Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I too will ditto KS and BT. It’s tough keeping up here these days!</p>

<p>BT - I can assure you, I was anything but wild. My kids ont the other hand… Actually, they weren’t bad - we just had a very full house this weekend which kept me busy, busy, busy.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the recommendations about using APs for placement vs. credit. D had to take placement exams, so she’ll probably go with the recommendations based on her placement test scores.</p>

<p>Hi all, </p>

<p>What wonderful recap BT and KS Thanks :)</p>

<p>Prayers to sewemma and austinmom
Acm - sorry for the lost of your friend, just too sad, glad stalker dog is keeping you smiling :)</p>

<p>S2 started his volunteering job today…counselor at a rec center for underprivileged children…thought was hard work and that teachers are under-appreciated ;)</p>

<p>Nothing much more going on…sending {{HUGS}} to all</p>

<p>I was in Vermont for a meeting this weekend. No cell or internet where I was so I had a lot of catching up to do. Today we bought clothes. My son wanted a new suit and some short sleeved button up shirts that can dress up or down as necessary. We left the store considerably poorer, but he got some nice duds! We aren’t going to be able to tackle the dorm room buying until mid August I really hope there’s something left.</p>

<p>I bought a black bean bag chair and a second set of sheets. (Couldn’t resist - just in case). I also took someone’s advice & bought some 3M hooks for inside the closet.</p>

<p>Almost done…</p>

<p>Needed to check if one of S’s scholarships was posted to his account but the online system has been down since Friday. I’ll call them later this week if it didn’t. The check was made to son & school and we mailed it to them 2 weeks ago. They were really fast in the spring to post one similar.</p>

<p>Just got confirmation today that a friend of mine has Hodgkins. She is 34 and has 3 kids. The youngest is 3 months old ! I took them over lasagne for dinner. It’ll be tough. Her chemo & radiation treatments are a 2 hour drive ! What is it lately with all the sickness? !</p>

<p>I added the ever evasive WhirledPeas2u</p>

<p>Bennington 1<br>
LoisHK’s S</p>

<p>Boston University 1<br>
momonthehill’s D</p>

<p>Brown 3<br>
astromom’s D
L.A.Parent’s S
momof2men’s S</p>

<p>Bryn Mawr 1<br>
Queen’s Mom’s D</p>

<p>Cal Berkeley 1<br>
IloveLA’s D</p>

<p>Cal Poly Pomona 1<br>
gotaplay2’s D</p>

<p>Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 1<br>
lilmom’s S</p>

<p>Caltech 1<br>
PaperChaserPop’s S</p>

<p>Carleton 4<br>
aliceinw’s S
neumes’ S
pmartin57’s D
Youdon’tsay’s S</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon 1<br>

<p>Carthage 1<br>
Kajon’s S</p>

<p>Coastal Carolina 1<br>
austinmtmom’s D</p>

<p>Colgate University 1<br>
Pengo’s S</p>

<p>Colorado College 1<br>
skier29’s S</p>

<p>Columbia 1<br>
LetsGoMets’s S</p>

<p>Columbus State 1<br>
musicmom26’s D</p>

<p>Dartmouth 1<br>
standrews’ D</p>

<p>Elon 1<br>
Lafalum84’s D</p>

<p>Emerson 2<br>
intouch1520’s D
runnersmom’s niece</p>

<p>George Washington 1<br>
1sttimemom’s D</p>

<p>Goucher 1<br>
nightchef’s S</p>

<p>Grinnell 1<br>
sDonCC’s S</p>

<p>Hampshire College 1<br>
ALF’s S</p>

<p>Harvard 3<br>
Bubbe’s GS
mountaingoat’s D</p>

<p>Haverford 1<br>
Bclintonk’s D</p>

<p>High Point University 1<br>
KYParent’s D</p>

<p>Ithaca 1<br>

<p>Kenyon 1<br>
boiledegg’s D</p>

<p>Lafayette 1<br>
BonnieNewJersey’s D</p>

<p>Louisiana State 1<br>
Psi’s S</p>

<p>Loyola Chicago 1<br>
mpabon’s D</p>

<p>LSU 1<br>

<p>Macalester 1<br>
Cecil’s S</p>

<p>Marymount Manhattan 1<br>
showmom858’s D</p>

<p>Middlebury 1<br>
journey919’s D</p>

<p>Millersville University + CC 1<br>
PAVenturer’s S</p>

<p>Minneapolis College of Art and Design 1<br>
redbug119’s D</p>

<p>Northeastern 2<br>
colorado_mom’s S
pugmadkate’s S</p>

<p>Northwestern 3<br>
FindAPlace’s S
momof3sons’ S3
tboneParent’s S</p>

<p>NYU 1<br>
Mablab54’s D</p>

<p>Oberlin 1<br>
qialah’s D</p>

<p>Ohio State University 1<br>
want2babuckeye’s son</p>

<p>Ole Miss 1<br>’s S</p>

<p>Pitzer 1<br>
mom2sons’ S2</p>

<p>Pomona College 1<br>
BengalMom’s S</p>

<p>Princeton 2<br>
GSharpM7’s D
hopeful12345’s D</p>

<p>Rhodes 1<br>
mimimomx3’s D</p>

<p>Rice 2<br>
MuppetMom’s D
proudparents’ S</p>

<p>RPI 1<br>
Brooklynborndad’s D</p>

<p>Scripps 1<br>
scualum’s D</p>

<p>Smith 2<br>

<p>St. Olaf 1<br>
robinsuesanders’ S</p>

<p>Stanford 1<br>

<p>SUNY Albany 1<br>
donnagal’s S</p>

<p>Swarthmore 3<br>
2girls4me’s D
momof3sons’ S2</p>

<p>Tufts 3<br>
CountingDown’s S
mathmom’s S
momof2inma’s D</p>

<p>University of Alabama 2<br>
AL34’s S
RobD’s D</p>

<p>University of Alabama Birmingham 1<br>
parent56’s S</p>

<p>University of Buffalo 1<br>
coskat’s D</p>

<p>University of California @ Santa Barbara 1<br>
esobay’s S</p>

<p>University of Central Florida 1
WhirledPeas2u’s D</p>

<p>University of Chicago 4<br>
artloversplus’s D
jackief’s D
motherbear332’s S
PayFor’s S</p>

<p>University of Cincinnati 1<br>
mommuisc’s S</p>

<p>University of Delaware 2<br>
Booklady’s S
zoosermom’s D</p>

<p>University of Georgia 1<br>
somewhereinga’s D</p>

<p>University of Illinois @ UrbanaChampaign 1<br>
BerneseMtn’s S</p>

<p>University of Maryland 1<br>
ELY’s S</p>

<p>University of Michigan 2<br>
hopeful2014’s S
littlefalls’ S</p>

<p>University of Missouri/Columbia 1<br>
CheckersMidwest’s S</p>

<p>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 3<br>
almar4’s S
BCandBU82’s S
veewhitty’s D</p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania 1<br>
kindredspirit’s D</p>

<p>University of Redlands 2<br>
missemily516’s D
vballmom’s S</p>

<p>University of Richmond 1<br>
PAVenturer’s D</p>

<p>University of Rochester 1<br>
PinotNoir’s S</p>

<p>University of Scranton 1<br>
1sokkermom’s D</p>

<p>University of South Carolina 1<br>
MomLive’s S</p>

<p>University of Southern California 1<br>
pixeljig’s S</p>

<p>University of Texas at Austin 2<br>
MaineLonghorn’s S
SWTCAT’s D</p>

<p>University of Virginia 5<br>
2education’s S
curiousmother’s D
jc40’s D
jingle’s S
shillyshally’s D</p>

<p>Vanderbilt 1<br>
BlessedTwice’s S</p>

<p>Vassar 1<br>
psychmom’s D</p>

<p>Villanova 2<br>
archiemom’s S

<p>Wake Forest 1<br>
DougBetsy’s S</p>

<p>Washington University in St. Louis 3<br>
limabeans’ S
PAO2008’s D
sacchi’s S</p>

<p>Wellesley 1<br>
Sailorette’s D</p>

<p>Wesleyan 1<br>
sewemma’s S</p>

<p>Wheaton MA 1<br>
SLUMOM’s S</p>

<p>William & Mary 3<br>
12rmh18’s S
anothercrazymom’s S
Flinty’s D</p>

<p>Williams 1<br>
GTalum’s D</p>

<p>Yale 4<br>
learninginprog’s S
my2sunz’s S
tango91’s S
vicariousparent’s D</p>

<p>Total Result 130</p>

<p>FAP - that totally makes sense to me. I’m not in a special program like your S, but since I’m in an engineering program, I know that my Physics for Engineering I class is definitely not going to mirror my AP Physics C - Mechanics class. First of all, in order to get into an engineering program, physics is basically required, so pretty much everyone has some physics background. Also, it covers some additional topics, and, additionally, it’s specifically geared towards engineering (there’s a different Physics I for Science Students. And Physics for Future Presidents :D) </p>

<p>CheckersMidwest - very sorry to hear about your friend, but it’s nice of you to try and help out</p>

<p>DB/ACM – Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers too.</p>

<p>mablab54 - If it makes you feel any better, on move-in day of her freshman year, as we were supposed to be headed out the door, D1 sat in the floor and cried “Please don’t make me go!” We were worried because she had had a bad case of homesickness which lasted about 3 weeks when she was in Europe the year before… that turned out to be a blessing, because it wasn’t like we could just go get her. Once she got to school, it took her all of 2 minutes to make friends and all was good. I think that it all but kills her to have to come back home to the country now. Just this year she was apprehensive about going to LA for her internship (although mostly because she was sick and in the hospital up to 3 days before going), but ultimately seriously considered staying out there. D2 is a different story. She did study-abroad in Europe last summer and loved it… didn’t want to come back. She can’t wait to leave for college. Although, I think she is starting to have some doubts about how well she will do and fit in… which I think is normal. I’d be more concerned if she was leaving with some sort of chip on her shoulder. </p>

<p>Aliceinw – Thanx for looking out for WhirledPeas2u.</p>

<p>PAVenturer – Congratulations on your D getting her classes at Westhampton College (the female half of UofR). Go Spiders!</p>

<p>Re: Ringtones – DW was not impressed to find out that D1’s ringtone for her was Amy Winehouse’s “Rehab.” I thought that it was kinda funny and don’t want to know what mine is. It is a wonder that all of our children don’t just have the sound of helicopter blades whirring overhead for all of us. :)</p>

<p>Just got back from a weekend in NYC…I’ll have to play catch-up on all the posts. It was nice to have one of the last vacations with S. We saw Avenue Q! and he loved it but I’m not sure it’s what he was expecting.</p>

<p>Good lovely morning to everyone :)</p>

<p>I am awake due to a) insomnia and b) housing selection. My roommate and I had it all planned out but it all went too fast and we are now both in singles in the farthest place away from our classes. 10 floors above and facing the parking lot, how exciting! We are neighbors so it isn’t too bad but its an extra $900 to account for.</p>

<p>Good morning! A lovely morning here too. :)</p>

<p>Mdemvizi - if you requested a double, and the school placed you in a single, I don’t think you should have to pay the extra $900. I’d try and argue that one down. Good luck!</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 - Welcome to the Ithaca College Housing Lottery! I knew there was a chance I would end up in a single but I didn’t know it would actually happen. I am making the best of the situation (meaning I can get my own microfridge and TV) but I am able to hang out with my roommate.</p>

<p>ACM, I think I forgot to extend my sympathies on the loss of your friend. May your memories comfort you. </p>



<p>Thanks for this warning, robin. We’ll take it to heart. </p>



<p>Thanks for asking. I haven’t posted about her because there’s been some relationship drama since her medical turnback at the Air Force Academy and I didn’t want to bore y’all. Let me give you the short version:
June 29 - She got the bad news that they were sending her home. An emotional blow.
July 2/3 - Arrived home middle of the night.
July 3 - GF family time, regroup, cell phone off.
July 4 - Text messages unanswered, no-show for fireworks. She breaks up with Son around midnight.
July 5 - Son is crushed, sleeps 'til 1:00 pm, tries to deal with break-up. This was a really bad day for me, as Mom.<br>
July 6 - GF comes over to talk.
July 7 - More talk, they decide to just be friends.
July 8 & 9 - fragile, polite, detente
July 10 - 17 we’re on vacation. They text constantly.
July 18 - Son can’t take it anymore and makes GF choose between being a couple or total break-up. She picks couple. </p>

<p>So they’re back together. She is registering for classes at McDaniel and will live in the dorms. She has worked through most of her issues about being sent home from AFA and Son is happy to have his gf back until he leaves. </p>

<p>It remains to be seen if they’ll stay together during the fall semester. I don’t know which would be worse: a late summer break-up or a Turkey Drop at Thanksgiving. Of course, they might stay together, and I’d be all for it. But, I’d put that at the longest odds.</p>

<p>Ahhhh the relationship drama! I don’t particularly care for my son’s girlfriend. She is very sulky and immature. She refuses to acknowledge me in my own home because I said S couldn’t go to Vermont with her family. They have never let him through the front door of their house! I would prefer he spend time in NC with H and I if he takes anymore vacation time this summer. Her mom has expressed some negative things about people who live in our area, which is fairly affluent and people who went to S’s private grade school. The grade school sends a fair amount of kids to S’s BS where they met. Gf was a day student. Apparently I am supposed to be nice no matter what GF says or tells me her mom says. Ughhhh, I would not mind the late summer break up or the Turkey Drop! I don’t want my son to be hurt, but I can’t believe he is completely comfortable with his family and our choices being sniped at.</p>

<p>ACM, we need a virtual happy hour to comiserate. :wink: Hang in there.</p>

<p>DB, I think I’ll wait for the movie…:wink:
Seriously, though, what drama! We moms do get our hackles up, though, when the gals mess with our guys, yes? ;)</p>

<p>mdemvizi-sorry that the housing lottery at Ithaca passed you by! Some kids would “kill” for a single, but I agree with you that a double is the way to start off college.</p>

<p>Morning all…</p>

<p>parent56, 2education, LIMOM: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>mathmom: Sounds like quite a successful shopping trip! I’ll bet there’s plenty left in the stores when you get to the dorm stuff…</p>

<p>mommusic: Glad you enjoyed your vacation in NYC with your S.</p>

<p>mdemvizi: Housing lotteries can be tough! It sounds like you’re making the best of it and it’s nice that you can still be near your “roomie.”</p>

<p>DB: Sorry about the relationship drama as well. May your S stay happy no matter what the ultimate outcome.</p>

<p>Checkers: Sending healing thoughts for your friend. I’m sure your support will make a big difference.</p>

<p>It’s a less humid and beautiful day around these parts. Hope all are enjoying sunshine.</p>

<p>Wishing all a great day.</p>

<p>It’s :cool: time…</p>

<p>Turkey Drop, LOL!!!</p>

<p>Checkers: so sorry to hear about your friend. It does seem like there’s been a rash of illness lately; one of my BFs in NJ is waiting for her husband to pass away; he has a type of sarcoma. Their oldest just graduated HS (the one we went up to in June; she was one of my Girl Scouts from being a Daisy & earned her Gold Award.) They have 2 sons who are a freshman and Junior. Every time the phone rings & I see their number, I steel myself. My other good friend’s husband found out he had an aggressive form of prostate cancer in May. Surgery is done & prognosis is as good as it gets. But still, it makes me wonder what’s going on.</p>

<p>Mdemvizi: glad to hear your positive attitude is helping you find the good in your housing situation. At least you have that piece of the puzzle figured out now!</p>

<p>DB: Sorry about the GF drama! She was probably so overwhelmed from the whole academy nightmare. Ugh. There are lessons learned in everything though, and I give your son credit for knowing that the space between couple and total break-up wouldn’t work for him. </p>

<p>ACM: Her parent’s won’t let him in the front door but they invited him to go on vacation with them? That’s just weird. Sounds like the mom is a little on the jealous side, but why on earth would the girl repeat what she said to you? Tact, please! Given the number of Turkey Drops I read about last Thanksgiving, maybe things will work out in your favor ;)</p>

<p>D got some information about her optional honors program yesterday; some minor readings were assigned that she’ll have to get to before she moves in. Otherwise, it’s quiet. I think when we get back from our road trip though, we’re going to have a manic week. We’re at 12 days now; when we get back it will be 6 days & Yikes!</p>

<p>Yikes, RobD! That’s really soon. We leave in 23 days, and the days are starting to move really quickly!</p>

<p>mdemvizi - I agree with the others and think you’re handling the room situation very maturely. </p>

<p>DB - sorry about the relationship drama. We’ve had some of that going on here as well. It’s not an easy time for kids with long-term bfs or gfs. So much confusion about which approach to take - breaking up before leaving and staying friends, trying to stay together, ending things completely? </p>

<p>Running out to enjoy the lovely morning. :)</p>

<p>I know RobD! My husband and I talk about it but we can’t figure it out, H says son thinks it’s strange but you know he’s in love! I don’t know about jealousy, our area is affluent but we live in the “regular” kind of funky town. I love my home, but it is certainly no mansion. I invited GF’s family to S’s grad party and they never even RSVP’d. I have discussed the behavior with S and he knows I don’t feel it’s right to be treated poorly in my own home. I will not ban GF even when she doesn’t respond when I say hello, just continues texting, I hope S calls her on it! My husband told S his opinion because S takes it better from dad! The GF told my son all mom’s get jealous when their sons date, again ughhh!</p>