Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I am steaming. In addition to the usual, room is a mess, sleeps past noon, doesn’t lift a finger to help anyone, is surly and unpleasant. Here is the latest. My mom hasn’t been well so D has been hired (at $50 a day, don’t get me started on my mother) to assist my mother twice a week with some house stuff, some clerical stuff and to be company. She’s supposed to go there around 1:00 but isn’t going till 2:30 today because it’s inconvenient. Then D1 was going to drive her at 1:00 but couldn’t at 2:30 (that whole working for a living thing, you know?) and D2 had a raving, toddler-like tantrum. I told D2 she needs to be home when I get there tonight and I am going to hand her her head. If she presses even one of my buttons she will be in the house until she leaves on August 28. I’ve had enough. We all had to be sympathetic in May because she had the IB tests, then we had to be understanding because she was sad to graduate in June, we had to be compassionate in July because she and boyfriend broke-up, with a bonus of tolerance because she’s in transition. I’ve had it, HAD IT, HAD IT!!!</p>

<p>zoosermom, that was my D the other day. She flew off the handle when we asked her to do the dishes. I calmly asked her if it was close to that time of the month. She stopped and said, “Uh, yes.” </p>

<p>In any case, vent away, zmom! Then schedule that “ME” day!</p>

<p>I am now going to a training class in which I will be treated like a dim-witted four-year-old. I’ll be back in about an hour and a half unless I lose it and get myself fired.</p>

<p>ZM: so sorry to hear about that! Don’t get fired though; you’ve got tuition bills to pay (but wait, would that help your FA? hmmmmm…)</p>

<p>When you get back, zm, feel free to keep venting here and you may also want to make a stop in the Cafe in the “Say It Here Thread.” Then, we can all play a game of "Can you top this?’ re: our ungrateful kids. :rolleyes:
We may get some laughs…</p>

<p>tell her we havent used up all those torches and pitchforks from the Y assault yet… and we are known to be effective in getting what we want… (Snidely whiplash chortle as our guys twist their mustaches) … that might scare her into shape</p>

<p>zm, if you get fired then you can’t afford tuition then she’ll have to stay in your house! And you need her out of there!</p>

<p>{{{{ZOOSER!!}}}}…We’re here for you…And I know you are not alone. Hang in there and just ignore the “dim-wit” “trainers”…having your job is a good thing.</p>



<p>Quick, those with guys. What’s the rejoinder for them under these circumstances?</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


<p>Feeling for you with the D angst and the trainer tedium. Hope it gets better soon.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>fap… there isnt one… thats the downside LOL</p>

<p>FAP, in our house it’s “Please stop acting like your sister.” :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Db - lol!</p>

<p>well pooo, we dont have sisters at our house! and i’m sure not going to say stop acting like your mother ( bit late for that anyway as another hot flash strikes)</p>

<p>Hee hee hee … I love putting out the straight comment and watching the results roll in!</p>

<p>And S is an only, so no sister. Hmm, I could tell him to try and not act snarky like the dogs do sometimes.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


I am SO telling her that.</p>

<p>LOL Zoosermom!</p>


<p>never say the whole universe again, I have one right here and all she says to me is “I don’t know” that is all.</p>


<p>When S was younger and being a brat, I used to quietly say with great menace, “Have you lost your mind?” Even his friends were afraid of that one statement, they still are! The response usually was a quicly stammered “yes, yes I have”. I still use it, and when he gives a smartass answer his father informs him he’s lost his mind.</p>

<p>I am uncorking the wine, I have tequila and a blender! Let the happy hour begin!</p>

<p>ACM - too bad I can’t hop in the car and get there in time for happy hour hours :slight_smile: I could so join you right now! My teen is fine, in fact all of them are in good graces (knock on wood) but work is driving me batty!</p>