Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>RobD, I hope all turns out ok!</p>

<p>21 year old S went to campus to bring our old sofa to his frat house, and spend the weekend with his roommate who is staying in the house while doing an internship this summer. He came home and reported that they built a shelf and a table.
Me: A table? What kind of table? A coffee table?
S: ummmm… a game table
Me: You mean a beer pong table
S: Yup.</p>

<p>And D was on her camping trip with a dozen 18 year olds (7 guys, 5 girls). They did NOT bring any alcohol with them. But their campsite was along a popular canoeing river, and part of the river was very shallow. Canoes were going by and running aground on the sandbar. D and friends, who were playing in the river (it was at most waist deep) helped to push a canoe off the hidden sandbar. The grateful canoeists offered them a couple of beers. Lightbulbs went off over our intrepid 18 year olds’ heads. They spent the rest of the afternoon as pirates, waiting for victims of the sandbar, helping to push them off, then collecting their booty. After 6 hours they had 22 different brands of beverages, some soda but mostly beer. D told me this and said, “Don’t worry, we weren’t drunk. There were 12 of us. I had 2 beers over the whole afternoon. And PBR is disgusting - I took one sip, spit it out and gave it to the guys!” Trying to stay cool, I asked, “Did you find any you did like?” “Well… Bud Light Lime isn’t too bad.” :eek: I believe her that they weren’t drunk, but collecting beers made them feel bad*ss. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Booklady - Your S sounds like mine, only more so (mine is only about 5’10" - still growing too, I think). How do you buy pants for him? 28" waists simply don’t come long enough - and that’s assuming you can find pants with a 28" waist in the first place.</p>

<p>RobD - Here’s hoping that all is well when the tests are done.</p>

<p>I think I’ll join YDS in that Carleton Award, G#. Virtually, of course.</p>

<p>Funny, Lafalum. :D</p>

<p>Laf, that is so funny! I’m surprised that they didn’t spend time building up the sandbar to assure more people would run aground.</p>

<p>Just to be clear: I in no way condone the underage drinking; I’m just not scandalized by a little of it.</p>

<p>RobD, I’ll be thinking about your D!! What bad timing. I’m glad you have such a wonderful doctor.</p>

<p>Oh, I don’t condone it either. But it was kinda funny.</p>

<p>And I guess if we need “launching” symbols, D’s should be the Pirate sign.</p>

<p>RobD, I hope your D’s ‘glitch’ is something really minor. </p>



<p>He wears 30 waist/31 length pants…and a belt!</p>

<p>PAO - I bought my Squishable in-person, so I have no idea about shipping times, sorry!</p>

<p>It’s interesting that Haverford and Bryn Mawr both prefer (by virtual of exclusive on-campus ATM) TD Bank. Swarthmore has a branch office of Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union… Have you heard of it? I haven’t. But it seems friendly and personal, at least.</p>

<p>RobD… hope labwork turns out ok!!</p>

<p>RobD - sending good wishes your way for your D.</p>

<p>Laf - sounds like just the kind of thing I would have done at your D’s age!</p>

<p>I also don’t condone the underage drinking, but I know what goes on. I was at San Diego State University when it use to be on the list of the top 10 drinking schools in the country!</p>

<p>Lafalum…very industrious. I admire their entrepreneurial spirit. And just for the nostalgia value DH brought home some PBR a couple of weeks ago. They are disgusting and I can’t imagine why we drank them in college, other than the 6-pack probably cost 2bucks.</p>

<p>And I keep meaning to add…my DNephew will be an RA at Lafayette this coming year. He’s a sophomore EE major and cannot wait to get back there!</p>

<p>S2 signed up for the 19 meal/week plan. He doesn’t typically eat breakfast, other than quick granola bar. But the food places seem to be open long hours and he figures he can get three meals a day in during the week. At his school there also seems to be generous “meal-plan-equivalents” available at the retail food outlets, including pizza available until midnight (IIRC). We will also reexamine and move the plan around a bit for second semester if we’ve guessed incorrectly.</p>

<p>God bless my friend!! She’s been upstairs with DS for about 2 1/2 hours. They’ve already filled a couple of big, black trash bags! She said he’s working quite hard and is very decisive about dispatching stuff to the proper pile. Whoo hoo!</p>

<p>Way to go, ML’s ds!</p>

<p>RobD, hope that turns out OK</p>

<p>Lafalum, I applaud your daughter’s creativity!</p>

<p>RobD, I hope it’s something minor and easily dealt with. Let us know, please.</p>

<p>I’m hoping my D will stay (mostly) away from alcohol. She is really tiny and doesn’t always realize that.</p>

<p>In her soph year she almost drank herself to death in Chem lab (you read that right) because someone handed her a water bottle with some water and a lot of vodka. We had never pointed out to her (who thought of that?) that watered-down booze is still booze. She was in the hospital and very sick and swears that she can’t stand the smell of the stuff. I hope that’s true. If she didn’t learn a lesson from that, there’s no hope.</p>

<p>GSharp, love those margaritas! Well done!</p>

<p>YDS, when you figure out how we can all do a space/time warp to have a big CC happy hour, count me in! And your brother’s cooking trials and tribulations made me laugh out loud!! I can just imagine your dad running for the sofa cushion. Lol!</p>

<p>RobD - Hoping all turns out well for your D!</p>

<p>Laf - Can’t wait to see the pirate symbol launch for your D. I also think they were very clever (darn those teenagers and their quick little minds!)</p>

<p>ML - Woo hoo for your S and what a great friend you have there!</p>

<p>Just received another BBB coupon in the mail addressed to “Helen Keller.” I think one of S2’s friends must have signed “Helen Keller” on a mail distribution list and put down our address as a joke. Whatever list we are on has been sold many times. Over the past year, we have received invitations for “Helen” to audition for a beauty contest, join the Army Reserves, apply for college, and now “Helen” is receiving BBB coupons. I’m stockpiling them.</p>

<p>You all are so adorable! I thought the cars just went around and around. Then I met my boyfriend. I was schooled. Then I joined the Nascar pool. I have to thoroughly research something if I am monetarily involved, so now I am hooked. I would love to come to NC!!! I have gone to the Richmand race 4 times. Dover too. Pocono is close too- but kind of a boring track. I do like Harvick. My 6 yr old D loves Kasey Kayne. My BF likes Jeff Gordon. I like Mark Martin, Jimmie Johnson, Jeff Burton… and a few others. I do not like Kyle Busch! </p>

<p>My mother would just die if she knew her daughter was a country music lovin’ nascar fan. Yikes. I must admit that I have been to more Greatful Dead shows than anything else. I was married to a musician for 20 years- so my music tastes run wild. Love the Bobs- Marley, Dylan, Thompson.</p>

<p>G# love the pictures for YDS :)</p>

<p>Lafalum- was your D’s trip on the Saco River? I have had many a float down that river with an abundance of beer and other beverages, I thought of my trips when you first mentioned your D’s trip. Our crowd who used to go have wanted to go with the kids but we’ve been too afraid remembering what it was like when we were young. My GS troop also wanted to do a trip there but I diverted their attention to other places…</p>

<p>zoosermom, your daughter having to go to the hospital for the vodka incident is scary. I’ve heard that vodka has no taste or smell. </p>

<p>I have to say that I’m relieved that there was an alcohol discussion oni this thread. I’m not naive to believe that S will totally avoid it but I do hope he makes the right decisions.</p>