Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Flinty: One summer D1 did summer program at a college and we didn’t realize the beds were twin xl. A regular fitted sheet would NOT fit the XL bed. Not all XL beds are a standard size, but they can be up to 80" long. That is 5 or 6" longer than standard size twin. D1 survived the week, but wouldn’t advise it long term.</p>

<p>Move in day is rapidly approaching, August 11. Feels way too soon.</p>

<p>Gave D1 the box set of Gilmore Girls for graduation. Unfortunately since she’s been gone for most of the summer we haven’t had time to rewatch from the begining.</p>

<p>D1 not particularly pleased with dorm assignment. My main worry is that it is located the furthest possible from the music building and she has mandatory 8am classes every day. Not sure whose bright idea it was to only offer these classes only at 8am for freshman. Since D1 is not a morning person, I sure hope her alarm is loud enough.</p>

<p>acm - Boo for worst dorm but Yay for positive attitudes. Glad to hear stalker dog is keeping you safe. Perhaps you could employ the services of a dog pyschic to see why said dog feels the need to stalk you. Seems like someone on here could give you a referral to a good one…</p>

<p>Thanks again for all the good thoughts. Never doubt the power of CC and the 2014 and Beyond Parents as I just spent some time with my mom and she is feeling much better! Even though we still don’t know anything, I was able to get her to see that we don’t know anything yet. Seems strange but yesterday all she could see was all the worst case scenarios and now she can see there is a whole range of scenarios. That’s progress in my book!</p>

<p>BTW - I added a few Cabaret pics on the prom site. They are definitely NOT prom pics :)</p>


<p>Ah the power of this thread is amazing!!! Look at how the YMCA caved on just the last page… </p>

<p>Seriously, I’m glad to hear that your Mom has a wider outlook today - and will continue to hope for good news Monday.</p>


Hahahaha!! </p>

<p>That better outlook is a very positive thing. I’m hoping for more of the same on Monday.</p>

<p>I honestly can’t get stressed over dorm assignments, son has the same attitude. As much as he can drive me to drink he has some positive qualities, paramount of which boils down to “I am exceptionally fortunate, when I don’t get exactly what I want, I always find a way to want what I have.” Please bear in mind by any measure this is a fairly materially “spoiled” kid so he has never experienced real disapointment, thank god. I really don’t count not getting into Georgetown as a real disapointment because he got over it in 2 days. I hope all his disappointments continue to be manageable.</p>

<p>austinmom- thinking of you! Sending all the positive vibes I have!!! Thanks for sharing the pics- LOVE them!!!</p>

<p>I just put up a pic of my sister and her H and D. It makes me feel better to share. </p>

<p>The viewing was devastatingly sad. I think because all that building knows is death. In church I felt a little more uplifted. At least weddings and baptisms take place there. There must have been 400 people- easy. The procession to the cemetery was sooo long. Both my boys were pall bearers and D helped take the gifts to the alter. My mom was, and is, a mess. She is seeing her Dr on Monday. I think she is sick. And depressed. Oy.</p>

<p>I am glad it is over. I will always remember my sister for the amazing woman she was. I think I am in need on a few real drinks and a few hundred virtual ones! I appreciate all of you thinking and caring about me and my family. It really does help. </p>

<p>Now I have to get back to life- college bills are due, I have a gift show to attend, going to the Please Touch Museum with my daughter’s class, got to pay some bills, the list goes on…</p>

<p>By the way, my BF teaches racquetball at he Y. Just 2 days a week. They are very disorganized. But they do have a board of directors… always go to the top!</p>

<p>Gilmore Girls- my S2 watched everyone with me! really. I can’t wait to watch the whole thing with my D!!!</p>

<p>“I am exceptionally fortunate, when I don’t get exactly what I want, I always find a way to want what I have.”</p>

<p>I also have this attitude and have tried to pass it to my kids. I am quite the optimist. Bob Marley sang it best- Every little ting gonna be alright!</p>


How could she not be? I’ve been thinking of you all weekend and I’m very glad you put a picture for us. It feels like your sister was a member of our community, too.</p>

<p>I will continue to hold your family in my thoughts. It’s going to be a long road.</p>

<p>My sister lost her husband of 33 years before Christmas and it’s been a two-steps forward, one-step back process for her and the kids. Be gentle with yourself and each othere.</p>


<p>Just back from a very long vacation (H had sabbatical). It was very emotional for me knowing that it was the last time our entire nuclear family unit would have that much time together alone again, with D1 heading off to college in less than a month. I will NEVER catch up on the thread since we have even had a thread name change since I left, but I am getting back in the groove and am along for the ride again.</p>

<p>S shared with us the list of the 31 students in the entering class of the Integrated Science Program at Northwestern. As for names, it’s a regular United Nations. There appear (guessing on some of the foreign sounding names) to be 7 women out of the 31 students. </p>

<p>Besides S, one another from CA (San Garbiel.) There are several from the nearby region, more than I expected so perhaps that’s a very good sign for the program since they’d be able to scope it out more (one from Evanston, a few Chicagos, Naperville, Wilmette.) Two international students, from China and Korea.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>sewemma, thank you for sharing the picture of your sister and her family. Just beautiful. And thank you for giving me some perspective on a day I’ve been feeling quite low.</p>

<p>Northwestern does a good job of making sure, even though it has a September start date, that students don’t forget about it during this summer. I’m not sure how many emails S gets. I am aware of the periodic “March to the Arch” e-newletters, as these also get sent to parents as well. It seems like 2-3 times a week there’s something in the mail as well. Join this or that (I had to laugh at the acronym for the marching band, NUMB … maybe they get that way in the winter, LOL!) Some is advertising (e.g. for the Apple Store on campus, the US Bank on campus, etc.) Other pieces are academic, like the flyer today regarding language requirements. It almost seems like the mail volume it getting like it was senior year, just from one school.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>thank you sewemma…may each day get easier for you and your family</p>

<p>acm… great attitude!!</p>

<p>boiled egg … welcome back</p>

<p>austinmt… glad your mom is feeling a bit better and hope all goes well monday</p>

<p>Acm – I’m curious as what what people think is the “worst” dorm at W&M? Sounds like S is in Dupont, maybe? Don’t worry, it’ll build character (and it’s not really that bad). Look at it this way, it is the worst dorm at the best college in VA (as an alum, there is no bias here). :slight_smile: D2 has stayed in various dorms at W&M for summer programs over the years and they were all fairly Spartan, but comfortable. Note: the ones with A/C can get really cold, so bring a warm blanket.</p>

<p>Re: Nest Fouling / 'tudes:
All of D2’s friends were out with BFs, at orientations, etc. tonight, so she was forced to acknowledge our existence and go out to dinner with us. We were talking about making dinner reservations for the night before D2 moves in (we are going the day before move-in) and DW said that it didn’t matter because we would just be “mopping up tears all night anyway.” At which point D2 accused her of being “Debbie Downer.” After much well-intentioned snipping through dinner, the ride home turned into D2 and DW singing “I can’t wait to go to college” and “I can’t wait until you go to college”, respectively. As soon as we got home though, they got on the Internet to watch the “Miss Teen Something or Another” pageant together… so all is good.</p>

<p>D1 went to Vegas with some of her LA buddies this weekend and called. I don’t think she appreciated the first words out of my mouth being “Please tell me you aren’t in jail.” :)</p>

<p>Hopping back on this moving freight train after a couple of days off-big mistake to take time off. ;)</p>

<p>austinmtmom-I hope that your mom gets positive news tomorrow!</p>

<p>sewemma-this must have been such a tough day for you and your family. You sure are one strong woman!</p>

<p>Back many pages there was a discussion by many about how their kids were holding out on the bad social behavior-not being followers of their friends who were going down the wrong path. I couldn’t help but think that many of our kids on this thread should get together, at least “virtually,” :wink: because they all seem to make good choices, even if they are also skilled at making us nuts at times. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>momof3 i think it would be really neat if some of our kids met each other…no one else is going to UAB, but i know he will head over to UA some weekends, so hoping he might meet some there</p>

<p>momof3sons–Given the size of the school, I think it’s safe to say I’ll meet one of your sons sometime in the next four years. :cool:</p>

<p>Well, last nt in VA; I must say I can’t wait to get home. It’s been a long trip!</p>

<p>Lafalum…I must be a total girl mom (even though I do have a son) because I thought the photo cube sounded cute. Although my S is only in MS, I think he’d appreciate the thought/personalization that went into it. </p>

<p>PA2008…Congrats on the Hilfiger find! Sounds like you scored!</p>

<p>ACM…I’m jealous – I miss my dog SO much! I only wish I could nudge her. </p>

<p>Austinmom…What a crazy audition, huh?</p>

<p>Pengo…I can SO relate to the attitude. Although our D can at times be a bit “moody” (I’m using the nice language:) ), I’ve noticed it’s been worse lately. I swear at times I want to drop kick her across the floor! I, too, have heard it’s God’s way of preparing us for the separation. </p>


<p>Teenage_Cliche…I can be a bit of a helicopter mom at times; hence, I’ve got more than enough advice and other “stuff” left over for whenever you need it. I guess that’s why I teach :).</p>

<p>RobD…I bought bed bug spray at B, B & B for $10. I plan on hosing both matresses down thoroughly. Next, I got a $15 zippered plastic liner to go over matress. I then plan on putting a regular matress pad down followed by a 3" memory foam topper. </p>

<p>GSharp…Are D1 and D2’s schools close to each other? Maybe there’s a way D2 can see D1’s commencement?</p>

<p>ACM & somewhereinga…Can relate to the less than desirable dorm. The good news is today we saw her actual dorm not merely a model, and we found out she overlooks the courtyard not the cemetary. Wahoo! It’s for one year; they’ll survive. </p>

<p>Sewemma…Hugs and prayers to you! I’m so impressed at your grace and spirit. </p>

<p>Zoosermom…Still praying. Let us know what the doctor says. </p>

<p>Re: Laundry – Okay, I confess. While at orientation I signed D up for a laundry service that will pick up her stuff, wash it, fold/iron it, and return it to her. They’ll hang dry all of her better clothes too. I put a calculator to it and figured a wash and dry is $2. Because she’s an athlete, she’ll probably have 4 (maybe 5) loads of laundry per week. (Cheerleaders don’t get their practice/game uniforms washed for them like other athletes.) There are around 34-35 weeks in the school year. The fee charged was going to cost about $150 above that, so I decided to ease the stress and indulge. I feel the eyes rolling, :rolleyes: but the price almost made it a “wash” (pun I tended). ;)</p>

<p>I was so mad this morning. I wrote a two page letter and edited it a few times. I explained what fouling of the nest is and how common it is. I went into detail about all the things I wanted to discuss with him that he didn’t want to hear about. I gave him the info he needed to know and told him the ball’s in his court now. There was a lot of stuff to review!</p>

<p>I also explained how this is a stressful time for our family and we would be best served by treating each other gently. That I wanted our last few weeks to be peaceful. That it may make it harder on drop-off day to say so long but we’ll have some good memories. That it is a given that we will miss him and he will miss us but that we will get over it. I told him what I expect as far as his behavior to me (respectful). I also explained that this didn’t mean I wasn’t available to him - if he asks nicely, we can work together.</p>

<p>In the end, I am so glad I laid everything out on paper. This way, if he forgets anything he needs to do, he can just look it up!</p>

<p>I was away when he got home from work and didn’t get back until he’d gone out again. He did send me a long text - he apologized and told me that he loves me and what a great mom I am. He sure knows how to butter me up. I feel so much better now. :-)</p>

<p>Thanks so much for all your support. It did make me feel a bit better that I wasn’t the only one wallowing in self-pity - and I feel for all of you too! </p>

<p>austinmtmom - keeping my fingers crossed for your mom!</p>

<p>I so enjoy reading this thread even if I don’t post often - I’ve found that I need to read at least twice a day otherwise I am lost!!! LOL</p>

<p>I also want</p>

<p>Geez guys - now you have me stressing about bedbugs! Will a good dousing of lysol spray do the trick? This pile is getting h-u-g-e!</p>