Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>teenage: I also appreciate your maturity and sweet thoughts. Sorry to hear about your grandfather…I hope he remains as comfortable as possible.</p>

<p>t_c: Very sorry to hear about your grandparents, and that the heat is ruining your great plans. (Though I find it extremely admirable that you wake up that early…I thought I was really great by waking about at 9:30 or so ;))</p>

<p>T_C: Sorry to hear about your grandfathers decline; I totally understand your irritation with your grandmother (see my post from this morning) but I’m glad you see you did the right thing. It’s often difficult to deal with family who are “like that,” but it’s usually best to be the bigger person. And I’m sure that your dad really appreciated it too (it’s his mom, right?)</p>

<p>So…Yankees/Cleveland tix? Check. Lunch reservations for Lola (one of Michael Symon’s restaurants)? Check. A D2 who has agreed to accompany D1 & I since she figured out the trip included the Yankees, a stop in Cincinnati at her friend’s house, and an Elvis exhibit at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? Check. Looking forward to my road trip with my girls :)</p>

<p>Just catching up here…it’s been a quiet time as D is not interested in shopping/organizing/planning for college until it turns August. She is oh-so-laid-back, like her father (who needs to go shopping for just one college-related item, the fridge, and still hasn’t done it). </p>

<p>austinmtmom, Best wishes tomorrow…hope your mom’s appt goes smoothly.</p>

<p>sewemma, Glad you have gotten a good night’s rest…don’t worry about cleaning the house! </p>

<p>KS, It’s great your D is having fun with her new UPenn friends, and that you and H are enjoying a break from the kids.</p>

<p>TC andCaliD (and our other virtual kids), You are always amazing me with your sense of responsibility. Hugggs.</p>

<p>Hope all beach-goers are having some summer tranquility…I am staying in A/C today.</p>

<p>Missing 2 1/2 days of posts really put me behind! I read them all just now, though. austinmtmom, your mother is in my prayers. I’m glad she’s feeling better today.</p>

<p>t_c, you have a good attitude! It was hard seeing my paternal grandfather decline, also, but he was in his 90s so that’s different. I’ll be thinking of your grandfather.</p>

<p>DH and I had a wonderful time at a tiny campground in CT. We got a cabin and not a tent, thank goodness, because there was a downpour on Saturday afternoon. The rest of the time was bright and sunny! There was a fun dinner and dance last night. We got up at 6:20 this morning and ran 4 miles on a beautiful, shady residential street. DH has started running enough that I can’t stay up with him!</p>

<p>We know that DS made it safely to NYC, but his phone is turned off now. I’m sitting on my hands and NOT calling up his cousin to check on him!!</p>

<p>It was interesting to read about the 2011 thread. Since I wander off-topic all the time, I’m glad this thread is not like that! I think it’s so much fun to learn about everyone’s lives - we’ve already discovered regional differences I would never have known about! I don’t think my nephews gave out shirts for their bar mitvahs - I’ll have to ask my SIL. They live in Brookline, which borders Boston.</p>

<p>1sokkermom’s D – University of Scranton
1sttimemom’s D – George Washington
12rmh18’s S – William & Mary
2education’s S – University of Virginia
2girls4me’s D – Swarthmore
AL34’s S – University of Alabama
alexahet – LSU
ALF’s S – Hampshire College
aliceinw’s S – Carleton
almar4’s S – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
anothercrazymom’s S – William & Mary
applicannot - Stanford
archiemom’s S – Villanova
artloversplus’s D – University of Chicago
astromom’s D – Brown
austinmtmom’s D – Coastal Carolina
BCandBU82’s S – University of North Carolina
Bclintonk’s D – Haverford
BengalMom’s S – Pomona College
BerneseMtn’s S – University of Illinois – UrbanaChampaign
BlessedTwice’s S – Vanderbilt
boiledegg’s D – Kenyon
BonnieNewJersey-s D - Lafayette
Booklady’s S – University of Delaware
Brooklynborndad’s D - RPI
Bubbe’s GS - Harvard
CaliforniaDancer – Carnegie Mellon
Cecil’s S – Macalester
CheckersMidwest’s S – University of Missouri/Columbia
colorado<em>mom’s S - Northeastern
coskat’s D – University of Buffalo
CountingDown’s S - Tufts
curiousmother’s D – University of Virginia
donnagal’s S – SUNY Albany
DougBetsy’s S – Wake Forest
ELY’s S – University of Maryland
esobay’s S – University of California – Santa Barbara
FindAPlace’s S – Northwestern
Flinty’s D – William & Mary
FLVADAD’s D - Villanova
gotaplay2’s D – Cal Poly Pomona
GSharpM7’s D - Princeton
GTalum’s D – Williams
hopeful12345’s D – Princeton
hopeful2014’s S – University of Michigan
IloveLA’s D – Cal Berkeley
intouch1520’s D - Emerson
jackief’s D – University of Chicago
jc40’s D – University of Virginia
jingle’s S – University of Virginia
journey919’s D – Middlebury
Kajon’s S - Carthage
Keilexandra – Swarthmore
kindredspirit’s D – University of Pennsylvania
KYParent’s D – High Point University
Lafalum84’s D – Elon
L.A.Parent’s S - Brown
learninginprog’s S - Yale
LetsGoMets’s S – Columbia
lilmom’s S – Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
limabeans’ S – Washington University in St. Louis
LIMOMOF2’s D – Harvard
littlefalls’ S – University of Michigan
LoisHK’s S - Bennington
Mablab54’s D - NYU
MaineLonghorn’s S – University of Texas at Austin’s S – Ole Miss
mathmom’s S - Tufts
mdemvizi – Ithaca
mimimomx3’s D - Rhodes
missemily516’s D – University of Redlands
mom2sons’ S2 – Pitzer
MomLive’s S – University of South Carolina
mommuisc’s S – University of Cincinnati
momof2inma’s D - Tufts
momof2men’s S - Brown
momof3sons’ S2 – Swarthmore
momof3sons’ S3 - Northwestern
momonthehill’s D – Boston University
motherbear332’s S – University of Chicago
mountaingoat’s D - Harvard
mpabon’s D – Loyola Chicago
MuppetMom’s D – Rice
musicmom26’s D – Columbus State
my2sunz’s S - Yale
neumes’ S - Carleton
nightchef’s S - Goucher
PAO2008’s D – Washington University in St. Louis
PaperChaserPop’s S – Caltech
PAVenturer’s D – University of Richmond
PAVenturer’s S – Millersville University + CC
parent56’s S – University of Alabama Birmingham
PayFor’s S – University of Chicago
Pengo’s S – Colgate University
PinotNoir’s S – University of Rochester
pixeljig’s S - University of Southern California
pmartin57’s D – Carleton
proudparents’ S – Rice
Psi’s S – Louisiana State
psychmom’s D – Vassar
pugmadkate’s S – Northeastern
qialah’s D – Oberlin
Queen’s Mom’s D – Bryn Mawr
redbug119’s D – Minneapolis College of Art and Design
RobD’s D – University of Alabama
robinsuesanders’ S – St. Olaf
rocket6louise – Smith
runnersmom’s niece - Emerson
sacchi’s S – Washington University in St. Louis
Sailorette’s D - Wellesley
scualum’s D – Scripps
sDonCC’s S - Grinnell
sewemma’s S – Wesleyan
shillyshally’s D – University of Virginia
showmom858’s D – Marymount Manhattan
somewhereinga’s D – University of Georgia
skier29’s S – Colorado College
SLUMOM’s S – Wheaton (MA)
standrews’ D - Dartmouth
SWTCAT’s D – University of Texas at Austin
tango91’s S – Yale
t-boneParent’s S - Northwestern
teenage</em>cliche - Smith
vballmom’s S – University of Redlands
veewhitty’s D – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
vicariousparent’s D – Yale
want2babuckeye’s son – Ohio State University
Youdon’tsay’s S - Carleton
zoosermom’s D – University of Delaware</p>

<p>ahhh…tc so sweet. Heres to your Grandfather being as comfortable as he can, through this tough time.</p>

<p>Sewemma- So great to hear of your good night’s rest.</p>

<p>Pscyhmom and others with kids not showing that much interest in shopping (mine included). I’m sure they will come around. Hang in there.</p>

<p>For DS, the items on top of the list includes electronic and soccer stuff. Funny, he came back from a few days away to find those items awaiting (previously ordered) No mention of bedding, towels et al. Could it be that they think we will oblige for the basic necessities??? hmmmm.</p>

<p>Hope all others are having a wonderful day. Still have much to catch up on this thread!!!</p>

<p>Well, I tended to one college shopping related chore today. While at Target, I laid in the supplies for minor first aid and other medical needs. By buying some needed items (e.g. bandaids, anti-itch cream, etc) I was able to get for free two small soft sided containers labeled “first aid.” So I managed to fit the true first aid items into one, and the other will contain cole/allergy related stuff, including a digital thermometer. Even with buying mostly non-band stuff, it came to around $60 but priceless will be the peace on mind knowing it’s there if he feels lousy at 2 am on some dark winter night.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>FAP, I’m glad you’re set - I haven’t gotten first aid stuff yet. I’ll put it on my list!</p>

<p>YDS, please do NOT read the following sentence.</p>

<p>My peace of mind comes from knowing that “dark winter night” for DS now means 20 degrees and a half-inch of snow versus -20 degrees and 18 inches of snow! ;)</p>

<p>t_c…I am SO impressed by your level if maturity and thoughtfulness. You seem like SUCH a sweet kid! The next time I head up your way, or if ever you make it down to TX, you simply must let me treat you to lunch or dinner. :slight_smile: CaliD and md…that goes for y’all as well! What respectful, mature young people we have on this board! It’s been a pleasure engaging in dialogue with y’all!</p>

<p>I went to a family wedding yesterday. They were expecting at final cost of $35-40,000. OMG, I am so glad I have sons because it looked to me like being the mother of the bride would be 10 times more stressful than being the mother of a college applicant. (and almost as expensive) SIL said she enjoyed the process, but is recommending a “destination” wedding for D3. </p>

<p>There were several college aged kids in attendance (U21) and it was quite entertaining to watch them sneak a couple of drinks while the parents were at the next table and then think they were getting away with it.:stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>S1’s American Legion baseball team qualified for the state tourney so we will be heading to that from Wed-Sunday. S1 will be sitting because of his fractured vertebrae, but will at least get to join in the festivities and the honor. For me, it will be a sad goodbye to all those parents I have shared the bleachers with and many tourney weekends over the years. </p>

<p>Since I also have a son graduating hs this next year, I am knee deep in new applications/essays while trying to get S1 organized for this fall. I envy those of you who only have ONE pile on their kitchen counter.</p>

<p>I am off to pull weeds from all the rain and to fight through a canopy of mosquitos.</p>

<p>t_c - what a great kid you are!</p>

<p>Wow, anyone with kids graduating in consecutive years should get a special medal! I feel like I need a year off just to recuperate! DH keeps reminding me how much easier this year will be on me, compared to last year’s craziness.</p>

<p>I just felt another small stab to my heart when I realized DS will have already started classes when we go to our yearly homeowners’ meeting up at our cabin, on August 28.</p>

<p>GSharp, so you’re perceptive, also? DH has been telling everyone how awful I looked Thursday night, after seeing Toy Story 3! Hmm, I guess he’s not perceptive enough to realize I might not appreciate his comments, lol!</p>

<p><em>lalalalala – not listening to ML</em></p>

<p>I actually set foot in a BB&B today with dh and took a look at linen. This was on clearance: [</a> - Nautica Grover Beach Comforter and Sham Set - Black](<a href=“]”> I’ll see if ds likes it.</p>

<p>T_C, I guess virtual parenting is easier, but you do us all proud! </p>

<p>If anyone is looking for a good book, I can recommend The Girs From Ames by Jeffrey Zaslow. I read it on the beach today and I was smiling and crying at various times, and when I say crying all I can say is thank god no one was near me. I looked “crazy”.</p>

<p>t_c - Sorry to hear about your’d grandfather’s health issues. Hope the weather gets better for you and your “babies.”</p>

<p>RobD - Have a GREAT time on your road trip with your girls!!</p>

<p>Kajon - WOW! That is quite a sticker price for a wedding.</p>

<p>Yds - Don’t know about your S but I love that set. Very clean and masculine looking to me.</p>

<p>acm - What did stalker dog think of the book?</p>

<p>Darling stalker dog would like the books put down and the tennis ball tossed a little more, thank you very much! Currently stalker dog is lyng next to me panting after his evening exercise. Still very hot here.</p>

<p>acm - LOL! I also have a stalker dog who insists on sitting ON my feet. He hates it when I put them up in the recliner because then they are out of reach :slight_smile: He doesn’t chase tennis balls - just a crazy blue squeeky toy my D bought for him. Sorry it’s so hot there.</p>

<p>Just realized that next weekend will be our sneak preview of next fall. S is driving down to campus to deliver our old sofa to his frat, so he’ll be gone for the weekend. His roommate is living in their room in the frat over the summer because he has an internship near college, so they’ll be “hanging out.” And D is going camping in Maine with a co-ed group of 12 friends. At least, they’re friends NOW - we’ll see what 3 days of sleeping on the ground, eating food cooked by 18 year olds on portable grills, mosquitos, etc does for their friendships. :rolleyes: It could end up like Survivor - I just hope D doesn’t get voted off the island. Or in this case, beach - they’re going to a campground along a river, supposedly they can camp on the beach.</p>

<p>So H and I will be all alone. :eek: I thought maybe we should have friends over, but all of our friends still have kids. Then I thought we should go into Boston. But now I’m leaning toward re-painting the family room, and/or kitchen. (probably OR, because “and” seems a little ambitious). We just got new carpet and sofas for the family room last month, and everyone knows the best time to paint a room is right AFTER you install brand new carpet, right? Right? :p</p>

<p>(No, Zoosermom, my brain was NOT with me when I ordered and installed carpet for a room that I knew I planned to paint.)</p>


<p>After dinner, S asked me to play frisbie</p>


<p>I don’t even know what to say. (I of course, beat him to the garage to get my shoes !)</p>

<p>He must be feeling the ‘countdown’ too. (It’s 3 weeks)</p>

<p>Haven’t posted but been trying to keep up.Sorry for sewemma and amm’s situations.dd went to orientation and cried everyday.Does not want to go away to school.Have done some shopping but now has no interest wants me to do it all.Thinks she made a mistake with her choice and would prefer to go to school near home. School is only 2 plus hours away by train 3 by car.Any one else having kids not wanting to go? She had looked at least 15 schools from coast to coast and chose this one even applied ED.Hopefully this will all pass and she will at least feel some excitement to go. Not afraid of courses but of leaving.I tell her she will do fine and that there will be period of adjustment.Trying to be positive about it all but she thinks she will only have to stay one semester and then move home and go to school here.I also get a bit upset that I’m paying 60 grand out of pocket and she might be happier here!</p>