Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)


Same here lately. “I’m going to so and so’s house.” “May I spend the night at the lake with X?” “May I go to DC with Y for a few days?” “May I go to LA with Z?” (wait, that Z was me, so I can’t complain) And D2 is also working, so we’re trying to stay :cool:</p>


I thought about trying ballet with D2 to see if it would help my karate, but in the end figured that would be way outside of both of our comfort zones.</p>

<p>Acm – I’m in Memphis this week, so I had Corky’s ribs last night, but no red velvet cake yet. Feel free to send me a virtual cupcake. Sprinkles was all out of red velvet when we went there in LA.</p>

<p>D2 has to do summer reading for her pre-move-in community service program. Something called “The Blue Sweater” about which I know nothing. She picked up the book at BN last night.</p>

<p>I realize that it is different in many ways so don’t beat me up too badly, but 2 words… “College Crackfidential.” Sometimes I wonder if we are the pots or the kettles? :)</p>

<p>Can’t believe how many posts since this a.m.! I am definitely a slacker on this board.</p>

<p>S had computer troubles…something about the anti-virus on his (new) laptop not wanting to install updates, so he thought he had a virus! Ugh. After spending most of the day trying various solutions, he finally figured something out. What, I have no idea, but the crisis is over. And I guess it’s a good learning experience if he’s going to be a CS major.</p>

<p>t_c: LOVE the story! That is truly amazing! </p>

<p>GSharp - let me know if you ever do finally feel the need/desire to take up ballet! </p>

<p>I hung out with a friend for most of the day, then went downtown to get a few sort of college-related things. I got a case for my new computer (the ones at the Apple store I went to yesterday weren’t that great), some much needed new sneakers, and a North Face backpack (bye, graduation money!). It was truly exhausting. The Apple store was the definition of chaos; you could barely move around inside. And the whole time I was shopping, I didn’t hear anyone else speak English! No one! Too many European tourists…I can’t believe how many people were out, even close to 7 pm!</p>

<p>Sorry FindAPlace not a NU parent but my son is going to University of Southern Cal.</p>

<p>He’s my only and i’m losing my mind now that its getting soooooo close. Hey if I was to have a chance to change it…I know I wouldn’t because it was a great fit and if he’s happy…</p>

<p>Welcome, ReturntheFava! A friend whose child has already left for his college town gave me good advice - enjoy the time you have left with your son. Try not to think about LATER yet! </p>

<p>I’m starting to realize how socially backwards DS is. He’s really quite shy when I think about it. He had two friends over tonight. I literally cannot remember the last time that happened, and this time was due to DH’s suggesting it. When the first boy arrived, DS looked at me and said, “Mom, have any idea what we can do?” Ack! I remembered that the ladder golf game was still set up in the backyard, so I suggested that and it worked out well. I’m hoping college will bring him out of his shell some!</p>

<p>It’s hot and sticky tonight, and I can’t sleep. That’s the one disadvantage to living in Maine - we don’t have AC (except for a window unit in our office), and a few nights a year we could really use it. Maybe I’ll turn on the office AC and sleep on the floor!</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Welcome to psychmomma, AJ, and TWINMAMA. </p>

<p>t_c - cute story! I remember that early writing! Have to admit that it used to make me a little crazy, but it’s so much fun to look at it now.</p>

<p>acm - the dinner you made last night sounded so good!</p>

<p>Thanks to all for the good wishes yesterday - my friend and I had a great time in the city. We went to lunch and the Museum of Modern Art.</p>

<p>I found a thank you note S recieved after a little girl came over to play when they were in first grade. I will never throw it away. The funny thing is she moved away and then went to the same boarding school as S. They weren’t even friends!</p>

<p>Good morning and welcome to our new friends. :)</p>

<p>t_c I love your story. Definitely leave that in your room for your family to enjoy. </p>

<p>I left my lunch at home today. Pooh. Now I have to spend an arm and leg in the cafeteria downstairs. </p>

<p>I’m visiting an audiologist at 4:30 today. I swear H mumbles and he says I’m hard of hearing. So I’m having a hearing test today to settle the argument. Stay tuned…</p>

<p>Hi momof3sons, good to “meet” another parent of twins! It’s a unique relationship, and I think it adds another layer of emotion as our kids get ready to go off to college. The longest my girls have been apart is 3 1/2 weeks one summer when one went off to sleepaway camp. She chose not to return the following summer because she missed her sister so much!</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn, I’m in Maine too- it has been a hot and sticky summer here compared to usual, and we have no air conditioning either. Fans can only do so much!</p>

<p>SLUMOM- I see that we both have daughters going to Wheaton!</p>

One of my boys is working out of state this summer for 8 weeks and another is living at home while working as a camp counselor. They would have been apart for those 8 weeks if I hadn’t suggested that the one living at home go visit his brother over July 4th weekend. They seem fine with the whole separation thing because they’ve done it before. I think they may be communicating via Facebook at times, but that’s just an educated guess on my part. :slight_smile: As I mentioned yesterday, they are going to schools around 800 miles apart, but they are each following their dreams and would not have wanted anything to do with the school the other one picked.</p>

<p><envious of=“” the=“” twins’=“” relationships=“” in=“” twinmama=“” and=“” momof3sons=“” families=“”></envious></p>

<p>Morning all!</p>

<p>CaliD: Sounds like you had a successful shopping trip. :)</p>

<p>mommusic: Sorry for the computer troubles, though YAY for your S’s skill in fixing it.</p>

<p>ReturntheFava: Welcome! All the best to your S at USC.</p>

<p>LIMOM: So glad you enjoyed your lunch at the MOMA. I love it there!</p>

<p>DB: Hope the hearing test goes well and that you are able to find something delicious and reasonably priced for lunch.</p>

<p>Pretty quiet around here…the biggest news is that my Yankee Fan daughter (a family trait :wink: ) is going to a Met game today with her camp. I’m sure she will be polite and as a NY sports fan, if they are not playing the Yankees, she will root for the home team. </p>

<p>Wishing all a great day, whatever you have planned.</p>

<p>Stay :cool::cool:</p>

<p>PAVenturer: I don’t have twins, though I have a twin sister…When growing up my D and I were not that close…we became much closer after we went to college (about 400 miles apart). And our daughters…are are VERY eerily similar (amazing since they grew up in different cities). Your S and D may have a different relationship as they mature…</p>

<p>well round these parts (Boston) Northeastern is NU, just here on CC is is overshadowed by Northwestern so several have taken to calling it NEU. </p>

<p>We aren’t sure if we will be able to decline the health insurance, that is on H’s todo list as he is the primary acct holder I passed that chore to him. Our insurance would need to meet certain guidelines as as an OOS HMO we’re not sure about that. BUT, if it doesn’t we would also look into other plan options at open enrollement to see if they would come in less than the $2100+ for the Chicago plan.</p>

<p>I was kind of sad when D chose not to come home on her last 36hr break. We’ll see what she does on the next (and last) one. She said at the first one that she missed us as all the campers were doing home so she wanted to also.</p>

<p>Zinn is big in this area. I was just watching Good Will Hunting the other night and he is mentioned in there, but must have been before I started watching. He recently passed away.</p>

<p>tc- love that story. D1 wrote and illustrated books (like ~20 pages of drawings with a sentence or two on each) in kindergarten (part of what drove us to have her enter 1st grade early) and I hope we have them somewhere. I remember having to fold and staple sheets of paper together for her so that she could make her books.</p>

<p>momof3sons, my daughters were clear that they didn’t want to go to the same college and I think it’s good that they aren’t, as they both need some space to grow as individuals. Still, I think that they will desperately miss one another, at least at first. They are more emotionally dependent on one another than they think! (IMO)</p>

<p>I’m hoping so KS!</p>

<p>DougBetsy- What? (:D) My DH most definitely has a hearing problem, which he refuses to admit. His denial is fueled by the doctor who says, “ALL wives think their husbands have a hearing problem.” :rolleyes:</p>

<p>kinidredspirit-I hope that your D will be wearing Yankee paraphernalia to CitiField just as we see Mets logo stuff at The Stadium. Hopefully, the weather will clear.</p>

<p>All husbands who have been married long enough develop a selective hearing problem…</p>

<p>Ugh, I have to stay off other boards, I think! A student on another board posted a good question about the difference between Architectural Engineering (my major) and structural engineering. He posted quotes from another engineer that were totally incorrect. Arch. E. is the engineering of BUILDINGS. I liked it because I didn’t have to take civil classes such as highway design that I had no interest in. I was MORE prepared to be a structural engineer than a civil student was. But people have a misconception that it’s “engineering lite” or “architecture lite,” and it’s frustrating to feel as if I have to justify the major! It is the first or second hardest program to get accepted into at UT now, so I guess some people like it.</p>

<p>Sorry for the rant. It gets my dander up!</p>

<p>Yay - William & Mary now has 3 parents in this thread!<br>
12rmh18: how did registration go yesterday, and the housing assignment Saturday?
anothercrazymom: has your S been reassured by hearing of others’ satisfaction with Botetourt dorms?</p>