Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>pa2008… so sorry to hear about your oldest daughter!</p>

<p>jc40 understand why you told her to call but also understand why you wonder if you should. </p>

<p>gsharp… LOL, was he wearing a silky jersey shirt and stretch pants?? ala wild and craazy guy??</p>

<p>getting worried about Batman!!</p>

<p>well son’s trip is booked but all flights rather than the train. multicity booking. and i managed to change it to getting home 9 days before school starts. He so owes me!!!</p>

<p>btw… anyone know the best thing to do for his cell phone while in canada? that wont cost too much</p>

<p>PAO2008 – Thank you for sharing. I am sorry for your loss. Your children are truly blessed to have you for their mom. {{HUGS}}</p>

<p>jc40 – {{HUGS}} to you and your dear daughter. This is one of those ‘it is what it is’ situations. Our daughter lived through some housing disappointment as a freshman and it ended up turning out for the best. She was in a forced triple (three girls in a dorm room built for two) and had to share two tiny closets. I jokingly told her she was lucky to have her own bed… She survived, and the next three years had better luck – and better roommates!</p>

<p>parent56 – You’re right – he owes you… ;)</p>

<p>I’m picking up that wonderful daughter at the airport in ninety minutes. I can’t wait! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Really :cool: :cool:!</p>

<p>jc40 - I imagine when she gets to orientation it won’t seem so bad! They really are the coveted dorms but I do completely understand her dissapointment! My D got a single that she wanted and is fairly happy albeit exhausted from orientation.</p>

<p>She had a great time though at orientation and really loves her decision to attend and everyone she met. Her class schedule was dictated by the Engineering school but she was able to choose the one with the math professor that sounded to be the best. And she found a lot of yummy vegan food so she’s now really excited about heading there this fall and I am a lot less worried about how she’ll survive :)</p>

<p>I’ll write more later but I’m exhausted too - we were very lucky though to have great weather!</p>

<p>I’ll also catch up on posts - welcome to all newcomers and hello again to old familiars :)</p>

<p>gsharp. re: pick up line. Are you at LAX? That’s something I’d expect to hear there! :)</p>

<p>Speaking of trips, I need advice. DD and I are going on a short trip for her 16th birthday and asked her best friend to go. We invited her mom since she’s also a friend of mine. So, long story short, we wanted to go to NYC but it was too expensive for them. We changed it to SF which would be closer and more affordable. Now, mom seems to be dragging her feet when I tell her I’d like to buy the tickets and book the hotel. I feel like DD and I should just book and tell them to join us if they can. It should’ve been that way from the start. Even if they bow out now, our chance to go to NYC as originally planned is gone because DD has tournaments (scheduled after this change to SF.) I feel like uninviting them - would that be rude?</p>

<p>Yes! DH has promised an afternoon out @Toy Story (3-D) Will we be the OLDEST in the theater?? (Kids at heart!) LOL!</p>

<p>GS very busy with girlfriend & work (usual job) - in and out, in and out, of the house. He leaves Aug. 19 for week at Harvard Pre-Frosh activity - Daughter will drive up for move-in day the next week. </p>

<p>Waiting on Dorm and roommate info. GS is very ‘laid-back’. I have retreated into the background - this ‘Helicopter Bubbe’ has landed - ‘cargo’ delivered! - New duties - Cheer and send small monthly ‘pocket money’ checks. (We do this with our college grandkids, with pleasure!) </p>

<p>Daughter is pondering the ‘Linen Package’ sent out thru the college - just seems so easy - GS is not at all fussy. Any comments on this??</p>

<p>hi bubbe… i have read mixed reviews on the linen packages… some say quality not that great…and can probably get stuff at target and walmart a bit cheaper. but for convenience it sounds easy</p>

<p>PA2008 I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words.</p>

<p>I am starting to get worried about Batman. I’m not sure that no news is always good news.</p>

<p>My D started out with one of the linen packages. Not very good quality, but she used the sheets while she lived in the dorms. The towels were quite thin, so we ended up replacing them her second year.</p>

<p>PA2008 - I am so sorry to hear of the heartbreak you all went through with losing your dear D!! Thank you for reminding me to be so thankful my D is healthy and able to head to school this fall!</p>

<p>DB - I am so worried about dear Batman!!!</p>

<p>PAO, am so sorry about your oldest D. </p>

<p>Sending good wishes for Batman…</p>

<p>PAO, I, too, am so sorry to hear of your loss. It sounds like you are a strong woman and are doing your best for your kids. What else can you do? Your children are lucky to have you for their mother. {Hugs} to you.</p>

<p>I agree with zooser that no news isn’t always good news. I really hope Batman and DB are okay.</p>

<p>My brother JUST got married. Long story short he met the sister of his Army BFF. She is crazy and they became a couple. They met for one long weekend in April when her brother (my brother’s BFF) came home from Haiti. She went back to San Diego where her family is and my brother went back to Kentucky. Relationship has happened and brother flew out last night. He didn’t tell my mom that he was going out there to get married but we all knew it was going to happen. He called about 2 hours to tell us he is now married. </p>

<p>So to add on to the stress of me leaving in August, brother leaving in January for Afghanistan, we now must deal with this girl (and her crazy family) who we have never met? Who knows. ;)</p>

<p>signing off for the night, throwing a few things in a bag and headed to the cape. I won’t work on hooking up to the internet until tomorrow, probably after the beach. I’m hoping for Batman. ttyl!</p>

<p>Thanks to all who posted about my D1. I knew this was a safe place to share. I miss her more then anything - she would be so proud of her little sis and “baby” brother and we would have just celebrated her 21st birthday.</p>

<p>As for housing, my D hoped to get into an old style dorm and she did. She thought it would be more social then suite style. She just found this out yesterday. JC, I think you handled this well. I bet by the end of first semester, your D will be happy with her dorm and all the people she has met. Actually, by the end of her first week she will probably have put this behind her.</p>

<p>PAO-my deepest sympathies on the loss of your wonderful girl. I lost my first son shortly after he was born. It is the loss of the child coupled with the loss of the future person you hoped to know and continue to love. I have never stopped wondering who my son would be now, where would he have gone to school, what he would have looked like. It never really goes away completely.</p>

<p>PAO and acm, you both have my sympathies.</p>