Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Well, a Turkey Drop would be better than the Christmas Eve Heave I got from MY boyfriend! The BF/GF drama stories bring back too many memories, lol! I’m kind of glad DS has not gotten into the dating scene yet. I know his time will come, though. DB and acm, I hope everything works out like you want!</p>

<p>DS had a wonderful time in NYC with his cousin. He brought back quite a few hard-covered young adult books, since his cousin is in charge of buying that category of books for Barnes and Noble in the city. </p>

<p>I have actual work to do today, so I need to turn off the internet now! I hope everyone has a great day!</p>

<p>Good morning to all.</p>

<p>mdemvizi - I think you have the best of both worlds - your own living space, but a roommate right next door!! Glad you’re making the best of it.</p>

<p>Glad we’re avoiding relationship drama around here. S just wants to know when he can quit his job. I think he will give notice at the end of this week and work two more weeks till the middle of August. Then he will have three weeks off before we head out.</p>

<p>My SIL’s mom died yesterday. She was 95, and for all but the last few months, she was up and around, sharp as a tack, and happy to be alive. Well into her 90’s she was volunteering at an “old folks home” to help out the “old folks”! All are sad to lose her, but recognize that this is a part of life and not a tragedy. I am so sorry to hear about all the much more tragic illnesses and deaths some of you are facing.</p>

<p>Staying :cool:</p>

<p>My thoughts go out to all that are dealing with sad news regarding friends and relatives.</p>

<p>FYI - make sure you get a second opinion.
My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer a year ago. He lives close enough to Boston, so he was referred to one of the best cancer hospitals. He was asking about the robotic surgery to remove it and/or the radiation treatments. Well the doctors in Boston informed him that he was too old (he’s a very healthy 75 year old) for the surgery and they would just do radiation. There rationale was that the cancer was “slow growing”. Luckily he got another opinion and actually went to Florida to have the surgery. During the surgery they removed not only the “slow growing” tumor but they also discovered an undiagnosed extremely aggressive cancer. Thankfully they removed all of that as well and all of his follow up tests have been good. However had he not questioned the initial treatment plan, he would probably be gone now.</p>

<p>Sickness - are we just at <em>that</em> age? This week my hairdresser of 10+ years found out her husband has bladder cancer. I know several other people whose parents have taken ill or died within the past couple of weeks, too. Momof2inma, wow - and we think we’re lucky to live near the “best” hospitals in the world in Boston. I doubt I’d have questioned the doctor, good thing your dad did!</p>

<p>As for BF drama, we’ve had plenty. DB, good for your S for knowing it had to be one way or the other. At least he’s involved with a girl you like and respect. ACM - ugh. The GF’s family sounds like a piece of work, and their apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Hopefully your son will figure that out :rolleyes:. </p>

<p>I have no idea what will happen with D and her BF. They are SO determined to make their upcoming long distance relationship work. If it doesn’t work I think it will be because they both want it SO desperately that they already tend to blow little things way out of proportion. They both trust each other, but they are also both jealous of other people. We’ll see… in the meantime, I’m hoping the LDR (long distance relationship) will help to keep D out of some of the first semester craziness, when everyone is checking each other out, and the upperclassmen guys are being SO friendly to all the freshmen girls… if the LDR keeps her out of the “hook-up” culture, then I’m all for it!</p>

<p>good morning all!! so sorry to hear of recent illnesses of friends and family!! </p>

<p>thoughts also for sewemma and for austinmt’s mom.</p>

<p>found out my “new” puter is on its way… 4-6 days!!! and son’s new iphone4 has shipped, should arrive today. </p>

<p>no gf drama here… eligible son up for grabs…any takers?? LOL,</p>


Hmmmm. That seems mighty tempting!</p>

<p>Best wishes to everyone dealing with illnesses. </p>

<p>DB, I’m sorry about the girlfriend drama. It must be such a difficult time for her, though, to be fair. It’s probably very tough to adjust your entire life plan.</p>

<p>15 days till Move In Day. And d isn’t even home yet from her summer music program. I predict a mad whirl of laundry, visits with high school friends, etc. i also predict that her room at home will look like a hurricane went through it when she leaves. plan on shutting door and not thinking about it.</p>

<p>D was advised by the engineering dept not to use her calc AP credits even though she got a 5 on it. D loves math and is aware that her high school class might not match up 1 to 1 with the college sequence, so she is fine with repeating and plans to do all the homework and study hard. H is a college chemistry professor and he doesn’t advise students to use chem AP credits if they plan on being chemistry majors or pre-med. He teaches organic and says on average they arent prepared if they skip the first year of chemistry.</p>

<p>Fortunately D is now totally fine with her dorm assignment. she has been required to get up at a reasonable hour all summer, so hopefully the 8am classes won’t be too big of a shock. Being somewhat paranoid mom here, i just want her to be totally aware that she will only have 2 options in the am for catching a bus to get the 8am classes. Or she can ride her bike. Since it is over 1.25 miles, that is kind of far for that early in the day. She is a big girl now and will figure it out.</p>

<p>I am praying for a sub 100 degree Move In Day.</p>

<p>BF/GF drama - it must be the season. A parent from S’s HS emailed me yesterday just to chat and mentioned that she would miss her D when she leaves for college and her BF, as well. I replied that I didn’t know her D had a BF and asked if this happened recently. She responds telling me I should “nonchalantly” ask my S who this new BF is and that she was surprised I didn’t know…??? What? I thought I was the ultimate helicopter mom! Gotta sharpen these blades!</p>

<p>Morning, all!</p>

<p>Thoughts with everyone who has a heavy heart today due to illness.</p>

<p>DB, thanks for the update, though I’m sorry the time has been so strife-filled! I have to say, she gets a pass with me because of the upheaval in her life plans. I’m glad your ds did lay down the law, though. </p>

<p>acm, does the gf say these things to you, or does she say it to your ds and he tells you? I’m going with jealousy on the family’s part. Gosh, I’d hate it if my ds was dating someone I didn’t like. Since he’s never dated, I’ve never had to face that! lol</p>

<p>Hi all! </p>

<p>Sorry to hear about all the BF/GF drama. At times like this I am glad D does not date. Although that offer from parent56 sounds pretty good :)</p>

<p>The surgeon my mom was referred to refused her as a patient because he doesn’t take the supplemental insurance she has with her Medicare coverage. So she got another referral but hasn’t heard anything yet. Her “wonderful” primary physician sent her the result of her biopsies with a handwritten note on the front - “breast cancer call surgeon X at xxx-xxx-xxxx.” Gee - thanks SO much for taking the time to write that wonderful note. So we are continuing to wait and hope for postive news and next steps.</p>

<p>We had a great time at Lady Gaga - lots of fun people watching!! We had dinner at a neat tapas restaurant in downtown Houston. My D’s friend had never eaten tapas before and loved sampling all the things they brought to our table. And as much as D and I enjoyed the concert, her friend was so excited we thought she was going to pee her pants!! She is so super sweet and I am glad she was able to go with us. Took tons of pics and video so they have lots of memories. And Lady Gaga definitely has a connection to her “little monsters.” It was an all out love fest and she does have a very powerful message about accepting and loving yourself no matter what others might say. A nice message to hear before heading off to college.</p>

<p>Hope everyone is staying :cool: as the countdown clocks wind down.</p>

<p>austinmtmom: So sorry to hear about the delay in your mom getting clarification and further news. And BOO to her insensitive doctor! Continuing to keep you in my thoughts…Your Lady Gaga concert experience sounds like it was a lot of fun. So glad you enjoyed your time with your D and how nice that you also gave her friend such a special treat. I agree that the message to “accept and love yourself” is a great one for all our dear children.</p>

<p>Also sending positive thoughts and prayers for those dealing with illness.</p>

<p>Lilmom: Yikes! Hope she is a nice girl. :)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>I couldn’t help myself from checking in. Ugh, another cancer story. Yesterday, a friend told me that her older son, a minister, is going to be performing the marriage ceremony for her younger son this Friday. TOMORROW, the older son’s wife, aged 40, is undergoing a masectomy! They have no idea at this point how serious the cancer is. Their two girls are 18 months old and 6 years old.</p>

<p>austinmtmom, I didn’t realize Lady Gaga had such a positive message! That’s good to hear.</p>

<p>somewhereinga, I hear you on the sub-100 move in day! I’d better tell DH to start praying for that, lol. I’m glad it will be him helping with the moving and not me. I’ll never forget moving soon-to-be-DH into a second floor apartment in Austin on September 4, 1985 in 104-degree heat!</p>

<p>austinmtmom, sometimes between doctors and insurance companies I just want to scream! I can’t blame a doctor for only wanting to be reimbursed, but tact please! I hope your mom’s spirits are okay and I am sorry for the difficulties.</p>

<p>Lady Gaga sounds like so much fun! For me the tapas sounds even better! I had a tapas party a few years ago, tons of work but delicious.</p>

<p>YDS, the GF has shared her mom’s opinions on where we live and S’s grade school with me. They even had a comment on the SUV I drive. S would never repeat anything intentionally. When he has been trying to excuse behavior things have come out. One of the reasons I was glad to go to NC this summer has been this situation. I have to bite my tongue so I don’t set up some kind of Romeo and Juliet drama!</p>

<p>lol, lilmom. I know how you feel. I found out about D’s second boyfriend from her first boyfriend’s mother. Kind of embarassing. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I’m getting peeved about airlines. I booked our non-stop flights to visit D for Family weekend. 3 days later the airline re-booked us - onto flights that change planes in Laguardia. I would NEVER voluntarily book a flight that changes in Laguardia. Gotta see if they’ll let me get a refund since THEY rebooked me. Then today I read that American Airlines flight attendants are talking about going on strike this fall. Which airline did I book our flights to Family Weekend AND D’s flight home for fall break on? You guessed it - American.</p>

<p>D, WHY couldn’t you pick a college that was closer to home? ugh!</p>

<p>Don’t know what it is with me and booking flights. I booked S on British Airways to/from Europe for his study abroad last semester, then found out BA was going on strike. Somehow he managed to get to and from Europe, changing planes in London, without being stopped by either of BA’s two strikes or by the smoking volcano.</p>

<p>Since we’ll visit the relatives before the move in to NU, we’ll be able to borrow their dolly. Hopefully this will save some strained muscles. I, too, am hoping the weather in mid-Sept will be milder than now. And puh-lease, no 7 inches of rain on move in day. Make that 8 inches that SIL got in Oak Park recently.</p>

<p>As we’re hoping to nab an early move in time, I’m not going to assume hoardes of large male students will necessairly be available to just whisk those boxes away to the room. I still want that early move in time so we can avoid the obvious confusion later, and also so we can see the room layout for the last bit of shopping that we’lll do post move in.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>^I know what you mean, Lafalum. I’m stuck going through LAX. Not my #1 place to switch flights! I pretty much will always have to switch planes, but there are other (better) places to do it; I was originally going to go through Phoenix. Sorry to hear about the strike as well :frowning: </p>

<p>austinmtmom - sending positive wishes to your mom. Also, the Lady Gaga concert sounds like so much fun!</p>

<p>My mom said that we may be able to go and get my new computer today, so we’ll see. I’ve finally gotten around to selling some of my old textbooks on Amazon that I hadn’t been able to sell back before (I had to buy my books for high school), and surprisingly, people are actually buying from me, despite the fact that I have no user feedback yet. So I’m making lots of trips to the post office…</p>

<p>Christmas Heave Eve, LOL!!!</p>

<p>What a witty group we have here!</p>

<p><feeling fortunate=“” that=“” d=“” is=“” only=“” 6=“” hrs=“” away=“” by=“” car=“”></feeling></p>

<p>Daughter checking out books on Amazon. One book is a new addition so she’s stuck with full price on that one. The rest are all under $50.00.</p>

<p>i think when boys break up, they have an unwritten rule…do it before the holiday then no gift to buy?? LOL</p>

<p>I think you’re right, p56. At least that was H’s philosophy before we got married. :rolleyes:</p>