Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>son will actually be rooming with his 1st roommate from bs. they seem to get along really well (while both actively got different roommates each of the years they were at bs, to keep their friendships) but are like oscar and felix. friend is neat and organized, my son is a messy slob. now with the apartment style dorm, we;ll see who wins in the common areas LOL</p>


Well it’s about time! Couldn’t you tell we’ve been waiting to mind your business, too?</p>


<p>My D has been pretty cooperative, too, but I really think she thinks she’s being gentle and solicitious of a crazy person because she knows I could lose it at any minute.</p>

<p>I’ve been trying to be pretty good, but my parents would never let me go out with friends anyway so I’m basically stuck with them all summer, day in and day out. It’s best for all of us to remain civil to one another.</p>

<p>I finally talked to my roommate on Facebook…she seems friendly and pretty organized, and she went to boarding school and I’ve been to sleepaway camps many times so we’re both fairly used to this. It should be totally fine. We started talking about who’s bringing the printer and what color our rug should be :slight_smile: I just sort of wish my mom cared about this sort of thing, because it’s exciting for me. I guess that’s what I have CC for.</p>


That’s right, 'case you know we love that stuff!</p>

<p>It’s also a way of letting us know that all of your details are taken care of since we’ve all come to hover and spin our propellors over all of the thread students, too.</p>

<p>t_c - Sounds like you and your roommate are off to a good start. Don’t forget to let us know what color rug you decide to go with. Inquiring minds really do want to know :)</p>

<p>Pengo, hang in there. I’ve been feeling emotional for weeks now about the fact that this last summer of my daughter’s full-time living at home seems to be the one that is the most filled with strife. I am convinced that next summer will be much, much better because she will have been on her own for a year and will be chomping at the bit to a lesser extent. The rudeness at our house is only occasional, but it still hurts. And it hurts to have the angry feelings I have in response, when all I want is to have fun and relaxing times together. I don’t think there is any cure for this or any way to avoid going through it, so I’m just trying to get through. It does stink for part of me to be wishing away the next month, though! Of course, some of my anticipatory feelings come from knowing how great a time she will have and being eager, on her behalf, for the experience to get under way. I have even felt a little stange sometimes that knowing how much I’ll miss her hasn’t made me dread August 20th.</p>

<p>Now for a practical question: my daughter says she heard somewhere that you don’t actually need the XL sheets; that regular sheets work okay. Any truth to this? We have one set of rather cheap white XL sheets that we got for governor’s school last year, and she is thinking she will just take another set of regular twin sheets and not buy anything else new.</p>

<p>I have the opposite problem of Flinty. I just need twin-sized stuff, not XL, and not all the places selling dorm stuff have just twin-sized everything. The truth is probably that it depends a lot on the school, and the best thing to do is ask current students, especially those who live in the same dorm.</p>

<p>Thanks, guys! I know I always have your support, and it means the world to me.
Also, roommate development - we both have dogs, and they are the same breed. Yay!</p>

<p>Flinty, for blankets and comforters, regular twin is fine. For a top sheet it’s ok too. It’s the fitted sheet that could be a problem. If your D wants to use a flat sheet and tuck it in around her mattress (Maybe pin it under the corners) regular sheets could work.</p>

<p>ZM, haha! Perhaps my D is doing the same thing, just avoiding provoking the potentially crazy person.</p>

<p>I vote for the extra long twin, too. I have a deep mattress pad and didn’t accommodate that in terms of sheets, so there is huge stress on the corners of the fitted sheets. They either don’t lay flat or potentially rip.</p>

<p>flinty, walmart .com has jersey twin xl sets for 15.00. my son loves those jersey sheets</p>

<p>Since we’re talking about mattress pads…I got D the twin XL allergy cover that is also supposed to eliminate bed bug issues. She also has one of the egg crate mattress pads. I’m thinking we should put the allergy cover over both the mattress pad & the egg crate otherwise if there is a bed bug issue (ewww!) they’ll get in the egg crate if it’s lying outside of the zippered cover. Does that sound right?</p>

<p>sounds right to me RobD</p>

<p>Hi, everyone! I’m a little behind because I went out with a friend last night and then slept over at her house. But as usual, I managed to read everything :wink: </p>

<p>I think I’m one of the earliest to leave - I leave on August 12th, though our move in day is August 15th. My mom and I are spending a few days in Pittsburgh getting the stuff I didn’t want to buy here, and exploring the city. I’m a little worried, because I really need to finish cleaning up my room ASAP so I can start packing! I’ve made a lot of progress, but I leave in less than three weeks. Which is kind of crazy. </p>

<p>I have an XL twin comforter and mattress topper, but I still need sheets…</p>

<p>t_c: Glad the roommate situation sounds good so far! And interesting that you have a twin bed - I feel like that’s unusual these days with college dorms. And yes, rug color is really very important :)</p>

<p>Austinmtmom – Keeping you and your mother in my thoughts and prayers along with sewemma.</p>

<p>DougBetsy – you can’t be a “real” Maryland redneck unless you are from St. Mary’s county or maybe the Eastern Shore.</p>

<p>Kajon – As a software developer, we try to build idiot proof systems all the time. The problem is that God keeps making better and better idiots. :slight_smile: I contend that they just need put wireless cards in washers and dryers and let you control them remotely from the laptop. It would not be at all value added, but would make the whole process more fun and therefore more likely to be learned. Oh and getting the clothes into the machines… that’s just details.</p>

<p>Pengo – I’m guessing here, but “Just deal with it” may be exactly what S wants (with the option to come to you when something goes wrong). I bet he wants this part of the college experience to be “his project” without outside “interference” except when it is needed to save his butt. It’s nothing against you personally, he just needs to figure it all out for himself. Also, I agree with you about life guard certification… it has meant summer employment for both of my D’s.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Greetings. Just guessing that you may be a fellow Virginian. Hopefully conveniently located between C’ville and W’burg.</p>

<p>Sorry, I like to skip the coffee and donuts and go straight to the left-over Chinese food… my favorite breakfast.</p>

<p>D2’s classes start 9/16/10 and end 5/21/10-ish (depending on exams) which I’m sure will mean that she will be away and getting ready for exams when D1 has her Master’s commencement. I can envision the drama already… “I have exams the next week!”… “But, I flew back from Los Angeles for her graduation!”</p>

<p>Just wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone. </p>

<p>Austinmtmom - will be keeping your mom and your family in my thoughts and prayers. </p>

<p>Welcome to the newly de-lurked, Pengo and 12. </p>

<p>KS - glad your D is having fun with her new UPenn friends. I must have missed the details of the prom fun. Hope it wasn’t too bad. I was having trouble keeping up with the old thread this spring.</p>

<p>acm - loved hearing about your mom radar. </p>

<p>Oops, I’ve got to run - not sure where the time goes!</p>

<p>@booklady…thanks for your tips. Problem is we won’t have a car and am worried that the shelves will be empty by the time we get to them!Probably take a cab to the relevant shops. Son is going early for Int. student orientation so has to have some bedding with him. We arrive on move in day. Hopefully we’ll work it all out…feeling a bit edgy right now…he’s our “baby”!</p>

<p>Just back from louging by the pool, looking at a bottle of Patron and wishing I had some non-virtual margarita buddies! Stalker dog is lying by my side! T_C would love to take you shopping, S needs pretty much nothing except for a few bits and pieces of clothing which he will buy himself courtesy of Mom and Dad’s credit card. He needs some new dress khakis and maybe some more non cargo shorts. He has been doing his own laundry for 4 years so no lessons needed.</p>

<p>FYI: I was just in Old Navy and there were very good prices on some basic things like jammies and such. If anyone has a littler person, they have lined windbreakers (really nice) for $10.</p>

<p>Son just called finally got his dorm assignment and roommate. Dorm is supposedly worst on campus! Oh well he’ll survive, he survived the freshman dorm at BS and even went back there as a prefect. His comment, basically I’m back in Kerr!</p>