Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>psychmom, wonderful news, How lovely you were on her list of significant informs. These are the moments that give our lives the real riches.</p>

<li>Relationships (LDR and otherwise) / Dating</li>
<li>GF Drama</li>
<li>BF Drama</li>
<li>Mystery BF’s and GF’s</li>
<li>Romeo and Juliet</li>
<li>GF’s Mom drama</li>
<li>Turkey Drops</li>
<li>Christmas Eve Heaves</li>
<li>“Hook up” culture</li>
<li>Friendly upperclassmen</li>
<li>Hordes of large male students</li>
<li>Eligible sons</li>
<li>The relationship between boys, breakups, gifts, and holidays</li>
<li>Me time</li>
<li>Not letting DH scare the new BF (I’m sorry, but that is in DH’s job description)</li>
<li>Brats, Twerps, and Demons</li>
<li>My Super Sweet 16 Marathon</li>
<li>Moms and Moms of Moms</li>
<li>Lost Minds</li>
<li>That time of the month</li>

<p>Maybe it’s just me, but this thread just doesn’t seem like a safe place for a guy to hang out today.</p>

<p>I think that I’ll just slowly, quietly close the door… eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <click></click></p>

<p>Down the hall I go… <clomp> <clomp> <clomp></clomp></clomp></clomp></p>

<p>Insert fingers in ears and quietly sing “La La La” to myself.</p>

<p>Ouch! Geez! Who left Ragin’ Hormone Barbie and all of her shoes in the hall!!!</p>

<p>Wait, did someone mention meal plans, fees, ISBNs, flights, new computers, and XBOX. Maybe, I can stay. :)</p>

<p>We need a strong male presence to balance us out, GSharp. :wink: Please stay.</p>

<p>veewhitty, I hear you about UNC - I wonder if it is unusual for incoming freshmen to not register for classes until they are actually at orientation? Maybe it reduces the stress to be able to register at home.</p>

<p>Three years ago when I had to register for classes at CTOPS (UNC’s orientation) we didn’t have the website with the shopping cart, planner, etc. Instead we had to enter in each class individually and frantically try to sign up for it. SO stressful. Hopefully the registration system your d used is better for everyone!</p>

<p>GSharp…There you go again making me laugh. You’re a…what was the term used earlier…? :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, please stay!</p>

<p>GSharp, you must never ever leave us alone! We will spiral completely out of control and into estrogen overdose, you and a few notable others are our only testosterone balance!</p>

<p>All guys need to buddy up on this thread. Where’s scualum for GSharp?</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Swarthmore apparently does registration during Orientation (the week before classes start, for everyone) but not first-come first-serve; instead, everyone submits their choices and lotteries are run where necessary.</p>

<p>GSharp, I wonder if you can fix my new computer from afar? It’s a Lenovo that appears to dislike our wireless internet… Immediately after connecting, I can load one page and only one page before it automatically disconnects.</p>

<p>Now back to girl-talk. Today I bought a lovely duvet cover from Anthropologie(!) for $50(!!), which is like a discount of 75%(!!!). Assuming that it fits a Chinese twin-sized duvet–is it wise to bring a partially-WHITE bedspread to college? :rolleyes: Yes, I know the answer to that question, but I’m not going to find another duvet cover of this quality at this price.</p>

<p>I wish we had even more dads in our group here, I think they give a different perspective on a lot of the drama that we moms go through with our dear offspring.</p>

<p>^of course, my DH would say I’m the one who creates the drama!</p>

<p>Oh I’m still here. GSharp is doing just fine… John Wayne doesn’t need back up and neither does he… :)</p>

<p>Actually I’m still sharpening up my pitchfork - how’s little ZooserD anyway?</p>

<p>Oh - CalD - you did use the right term to describe your new Mac - it is beautiful. That solid aluminum shell is an engineering piece of art.</p>

<p>As for Artsy types using the Mac and science majors using PC, well I work at one of the largest software companies in the world and I can tell you that our software engineers prefer the Mac probably 3 or 4 to 1.</p>

<p>Morning all! Coffee and bagels for everyone. :)</p>

<p>Teenage: So sorry to hear about your puppy! Your love and hugs will help…</p>

<p>mdemvizi: Hope you enjoy your trip to Florida…Enjoy time with your family.</p>

<p>CaliD: YAY for getting your computer! And thanks for the good wishes re: the Penn Reception.</p>

<p>momof3: Thanks as well…The reception was for new students and their parents. It was lovely! There were at least 100 people there! Amazing how many of the parents were alums! A Vice Dean of Wharton spoke and she was great…one thing that she advised parents was…to “know that your kids will make mistakes”…“and to let them”…all part of the process. She did talk about “letting go” and advising not to do what her mom had done when dropping her off at college many years ago…show up two hours later, and having to tell her to go home! She was wonderful! Overall a nice time…felt quite welcoming and warm. D met even more new friends and went out to eat after with several of them (while I drove home alone…D had a business dinnner he could not miss)…The letting go continues to be in full gear…double sigh…</p>

<p>GSharp: As always your perspective is priceless and your words bring smiles…</p>

<p>jc40: The word you are looking for (as per momof3) is “****er.” :)</p>

<p>May consider BB&B trip today or tomorrow…</p>

<p>Wishing all a great day.</p>

<p>Staying :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: Apparently that description of GSharp is no longer allowed by cc…“*****r” insert e for *…And it’s a compliment!!</p>

<p>ETA again: LOL! Deleted by the cc gods again!..It starts with a p and rhymes with hisser. :)</p>

<p>Good morning. :)</p>

<p>t_c - I hope your puppy gets better. </p>

<p>Enjoy Florida, mdem.</p>

<p>And, CaliD, I envy all those freebies you got with your mac.</p>

<p>Not much going on here. Son is working through some logistics with the roommate. Course registration occurs Aug 23 and classes start on the 25th. No time to order books from online discounters. But, after this sememester, it should work out. </p>

<p>Have a great day.</p>

<p>Keilexandra - us guys don’t even know what a duvet is that you are covering.</p>

<p>In my house it has me, DD/H, that has been doing all the worrying, prepping, verifying, researching, confirming, reminding. My lovely bride just says, “It’s all good. Everything will be fine.” </p>

<p>There is some sort of satisfaction I get from seeing DM/Ws on here doing what I am doing. Makes me feel almost normal!</p>

<p>Good Morning everyone!
Hugs to all going through some negativity and the same to all of you having great days!
Countdown is here - we’re on to “this is the last time we’ll watch a movie together,” last day at work, last diner at Kiku… (until Christmas!), last band gig which I think we’ll miss the most.
8 days! this is surreal!
Closet is emptied for the most part - huge pile of laundry to sort through and pack.</p>

<p>Hope all of you have a productive day and get the chance to enjoy the kiddos a bit somewhere along the line :)</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>AL34 - 8 days? That’s really soon! Hugs!</p>

<p>KS - glad you enjoyed yourself at the welcome reception, and that your D made some more UPenn friends. Love that!</p>

<p>My D is getting pretty antsy because she still hasn’t received housing/roommate info, though she knows some people from her school who have. Maybe today…</p>

<p>Wishing everyone a happy Wednesday. I’m off to the city in a few hours - meeting an old friend for lunch. Should be fun.</p>

<p>Yes, ks, GSharp is most definitely a p*sser! (Just testing! ;)) Glad that your Penn reception was so wonderful! Was this in a private home or one of those hotel get-togethers?</p>

<p>LIMOM-~waving~~Neither of my boys has housing/roommate info yet-Don’t these places know it’s almost August!!!</p>

<p>Good Morning Everyone!:heart::heart:</p>

<p>acm, Thank you for the kind words. Please keep this young woman in your thoughts!</p>

<p>GSharp, You are a trooper…thanks for being here! Thought it might amuse you to know that my D has decided on the little pink fridge from Walmart. How cute, don’t you think? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>TC, Sending :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:’s to the furry one!</p>

<p>KS, Sounds like your D is all set for UPenn. I, for one, appreciate your sharing the “letting go” advice!</p>

<p>AL34, 8 days??? Gulp!</p>

<p>Have a nice day, one and all.</p>

<p>ps: LIMOM, Have a great lunch! I am not sure what’s happening with the NYC CC lunch…are we moving it to September?</p>


<p>Nice to hear the Mac is preferred by the pros. I know S was so entranced with his 13" MacBook Pro that it made it to his Facebook status.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>