Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>ks…yep, just how i take mine too</p>

<p>Sewemma - I woke up about the same time today, got up and got through some paperwork. Glad you are feeling refreshed this morning - sounds like you are also feeling energetic with all your plans. Thank you for sharing the picture with us - what a beautiful family. Still thinking of all of you.</p>

<p>austinmtmom - Glad your mom has a better outlook. There certainly are many possibilities and I am hoping for the best for her.</p>

<p>S and I made some progress on forms yesterday, and ordered one item on line. Hope for today is to finish the forms, order one more item, and do some room cleaning - maybe his dresser. Most dreaded is the desk but I think that will wait.</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a good day.</p>

<p>Sewemma- sending prayers your way. Enjoy Mystic I use to take the boys every year when younger…Memories
Austinmtmom- sending {{HUGS}} to you and mom
Pengo - Glad you are feeling better - Sorry is a powerful word -
Acm- I am with you why do they go there in the first place -
Zoozermom - I did this a couple of weeks ago ended up with poison ivy :frowning:
Vinegar is the trick p56 is right
Plan for the day - S1 + S2 and S1 'GF going down the shore</p>

<p>DH and I trying to stay :cool:</p>

<p>Morning all! Just made some banana bread so help yourself.</p>

<p>Sewemma! So glad to hear that you are feeling refreshed. Make sure to take some time for yourself in the middle of all that’s going on in your life. Of course, Build A Bear always made me smile so enjoy yourself today. </p>

<p>Artloversplus: Target; Bed, bath & beyond; Walmart; Kohl’s: they all have the twin xl sheets right now. As for getting ready early: my D moves in two weeks from today!</p>

<p>Re: fouling the nest. D has been pretty good this summer except for the odd time or so that she’s been with my mom. My mom is challenging on a good day and really thinks that the world should revolve around her (she’s their GRANDMOTHER!) I was kicking D under the table during lunch the other day when we took my mom out; D was being borderline rude because my mom was talking to her like a 4th grader. Well, of course, yesterday I get the phone call from my mom about “I think there’s something seriously wrong with D.” Ugh. I can’t exactly tell her that my kids don’t like her, so I said something about hormones & then told D that she needs to suck it up. I also told her I’ve had to deal with it for 30+ years & that since everything is about ME, she needs to play the game with grandma so that I don’t get grief.</p>

<p>lol RobD… do we have the same mother? i am always calling my kids… will you please call your Nana, she is calling me because you haven’t answered her email/letter/voicemail etc. was a pain in the you know what during the wedding prep…what are the colors, what are the flowers, what hotel, what what what…i kept saying go to the webpage but NOOOOOOOOO, "he hasnt called and told me</p>

<p>eta a story…when i got married the first time (way back when) my parents hadnt seen each other since the day they walked out of divorce court! well i lived with my dad, and he was the one to send out invitations as i was away at college… “have you sent one to my mother?” NO! … mother’s response… well i’m not coming unless i have an invitation…so day of the wedding…one of the groomsmen stood in the parking lot with her invitation…she drove up, got the invitation… went and changed into her dress and attended.</p>

<p>thanks a lot about the sheets, sewe and 56…</p>


<p>BTW, Mystic is my favorate…</p>

<p>Good morning! You know it’s going to be a scorcher when the outdoor thermometer reads 100 degrees at 10 am. Just trying to stay :cool:</p>

<p>Sewemma - I’m glad that the sun is shining for you. They say that there’s always a rainbow after the storm. I took my niece to Build a Bear several years ago - we had them put in two hearts as gifts from her two cousins. </p>

<p>Austin - glad your mother has a better outlook. Sometimes it takes a day or two to get over the shock of a diagnosis. But attitude is everything! Keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will bring a good prognosis.</p>

<p>ACM - thanks for the heads up that W&M assignments were posted. S2 is happy with his dorm (Dupont) but uncertain about his roommate. My task is to convince him to be open-minded.</p>

<p>Pengo - hang in there. I feel your pain. S2 & I spent the entire year locking horns. We’ve declared a detente of sorts for the summer. I honestly think that 18 is the new “Terrible Twos” when kids are teetering on a developmental threshold between adolescence and adulthood. My S2 can be incredibly mature one moment, then 5 minutes later he is back to being a nasty teenager.</p>

<p>parent56 - aren’t you glad that the recent wedding was different?</p>

<p>well poo! just checked son’s accepted credits and they gave him 8 for physics (his college accepts some of his highschool courses due to the school he attended…not just ap) physics is his weakest subject… if he plans the md/phd route he has to have a physics course… hmmm lose the 8 credits or take a more advanced physics??</p>

<p>Morning, all. And an especially happy one for sewemma and amt.</p>

<p>Dh and I had a long talk last night about how we feel about ds going off, etc. I think it stinks that we did so well in our parenting that now we’ve worked ourselves out of a job. But onward we go.</p>

<p>This week we have to finish up the college paper work, ds1 has an appt with his allergist, dh and I leave ds1 alone for a few days while we pick up ds2 from camp. This is the first time we’ve left him alone in the house. Lasts and firsts all summer long.</p>


<p>My DS walked away from some of his math credits. Even though he got credit, he felt that he hadn’t completely mastered the material - and as a result could run into problems in the higher level math classes. If your son feels like he isn’t ready for the higher level physics class, that to me is an indication that he should drop back and take it over.</p>

<p>thanks scualum… i think that would be wise for him…when he gets back will see what he wants to do… he isnt taking any chem credits as the program he is in requires him to take intro courses as he will be ta for those as part of his program</p>

<p>YDS, when my son decided to go to Boarding School, I said I felt like I was being fired! </p>

<p>Just back from our daily golf cart ride, the dog loves it. We stop at the market and when I come out he is usually circled by admirers wagging away. He is now passed out, you guessed it, 2 feet away from me.</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Just got through catching up here. Such a fast-moving thread!</p>

<p>Sorry to hear about the kids fouling the nest. D definitely has her moments, but she’s not behaving any differently than she has over the past two years - some irritable moments, but some sweet ones as well.</p>

<p>Sewemma - hugs! I think it’s a great idea to take your mom to parents weekend! I’m sure that she’s having a difficult time right now - completely understandable.</p>

<p>austinmtmom - glad your mom has altered her thinking a bit and is seeing things in a more positive light. Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>Must get over to the prom pic site to check out the new additions!</p>

<p>Using today to recover from what was a very crazy Friday and Saturday. </p>

<p>Stay :cool:</p>


This is really funny! My dog is nasty and snarky. I’d love a companion pet.</p>

<p>zooser, I am headed over to the beach in a few minutes, when I head upstairs to change he will wake up, heave a heavy sigh and follow me up, he’ll wait while I change then follow me back down and wait while I pack the cooler. Heavy sigh when I leave then I assume napping until he has to watch me again! I’ll bring him to the beach for his swim around 4:30 where he will try to get strangers interested in throwing his ball for him.</p>

<p>Good afternoon, everyone!</p>

<p>Pages back some posters were talking about how their kids’ sleep schedules have gotten so messed up this summer and worrying how they’ll get back to the real world in a few weeks. I’ve been having the opposite problem, actually. Usually on the weekends/in the summer I sleep in til around 9 or 10 and then feel too tired and groggy to do much of anything for the rest of the day. Recently, though, I’ve been waking up at 6:30 pretty much everyday, and it doesn’t seem to be jetlag because I wake up actually feeling energized and ready to do something.
So then I offered to walk my dogs in the mornings, thinking that my mother could sleep in a bit and that I could spend more time with my babies before I leave. It was a good decision in pretty much every way (with the nice side effect of losing weight after a week of two-hour walks every day), but then this stupid heat wave decided to crash my party. Ugh. I’ve been leaving the house earlier and earlier, trying to avoid the heat, but when I left the house at 7 AM today it was already in the high 80s, and on the way back home it definitely felt hotter and I started feeling faint and slightly nauseated, and I can’t imagine how warm my dogs must’ve been.
That was really long and rambling, sorry, but the point is - why is it that when I do something that benefits everybody, something has to step in and cause a mess?</p>

<p>Sorry, all. I’m just in a bad mood. My paternal grandfather’s been sick for years, as I’ve mentioned before here, but he seems to be going downhill very quickly. I saw him for the first time in a few weeks yesterday and he looked so much worse, it was awful. The cancer has always made him physically weak, but now he seems to have also developed some dementia and keeps forgetting basic things. My grandmother is having a really hard time with him and doesn’t really know what to do.</p>

<p>Which brings me to the other thing I wanted to say. I remember that when I complained about having to bring my annoying grandmother to my graduation, you all reminded me that I was doing something nice for her and that it would probably make her very happy. While I would never say “you were right” to my parents, I’m slightly more okay saying it to my virtual parents :slight_smile: So…you were right, and now I see how much more difficult her days have become and I’m glad she got to see me graduate. Thanks for being your hovering selves.</p>

<p>Oh, t_c, that literally brought tears to my eyes. I’m not sure whether it’s the thought of your sick grandfather or the fact that one teen-ager in American thinks I’m right.</p>

<p>Me too, YDS. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before.</p>

<p>I always tell my kids, “you’ll almost never be sorry that you did something nice for someone else.” It’s nice to see evidence of that.</p>

<p>t_c-I am sorry that the Mother Nature in charge of The Big Apple has made the weather so miserable recently. I do believe that the weather is finally going to break later this week. It is really very mature of you to realize, even in retrospect, that it was good for you to tolerate your grandmother at graduation. Very sorry to hear of your grandfather’s deteriorating condition and hope that he stabilizes.</p>

<p>how sweet tc!! sorry to hear about your grandparents.</p>