Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>bclintonk, I feel much the same way- I’m going back and forth between excitement for our daughters and sadness that my days as a “full-time” mom are coming to an end. In the next 6 weeks, my husband and I will both turn 50, celebrate our 25th anniversary, and become empty nesters- many milestones to celebrate, but I’m also grieving the end of one phase of my life and the beginning of something new and a bit scary. I’m trying to “let the feelings happen” but that’s hard for someone who likes to be in control! :-)</p>

<p>BUandBC: Glad you are enjoying your vacation! And nice that your younger S enjoyed his NEU tour. :)</p>

<p>Bclintonk: Hang in there! It definitely is feeling more real here as well. For me, I know it will be different (having an older S), though also excited for a different kind of wonderful with both my S and D… (and of course, my dear H)!..{{{{HUGS}}}</p>

<p>It’s nice to read the “delights” about our kids. It seems like they are all good-hearted, compassionate souls when it counts…We should all be proud, even when the age-typical not so wonderful behaviors occur. :)</p>

<p>Hope all are enjoying the day!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>TWINMAMA: We cross-posted…Also sending {{{{HUGS}}} to you.</p>

<p>Hmmm, haven’t posted anything for a number of hours. Oh wait, haven’t posted anything since post #2703 appeared. Still working on this one…:D</p>

<p>Well they say even Mussolini had some good qualites…</p>

<p>Thanks for the hugs, kindredspirit!!</p>

<p>TWINMAMA, I know I’ll be feeling the same way when the comes. Look at the positive side, you and DH are celebrating wonderful accomplishments of marriage and raising wonderful kids. I hope you have big anniversary plans for you and DH!</p>

<p>The funny thing is DH and I would’ve been in the same boat two years from now when D2 graduates…but then D3 came along eight yrs later…</p>


<p>Congrats on USC and thank you ver much for funding my H’s salary!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>lilmom, it will be hard for DH and I to get away to celebrate our anniversary this fall (he is a teacher, and then there are the 3 Parent Weekends that we want to attend!:)) but we hope to take a trip to Scotland next spring- something to look forward to.</p>

<p>TWINMAMA, I understand, we’re in education, too. Scotland sounds great - my DH would be on board if it involved golf, too! I was thinking of surprising DH with an anniversary trip but the thought of having 2 kids in college by that time is overwhelming.</p>

<p>We have a room assignment and the name of the roommate, but as of yet no contact information. Roommate is not on Facebook – can you imagine the horror of this?</p>

<p>We’re not sure we’ll be able to afford this trip along with tuition bills (thank goodness for financial aid!) but we’re going to try- I’ve been saving my pennies :)</p>

<p>Not on facebook! That does seem horrifying, and a little unusual zooser.</p>

<p>Zoosermom–I thought I was the only person in America not on Facebook…feels that way sometimes, anyway.</p>


It’s obviously a sign that this young lady is a serial killer. Or the most anti-social person ever, and she is NOT GOING TO BE MY D’S LIFELONG BEST FRIEND!!!</p>

<p>Or maybe she uses a nickname on FB? ;)</p>

<p>LIMOM! The voice of sanity!</p>

<p>Or maybe she keeps her profile really private? LOL.</p>

<p>Zooser…did your D get an e-mail for her? I think you can search facebook by e-mail instead of name. It is a little unusual in this day and age for the kids to not have a facebook although I know some of them deactivate them from time to time…</p>

<p>ZM, one of D’s suitemates has her FB profile set SO private no one can find her. You can only see her if she friends you. D only knows who she is because the girl’s roommate told her. D also knows a few girls who are on FB with their first and middle names, but no last names.</p>

<p>zm - I couldn’t find my roommate on FB, either. Turns out she just didn’t use her last name on FB. All will be fine :)</p>

<p>CheckersMidwest - I actually text in complete words, sentences, with correct grammar, ec. My mother, on the other hand…:D</p>

<p>jc40 - My parents couldn’t afford to get me many toys when I was little, but the one thing I remember distinctly is a Rubik’s Cube they got me when I was really young. I spent something like 5 hours on the floor, completely immersed in it, until my uncle helped me solve it. So maybe that’s where my love of colors comes from? :slight_smile: I will admit that I still love rainbows.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone! I spent the night at my grandparents’, as my grandmother had a doctor’s appointment and she needed someone to watch (basically babysit) my grandfather. Luckily, he was feeling a bit better and even made a little bit of sense this morning.
It’s really unfortunate, I think, that while many grandparents are still fairly healthy when their grandkids are little many of them get to the age where their health starts to falter just around the time their grandkids are teenagers and young adults. It means that many kids’ clear memories of their grandparents are of them being sick instead of of them being healthier and actively participating in their kids’ lives. I’m not sure if that made real sense, but I hope it did. This is one of the reasons I’ve decided that I want to have children when I’m still rather young - I want both myself and my parents to be able to play with them and spend time with them.</p>