Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Some progress being made on THE LISTS here, but since Saturday is July 31, and the current list is the “due by August 1” - I think a major shopping trip is in the offing for this weekend. S will not like it, but he’ll have to put up with it. After all, I am not the one who wants new pants or a new phone. S and I have had a few words, but nothing major.</p>

<p>Other than that, not much to report here. Welcome back to those who are trying to catch up on so many pages of chatter. {{{hugs}}} for those who need them.</p>

<p>My D gets her excellent procrastinating skills from me and as such works better at the last minute, as do I…BUT as a mother I don’t want procrastination so I want things done in a timely and early fashion so I know I can drive her crazy too :slight_smile: It’s the do as I say not as I do scenario :)</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday to everyone! I am like all of you just trying to get through the lists of things that need to be done before D leaves.</p>

<p>Well D got her roommate assignment last night after I was asleep so she forwarded it to me, but we have not talked about it yet. She is in a room with 3 other girls! Then there is a second bedroom in the apartment with 2 girls. They assign rooms and roommates based on when the housing deposit is received. D did not get off the waitlist until May 3rd and we sent her deposit right away, but she knew she might end up in this situation. It sounds like they will have the largest apartment and they may (we will cross our fingers!) get two bathrooms. </p>

<p>D2 asked us if her new bf could come to dinner last night after they went to the movies and we of course said yes. The best thing about this was that D2 had piles of stuff she has needed to clean up since school was out that she actually cleaned up before bf came to the house. I told her bf can come over anytime if it gets her in a cleaning mood!</p>

<p>Hi. I’ve been lurking for a while. DD goes off to U of Maryland (biz school) in four weeks! younger son is in 8th grade…DD’s also been detached and a bit nasty…just when I hoped we’d enjoy the time together…I look forward to checking in here…</p>

<p>Welcome AJ!</p>

<p>Welcome AJ! Nice to have you join us. :slight_smile: All the best to your D!</p>

<p>Welcome, aj. Are you a mom, or evening the gender balance? ;)</p>

<p>Forgot to report earlier that my friend’s procedures went well. Took 9.5 hours. Hopes to get out of ICU today but will stay in the hospital until Friday or so.</p>

<p>I kind of like the unbalanced gender representation.</p>

<p>Hi AJ. (I think you set a record. Only one post and already your screen name has been converted to initials. ;))</p>

<p>So you can be BMOCC, PA?</p>

<p>Yds - LOL!! Too clever! </p>

<p>AJ - Welcome to the fabulousness that is this group! CONGRATS to your D on U Maryland!</p>

<p>T_C glad your puppy is on the mend.</p>

<p>AC is fixed! $186 later. It got up to 85 in here, if I pet stalker dog he will wag his tail vigorously which creates some breeze…</p>

<p>Keil - This is a cop-out answer, but if it is a new computer, Lenovo support should help you. If they can’t, asking to talk with Customer Service to get a return authorization usually helps. Also google “Lenovo wireless problem <your model=”" #=“”>". There is a lot out there.</your></p>

<p>scualum - I’m standing right behind you. I also like the Macs (both D’s now have one) and the fact that Mac OS X is basically UNIX (sort of). I still use a PC running Ubuntu Linux as my main machine.</p>

<p>PAVenturer - I’m glad I’m not the only one who wasn’t sure what as doo-vette was. Through the miracle of Google, I figured out that it is that thing that DW says “Don’t lay on that until you’ve had a shower” about.</p>

<p>psychmom - I hear that the pink fridges work so much better. Put a “Hello Kitty” magnet on it, and it will be a fine piece of machinery.</p>

<p>ks - I agree about the stress that our “kids” are going through right now. I’m sure that they feel like the proverbial dog that actually caught the car and now isn’t quite sure what to do.</p>

<p>YDS - Instead of BMOCCs, I think of us as URMs.</p>

<p>Whew! Seems like it is safe to come back. I was afraid that I was going to have to create a new “Parents on Elba” thread for ill-behaved parents who have been exiled from their children’s respective threads.</p>

<p>@ G# re: I’m glad I’m not the only one who wasn’t sure what as doo-vette was. Through the miracle of Google, I figured out that it is that thing that DW says “Don’t lay on that until you’ve had a shower” about.</p>

<p>I thought it might be a sports car. I would be in favor of getting a cover for that.</p>



<p>Excellent analogy, GSharp. </p>

<p>As for my S, I know he’d rather by now already be off to college. Unfortunately for him, NU is on quarters so starts later. However, by being on quarters, it will move along at a good clip.</p>

<p>momof3sons, I don’t think my S has done much of anything with the list of NU tasks that you listed. I’m sure he thinks he has forever. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Welcome AJ - I also have a college freshman AND an 8th grader - D though.</p>

<p>Yeah, we made a to do list. That’s it.</p>

<p>Thought I’d get boxes at the store (free in the back of our local grocery store) to pack in this weekend. I like the ones with built in handles. S’ room is on the top floor, but there is an elevator , assuming it isn’t jammed on move in day. Can’t help but think about the moving story from a few pages back - ALL those tote lids crashing down through the stairwell ! LOL Just hope S is around this weekend to help. He’s working Sunday. Seems he always has another plan…</p>

<p>I am just sure that we will be packing the night before. :frowning: (Oh geeze, or even that morning…)</p>

<p>Totally off subject…but how does everyone make those cute little faces? I’ve figured out a happy & sad face that comes up like above…but how about the others? I feel like a dork. I just figured out the abbreviations !</p>

<p>zoosermom-my DS#3 and your D2 must have been separated at birth. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Welcome AJ!</p>

<p>^^^ CheckersMW - Start here </p>

<p>[College</a> Confidential - Smilies](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>You’re really fast GSharp! Was just about to post the smilie link!</p>

<p>And I also love your dog/car analogy.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>