Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Spent more than an hour trying to catch up and am now exhausted. Will update with our date tomorrow.</p>

<p>Just wanted to post that ds finally heard from his roommate in China! That made him very happy. I think he’s going to love being able to introduce him to new things.</p>

<p>Tonight was the first in more than three weeks that the whole family was together. So nice.</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/19 mdemvizi (move-in) (FDOC 8/25)
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/25 vballmom
8/26 coskat
8/26 Pengo
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/01 missemily516
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Goodness I miss a couple of days and it’s 30 pages later :slight_smile: I was able to read some of the grandparent stories and finally caught up by adding S2 to the move-in list. Looks like he’s pretty much in the middle. It’s amazing that so many will be going off to school the 2nd week of Aug - that seems so early! S1 doesn’t go back until the 3rd week of Sept.</p>

<p>Our dear dog lost her battle with heart failure yesterday and so we had to say goodbye to a loyal friend who joined our family when S2 was in kindergarten. Yesterday was very hard. This evening after dinner we lit a candle and talked for a long time about our favorite memories of her, and I think everyone felt better knowing what a good life she’d had. The cat has been sleeping in the dog’s bed for the first time ever - life moves on in mysterious ways.</p>

<p>hugs to vballmom on the loss of your loyal, family dog.</p>

<p>So sorry to hear about the loss of your special pooch. What a special friend a dog can be…</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/19 mdemvizi (move-in) (FDOC 8/25)
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 boiledegg
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/25 vballmom
8/26 coskat
8/26 Pengo
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/01 missemily516
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Hi my son moves in 23rd. August for International Student Otientation.Its finally hitting me that my baby is leaving home!Wondering about life as an empty nester!</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone! I’m adding D’s move-in date below.</p>

<p>I managed to read the last 8 pages or so (I have it set up to display long pages). Can I chime in with something nice about D? I’ve been away on business for the past 3 weeks and D has really pitched in around the house–driving her sister to and from ballet, walking the dog, and keeping the gardens watered in the sweltering D.C. heat. She was disappointed to not being able to find a job, but it’s been a blessing in disguise.</p>

<p>Glad to be home (just as the heat wave broke!). D started on some dorm shopping with my MIL. Looking forward to doing some more with her this week.</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/19 mdemvizi (move-in) (FDOC 8/25)
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 boiledegg
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/25 vballmom
8/26 coskat
8/26 Pengo
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/28 astromom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/01 missemily516
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>vballmom - So sorry to hear about your dog. The candle lighting at dinner sounds like a wonderful way to help send her spirit on.</p>

<p>I am going to update the list and change our date to the actual move-in date. Since we will be together for the road trip and beach time that seems to make more sense.</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/10 austinmtmom
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/19 mdemvizi (move-in) (FDOC 8/25)
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 boiledegg
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/25 vballmom
8/26 coskat
8/26 Pengo
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/28 astromom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/01 missemily516
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>vballmom, I am so sorry for the loss of your dog. Stalker dog woke me up at 5:00am to go the bathroom, I am no longer mad at him. They add so much to our lives.</p>

<p>vballmom, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. {{hugs}}</p>

I’m so sorry to hear about your dog the ceremony sounds like a really nice way to remember such a good friend.
I honor of your dog I am refusing to be disgusted by my little one, although he ate four baby rabbits yesterday and I can’t bear to look at him. Hard to remember they are dogs since we love them like family.</p>

<p>vballmom - sorry to hear about the loss of your special dog.</p>

<p>I guess S is now behind YDS’s S in “meeting” his roommate. They connected early on FB, but roommate wanted to “meet” via skype, and S took a week or so to install it. Now he’s got it set up, but needs to find a time to connect in spite of a 12 hour time difference and his own tendency to be indefinite (“sometime on Sunday” is not really likely to work - I’m advising something like “Does 9 PM Sunday my time, 9 AM Monday your time work for you?”) I have lots of experience at this from work, in case you can’t tell. We’ll see.</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a nice day today.</p>

<p>vballmom -sorry about your dog - son got our dog when he was 8, so I know she’s not likely to make it through 4 years of college. Sweet story about the cat. </p>

<p>Plan to organize son’s college stuff into manageable piles today. Less than 2 weeks to go! Starting to feel more real by the minute. Now, if I could just get him to de-clutter his room :(</p>

<p>so sorry to hear about your dog vballmom!!!</p>

<p>Happy August everyone!</p>

<p>mine (Sep 17) is the “leave the house” date. What I think of as the actual “launch” is Sep 20 when we say our good-byes… They are both in the same ballpark.</p>

<p>Glad to hear of all the roommate meeting and shopping stories!</p>

<p>Sorry about your dog vball</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>(((((vballmom))))) Our dog is young, but we got our cats when S1 was in preschool and they’re 13 now … I dread they day I’ll have to call or text him with bad news.</p>


<p>The candle lighting sounds like a wonderful tradition and send off for your beloved dog and family member. Just remember, no matter how long it takes, she will be patiently waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Do you think you cat is also grieving? Sometimes fellow pets do. Our beagle had a one week delayed reaction after our basenji passed away, searching everwhere in the house and moaning softly.</p>

<p>At least your college bound S (did I get that right?) had a chance to see her before college departure.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>hugs to vballmom, sorry to hear about the dog. We have a pet cemetery here, ppl spend thousands to have their pet burried there. Its like a family.</p>