Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>momof3: No worries. She had her Yankee hat on! (no shirt because she had to wear her staff shirt) :smiley: I think most of the counselors and kids are Yankee fans anyway! :slight_smile: And the weather is clearing up here…Hope you have the same :)</p>

<p>scaulum: Most definitely! ;)</p>

<p>ML: Sorry for your upset on one of those “other” boards…We’re here for you!</p>

<p>good morning everyone!!! son will be home in 5 days!!</p>

<p>MORNING, ALL!!!</p>

<p>Sorry for early-morning enthusiasm, but the endorphins from the morning walk are raging, plus ds2 just called from camp to tell me all about last night’s happenings. Very fun. I’ll get to see him in just a few hours for his big mock trial debut.</p>

<p>I have an idea! (Aren’t y’all thrilled?): We spend so much time complaining (ususally, good naturedly) about our kids on here, so I thought we should take one day to also mention something they’ve done recently that delighted us. I realize at this point, some of us have to reach back further into the recesses ;), but surely we can all come up with something. And kids, you have to brag on one/both of your parents!</p>

<p>Here’s mine: Last night while eating dinner, we were watching the evening news. At the commercial, we were talking about the previous story, and ds1 said, “Well, I heard on NPR …” I stopped him and said how delighted I was that, even if I’m not in the car, he listens to NPR, and he said he listens every morning on the way to work. Music to my ears. :)</p>

<p>OK, you’re turn!!!</p>

<p>great idea yds!!!</p>

<p>hmmm… the package of coffee that was sent also had 5 pieces ( 2 bowls, a platter, a candlestick and a clock base) that son had turned on the lathe while visiting my dad… i was really impressed with them!!</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone! </p>

<p>Just dropping by to say hi. Leaving to take an earlier ballet class this morning. And, I leave for college in exactly 2 weeks from today!</p>

<p>@Flinty: dorm assignment is fine. Roommate & registration - not so much. We’re in the midst of major nest fouling right now…as in, Sunday’s thunderstorms pale by comparison.</p>

<p>Nice idea YDS!</p>

<p>My D has spent a few hours a week, after she is home from her full day as a camp counselor, making requested, intricate lanyard and thread bracelets for children in her group and others. They are happy and so is she (even though she still regards several of the girls as difficult). She also sports the bracelets given to her so the kids feel good about their work. Makes me proud!</p>

<p>Good morning CD! Enjoy your ballet class. :)</p>

<p>12rm: Sorry about the fuss. {{{HUGS}}} to you.</p>

<p>Offspring Recent Delights:</p>

<p>D - Aside from beating me in tennis and not boasting too much about it…she did her own textbook shopping and saved $$$. I came home from work and she told me it was all taken care of.</p>

<p>S - I spent several months remodeling our guest house for him. I visited last night and he is keeping it very clean! This from a notorious slob!</p>

<p>Let me know when it’s time to complain about spouses…</p>

<p>Great idea Yds :)</p>

<p>After a rough beginning of the week, S1 had mini-meltdown on Monday night :(,
He surprised me yesterday by texting me those words “Hey mom since it is you and I this week-end, you want to go on a dorm shopping spree ?” :D</p>

<p>This Mama is :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: today, and trying to stay :cool: at the same time</p>

<p>I will go to the '11 thread to rant about S2 now ;)</p>

<p>S, who wasn’t lucky in finding a summer job, has been really good and sweet about working for mom for money. He’s doing the work with no reminders from me! He’s asking questions if he’s starting a job that he’s never done before without any nagging from me! He’s treating it like a * real job*!</p>

<p>Flinty, He was only irritated about the dorms for about 5 minutes so no reassurance needed. I can’t describe him easily, he isn’t really an optimist, more of a realist. “This is my dorm, can’t change it, so it will be fine”. I honestly can’t imagine him looking online at other peoples experiences. He is either arrogant or supremely confident, maybe both.</p>

<p>His registration went very well. Or so I heard from H.</p>

<p>here’s mine- D didn’t bring stationary to camp, knew she wasn’t likely to write many letters. However, on one of her sixes (they get a 2 hour break each day, and once a week they get a six hour break) she called my parents to talk to them. on her own without a hint or prod from me. I don’t know how your kids are with their grandparents, but mine find them extremely annoying as they don’t talk to them on their level. D2 is much nicer about it and she is grandma’s BFF but D1 is usually more surly. So I really appreciate she took this effort to call them. That plus the first break when she came home because she missed us :D</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Oh, hmmmm something nice about my son. </p>

<p>I was freaking out about not being home to go to the service for my friend tomorrow. H is in the process of starting a second company and has people over from England so I thought he couldn’t go. S said, “mom don’t worry, I will go and represent our family”. I am glad he is confident enough to do this, H rearranged his schedule and is going, but knowing that S is mature enough to do the right thing makes me feel better.</p>

<p>robinsue: my S hasn’t found a summer job, either and has been working at home for $. I told him it didn’t make sense to pay $200 for window washing or $20 car washing to someone else while he was home. My other idea is to pull out the old family photos and ask him to scan them all to store on CDs. </p>

<p>Yesterday, I was out meeting friends for tea and S called to tell me he was called to a meeting at school (he’s helping the HS band). He brought his little sis (8 yrs old) with him and then out to lunch. When they got home, he brought her to the pool to meet her friends. Lil sis is really going to miss him when he leaves…</p>

<p>DH and I went out for margaritas yesterday!</p>

<p>Good Thursday morning everyone. We are almost to the end of the week.</p>

<p>My D did not find a regular job this summer either. She has been keeping busy babysitting a couple of times a week and she has had a few birthday party princess jobs this month. Last week she made $100 for participating in a 2 hour focus goup on technology. They played with and reviewed the IPad rivals. She has been doing the laundry for me this summer and really cleaned up her room well so I can’t complain!</p>

<p>For cleaning out his room, I asked S to put all the items he values most in a couple boxes so I know they are not meant for trash when I do the super-clean after he leaves. I was very touched to see that the things in his “valuables” are gifts from his grandparents and great-grandparents, not school prizes and junk.</p>


<p>my S is painting stuff that badly needs to be painted that I don’t have time for and doing some rather heavy intensive house cleaning chores like waxing the wood floors. [Our floors are the old-fashioned wood floors that need paste wax and buffing, and we’ve got them in every room except the kitchen and baths.]</p>

<p>Last night, or should I say early this morning since D and I are night owls, D told me about the graphic designs she is creating for a PhotoShop forum she is a member of. She explained the use of blends, layering, textures, etc. Most of this is self-taught although she did take one semester in HS that mainly taught her to use shortcut keys. She mainly used this activity to de-stress during the school year. </p>

<p>Usually, when she is in “Photoshop head space”, she does not want to be interrupted, but she stopped what she was doing and explained the process and of competitions she hopes to enter her designs into.</p>

<p>Good Afternoon!</p>

<p>We are up in Maine and the weather has been beautiful. We were in Boston on Monday. I had a great time visiting with my college roommate. My husband took my younger son to tour Northeastern and he really liked it.</p>

<p>I can brag on my boys during this vacation week. We are here with many relatives with younger children. My boys have been wonderful older cousins playing patiently and happily with the younger kids. Their younger cousins are adoring them.</p>

<p>Wow! It really makes it all so real now that D has her housing assignment and has “met” her roommate online. It’s no longer an abstraction; we now know exactly where she’ll be going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning, and who she’ll be saying “Goodnight” and “Good morning” to. Gulp! In three weeks we’ll have the Honda stuffed to the gills and be on our way. I’d been so looking forward to this, sharing D’s sense of excitement and anticipation. Now suddenly, for me, it’s more like . . . I don’t know, dread? I’m going to work really hard to savor every moment we spend with her. But something keeps gnawing at me, telling me this really wonderful phase of my life is coming to an end.</p>