Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>DH does a lot of flying into New York these days for building inspections. He has decided to switch from United, which flies into La Guardia, to Jet Blue, which goes into JFK. This morning was his first JB experience, and he called to say how wonderful it was! Lots of leg room, individual screens with on-demand shows, and a much nicer airport. He’d gotten totally fed up with United AND La Guardia!</p>

<p>LOL, parent56! My BF went ahead and gave me bookends AFTER he broke up with me! I will never forget that.</p>

<p>acm, you’re wise to bite your tongue. I can remember my dad telling me not to date BF when he went away to school, and it just made me MORE determined to! I wish I had listened to Dad, of course.</p>

<p>Whoo hoo, DS found his wallet and cell phone! They were in the pockets of some shorts that were wedged into a small space in the kids’ bathroom. Sigh. I’m glad I hadn’t replaced his cell phone yet! I had the feeling the stuff would show up eventually. </p>

<p>OK, lunch break is over!</p>

<p>My D has yet to start dating. She is heavily into ME time( her words, not mine). Although she socialized with high school friends this past year, she would more often than not decline invites because she felt interacting with school friends Monday through Friday was enough. </p>

<p>I am curious how she will interact with others in college. I do not forward to the GF/BF drama but know that it seems to be a rite of passage.</p>

<p>LOL p56 and DB! Gift? What Gift? ;)</p>

<p>Laf: Hope it all works out with the flights! Here’s hoping for no striking employees…</p>

<p>CaliD: Very industrious! Good luck with your continued book selling. And I’m sure you will get great feedback from the buyers. :)</p>

<p>PAVenturer: Sounds like you did nicely overall with the price of your D’s textbooks. You’re making progess!</p>

<p>psychmom: Agreed! Very witty group. :wink: Part of being :cool:</p>

<p>veewhitty… my son wasnt into dating much this year… felt like he didnt want to start anything when he would be leaving the bs for the summer, and then off to college.</p>

<p>sometimes i wonder about these schools… son has a meal plan …but the school has a policy that everyone has to also pay a dining hall fee of 200.00… why not just jack up the price of the mealplan, so i wont know i am paying a fee too?? just dont give us things to complain about LOL</p>

<p>Good morning, all! It’s very hard to keep up with all your news when I’m not here as much. Loving thoughts and hugs to all who are dealing with family/friends who are ill.</p>

<p>We leave for college in 23 days. :eek: Still have tons to do, and S is not being cooperative or involved. Very frustrating for mom. </p>

<p>Special thoughts to DB, acm, and sewemma. {Hugs}</p>

<p>amt, what a dummy doctor! Here’s hoping new one is better with her. I would love to see Lady Gaga in concert. Sounds really fun. And how sweet of you to take the friend.</p>

<p>acm, you are a better person than I. There’s no excuse for that kind of rudeness. I couldn’t hold my tongue to ds. Hmmm, maybe that’s why ds doesn’t date! :D</p>

<p>laf, let us know next time you book a flight so we know which airline to avoid, ;)</p>

<p>In good news, appealing an EOB got us back $300+ from the insurance company. Gee, I wonder where that money will go …</p>

<p>Glad my D is going to college far away from BF and will NOT be dating for a while. He’s a nice guy and treats her very sweetly, kindly, and respectfully—thank God for that! But it’s apparent to everyone, even his own Mom & all their mutual friends & acquaintances, that he’s not on D’s plane academically or intellectually. They’re all betting (even his Mom) that D will drop BF. We’re not saying anything, just quietly waiting for things to take their course. Well, and truth be told, keeping our fingers crossed, because we agree with the consensus view. But D has always been extremely loyal to her friends. First real BF dropped her, causing much pain. This is going to be hard for her. Glad she’ll have some space in the fall just to be herself & meet new people & take on new intellectual challenges while not feeling pressure to match up with someone romantically, and not getting in any deeper with BF. BF won’t be home for Thanksgiving so we won’t see the Turkey Drop, but maybe (love this expression!) the Christmas Eve Heave? We’ll see. (Fortunately D doesn’t follow CC so I have some space to spill my guts here).</p>

<p>Another fun note…D got her roomie assignment Friday. She has traded a couple emails with her new roomate and they have listed the usual likes and dislikes. She received an email from roomie this morning that started, “Alex - I think we are the same person!”</p>

<p>I hope it’s a positive sign and they will get along well together.</p>

<p>Mainelonghorn: Glad your husband liked Jet Blue. I wish they flew in the midwest. I flew United once. My d & I went to/from chicago. Surprise Day At American Girl Place. United, however, seated her (at age 8) in the back of the plane and me toward the front. ?? They would’t change it either, just assured me she’d be fine. I found a man sitting in her row & changed seats with him. Easily fixed, but was irritated that they actually thought that was ok. </p>

<p>Tell me about ordering textbooks from cheaper places. If I understand correctly, all I need is the ISBN number. WHERE do I get that? I think I can find the exact book needed by cross referencing on the bookstore site, is the ISBN listed there too? Or just on the book itself? We signed up for Earlybird Book Sales at the bookstore. We got used. I thought it would be easier since this was our first semester & didn’t really know what we were doing. They’ll have them boxed & ready to just pick up at move in day. Easier, but expensive. Next semester, I need to shop around.</p>

<p>parent56: I wonder about our fees too. We have a mandatory ‘health clinic fee’. You can go to the med school if you’re sick…but you still have to pay for it & they still bill your insurance. ?! Don’t know the point.</p>

<p>Forgot to mention, since we got room assignments in April, we got to meet S’ roommate AND his parents at Summer Welcome. We had lunch with them . They all seem very nice.</p>

<p>Important thing the boys decided: Roommate’s XBOX Guitar Hero is scratched & my son should bring his…oh, and he already has a frig. They’re happy.</p>

<p>Just wanted to let everyone who has family and friends dealing with difficult medical issues that I am thinking about the. Also my thoughts go out to all those here on the board that have lost loved ones recently.</p>

<p>D1 has not had a bf since last summer. I think she was too busy her senior year especially with auditions for schools to care and preferred to hang with friends (both guys and girls). She parted ways with her bf last summer as she really had no time for him. D2 has invited her bf (her first one!) over for dinner tonight. D2 says bf is really intelligent, which is a must for her and he plays the guitar. We met him briefly on Sunday and I told H he needs to be nice to the kid and not scare him too much!</p>

<p>I am raising the most obnixious, entitled, miserable brat in the whole history of the universe.</p>

<p>aahhh zooser! been there done that during app time, had to send him a letter to knock his head out of his you know what… he got better. didnt Pengo have to do that recently too?</p>

<p>zm, you made me laugh hard! I will forward your statement to my DH, who will disagree with you and say that WE are, lol.</p>

<p>Checkers - The ISBN should be all you need. It should be listed with the textbook requirement from the school. If you take that ISBN and google it, you will find several options. Amazon is pretty reliable as is (from our experience anyway)</p>

<p>Really, ZM?</p>

<p>zoosermom - sorry to hear about your D’s bad behavior. There are many going through this now as we all countdown until they leave for school.</p>

<p>checker… you can go to the school bookstore site and it will have the number there…then you can go to amazon,, and there are a bunch of others as well… just watch for quality of the book, and some are international versions, dont know if that is a problem or not</p>

<p>zmom, I’m sorry. Details?</p>