Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>shillyshally - I am glad orientation went well. Finding food you like is a big thing. Yay!</p>

<p>lilmom - What a fun trip you and your daughter will have! I hope it works out with your friends, but a mother/daughter adventure would be wonderful.</p>

<p>bubbe - No advice here. We’ll probably go with Target or Bed, Bath, and Beyond.</p>

<p>mdemvizi - What? That must be a shock for your family. I’m wishing the newlyweds happiness. </p>

<p>jackief - I don’t know what your news has been saying, but the shark thing led off the evening news here. Be careful! Have fun! :cool:</p>

<p>PAO2008 - {{HUGS}} Glad to hear that your daughter is happy with her dorm assignment.</p>

<p>anothercrazymom - {{HUGS}} Hoping your beach time is relaxing.</p>

<p>kindredspirit - Waving! I hope you’re not still at the outlet mall… ;)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hello everybody,
This thread sure moves fast! I don’t usually have much of a chance to get on during the day, so major catch ups are needed at night!
I am on call this weekend so we are just staying home, the house needs to be picked up in a major way, D2 has a soccer game, we need groceries etc etc. Same old , same old. Hopefully we will get out on the water at some point.</p>

<p>D1 has been looking online for bedding and decorating ideas, we will start shopping soon.
She also seems to think she needs a whole new wardrobe! So different from S1, who had to be dragged out to the mall.</p>

<p>PAO2008, I am so sorry about your daughter, thank you so much for sharing.</p>

<p>I am also worried about the sick dog, I am a big animal lover and I know how much i worry when my own pets are sick.</p>

<p>Good night everyone!</p>

<p>PAO2008: my son, our youngest, is also going to WUSTL. He’s hoping to get into the modern building, not sure why. But, he still doesn’t know where he was assigned. I’m guessing you live closer to Mo than we do! He’s a very social guy although not a drinker or partier. Right now, he and his brother and a few more friends are creating (writing and sketching a map) a very interesting scavenger hunt: </p>

<p>“In the graveyard, find a spot
With stone doves, and mark a dot.
At a place in the park, seize the day.
And at that point, sketch a ray.”</p>

<p>etc. (6 more stanzas)</p>

<p>What fun these kids have! It’s 11:00 on a Friday night, in a nearby town park, being harmless and creative. Anyway, I did want to say that I’m so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing.</p>

<p>DB: how is Batman? Pls send us an update!</p>

<p>Edit: just realized (thanks to CC) kids go on the WUSTL website to find out their housing.</p>

<p>PAO2008 I can’t imagine how that would be as a parent. I had a baby sister who died at six weeks, but she hadn’t really become a real person and I was only six when she passed away.</p>

<p>I’m hope we get good news about Batman.</p>

<p>I’m not a big fan of suites - I had three years in suites and one of doubles and singles on a corridor and the latter was much less isolating for me.</p>

<p>S2 waited till the last minute to fill out the roommate forms and lots of kids have already paired up. He put in a roommate request, but the guy already had someone. They might be able to work out a larger group, or he may just have to take the luck of the draw. Maybe he’ll learn not to wait till the last minute for everything?</p>

<p>My daughter is going with the luck of the draw (by choice). She requested a double on a hallway (more social). I have my fingers crossed for her! :)</p>

<p>mdemvizi - Good luck to your brother and your family. How did you mom take it?</p>

<p>D got her roomming assignment yesterday. She and another girl who met on FB and then met in real life decided to room together, they’ve hung out together a couple of times (roommate lives 1/2 hour from us) and they seem like a good match. They got their second choice dorm, it’s not terribly conveniently located but it is the style of dorm they wanted so I think they’re happy. </p>

<p>PA02008, words fail me but thank you for sharing. I can imagine no greater tragedy in life than the loss of a child. </p>

<p>And who knew Batman had so many virtual friends? lol I hope he’s ok!</p>

<p>T_C and I get housing info around July 15th and i"m nervous as can be. I requested the girl I’m rooming with, but I’m worried they won’t honor the request. I’m excited to find out what house I’m in though!!!</p>

<p>rocket6louise…I wouldn’t worry too much about them not placing you with your roommate request. It doesn’t happen very often. Let us know what house you get, okay? Good luck!</p>

<p>PAO2008…thanks for the encouragement. She’s starting to put everything in perspective and realize it’s only 8 1/2 months. It’s doable. Again, so sorry to hear about your oldest. My brother died a very, very tragic death when he was a teenager; nothing can be harder for a family. My heart bleeds for you and others who have hade to endure such tragedy.</p>

<p>jackief & acm…have fun at the beach! Wish I could tag along:)</p>

<p>I just realized my summer break is almost 1/2 over:( (teacher) Actually, I LOVE my job!!! Typically, by the end of July, I’m ready to get back. Ambitiously, I always say I’m going to do A,B,C,D,E… over the summer and get all caught up on various stuff around the house that I’ve put off. Ask me what’s been done so far :)</p>

<p>I think my dog must be having sympathy pains for Batman. He hasn’t been eating the past two days and has been sleeping a lot. He just threw up some grass he must have eaten the day before. Best wishes to Batman!</p>

<p>intouch - My mom is… I don’t know. She is mostly annoyed at my brother for not telling her straight out that he was going to San Diego (on the ticket she paid for) to go get married. He told his dad but didn’t tell my mom for an unspecific reason. We are going to be happy for my brother and my mom is excited to meet his wife (oh that is weird) which I am thinking will be soon since he has already applied for military housing on base.</p>

<p>Still no news on Batman? I hope he is okay.</p>

<p>I am also sitting here worried about my dog. My son called me around 10:30 last night. He had let the dog out before locking up for the night and when he called him back in he wasn’t there. My dog is terrified of loud sounds and someone was letting off fireworks. He must have gotten scared and ran through the invisible fence. The boys looked for him until midnight in the neighborhood and in the woods. They even went to some adjacent neighborhoods. I finally told them to stop and go home. My H and I are at the beach 4 and a half hours away. I have my cell # on his tag so I’m sitting here hoping someone calls now that it’s light. I can’t imagine him out wandering all night. He is a pampered pooch, definitely not prepared for independence. I am a nervous wreck. I hope nothing bad has happened.</p>

<p>good morning!!</p>

<p>mdem…wow that must have been a surprise for your family!!!</p>

<p>sailorette…good luck with shopping…we havent even started yet…and now with his trip it may be at the last minute</p>

<p>limabeans…sounds like fun!!</p>

<p>hope all get the room assignments they want. son knows what dorm he is in, and his roommate…he was supposed to be in honors dorms but didnt like those, managed to get into an older dorm he does like…more like an apartment with full kitchen etc</p>

<p>BUandBC…hope your puppy finds his way home soon!!</p>

<p>hoping that Batman is ok!!!</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>BUandBC82 - hoping you’ve received good news about your dog.</p>

<p>DB - still crossing my fingers for a good Batman report.</p>

<p>I’m a little envious of all of your kids who are receiving roommate/housing assignments. D won’t receive hers for almost a month, and she refuses to start shopping because she wants to coordinate with her roommate.</p>

<p>BT - hope you’re enjoying your time with your DD.</p>

<p>Bubbe - I’ve seen the sheets and comforters in Harvard’s linens package. I think they have the same ones available at JC Penney, so you could probably find them cheaper on sale there - though that might not be as convenient. BTW, my D will be going to school on 8/19 as well. Maybe we’ll run into your GS? Will you be going for the drop off as well? We’ll be going back on the 26th with all of her stuff.</p>

<p>jc40 - wow about your summer being half over! Ours just started! Still, with D having to report to school on 8/20 for pre-orientation, and S having to report to school 2 weeks early for football practice, I can tell our summer is going to go by very quickly.</p>

<p>PAO - {{{{Hugs}}}} </p>

<p>mdemvizi - yikes about your brother! Hoping you get along with your new SIL when you meet her.</p>

<p>limabeans - how did your S do on his scavenger hunt last night?</p>

<p>parent 56 - i just skimmed quickly trying to get caught up, if I missed anyone answering your question about cell phone in Canada, sorry to double answer - we travel to Canada to visit relatives regularly - never an issue with cell phones. Our plan covers all calls in North America and I believe most of the “standard” plans do - can’t say for sure about the budget plans. Never an issue for me (we use verizon). No issue with texting either.</p>

<p>Waiting for word on Batman as well…</p>

<p>Have a wonderful holiday everyone!</p>

<p>thanks cecil… we have att , i’ll give them a call and see what they say… as my son gets a zillion texts per day i better make sure those will be covered!
what part of canada do you visit?</p>

<p>Good Morning all -
Re-introducing myself though I see I’m on the college list already -
First - though AL is an abbreviation of my name - yes, I’m a mom not a dad! I’m definitely not 34 either!!!</p>

<p>We live outside Chicago - DS#1 will be a freshman at Univ. Alabama - the first I’m sending off so I plan on being a wreck. Majoring in CS and Studio Art (hopefully) in there somewhere. Has his roommates, classes, dorm etc., and has to be there Aug. 8 so that is coming up really soon. I should e panicking shortly.
DS#2 is starting his high school freshman year, marching band etc., so that should be another four years of band uniform fun!</p>

<p>Looking forward to commiserating and celebrating with you all as we go through this - figure I should be an expert by the time DS#2 starts :)</p>

<p>hi AL34!! …sounds like your son is ready to roll.!</p>

<p>My H is on the board of our local Horizon’s chapter, it is a summer enrichment program for lower income grade school students, they attend the S’s elementary school, 5 days a week all day for a very small fee. They have art classes, French, swim lessons (local families volunteer the use of their pools) other academic subjects, field trips etc. I brought cookies there yesterday morning, it was the first time I had been in S’s elementary school in years. Oh my god the memories. I went into the dining room with the cookies and seeing all the kids from the program and a lot of kids we know volunteering or working for a small stipend was so great. Don’t you just love elementary schools? My S does a sea turtle presentation for several grades there and he also has done a presentation on his trip to Tanzania where they stayed with different tribes. Anyway Horizons is a great program, so many people get involved here. [Horizons</a> National](<a href=“”> if anyone is interested. Brian Williams did a piece about it on the news.</p>

<p>Hi all,
I am the proud Mom of 2 students at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My son is an incoming freshman and my daughter is a rising senior who transferred in as a sophomore. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Greetings to everyone! Please allow me to join in and introduce myself! I have been a long time lurker and only began posting in the past year. I cannot thank CC enough for all of the great insights and information gained from many posts on different threads all throughout the college visitation and application processes. My only son is attending Northwestern in Evanston in the fall as a music performance major. We are experiencing a bit of “empty nest” as he spent one week after graduation in CA as a performer at a low brass seminar and is 6 weeks now at Tanglewood Music Institute in MA. I am from SC, a 30 year HS teacher and fiber artist, with my H a professional photographer. Hence, the music child! No, really, he is quite the visual artist and photographer himself. I am thrilled to see some class of 2014 kids on this thread attending SC schools. Mine was fortunate enough to get into his reach school and with some grants and scholarships helping us out. He turned down full rides at several other schools to attend NU, but for his major and his national HS music experiences, it was a perfect fit for his need to grow to a higher level and be competitive later. If you are an artist, brass parent, or just have questions about SC, feel free to chat! I am thrilled to find this thread - have been some on music threads. This is definitely a BIG change not having him in the house and now so far away. But, to have him at the threshold of such an exciting young adulthood filled with so much challenge, stimulation, and excitement is my dream come true as a parent. I am looking forward to all of your posts and I am still reading past posts - what a super interesting group of folks here! Thanks for having me! p.s. I LOVE a good mimosa!</p>

<p>welcome almar4 and t-bone parent… congrats to your children!!</p>