Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>good morning all. coffee is ready!</p>

<p>congrats to 12r’s S!!!</p>

<p>Good morning. I guess I’m the only one at work today, so I’ll get the coffee on. </p>

<p>12rmh18 - Hiking Rock Creek Park sounds awesome. I think I’ll ask H to try that with me and Batman…when it warms up. I can’t do below freezing temps. :blush:</p>

<p>Was just on fb and saw photos of D at a demonstration/protest in Washington. From the looks of the placards, I think she’s against a certain pipeline. But, I need to research a little more. </p>

<p>No word from S. Although, fb tells me he had lunch with my cousin’s daughter yesterday. He earns many points with me for that.</p>

<p>I’m at work too, DB, and it promises to be a doozy of a day. Ugh! At least the commute was easy.</p>

<p>Congrats to 12rmh18’s S1. And I’m impressed about the hiking. Just call me a couch potato. Especially when it comes to 30 degrees.</p>

<p>IL - glad the CT scan was normal and your S is resting.</p>

<p>Spoke with D last night and she seems to be getting better every day, so that was good news. She has today off, but will venture back to school tomorrow. She will try to get a ride from a friend with a car. Failing that, H left her cab $$ so she doesn’t have to cope with the bus on crutches yet. She says getting there, getting on, and the ride would be okay, but there are a couple of blocks that are very icy getting from the bus stop on the other end to the school where she works.</p>

<p>I swear I posted last night, but I don’t see it here. So…</p>

<p>Belated happy wedding day to the mommusic family! And very glad the PVCs worked for IL’s S1. Hope the headache resolves. I have had migraines and they are NO fun.</p>

<p>Glad to hear Aliceinw’s daughter is doing better.</p>

<p>Not much college news here. Things seem to be going smoothly. D is taking a one-credit class (pass/fail) about grad school for her major (psych). She actually wants to go to grad school for occupational therapy, but I don’t think the admissions processes are terribly different. She’s going to take a “free” practice GRE offered by Kaplan next weekend, and says she’s taking it cold turkey. She said she could take a Kaplan GRE prep class on campus for a 10% discount (whoop dee do) but it’s 3 hours, 2 nights per week. She feels like she’d improve her GRE score but lower her GPA by doing that, so we’re going to look for a class around home this summer. She was thinking of self-study, but I think the discipline of a class would work better for her. If the cold-turkey GRE score is shockingly low, I suspect she’ll agree with me.</p>

<p>Good Morning! I’m just checking in and saying “Hello!”</p>

<p>Sorry for those of you who have to work today. :(</p>

<p>mommusic - I hope the wedding was wonderful!!</p>

<p>IL- Glad your son had a good CT scan and - Yikes! for S2 trying to lift 425.</p>

<p>alice - Glad your D is doing better</p>

<p>12rmh - Congrats to your S!</p>

<p>Laf - Good luck to D with the GRE.</p>

<p>I hope everyone has a great Monday!</p>

<p>Hey, everyone!</p>

<p>Mommusic…Can’t wait to read about all the details of the wedding!</p>

<p>IL…SO glad CAT scan ruled out anything serious. I’ve had bad headaches but never migraines. I feel horrible for those who must suffer with them. Good luck to your other son on the weightlifting. That’s a lot of weight!</p>

<p>LAF…Your D may have the right idea for the GRE. We paid around $2K for D’s MCAT review course which meets on Sundays. She attends and has studied some but not nearly to the level she feels is necessary. There simply isn’t enough time with their busy schedules. When will she take the actual test?</p>

<p>12rmh…You go girl! All that hiking in the cold temperature (cold by my southern standard) makes me realize what a woos I am. I like the comfort of my climate controlled gym with TVs mounted for my viewing pleasure. I’m thrilled for your S1! Every time I hear a song by Snow Patrol I’ll now think of him. What a cool honor!</p>

<p>Well, off to the gym. I get to go early today because our school is off for the holiday (sorry DB and Alice)… Y’all have a great day!</p>

<p>What are we doing on the second page?</p>

<p>Ditto what BuandBc said! Congrats to all and so glad that the PVC has been doing it’s job. </p>

<p>Do you all think that anyone reading our page wonders “what the heck is a PVC?” ;)</p>

<p>Had to work today, but the nice surprise was my boss let us out early. Actually he called me aside and asked what time I thought we should leave. I would have said “NOW” but didn’t want to take advantage of his goodness. :)</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great President’s day!</p>

<p>I’m checking in to say hi too! I realize I have been very remiss. I hope everyone is doing well. Can you believe our kids are going to be seniors again? I’m having trouble processing that.</p>

<p>Breaking news: Son has an internship interview in London on Friday. PVC, please, if it’s not needed for something more important that day. Thanks.</p>

<p>Checking in from PIT, where a certain airline (greek letter) has been kind enough to provide me with this opportunity to catch up with my CC friends. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 - that is so cool! Kudos to your S1. That is kind of like having a Dr. in the family, except when you’re skiing. Free rides in the sled.</p>

<p>Laf/JC40 - S1 will be taking an LSAT review class as well. He also does better in a structured setting.</p>

<p>Loading positive vibes for DB’s S, and just to be sure,filtering for errant Monty Python references and Benny Hill humor(big influence on me in my college days).;)</p>

<p>we woke S1 up last night DOH!! He said the migrane had abated, but that he was really tired. So we didn’t keep him up.</p>

<p>i misunderstood S2’s goal - he will attempt 425 next week at the sectionals. Last night he did 405, and pretty handily too. </p>

<p>Off to the ticket counter…:mad:</p>

<p>DB - I worked today. And Sat morn too… I’m already ready for a weekend. Good luck to your son on his London internship interview! </p>

<p>" Can you believe our kids are going to be seniors again?" - Time flies! In our case, the shock is mitigated by a college switch… to Class of 2015. Does that make me younger now?</p>


S2 discovered that riding in the sled was vastly overrated when he had to be transported down the mountain with a dislocated shoulder in freshman year (the year of the 250-lb TV & Chick Flick Wednesdays). He disregarded my advice & tried to pretend he was Shaun White in the half pipe. Except, he wasn’t Shaun White.</p>

<p>DB: Woohoo! Pointing the PVC toward your DS in London! </p>

<p>Can we divert a few positive vibes toward my S2 as well? He has a final round of interviews - also on Friday - for a summer internship.</p>

<p>Home sweet home! Checking in but I do have to go back and see what news I missed over the past 3 days!</p>

<p>We had a wonderful wedding and I am trying to get used to the fact that this kid is MARRIED. :eek: But it really was a beautiful day, with fine weather, good friends and family, and much DANCING. I just about wore out my tootsies trying to keep up with the young folks. I am a pretty energetic dancer but I’m not as young as I used to be…</p>

<p>And DH and I both managed to lose or misplace credit cards. At an average of one per day, it’s a good thing we came home when we did. I have no idea where my bank card went…all I can say is I was tired and distracted. </p>

<p>And college S successfully got himself to & from the airport & navigated the whole flight business. Yay! :)</p>

<p>plenty of +++++ Vibes to go around 12rmh18. Good luck to S2!</p>

<p>I too have ridden in the sled - blew out my collar bone on new years eve (NO, I had not been consuming adult beverages):rolleyes: my rescuers were a grandmotherly type and her somewhat matronly daughter. think Carol Burnett and Vicki ??? in Carol’s variety show. Talk about embarrassed. The homemade sling grandma pulled out was gingham. I could see the parking lot from where I was but nosirree I was going down in the sled and that was that. They had a whale of a time. Though in truth they really knew their stuff, and were very professional. True Story. </p>

<p>Mommusic, sound like a wonderful time but :eek::eek: on the credit cards!!!</p>

<p>Waving to Zoosermom!</p>

<p>The flight thing worked out-red coats are my friends. Or said another way RHIP</p>

<p>Very bottom of the page!</p>

<p>Yes, had to cancel two cards & order new ones. Fortunately there was no activity on either so one is probably on the ground under the snow at the gas station, and the other is in a crevice between seats or something. It’s just a nuisance having to wait for new ones.</p>

<p>I have to share some of the dances we did at the wedding. Classic rock & roll, the hora, the Time Warp from Rocky Horror, the Italian Cookie dance, and as we got really tired & silly…Call Me Maybe. SO MUCH FUN. :D</p>

<p>good morning all!!! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>sounds like a wonderful time (minus credit card loss) mommusic!! congratulations again!</p>

<p>P56…Thanks for the coffee!</p>

<p>Mommusic…So happy everything went well!</p>

<p>momnmusic, congratulations! I can’t even imaging any of my kids married yet.</p>

<p>mommusic: Congratulations on the wedding! I must confess: I’ve never heard of the Italian cookie dance. And I grew up surrounded by italians!</p>