Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>back from the beach, and yes it is cocktail hour here at the jackief house. H did a good job sanding the deck while I bathed in the sun (what a great guy)</p>

<p>I’m adding motherbear. Thanks for whomever two-digitized the dates for me :D</p>

<p>I plan to do a few tours with my 12er later in Aug when she is done with her job. She is not so thrilled but I’d like her to get her feet wet, plus I enjoy college tours :rollseyes: She will not be coming on the move-in trip as she will have already started classes. I hope all on this thread who also have 12s will participate over there to make it fun and lively and not all talk of class schedules and APs and over the top ECs. Let’s bring some of the comraderie from here to there.</p>

<p>glad you had a great shopping trip tc! and WOOHOO on post 3000!!!</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>t_c - I can’t wait until my D goes to college ('12) so I can have fun shopping with her! My S is no fun. He just wants to pack up his bedroom and take it with him.</p>

<p>Just came back from a successful shopping trip with S. We had already done the BB&B trip - this was for odds and ends (long underwear, socks, sneakers, and a new phone). He put up with it remarkably well (but is very happy it’s over).</p>

<p>T_C - glad you and your mom went shopping together and that you are happy with your purchases.</p>

<p>Definitely time for a virtual cocktail here. What’s the special tonight, acm?</p>

<p>BT - CONGRATS on completing your class!! </p>

<p>GSharp - Thanks for the :cool: symbols! And LOL at Hello Kitty!</p>

<p>t_c - I’m glad I’m not the only one sending a mountain of snacks to school! </p>

<p>footballmom - Best of luck to your S at Marshall!</p>

<p>Just got back from the matinee of Cabaret. Cried my eyes out in the final scene. This is NOT the Cabaret of the Liza Minnelli movie. I could REALLY use a drink acm. Still serving those Caribbean martinis today? I’ll take 2 ;)</p>

<p>BT Congrats on completing your hours HIP HIP HURRAY
Acm- thanks for the drink, whatever it was I loved it</p>

<p>Shilly-jc40-Psy- S2 will be a senior next year '11, and even though he visited all the colleges with his big bro last year…we are revisiting some of them as well as adding to the list…:)</p>

<p>DH has already done a lot with him this summer, we will do another week once we drop S1 in VA. </p>

<p>Academically their results are very similar, however two very different personalities…will keep you posted…Common Application will go live on 08-01-10 :eek: This is tomorrow ;)</p>

<p>OK so S1 and I went shopping here is what we found
Target- 2 pillows
BB&B- 4 towels (on sale)
Then on the way to the third store i hear “Mom I totally trust your taste, you can take care of the rest…right??” :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Still needs his mama :D</p>

<p>At Wal Mart today, I talked to a lady shopping for her grandson. Her gift was to buy his dorm stuff. EVERYTHING in her cart was green ! Bedding, towels, kitchen things, trashcans, drawers, etc. , couldn’t have put anything else in that cart. I didn’t see anyone with her…hope the grandson likes green. :)</p>

<p>Ok, trying out the symbols: [(blue)(heart)]…if it doesn’t work, I’ll try again. Where do you get kleenex symbols, etc?</p>

<p>I read a post about someone driving 400 miles through Arizona today. My H flew into Newark Thursday - with a 4 hour delay in Charlotte. Loaded the plane…unloaded the plane…loaded & taxied to runway…taxied back and unloaded…all due to storms. He left home at 6:00 am for the airport and finally arrived at 9:00 pm. He is buying ambulances in and around Newark. They are driving them back to northern Missouri. He sat on I-70 for a couple of hours this morning because a semi caught on fire. He was suppose to be home late tonight…looks like it will be tomorrow afternoon.
Plan B. (Dinner out :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Speaking of Plan B…we didn’t do ANY packing today. S leaves at 7:00 tomorrow morning to work emergency standby at an ATV race.</p>

<p>The boxes look nice, all stacked neatly in the garage though.</p>

<p>Footballmom–I am familar with Marshall-it does have several excellent programs (not to mention it’s Phoenix-type football program) I hope he really likes the school and the community.</p>

<p>D1 is attending the American Idol Tour concert tonight in Lexington–a graduation present from a dear family friend. I spent the afternoon cooking for Remedy Drive and Julian Drive, two Christian bands performing tonight for July Jam. </p>

<p>We are exactly 3 weeks from move-in day and not near ready…D1 has pretty much finished her summer babysitting job as the family is on vacation this week and local schools go back on August 11th. Hopefully, we can begin to get organized.</p>

<p>Just popped in to tell you that the Common App becomes available tomorrow. Aren’t you glad your through with this? :p</p>

<p>CIA - actually, I’m going to miss the application process, etc. Of course, I still have S2 of the HS Class of '14, but he couldn’t care less at this point.
I don’t feel so bad about S1’s lack of enthusiam now. We saw one of his middle-school classmates and his mom at church this evening and he’s as lackadasical as my S is - and he got into his dream school.</p>

<p>My D1 will be doing graduate school apps this year and the following year the Precious Baby King will be doing high school aps. Arrrrrrgh!!!</p>

<p>Just checking in after a LONG AND FUN day of shopping…a 7 hour marathon with D at BB&B (2 hours) and then the mall! Lots of purchases…Dorm stuff is close to done…and so is her wardrobe!! We are both very tired, though happy shoppers. :)</p>

<p>I definitely could use an acm special refresher!</p>

<p>T_c: Sounds like you also had great shopping success with your mom.</p>

<p>austin: {{{HUGS}}} and :heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>BT: BIG CONGRATS on finishing the work for your last ever course!!! Lucky kids, indeed. And right back at ya! :heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>psychmom: Hope your D is doing well…</p>

<p>2education: They always need their mamas! :smiley: </p>

<p>We are off to Philly tomorrow to see the area and UPenn (I have never been)…A chance for D to buy her school logo apparel and for us to further explore the city (including IKEA and Target!).</p>

<p>Wishing all a great rest of the night!</p>

<p>Staying :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>On the launch dates, I put the day D actually moves into her dorm - not the day we’re leaving home, which is 2 days earlier. Is that right? I assumed it was move-in date, but if it’s leave-the-house date let me know and I will change it.</p>

<p>ks - have a great time in Philly exploring with your D - sounds like fun!</p>

<p>jc40 - ah that makes sense - will you be flying in or driving in with her stuff then later?</p>

<p>My Class of '15er feels like it is forever away and that is just fine! :slight_smile: It even feels fairly distant for my '13er, I do love the breather!</p>

<p>2education - you really got my sympathy when you mentioned the common app goes live tomorrow - yikes!</p>

<p>Lafalum, I also put actual move in day even though we are going up 2 days early. It won’t be official/real for me till I 'm on the way home without her. boohoo</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/01 missemily516
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I added my D’s move in date to the list! I am here lurking on the financial aid forum mostly…</p>

<p>KS Have a great time visiting UPenn!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>I’m going to have to sneak stuff into my son’s dorm room because as far as he is concerned, he’s set (he’s not!)</p>

<p>PMKjr departure date was June 26. He left Texas to go to the Adirondacks to be a counselor. I’ll pick him up at the end of the summer, then we have ten days together and we drop him off at his dorm. He won’t be home until December break.</p>

<p>Wow - I am woozy from trying to keep up with this thread. :wink: So much happening so quickly! Anyway, just added S’s move-in day - we are leaving the day before. It will be here before we know it. </p>

<p>I am off to take lessons on how to make hearts, cool faces and change font size/colors. Not sure why as I hardly ever post . . . ;-)</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 mdemvizi
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/26 Pengo
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/01 missemily516
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Changing my date by one day :cool:</p>

<p>8/07 AL34
8/08 RobD
8/10 austinmtmom
8/11 somewhereinga
8/12 CaliforniaDancer
8/12 parent56
8/12 jc40
8/13 twinmama D1
8/14 MomLive
8/16 MaineLonghorn
8/17 CheckersMidwest
8/18 Footballmom104
8/18 PAVenturer (FDOC 8/23)
8/19 mpabon
8/19 DougBetsy
8/19 Bubbe (GS)
8/19 BlessedTwice
8/19 mdemvizi (move-in) (FDOC 8/25)
8/20 anothercrazymom
8/20 veewhitty
8/21 2education
8/21 ShillyShally
8/21 1sokkermom
8/22 bengalmom
8/23 psychmom
8/24 momof3sons S2
8/25 bclintonk
8/26 coskat
8/26 Pengo
8/27 showmom858
8/27 Lafalum84’s D
8/28 twinmama D2
8/28 zoosermom
8/30 teenage_cliche
8/30 Sailorette
8/30 mablab
8/30 intouch1520
9/01 momof2inma
9/01 CountingDown
9/01 kindredspirit
9/01 missemily516
9/02 hopeful2014 S
9/04 GSharpM7
9/04 robinsuesanders S
9/07 aliceinw
9/13 lilmom
9/13 momof3sons S3
9/14 FindAPlace
9/14 psychmomma
9/17 jackief
9/17 artloversplus
9/17 PayFor
9/18 PaperChasePop esobayS (move in)
9/18 motherbear332
9/22 esobay S (classes start)</p>

<p>Thunder, lightning, rain … current weather conditions in Santa Fe. H had to pull over on the freeway drive between Albuqurque and Santa Fe because it poured again. We’ve put off our hike in Bandelier due to the weather forecast. We’ll hang out in all the art galleries in Santa Fe in the morning, then head up to the museums in Los Alamos in the afternoon. We signed up for a walking tour as well. The woman gave me her creds over the phone, noting that the tour company she did work for 17 years was concerned at the first that a PhD in history could not be humorous. I told her to wait until she met my husband the math prof.</p>

<p>Okay, that thunder sound made me jump in my chair. I think our dogs, who are scardy cats with thunder storms, would go nuts if they lived here.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>