Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)


On the contrary, Lifetime network makes a really good country and western song. But, don’t get me and sewemma singin’ David Allan Coe again. The girls were fond of a show called “Snapped”(I think?)… said that I really shouldn’t watch.</p>


I knew that something would eventually tear this thread apart. :)</p>

<p>P56 – Your son sounds kind of like me trying to explain to one of the young guys at work last week what a spring-form pan is (we were having cheese cake and I use one when I make it). His response… “I have a pan. Does that work?”. My response… “Not really. And you can’t just pull a sheet out of the printer to use for parchment paper either.”</p>

<p>lilmom – I can’t believe how mean you are about the deep fryer. That’s like a physics and chemistry lesson in a box. Oh, I get it. You are worried about S being made fun of for cooking. Better get him one of those manly turkey fryers. Heat that baby up to around 1000° F and S will be eating schnitzel in no time (lightly breaded with a few capers on the side, of course). Plan B – get him a box of matches and a stick of dynamite… the result will be the same.</p>

<p>YDS – Carleton wins on a undergrad. per capita basis. Of the group of 4’s and 5’s:
Carleton 0.200%
University of Chicago 0.082%
Yale 0.075%
Northwestern 0.049%
UVA 0.033%</p>

<p>12rmh18 – S2 could be tactful. Something like, “Wow, <insert girl’s=“” name=“” here=“”>. I sure am glad that there is more of you to love now.” :)</insert></p>

<p>re: meals – D2 went with the 15-ish meal plan. There was an unlimited plan that was only about $200 more, but I think she is afraid of the “freshman 15” if she had unlimited food access (this from the girl that when she was a teenager was so happy when she could finally fit into a size double-zero so she could buy clothes at teenage stores and not Limited Too!). My only concern is that she doesn’t eat very much at any one sitting; she likes to eat a little at a time throughout the day. We’ll have to see how it goes and adjust as necessary.</p>

<p>Hey Everybody!!! I tried to catch up. You all have me laughing!!</p>

<p>I hate to tell you this, but a lot of the freshman 15 has to do with beer. Just an FYI.</p>

<p>G#- I am really a girlie girl. But I do love my speed channel. I think I make up for all the other women on here. I make my Nascar pick every week. So if you are feeling a little overwhelmed by all the estrogen, we can have a chat about cars that go really fast!!! hahahahaha</p>

<p>My S2 got his roomate- from California. And dorm room- a 2 room double- you walk into one room and there is a door to walk into another room. They are on the second floor, corner room with a balcony. I think he will be ok.</p>

<p>Hmmm. College football. I wonder who Wake’s rival is. This year they play…
NC State

<p>Anybody have a clue?</p>

<p>We have the big MU vs. KU rivalry. When we were in the Bahamas in July, we saw a lady at the airport with a KU t-shirt. We were immediately offended. :slight_smile: …and secretly hoped that she be detained.</p>

<p>Checkers! </p>




<p>As we’ve come to appreciate, another witty remark from GSharp!</p>



<p>aliceinw…very clever and funny! You and GSharp have provided me with my morning laugh.</p>

<p>12rmh18…Greenberry’s, huh? Okay, then! I’ll tell my D. Thanks for the rec!</p>

<p>DB, Duke is WF’s big rival.</p>

<p>sewemma, you are forgiven your NASCAR obsession because you have enough chocolate for the rest of us.</p>

<p>Wow, ds is really in the dorm shopping mood now. In about 90 seconds time he sent me three links to … ready … cleats. Hmmm, it’s a start.</p>

<p>G#, I win, I win!!! Where are those margaritas???</p>

<p>Oh, and about beer. Two weeks ago, ds had two at an all-boy sleepover. Parents – ugh – provided. He reported he didn’t like the taste, to which my genius dh replies, “You’ll get used to it. It’ll get better.” <em>palm to forehead</em> WTH was he thinking??? I replied I never liked beer and never drank the stuff, leaving out the part about my love of Jack Daniels in HS. ;)</p>

<p>LOL, G#. We suggested that to avoid instant death, S2 say something like, “Hey <insert girl’s=”" name=“” here=“”>, wanna hit the gym or go for a run with me?" But your line is much smoother.</insert></p>

<p>jc40, Greenberry’s is good. Plus, we like supporting a small local business over a corporate behemoth.</p>



<p>OMG! ROFLMAO! :D</p>

<p>For me this is the funniest thing I’ve read since cecil’s Dog Psychic.</p>

<p>And, thanks for the info about Duke. Got it. </p>

<p>Demon Deacons = good</p>

<p>Blue Devils = bad</p>

<p>Gotta love the Bible Belt. ;)</p>

<p>My son is signed up for the unlimited meal plan. There is a cafeteria that is open late right at his dorm. We figured we’d start high and reduce it next semester if necessary. This way he can run in and get a snack or drink when he wants. I don’t think he’ll gain the freshman 15. He is planning to tryout for club soccer. If he makes it that will help keep him exercising and fit.</p>

<p>sewemma - If you like Nascar you need to visit North Carolina. This is the hub of Nascar. I’ve taught some of the drivers’ children.</p>


My dog’s name is Harvick. Who’s your guy?</p>

<p>jc40, this article might be of some help: [Colleges</a> accommodate more students with food allergies -](<a href=“]Colleges”></p>

<p>I want S to gain the freshman 15: he’s nearly 5’11" (still growing) and weighs under 135!</p>

<p>I really hate the way CMU’s meal plans work. Basically, you get a certain number of blocks, and a certain number of flexible dining dollars. Basically, a block can be used for a meal, but it can be a bad deal for small meals like breakfast (wow, if that made any sense!). In any case, I got the plan with least blocks and most dining dollars, but it’s still just okay. </p>

<p>GSharp - I liked the EZ-Pass reference a while back :wink: Whenever I visit my aunt and uncle in New Jersey, there are always so many places where we use their EZ-Pass! Here in California, we have something called FasTrak - it’s good for the Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge, Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, and maybe other bridges that I’ve never been on.</p>

<p>Well, rats (not what I’m thinking, but CC won’t let me type that!) Just got a call from the dr about D’s bloodwork. There’s a glitch; nothing immediately urgently serious but something that needs to be addressed before she leaves in 4 days. So she’s going in today for another test; depending on that she might need more. I absolutely adore our Dr. She’s doing her best to get stuff done before D leaves and doesn’t want her to start school on the wrong foot. Here I was being so zen…now I’ll be worried sick.</p>

<p>If anyone is looking for YDS, she is under the table…</p>

<p>Carleton Award!</p>


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and save this for your HS reunion.

                |    |<br>
                |    |<br>
                |    |<br>
                (    )<br>
                )    (<br>
              .'      `.&lt;br&gt;
             /          \&lt;br&gt;
            |JACK DANIELS|&lt;br&gt;
            |    ----    |&lt;br&gt;
            |   (No.7)   |&lt;br&gt;
            |    ----    |&lt;br&gt;
            | Tennessee  |&lt;br&gt;
            |  WHISKEY   |&lt;br&gt;
            |  40% Vol.  |&lt;br&gt;



<p>Oh, no, RobD. I hope this turns out to be easily remedied.</p>

<p>So sorry, Rob D! I hope your D is okay. {{{HUGS}}}</p>

<p>It has come to my attention that in a single post I mentioned beer, maragaritas and Jack Daniels. I think I need to get back on the virtual wagon.</p>

<p>I promise that I hardly ever drink, though G#'s graphics are mighty tempting. I wish this group could have a real happy hour. I imagine we’d have a blast. Hey, maybe we can do what Ali and Roberto did on The Bachelorette and just agree to drink at the same time on the same day (except they were watching movies while on opposite coasts). Or we could make it simple and drink all day, every day – that way we wouldn’t miss anyone.</p>

<p>was it ml that had a son interested in md/phd??.. son just got an email about a program for undergrad interested in mstp programs… looks good… it will be in b’ham but sponsored by vandy, emory and uab… early october</p>

<p>if anyone wants info let me know</p>