Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>jc40, yes, I can relate. Not so much with oldest S, but with S2.</p>

<p>lilmom, I cooked for myself today too, Ginger Orange Chicken, Roasted Potato and Arugula Salad w/lemon dressing and fresh parmesan. I also made a banana bread. I will be eating leftovers since I am alone down here!</p>


Care to share the recipe for that?</p>

<p>Yum! I’ll be over to help with the leftovers. ;)</p>

<p>We had two salads–pasta salad w/feta & veggies, and black bean salad. No cooking involved, since I boiled the pasta yesterday and the beans were from a can. I think tomorrow it will be time to throw some meat on the grill. :)</p>

<p>My children have one grandparent left on each side of the family, and I recently thought about how different it is from my experience. They frequently fly from wherever they are living/in school to visit grandparents, as well as visit us, and each other. I never had to do that (well, just went home occasionally!)</p>

<p>Good evening everyone! I spent most of the day with my two cousins! We hung out at one of my cousins’ apartment (she is getting her PhD in Neuroscience from the Mayo Clinic) and talked about the family drama. We then hung out in the pool for like 3 hours, haha. It was nice to relax for a while. </p>

<p>All sets of my grandparents are alive and my great-grandfather passed away in March. One set of grandparents are entering into their seventies while the other set is entering into their seventies. I do love both but they each bring their own drama. </p>

<p>lilmom - Your dinner sounds so good. I think I might know the DC cupcake place your friend is talking about. I’ve heard pretty good reviews about it. </p>

<p>I love my parents and they would do anything to help me. They sacrifices for me to go the high school I went to and will be sacrificing for my college. They want for the best for me.</p>

<p>I am trying desperately to keep up with this thread, but it is not easy. Getting a bit nervous about D leaving for school in less then 4 weeks since she is away at overnight camp and NOT getting school stuff accomplished. We had a big problem (with her - running out with friends during agreed upon family time) the last time she came home - long story - and nothing got done except her laundry (I don’t want to post the details since I’m supposed to be posting something positive about D). I did lay into her a bit the next day but now she is seeing (I think) that she is behind in getting up to speed on college stuff). Anyway, I’ve been trying to find out when her days off are for this 4 week camp session - the staff gets 3 different days off - but days off are 24 hour periods (one is 36 hours) that start late in the day, not in the morning. Very inconvenient for family who wants to see them. Today was the first day all week that some sort of mail did not arrive from her school - highlighting for me that she is missing getting up to date by not checking her college email address (which I don’t have - and don’t want - access to). I just know there is additional information on there for her. All this college mail is stressing ME out because D should be reading it and getting excited and prepared to go but instead I read it and just think this is one more thing D still has to get up to speed on. To add to it (since this is turning into a vent, but I promise a good comment about D is coming), I’ve had an extremely stressful week at work, which has me down. Lots of personnel changes in the past 9 to 12 months all in areas I support. So, so stressful right now.</p>

<p>Anyway, my postitive news about D? She called me on her period off this afternoon to check in and tell me the dates and times of all of her days off. She could have texted me, but she called. :slight_smile: She had gotten an invitation to a freshmen send off in our area on an upcoming Sunday afternoon and I had told her more then once to try and get this day off although I thought it could be tricky because the reception is in the afternoon and she would have to be given the day off starting in the morning so she would have time to drive home, change and for us to drive the the reception. Well, as part of her call today she told me that she has been given that Sunday off starting at 10:30 which will give her time to get home, shower and change and get to the reception. It sounds like a piddly little story of praise, but its all I’ve got with her away! She will be home one night this week and I told her that after we have dinner, we’ll be out looking at laptops then she has to read all the college info she is behind on. I know it will eventually work out, but I won’t feel better until there is more progress. We are shipping a lot of her stuff to school and the local pick up date is Aug. 10. Uh, that is 12 days away and PART of one box is packed. Must stay :cool:, must stay :cool: . . .</p>

<p>Hmmm, I forgot to post about the grandparents. My dad, who I love and miss very much, died when I was in my 20’s. Sept. will be 25 years so my kids never met him. He was the steady voice of reason - the rock - of my family and loved kids. I am so sad he never knew my kids. He had met my DH a few times - we were dating then. So he was not even alive when I got engaged and was not at my wedding. My mother is still healthy and adores my kids (her only grandkids). She is so proud of them and pretty much gushes over them but my kids adore her too. Unfortunately, she does not live nearby. DH’s parents are close by but they have many grandchildren. My kids love them too - they have a good relationship - it is just not the same as with my mom. </p>

<p>I was the youngest grandchild for all of my grandparents (my mom’s dad died when I was an infant) and I was close with the 3 of them I knew, especially with my maternal grandmother, who lived to 91 and died when D2 (the one going off to college) was 1. So my grandmother got to see 2 great-grandchildren. I am now starting to better understand being in the sandwich generation part of life as I see my mother and inlaws starting to slow down in various ways. All three were amazing when D1 was sick, although I know their hearts broke like ours did.</p>

<p>Fortunately, I am taking tomorrow off from work and spending it with a friend so my next post should be more upbeat. Thanks for “listening”.</p>

<p>mdemvizi, I’m really not a great cook (unlike ACM :)) but this is one dish everyone likes. My friend was raving about banana split cupcakes from CakeLove Bakery in DC and it put me in the mood to bake!</p>

<p>acm, your salad sounds divine. I have 4 very ripe bananas waiting to be made into muffins right now.</p>

<p>mommusic, tomorrow’s dinner may be jerk chicken salad. No cooking! :slight_smile: I love salads in the summer (now if only the weather here would cooperate - its barely in the 70’s.)</p>

<p>Good morning and TGIF. :)</p>

<p>My kids have 5 grandparents (4 bio + my step dad) and 1 GGM still living. They actually knew 3 other G-Grands, but they’ve since left us. Tomorrow is Grandpa’s 75th bday party. We’re heading to South Jersey for that. </p>

<p>Other than that, not much to report. Looks like Son can cut the grass today.</p>

<p>ETA: I forgot to add - cross your fingers. I applied for a new job last night.</p>

<p>TWINMAMA, my S is going to Wheaton, he is the youngest of 4 children… YAY!<br>
It would be nice if he finished that writing assignment, though & turned in academic type choices to his advisor. :cool: </p>

<p>So hard to keep up with this thread!</p>

<p>good morning all! going to be another hot one here…99 and no idea of the heat index but yesterday it was 103. </p>

<p>grandparents: never really knew most of mine, met one set once, one grandfather twice, and then my other grandmother eventually moved from england and in with my mother, but by then i moved to the states. my grandmother was a character… one her 100th birthday, my mother held a party… family from england came…my oldest son and i went. now she was singing and happy and knew everyone (as far as we knew her only health problems were hearing and vision). after the party we flew home the next day…walked in the door and the phone was ringing…,my mother to tell me Nan had died !! Turns out she told my brother 2 days before the party…that she was looking forward to the party but was then “cashing in her chips”.</p>

<p>my kids really havent spent much time with their grandparents either. my H’s divorce agreement had his kids coming to us at xmas, so for about 10+ years after we moved here, we didnt have xmas with my family or H’s…and then it was always some reason (WORK) that we didnt go visit…another reason i am proud that my son chose to go to canada and spend time with them!! </p>

<p>i cook for myself everynight… a peanut butter sandwich, a hot dog, a bag of chips</p>

<p>DB… fingers crossed for your new job</p>

<p>love the posts about our kids but especially the ones about our virtual kids parents… i wonder what my kids would post LOL</p>

<p>question for those with kids that were in rotc programs? can you give me an overview of what it entails in hs jrotc?</p>

<p>reason is…as you guys know my youngest is having real problems at school (combination of he wont do the work, the school system has continued to pass him despite failing all tests, not doing assignments etc and he figured out…why do the work if they will pass you) last year (9th grade) they finally failed him…all academic classes. he took algebra 1 for the 3rd time this summer and passed…so just registered him for next year and he is re-taking all 9th grade classes but i put him in rotc hoping that he will learn some skills there…i did it primarily because i had heard great things about the colonel that runs the program. son is REALLY upset and says he doesnt want to be in the class… i know i should have done more research on it but just trying to find something that will give him some self esteem and drive…but right now i cant really tell him what is involved.</p>

<p>one thing happened yesterday at registration that made me feel good (son has a major attitude problem) and i stood in the line if front of the colonel to ask if any fees were due, colonel said no… so i turned to my son who was sulking at that point to ask if we needed to go to any other line…" i dont know, could care less"…and the colonel piped right up and said… I better hear a Yes mam or No Mam son"</p>

<p>Good morning all!</p>

<p>I also have enjoyed reading the “good stuff”…and especially about “our girls’” parents. They are lucky to have you tc, keil and mdemvizi! (and of course same goes to you CaliD! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Sending you some {{{{HUGS}}} PAO2008. I hope you enjoy your day off!</p>

<p>DB: All the best with in getting that new job!</p>

<p>Another humid and hot day here as well!..Trying to stay cool.</p>

<p>A trip to BB&B is in my future tonight with D. I was advised to come during the less hectic hours. That might add to the :cool: feeling…when we finish!</p>

<p>Wishing all a great TGIF and upcoming weekend.</p>

<p>Have a good one!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>triple triple ready for you KS!</p>

<p>SLUMOM, D2 is the one going to Wheaton (she’s the younger twin by 21 minutes :)). She’s finished the required reading but still working on the writing assignment. We did manage to help her with the preliminary registration form for fall classes last night- we wanted her to do it herself, but navigating the website wasn’t easy! She’s the one who’s been a bit in denial about going off to college, but I think that she’s finally starting to get excited now that it’s almost August. How about your S- do you think he’s looking forward to it?</p>

<p>We’re off this morning for our one week road trip to New Mexico. I’m sure I’ll be lost trying to keep up in the evening when we’re at our wi-fi equipped lodging, but I’ll try.</p>

<p>Ugh, heard on the radio there are fires in northern LA County. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>^^Thanks parent56! :slight_smile: I could use the energy (my H has gone to get me Starbucks and it’s taking a long time!)…I didn’t do any cooking last night…but I do have an assortment of warm bagels that will be here momentarily…Help yourself…and of course, there’s plenty for everyone! In the virtual world, there’s an infinite supply of everything. :)</p>

<p>Enjoy your road trip FAP! Be safe!</p>

<p>fap… have a great trip!! i think a sign that i have de-stressed somewhat is that i figured out a long time ago, i cant keep up on this thread…so i look for our wonderful re-cappers posts…or just jump back in, oblivious to all that went on before LOL</p>

<p>parent56–I have high hopes that the colonel will fix what ails your son! </p>

<p>I loved when 2 of my boys were taking taekwondo. There was a large male adult telling them what to do, and it wasn’t DH so they couldn’t talk back! :wink: I guess any sport will have a similar effect.</p>

<p>Great cartoon on xkcd today ( for the uninitiated) on “What is on the front page of a college’s web site” vs. “What people go to the web site to find.” You all will appreciate it, I’m sure!</p>

<p>I’ve only been checking in briefly for the last couple of days since I was working (I work 3 days a week) but I gather we are suppose to talk about grandparents and come up with something positive to say about our kids.</p>

<p>I’ll start with the easy part: All four (actually six - my parents are divorced and remarried) are alive and reasonably healthy. My husband’s parents (and cousins and various relatives) live nearby so we see them frequently and they had been very involved in son’s life. Something I have appreciated since he is our only child and it gives him a sense of extended family. We’ve traveled quite a bit with my family, so son has good memories with them. </p>

<p>Something positive about son: well, we had a huge storm come through this week - trees are down everywhere in our neighborhood (we have 100+ yr old trees in this area and they are prone to falling when the winds are strong enough). I only had to ask son once to go out in the yard and pick up limbs. In fact, I texted him at 8am while he was still in bed and by 10am he had already taken care of it. Shocker. I was very proud of him. He’s getting rather good about doing some things without being reminded (still bugging him about room though).</p>

<p>Anyway, we are down to 2 weeks! Can’t believe it. Starting to feel a little panicked about getting everything ready and how much stuff that has accumulated in the pile to take to college. Does it seem like a lot to everyone else? The bulky things are a fridge, microwave, printer, comforter and mattress pad. I haven’t even started adding clothes to the pile. We definitely will be taking our two (smallish) SVUs.</p>