Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>t_c: Can you give your poor pup some relief time without the E-collar if you’re there to watch after him/her? Also it can/should be removed for walks. At least it’s removable, unlike a cast. I know how the poor things look so down in the dumps when confined to them. They feel like they are being punished somehow.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>My boys had to take home ec in middle school and have actually made things on sewing machines! I don’t think they remember a thing though. I own a sewing machine, but rarely use it. Once upon a time, I actually made my nieces some gorgeous smocked dresses on it, and I have also used it for Halloween costumes and I made Roman shades for our former house.</p>

<p>The nest still isn’t too stinky here, though occasionally ds acts like such a know-it-all. He’s mainly kidding, but it’s still irritating – HAHA! Not.</p>

<p>I finally got him to go on the school website to check out how registration works.Gee, he didn’t know it all. :wink: And he found out his freshman seminar is TTh 1-5. Seems like a weird time.</p>

<p>This weekend will be the first time we leave him in the house alone. We’ll be picking up ds2 from camp and so will leave ds1 here Thursday and Friday nights. I think he has plans both nights. No parties in the house will be my parting words. He has no set curfew, just an as-needed “time to be home.” On work nights, he’s always home by 10:30ish; on weekends, it depends.</p>

<p>t_c, I saw on someone’s FB page that there’s an alternative to the cone. It’s like a big blue pillow that surrounds his neck. Looks like a cross between a life preserver and a breastfeeding Boppi.</p>

<p>jc40, I am laughing right now… “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” is so freaking ridiculous! Everyone having sex, getting pregnant, etc. It is so unrealistic. And the characters on that show never stop talking! Ever! The scripts must be thousands of pages long. It definitely has a 7th Heaven vibe (since the creator/producer/somebody is the same for both shows).</p>

<p>Jambaby…Agree. I didn’t mind 7th Heaven though. At least it had kind of a wholesome, family vibe as opposed to every American teenager being a skank like on Secret Life. :eek:</p>

<p>You’re right - 7th Heaven was definitely super clean and wholesome. The dialogue (and amount of it, ha ha) between the two shows is just similar to me!</p>

<p>t_c - Sorry to hear about your poor doggy. The cones are the worst thing for them because they feel punished. My dog chewed through his so we bought what YDS recommended. It was this big blue thing but was made more like a pillowy material. He was able to law down comfortably in it. </p>

<p>YDS - His seminar is four hours long? Wow. My longest class is two hours and its my production class. Ithaca has a lot of 50 minute classes which start on the hour so you can have classes right next to each other. </p>

<p>I am the teenage all of you parents have been complaining about. My mom and I have been getting in disagreements/yelling matches about simple things (mainly cleaning my room and doing simple tasks around the house). I’ve made a realization that I leave tomorrow for Florida for six days and that I wouldn’t be going on this trip if it wasn’t for her insistence on going to see my family the last time before I head off to college. We usually go see them around Christmas time but I think we are unable to do so this year since my brother is scheduled to ship off to Afghanistan sometime in January. </p>

<p>Anyway, I can admit that I’ve been the brat that zoosermom was complaining about. I am going to clean up my room now, work on cleaning off my bed (which is covered in papers and books and DVDs), and start laundry because I don’t think I have any clean clothes for my trip. I appreciate everything my parents do for me and I wouldn’t be where I was without them.</p>

<p>So at U of Richmond the Freshman got access to online class registration yesterday morning at 9:00 AM EDT. My D and her UR friends had their schedules planned out with game plans on what to go for if a class was full. My D said that she had about 20 FB friends on line at 8:45 and 18 of them were UR Freshmen waiting for 9:00. Clock strikes 9 and everyone logs in. D said she was done in about five minutes. Got every class she wanted but had to change times on one. Almost all of her friends that logged in at 9:00 got what they wanted. We’ve heard from a few people that logged on 5-10 minutes later that couldn’t get into what they wanted. It sounds like several didn’t try to figure out a schedule until they logged in. Anyway, the moral to the story, if your registration will work in a similar manner, PREPARE! And log in AT the appointed time. Does anyone have a similar process to go through?</p>

<p>mdem, you are so sweet! you know though that as much as we may complain about our kids, we love them to death, as does your mom, even when you are arguing!! hang in there.</p>

<p>paventurer congrat to your D!!! i think my son may have had the easiest registration of all. it was decided for him…as he has teaching responsibilities, they have to make sure his schedule works with that, they also require the chem scholars to take the same chem classes at the same time, so they work that out, then the other honors program requires them to be together… so son didnt have to do a thing… they took his transfer credits fro hs to place him in his english, bio etc, then worked out the chem, teaching, honors and forensic components and sent him his schedule LOL. only thing he doesnt like is the 8 am classes 3 days per week</p>

<p>PAVenturer, yes, the University of Texas is similar. But they open up new sections of classes each week, so every Friday morning the students can go online and try again. It took DS three attempts, but he managed to get a good schedule. He had to get up early on vacation a couple of times, since we were two hours earlier than Austin! I’m glad your D got what she wanted so quickly!</p>

<p>mdemvizi, I didn’t realize your brother is heading to Afghanistan. Keep us posted on how he does over there, OK? We have one family friend who is doing contract work in Iraq right now - he might as well be in the military, because he’s in some dangerous settings.</p>

<p>PA, ds’s registration time is midnight to 11:59 p.m. on a particular day in mid-August. Not sure whether he’ll stay up late to register or wake up a little early before work. From what I can tell at his small LAC the freshman class is divided into groups of about 20 registering on the same day, so the system shouldn’t crash or anything. And he only has to register for two more classes, so I think he’s good. </p>

<p>If he only knew what to take. I’m confused about his language requirement because he did the online evaluation but now it says he still has to take a test on campus. Did he do well, and they just want to make sure he didn’t cheat or something? So how does he know what to register for in a couple of weeks? I’m sure he’ll figure it out regardless.</p>

<p>I am now the owner of a beautiful 13" Macbook pro! It came with the free iPod Touch, and it also came with a free printer. The printer, in particular, is really nice to have - the only problem is that I’d have to ship it to Pittsburgh. My mom tried asking if we could pick it up in Pittsburgh; they said no - but hey, it’s not BB&B here :smiley: </p>

<p>I also deposited checks from my birthday/graduation, mailed off more textbooks, got my schedule approved by my advisor, did laundry…next up: I need to register to vote!
I’m on a roll today… </p>

<p>ks - I hope the Penn reception is enjoyable! </p>

<p>t_c: Very sorry to hear about your dog :frowning: I hope the recovery is quick!</p>

<p>UNC also opens up seats in classes before each orientation session unless the class has maximum allowed to enroll. D registered last month during Orientation. The registration experience was not a smooth. Before they actually register they are given lists of courses offered that they are permitted to register for and course registration planning sheet to fill out. But I read a UNC forum re: registration that suggested placing courses she wanted in her schedule planning shopping cart after using a course planning application. When the time came for registration, she had to only click the enroll option to sign up for courses. </p>

<p>They also permit them to search for courses 15 minutes before their allotted registration time. This really came in handy for students who did not take advantage of the planner. There was one girl in tears because she could not get into a class she wanted.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn: We don’t have a date for his deployment but its sometime in January. He leave either tomorrow or Thursday to go train in the Mojave Desert for all of August. </p>

<p>CaliforniaDancer: Aren’t the Macbook Pro’s beautiful? I am in love with mine. As an engineering major I am surprised you got one because I always hear people talk about science majors always have Windows while artsy majors have Macs. The printer is great too because it has a scanner and everything.</p>

<p>I need to mail off my old textbooks too. I will probably put them online when I come back from my trip and then see how many get mailed out before I leave on the 19th. I paid like $100+ for a US History book I never used. I am hoping to get my cash back on that one.</p>

<p>mdemvizi - yes, I thought for a long time about PC/Mac issue for engineering, but the overwhelming majority of students I spoke to said that CMU has computer clusters for each major with all the software you need, so your laptop is really for your personal use. And I love my PowerBook G4 :slight_smile: And thanks to your tip from a while back, I believe, I remember to bring my acceptance letter with me!</p>

<p>At Mizzou, some of the freshman classes are chosen for them depending on what Fig they join. They have about 3 classes together at the same time. We went to Summer Welcome in early June, he finished enrolling then. At the end, he met with an advisor and finalized everything.</p>

<p>They have a student website that is a ‘manage’ everything kind of site. He can do a class search, see the times, etc and how many seats are open. He can add/drop, etc all from there. Some classes require an approval code from the advisor. I can log in and see the bill, financial aid, due dates, amounts, etc. There is even a “To Do” list. They post things that need to be done, S just checks it once in awhile.</p>

<p>PAV - UVA registers at orientation but D and I looked through the class options for the ones we knew she had to take and knew ahead of time which professors sounded like the best ones for math and science so when she was handed the options for the set schedules she was able to select the ones with her top choice math professor and 2nd choice chemistry professor (none of the options had both top choices) so it definitely pays to do some research ahead of time!</p>

<p>At Ithaca’s orientation you have a group meeting within your major with an advisor from the department. They won’t be your academic adviser for the next four years. They tell you what requires and then you are given a folder which lists all the major and school requirements and then a packet of classes which have openings which freshmen can take. It was about 30 pages and I went through it and circled all of the classes I wanted. I then made a Top 10 list. I got all the classes I wanted but I am going to drop my Psych class and take Spanish 101 since I need it for my double degree. There will always be a flaw in the plan.</p>

<p>YES! I just got a call from a long standing patient informing me she is pregnant. She is a cancer survivor and this is something so miraculous…just thought I’d share. She did the test about 20 minutes ago–her voice was shaking. A part of me feels like an expectant grandmother!</p>