Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>zooser: just waving! :)</p>

<p>DougBetsy, I’m so glad that Batman is okay! As you can see we have all been concerned.</p>

<p>Yay for Batman!! :D</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>DB: So glad to hear that all appears to be well with Batman… definitely one of the CC kids as far as I am concerned!!!</p>

<p>Glad to hear about good news on Batman! </p>

<p>I haven’t even started the whole shopping process. I really just want to check out all the places selling stuff and then go from there. I think I learn of my roommate assignment in early August so I don’t want to do a lot of shopping before then. I am going the random mode but I am hoping to get into the Freshmen Year Housing Program which would make my options narrowed down a bit.</p>

<p>More stressful things coming from my brother but I am just glad tomorrow is the 4th so at least we have something to be happy about!</p>

<p>Kajon - So sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I saw a sign once saying “Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole.” My dog is almost 5, but whenever I hear this kind of thing, I’m so sad at the thought that someday we may have to do the same thing.</p>

<p>On another topic - I was at Target today and they have back to school supplies out already. It hit me that with S1 going to college and S2 going off to boarding school, this is the first time in 13 years that I don’t have an official “school supply list” to shop for! Kind of sad… I know that I’ll still have plenty to buy, but it’s just not the same.</p>

<p>I am SO GLAD Batman is on the mend! I’d been almost afraid to refresh (and so sorry to hear of those with sad endings!). BUandBC - so glad too yours made it home safely! I am a HUGE animal lover!</p>

<p>We’re sort of in holding for dorm stuffs - we’re batting around ideas but no huge shopping rush yet as some of it we’ll just get online and some we’ll wait until she decided what she really wants once she’s there a few weeks and can find out what feels “missing.” We’re just not really shopping types so we put it off until necessary :)</p>

<p>DougBetsy - I’m so glad to hear that Batman is doing better! :D</p>

<p>I’ve been looking online a bit trying to find some dorm bedding and stuff and cannot find much yet. I hope there will be more out. Do you think we have to actually go to the stores to get the best selection? I’m looking forward to the shopping part of this but my daughter doesn’t get her roommate assignment until mid-late July. She wants to wait until then to decide what she gets.</p>

<p>Relieved to hear that Batman is ok. Thanks for keeping us posted, DB. </p>

<p>my2sunz - Back to School stuff at Target? Already? My kids just finished school last week!</p>

<p>DB – Hooray for Batman! I’m so glad he’s okay. (He’s gotta be, right? He’s Batman after all!) I bet it was the Joker who tried to sabatoge him with the “foreign body”; obviously no match for the hero, Batman, though. I hope he continues to feel better.</p>

<p>AL – Roll Tide!!! My D’s good friend is going there too. I hope your son has a great time!</p>

<p>Almar4, Mary OC, vballmom, & PayFor – Welcome!</p>

<p>T-Bone – Wlecome and congrats on your son! Our DD almost picked NU this year. It’s a great school, and I’m sure he’ll be very happy in his program. Bundle him up! Brrrr!!!</p>

<p>RobD – The Rangers are nobody’s “consulation” :)</p>

<p>MomLive – I’ll meet you any day, any time for shopping! I’m not sure who’s having more fun with the dorm room decor…my DD or me :)</p>

<p>BUandBC – So happy to hear aboutyour dogs!</p>

<p>teenage_cliche – Have fun but BE SAFE!</p>

<p>CaliD – Do your Container Store shopping at your home store on college night (see website). Yes, you can’t get big things, but you can get some cool smaller items at a discount. Then when you get to PA, go to BB&B and Target for the bigger items.</p>

<p>Kajon – I’m SO very sorry about Charlie. :(</p>

<p>I’m hoping our 4th of July plans tomorrow don’t get rained out. Oh well, at least it’s keeping the temp down below 100:)</p>

<p>I have a huge shopping list - DD is going to be pretty far away and I want to make sure she has everything she needs. If I bought all that is in my list she will need an extra room.</p>

<p>Need to start crossing things out - I think if it’s something she can do without for a few hours or she can find at the school I don’t need to buy it.</p>

<p>Well, I hope all dog owners are settling in for the night now!<br>
DB: yeah about Batman! Those are called hair balls in cat language.
Kajon: sorry to hear about Charlie.
BUandBC: glad your dogs found their way home.
t_c: have fun! Be sure to send photos to “the album”</p>

<p>As for the scavenger hunt (mentioned on page 20?): it’s growing. Now includes more kids, who break into teams. Sometimes the players have to find unique items, sometimes they have to use a treasure map to locate “the treasure”, other times the solution only leads to the next clue. The kids are having a ball and really getting amazingly creative. The clues include town history lore and are so well written with rhymes and an old-world word usage. UChicago (known for their scavenger hunt) will be calling us for ideas.</p>

<p>On another college-side note: we just discovered housing information. My son will be in a triple. Gulp! He’ll get along with anyone, but what will the noise level be like? Thoughts anyone?</p>

<p>limabeans…does he know either of his roommates? I thought Wash U’s dorms were really nice when we visited. If I remember correctly, they took us into a study area that was on the floor before we actually saw the room. Perhaps if things get too noisy, he can go in there to get away? I would presume that triples area larger than doubles, so hopefully he’ll have plenty of storage; being a boy definitely helps. Good luck with the dorm situation and the scavenger hunt!</p>

<p>Jc40 – FWIW, I think that you did the right thing. Let DD handle it if her “perspective” changes. Regardless of the outcome, she will be fine. You might want to remind her that a lot of people would like to have gotten the opportunity to attend UVA and to have her “problem.” UVA is a great place (and that is coming from a W&M alum).</p>

<p>p56/lilmom – ATL (Atlanta) this week. LAX next weekend. Not a wild and crazy guy. In fact I think he was just a regular guy wanting to make conversation and wasn’t thinking. Some guys were born without that brain-to-mouth filter.</p>

<p>Bubbe – Like p56 & BengalMom, I have heard less than stellar things about the quality vs. price of the linen packages. They look great in the brochures though, huh?</p>

<p>1sttimemom – As LIMOMOF2 points out, get the loan just for 2010-2011. Your situation will probably change over the next 4 years and FA should be re-evaluated annually.</p>

<p>MomLive – Welcome… Go Game *****! Can you tell that I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Columbia… Five Points… Diane’s on Divine? Unfortunately, I haven’t been there in a couple of years.</p>

<p>Re: dorm stuff – when D1 was a freshman, it looked like she was going on a 10 year survival expedition to Mars when we pulled up at the dorm. Of course, she couldn’t go to LA for 2 months without 10 pairs of shoes either. She gradually brought back lots of stuff she was not using. Somewhere there is a whole thread about stuff that people sent that was not used.</p>

<p>D2 is looking up stuff to do in LA next week when we visit D1. She wants to do touristy stuff and go to Sprinkles for cupcakes. Based on previous threads, I guess we should go to In-N-Out Burger. I’ve just been informed… “Oh, by the way, we won’t be sleeping.” I still really wish that DW could come with us… maybe at least we could sleep!</p>

<p>jc40: actually, it’s not the noise level that would be a problem, it’s the collection of clothes on the floor that I would find so overwhelming. 3 guys in one room?! He’s not great about going to bed early, but he really suffers with colds if he doesn’t get enough sleep. Wonder how many boxes of tissues he’ll go through before he figures out a good routine. Just walking home now (from scavenger hunt soir</p>

<p>Speaking of scavenger hunts, DH and I went out last night to one of our big shopping malls for dessert at the Cheesecake Factory (yum!) and there was a sign posted saying the mall was no longer allowing scavenger hunts. I had no clue they even took place there!</p>

<p>GSharp, my S LIVES at In-N-Out! And I’m invited to visit him in college anytime as long as I bring him food from there!</p>

<p>Good morning!! Happy 4th of July.</p>

<p>I messed up, …in trying to arrange our schedule for days off re the graduation and the wedding, somehow i forgot to mark off Monday!!! so back to work tomorrow :(</p>

<p>Bummer about work tomorrow parent56!</p>

<p>Happy 4th of July everyone!</p>

<p>lol BUandBC, half of the patients probably wont turn up either.</p>

<p>Good morning all! Wishing everyone a Happy Fourth of July!!</p>

<p>limabeans: The scavenger hunt sounds wonderful!..I don’t have any particular advice re: the triple room assignment, though I would expect if the boys discuss some ground rules and preferences early on it may help pave the way for communication. Hoping for the best.</p>

<p>mdemvizi: {{{HUGS}}} and enjoy the holiday.</p>

<p>intouch: re: going to stores for the best selection…My interest and D’s (for sure) is going to the store because I want to see the quality of what we are buying. I figure that makes it worth the trip.</p>

<p>Speaking of shopping…we are leaving for a Family Shopping Outing (did I just say that?..very rare here for us all to go shopping together - Oy vey) to an outlet mall with enticing Holiday Sales. Apparently a few of D’s and S’s friends are also going with their families as well. Hoping for a good day amidst the throngs. </p>

<p>parent56: Also sorry you have to go to work tomorrow! Hope it’s nice and quiet.</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful day.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>