and she prefers a comforter to a duvet cover. Small steps. . . So if any of you still need dorm stuff, even Macy’s has some things in Twin XL. And they have lots of sales.</p>

<p>Hope everyone can stay :cool: this weekend. On Sat. the heat index here is expected to be 110 degrees (and it is NOT a dry heat!).</p>

<p>Austinmtmom, thinking of you and your mom. It is so hard to wait. My son had a cancer scare the summer before BS. The pediatrician saw him right before 4th of July and he needed to see a specialist, thankfully the reccommended doctor turned out to be a friend of ours. I called him at home from the car, got his wife who gave me his cell phone. Son’s tests arranged and reviewed over the holiday weekend, no cancer, a manageble fairly minor ongoing issue, but no cancer. </p>

<p>On a lighter note, Is it possible to get a restraining order against the dog? I love him, but he has not been more then 3 feet away from me since my husband left. I am being stalked by a 67lb yellow lab! I can’t even go to the bathroom without him trying to join me!</p>

<p>PAO- I’m right there with you with D not being home, but at least she has a month free when she does get home before going to camp. pmk- is pmkJr ok with not being home before school, I know you spent time with him before camp. your H is back in school now right did his schedule mesh so he could have time with Jr before move in?</p>

<p>Here’s our schedule, I think Chicago wins this year, they are a week after NW and after Stanford also I think</p>

<p>Sep 17- we leave the happy homestead (not a story anywhere close to curmudgeon’s)
Sep 19/20- parent orientation
Sep 20-24- student orientation
Sep 27 classes start</p>

<p>amt- thoughts to your mother. Still thinking of you sewemma</p>

<p>just that little bit of shopping done here, dorm info comes out on Aug 6, then we will know the building and roommate (or not) situation and can do things like fridge/rug/etc.</p>

<p>I have read the 11 drama. I follow the 13 thread closest, but pop into the 11 also. It takes a while for a thread to settle into its tone, the 12 still has to do that also. I know this thread has been talked about elsewhere, and there are those who are intimidated by the pace etc, so I don’t feel I can judge those uncomfortable with the 11 thread. I just hope that those who are feel they don’t need to be, and in none of these threads have I found anyone not welcoming. </p>

<p>And if anyone here doesn’t know this trick, I saw it mentioned recently in the 11 thread, if a topic contains unread posts for you, there is a little icon to the left of the title, looks kind of like a V , if you click on that it takes you to your last unread post. Someone also mentioned the cabability of subscribing to a post, I don’t do that, but you can get the daily updates in your mail, look at the help for details.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>thanks for the response. My son isnt too fussy so hopefully they should be ok. The thing is we’re coming from continents away so getting the stuff to college will be tough. Think I’ll take my chances with these!Hopefully won’t have to get new things next year!</p>

<p>RobD -
We’re at 4pm Sat., hubby is driving him down and doing the move-in I have first day of Marching Band for DS#2 and also pre-PGA Championship stats to do Sun. night so I cant go. Probably for the best!
Looking forward to comparing notes once our kiddos get all moved in!</p>

<p>good morning all!!! it’s ready… your first taste of Tim Horton’s coffee…direct from Canada!! now you have to get the Timmie’s lingo down… do you want a double double, a triple triple?? sugar and 1/2 & 1/2 (and not that fat free kind) are ready too. MMMMMMMMMM!</p>

<p>btw re the curm story… son and i had the wonderful privilege to actually meet Curm’s D on our visit to Rhodes. She is the most delightful, enthusiastic person you can imagine. I love Curm’s posts and admit to being a bit of a stalker as i now check on her progress through med school apps and her final decision of where to go…</p>

<p>tango, could you get him that amazon prime thing (free) for students, and let him order some things to be delivered to the school once he is there? i think the amazon prime gets him 2 day shipping so he wouldnt be without for long. for payment you could set up account with your cc or paypal</p>

<p>when do all the late starters finish their first year? son starts aug 12 and will be finished may 9th</p>

<p>Thanks for all the advice. The thing is the package comes complete with mattress pad,cover etc. so seems very convenient. Still wondering, if anyone has first hand experience would be happy to hear.One parent did reply saying her daughter was fine with the sheets etc.</p>

<p>good morning.</p>

<p>healing and supportive thoughts to austinmtmom and her mom. From the vantage point of someone who has waited twice, once for good news and once for bad - the waiting is the hardest.</p>

<p>Love the idea of a restraining order for the dog, acm!!</p>

<p>I’m the only one up here so far, so it’s quiet. Just trying to wrap my head around all the things to be done today. Off to yoga!</p>

<p>Morning all! Thanks for the coffee parent56! I’ll take a triple triple!!..And I have the doughnuts ready…Help yourselves to a big assortment!..A special glazed and strawberry margarita for BT. :slight_smile: and for YDS…</p>



<p>All here for you YDS…Enjoy! ;)</p>

<p>Kajon: So sorry to hear about the laundry fiasco! I understand your being done!</p>

<p>acm: Also LOL about the restraining dog order…He loves you, though! Hope you enjoy your day at the beach with some added “space.”</p>

<p>Austinmt: Still thinking of you and your mom.</p>

<p>Sewemma: You also continue to be in my thoughts.</p>

<p>It’s supposed to be a hot and humid scorcher here today…Hope all can stay cool…</p>

<p>Wishing all a great Saturday…</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>coming right up KS and thanks for the doughnuts!!</p>

<p>parent 56: Delish! and your welcome. :)</p>

<p>I just noticed I got a text from my D who is away for the weekend meeting new UPenn friends…(I don’t keep my phone next to me at all times…) At almost 4 a.m. she said she was just going to sleep and having a lot of fun!..Will text me in the morning when she wakes up around 10 (EST)…I’m hoping she’s having a lot of fun like at sleepaway camp rather than at prom weekend!..I did text her back and ask for a phone call instead of a text!..College here we come!</p>

<p>Morning all! Thanks for the coffee and doughnuts parent56 and ks! Hot and delicious - and doughnuts with no calories - love them!!</p>

<p>Thank you for all the positive thoughts. As many of you noted the waiting is so hard. But I have all of you to wait with which is much easier than waiting alone.</p>

<p>acm - LOL at your poor dog. </p>

<p>Loved the curmudgeon story zmom and Laf! </p>

<p>jackief - I never thought about the huge difference in college schedules. We are exactly 3 weeks from dorm move-in day.</p>

<p>ks - 4:00 am texts? Glad she is havig fun!!</p>

<p>Keeping the lighter mood vein going, D went to a film audition yesterday - this for one of the ever popular zombie apocalypse films that everyone seems to be making. The audition was in a meeting room at a local hotel so obviously the film makers paid to get the space. She walks in and there are 2 guys in full-out TUXEDOS there to audition her! She said the director never looked up while she read - just typed on his laptop the entire time. When she finished reading he started laughing - out loud!. But the scene wasn’t supposed to be funny (although admittedly the dialogue they gave her was laughingly bad!) The other guy - casting director. writer, who knows - clapped for her. He then asked her if she had any questions. Hmmmmm - no! My H took her and said she flew out of the room when she was finished. What a way to start your day!!</p>

<p>Hope everyone stays :cool:</p>

<p>31 Days. That’s how many days we have left before we leave to drop our son off at school. I never thought I’d be one of the parents who’d be counting down the days but, here I am. 31 days.</p>

<p>After a little spat a couple of days ago, I decided to just let it roll off. This morning, before he left for work, hubby, son and I were in the kitchen - they started talking about another grad gift (check) that came in. I chimed in something about putting it straight into savings so he’ll have $ when he needs it for incidentals at school. You would’ve thought I suggested he burn the check from the reaction I got. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I asked why it was that he could have a civil conversation with his dad but as soon as I say anything, he jumps down my throat. The response was that “it’s the tone of voice.” WTH??? </p>

<p>I don’t know - maybe I have a new “tone of voice” now. I doubt it. I want to share the benefit of my years, my wisdom and a bunch of stuff I learn about right here on CC. Seems like I can’t really get my points across these days though.</p>

<p>I’m usually very practical and I like to organize and not leave “to do” stuff til the last minute. I’ve been reading about the fouling of the nest syndrome and, being a fairly rational adult, feel that I should be able to “be the adult” and understand and just let these types of situations roll off my back. I countered the adolescent years with humor and lots of hugs and kisses (even as he waved me off) and it served me well. Our home was not as tumultuous as others - it was actually rather peaceful.</p>

<p>Now - I am counting the days. The “dissing” is just getting old. I’m sick of it. Maybe it’s because I am getting old(er) - I just don’t want to deal with the BS. I have a lot to offer and I am feeling that if he doesn’t want my input - fine. Dude - deal with the hassles yourself and don’t come to me at the last minute wanting advice.<br>
Just deal with it.</p>

<p>I actually offered him up at my office meeting yesterday (I am a Realtor and during our office meetings we have a “wants/needs” session) - “I have an 18 1/2 year old boy/man - anyone want him for a month? He’s really polite and can be very helpful in homes that are not his and he doesn’t eat all that much and I will pay room and board.” No takers, but they did have a good laugh at my expense. :-/</p>

<p>Seriously - this is totally breaking my heart. :-(</p>

<p>well ppfffft to those guys austinmt!!
i hated hearing about my son’s auditions for things in nyc. its such a bizarre process. i remember one …he didnt have a sag card…so went early, got permission to audition but was told it would be at the end of all sag auditions…so he stood there for over 8 hours until someone came out and said…we’re finished, bye.
he directed an independent film this year…and the mother in me couldnt resist…i told him he better be nice to all who auditioned and as the number he auditioned wasnt that large …he should remember their mothers who would be waiting to hear if their child (these were all adults LOL) got the part, and let them know either way.</p>

<p>amt - thoughts and prayers for you and your mother… </p>

<p>lafalum - Photo Cube? Is she prepared for it to become not only an object of ridicule but also for it to be launched repeatedly into orbit? Leave the cube at home!!!</p>

<p>ahhh pengo… HUGS!!! son was a bit like that before he left on his trip, was like the decision time when he wasnt getting to go to the school he wanted to. it hurts!!</p>

<p>parent- the official end for D’s spring quarter is June 11. I know that this weekend will conflict with D2’s graduation in 2012. I hope by that point D1 is practiced enough to fly home on her own and get home for the grad. This spring that is the weekend of my college 25th reunion, I have already told H that he can fly out and get her stuff into storage and fly home with her. I think having an parent to help for the first time and then take it on her own from then on would be a good pace for this D.</p>

<p>tango- that package does sound convenient. Several on here have bought a “room in a bag” set from BBB which comes with a laundry hamper and other things. I don’t remember if your S is travelling himself or if a parent will be going also, and if you will have a car, but besides the shopping options for Amazon etc there are buy and hold services at BBB which could work. Perhaps Booklady, who’s D just graduated from Yale, could comment on nearby shopping.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>pengo - You are not alone. I feel your pain. We have been having similar issues here with son. The 'tude has been over the the top at times. I keep telling myself that it’s his way of ‘breaking away’ emotionally before he leaves. He’s an only child and somewhat of an introvert. Although he seems very excited to be going off the college, he’s never liked being away from home, so I’m sure at a deep level, he’s experiencing a lot of anxiety. My standard response is “That comment was very hurtful.” I do think moms often get the brunt of this because many kids are closer to their mothers than their fathers and it’s the closest relationships that are the hardest to leave.</p>

<p>It might help you to know that several of his friends are acting the same way. The general consensus among the moms is move-in day can’t come soon enough. Of course, when I really think about it, it makes me a little sad and anxious but I know he’s ready. I attended a seminar hosted by the dean of student affairs at one of our local colleges as well as a private guidance counselor. They said the one thing you should worry about is a kid who is not chomping at the bit to break free of their parents and go to college. They said it’s a very positive sign for them to be acting this way at this point.</p>

<p>On the laundry front - a few years ago when I went back to work and son and husband were griping about the laundry not being done to their specifications, it occurred to me that there was no real reason for me to be doing their laundry. So I quit. Everyone started doing their own laundry. So son has been doing his for 2 years now and he still asks questions about the proper way to do it. For some reason, it seems to be a skill that takes a long time to master (at least for boys).</p>