Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Oh, I saw that too, parent56. I meant to direct people to that thread, and then got distracted and forgot. A good reminder of what our children are going through right now.</p>

<p>Oh, and I wanted to let PMK know that I spoke to my D last night about cleaning out her room, and we’re going to try the method you suggested. She really seemed overwhelmed by the task, so dividing the stuff into boxes should help. Thank you!! :)</p>

<p>limom, my first response when i read it was awwww poor thing… and then i realized my first response to my son was… stop being a poo poo head</p>


<p>A very good reminder- everyone is stressed about this upcoming change… we just all need to recognize that fact and adapt our behavior appropriately…</p>

<p>RobD, I wish I’d seen those smoothies after my walk but before the oatmeal I just downed. </p>

<p>intouch, I’m so sorry your dd is being so mean. It would break my heart, too. In fact, I choked up just reading you post. She probably won’t look back and be remorseful, because before long she’ll be back to her sweet self and in denial that she ever acted horribly. But if you want to be passive-aggressive, you could forget to fill her pain meds Rx after her surgery. Bwahahahahahaha!!!</p>

<p>PA, no wonder you’re the “good” parent; you’re enabling DB to ignore her work. :wink: Now, DB, spend 45 minutes working and 15 minutes playing with us. Repeat. Ds is definitely nicer to his dad than me, though dad doesn’t think he’s that much nicer, lol. Really, ds hasn’t been bad at all; I know I’m the one being overly sensitive.]</p>

<p>psychmom, congrats to your patient. BTW, I should say how much I enjoy your little purple hearts. Hey, purple heart – I hope none of us earns won in the Pre-College Summer War of 2010.</p>

<p>ks, that reception sounds wonderful.</p>

<p>Forgot to mention that ds realized yesterday that his Minnesota dorm has no AC. Not happy. LOL. It helps to know that the high there today is supposed 81 and will no doubt be cooler come September. Right, BT???</p>

<p>My AC is not working here in NC, 94 degrees, oh well someone will be here to fix it this afternoon.</p>

<p>So glad H is at home dealing with S, he gets to do his schedule today. Online at 1:00. A completely mom opinion free event. Although why he is taking french I do not know!</p>

<p>T_C hope your dog is well soon. Stalker dog is by my side as we speak!</p>

<p>acm: Sorry about the a/c! Can stalker dog do fanning while he’s lovingly by your side? :wink:
Hope it gets fixed asap.</p>

<p>YDS: Here you go! (since psychmom is off working!) :heart::heart:. I remember that purple is also your favorite color? :)</p>

<p>parent56: I agree…a good reminder of what the kids can be going through. I think, like RobD said earlier…it’s connecting the intellectual knowing and the emotional piece. And that can lead to…“summer seniors.” I remember (and I think I posted this way back in April) that once my D had all her decisions in hand, she commented that she’d been looking forward to going to college for so long and then…“And now I really have to go!”…For some there can even be a realization, with mixed feelings about perhaps what seemed so magical (and far away) is finally here…sometimes there can be a letdown when the reality of all that it involves sets in. And that’s what’s supposed to happen. I think a bit of roller coaster ups and downs, anxiety, emotions and hopefully ultimate “letting it out” is better than no signs of any concern. I think it helps deal now and ultimately later when they are much more on their own. Just my two cents! And I think they (and we) will also be fine!</p>

<p>Stayin’ :cool: :cool:</p>


<p>If you read this, your inbox is full and we probably have some time sensitive PMs.</p>

<p>Good posts about the kids! DS isn’t really fouling lately, but he’s just quieter than usual - I should ask him how he’s doing, I guess. I asked him to write up a list of things he needs to do before he leaves. He came up with about half of the items I had in my head! I asked him to tell me each night what he’s planned for the next day, to make sure everything gets done. We’ll see! I told him he can’t procrastinate on his room if he wants my help, because I’ve got some working coming up that will occupy all my time.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn-now will you ask my DS#3 to make a list of the things HE plans to do before he leaves. As best as I can tell, he has done absolutely NOTHING that Northwestern has requested. Send photo, fill out this survey, take this online alcohol awareness class, TAKE A PLACEMENT TEST, send back that survey, etc. It wouldn’t be a lot except that he hasn’t done any of it, so when he gets a “roundtuit,” it sure will seems like a lot to do. I haven’t said a word to him about it. I’m just churning inside and wondering how much longer I can hold out. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Wow, momof3sons, you’re good! I can’t restrain myself from bugging my son about it. I can’t pass up my last chance to nag him, after all!</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone!</p>

<p>Thanks for all your supportive comments about my puppy. I looked up those alternative collars you all mentioned, and one of them looks pretty well-made and comfy. He’s supposed to get his cone off tomorrow if everything goes well, but if we ever need it for a longer period of time (which, knowing how much our dogs love to sniff and explore and play with everything, seems very possible) we’ll probably buy one of those.
He’s getting better today. He seems hungry and more playful, and we took for him for a short walk and now he’s sleeping. Hopefully he keeps getting better!</p>

<p>When I get to orientation in early September, I meet with my advisor and lots of other helpful people and then I register for classes a few days before classes begin. I pretty much know what I want, though, and I’ve asked around about professors and everything, so I’m pretty much set.</p>

<p>Okay, so I have been cleaning my room everyday for the past week. I have a big room plus a huge walk-in closet. This is taking some time. At least four times a day, my mother reminds me to clean my room. UGH. I will point out that I am already walking the dogs, feeding the dogs, doing all the dishes and taking care of whichever relative is sick…Can’t my mom understand that I will get everything done because I need to get it done, not because she wants me to get it done?</p>

<p>I found my hall monitor badge from 8th grade in the bottom of one of my desk drawers. Big lol right there.</p>

<p>That’s right, ML, we have to get in all the nagging possible before they leave! :D</p>



<p>Teenage: I heard basically these same words from my daughter…it helped me stopping asking her. Thanks for the reminder! And it sounds like you are making progress amidst all your other responsibilities…And I’m glad to hear your puppy is feeling better.</p>

<p>I have been overwhelmed with all that needs to be done before we take S to school, especially since we are taking a vacation to Florida (have see Harry Potter (!), as well as Mickey, of course, before the kids go off to begin new lives) right before we head to the left coast with S. Just a wee tad stressed here.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, S is still doing his best ostrich imitation and trying to ignore my entreaties to get something done. Anything!</p>

<p>I have found the best solution is to make him a list each day of things he HAS to get done before he gets on his laptop to play that d*** World of Warcrack. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>t_c, I love the treasures ds has found. I think reminiscing is what takes so long to clean.</p>

<p>YDS – only ONE of the freshman dorms at Pomona has A/C. I’m hoping S gets lucky in that department.</p>

<p>World of Warcrack. LOL!</p>

<p>Good morning! Nice to hear so many positive comments about the 13" Macbook Pro. </p>

<p>Keil - wow, what an amazing deal on the duvet from Anthropologie! I suppose the white is a little iffy, but then again, a $50 duvet from Anthropologie?! I am very impressed.</p>

<p>I got a comforter from Target - my mom said I could look at the Pottery Barn Teen ones, too, but I ultimately decided it just wasn’t worth it. Mine is actually white, but with large, multicolored polka dots. </p>

<p>Regarding registration, mine is online on August 2nd at 7 am my time, 10 am EST. I’m going to bite the bullet and get up at 7, because otherwise I’ll have 0 chance of getting the classes I want at the times I want, rather than 5% or so ;)</p>


If my daughter (a) was doing stuff as you are, I’d back off or (b) was someone who didn’t have a spectacular history of procrastinating until there is a legitimate crisis, I’d back off. But she isn’t doing much of anything and she has a history of waiting on truly time-senstive tasks and then swinging from the rafters. I am not up for that.</p>

<p>I hear you zooser! We each do what we need to do…</p>