Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Aw Laf, that stinks about your D losing her spring break deposit. :(</p>

<p>Exactly what is the deal with Panama City & why is everyone headed there?! :eek:</p>

<p>Footballmom & coskat: it is 14 hrs driving for my S2 & an accident is my worst nightmare. Breaking up the trip is a good idea.</p>



<p>kinderny – S2 lives in a language house and served some of the stuff he bought (legally) during his study abroad to his professors (in that language) this fall. He turns 21 tomorrow. Hmmm…who’s contributing to whose delinquency? ;)</p>

<p>When D studied in France last Sumner one of the programs activities was to go for dinner and it included wine. All were over 18 but D did not like the idea off being encouraged to drink as she thought some of the other students on ether program were overdoing it. Their wine source was the BP convenience store close to their residential hotel. Yuck</p>

<p>"in NYC and Boston you can’t go in at all unless you’re 21. " - Ha, DS learned that in Boston freshman year. He was at Northeastern and had two hs Knowledge Bowl buds at Boston colleges. They arranged to meet at at bar for trivia night… only to be rejected at the door. It turned into a movie night ;)</p>

<p>Wine is a standard part of dinner in France. It would be considered somewhat weird not to partake. The official drinking age for purchasing wine or beer there is 16. My son regularly made the vodka pie crust Cooks Illustrated made famous. He said he’d carry his 1/4 cup of vodka back to the kitchen in a ziploc bag. </p>

<p>My kids have always come home for spring break.</p>

<p>Congrats on the wedding, and MaineLonghorn so happy to hear you weren’t on *that *cruise. We will never go on a cruise because DH gets seasick if he looks at a wave.</p>

<p>That’s too bad your husband gets seasick, mathmom. I’m glad that didn’t happen to me! Sounds horrible. </p>

<p>No news at all here, whoo hoo!! A very quiet week.</p>

<p>happy bday to CD’s son for tomorrow!</p>

<p>think the wine tasting S2 and i did in paris was one of son’s highlights. and being able to order wine with his dinner!</p>

<p>dont think S2 is going anywhere for spring break… week before his scheduled mcat but there is some thought he might change the date… but 3 of his days he is volunteering at a science competition… but he should survive on the thought that about a week later he goes to NO for a conference and he will be 21 then!</p>

<p>getting annoyed with cc…here at home i use safari and i stay logged on, at work i use firefox and it logs me out all the time!!! at work i do fly bys on the board, dont have time to log in every time i want to take a peek</p>

<p>p56, what is happening with the classes? Did he get his “plan” together?</p>

<p>Mommusic: The wedding sounds like a blast! Congrats again. Good luck to S2 with the interview. So sorry to hear that you picked up a cold. Feel better. </p>

<p>ML: Glad to hear that you had a great time on the cruise. :)</p>

<p>Mdem: My S and BIL are in Florida until April, she told me yesterday that they have been having some cold days and hasn’t been able to sit by the pool. I told her “What a shame!” ;)</p>

<p>Tx5: I wish I could do yoga. I just don’t think that I can relax enough to get the full benefit. I also don’t think that I am limber enough! :eek:</p>

<p>GSharp: S2 had dinner with Shirley tonight. First time he ever did that. Didn’t your D2 do that last year? He said it was fun, about 20-25 kids there. Too bad she is leaving at the end of the year! </p>

<p>No spring break plans for S2. He will be working on campus and working on his Junior thesis. A few of his friends from here are going to London to see some kids that are doing study abroad there but he said he has too much school work. I kind of feel bad for him. I wish sometimes he would just go off and do something just for fun, but I know the whole time that he would be there he would be thinking about what he has to do when he gets back and then it wouldn’t be enjoyable.</p>

<p>So I joined the smart phone age! :smiley: My phone was so old, I still had to the push each button to get the right letter to text. Verizon had the Iphone 4 for free so now I need to figure it out. Wish me luck!</p>

<p>Wow, ProudNJMom, the iphone 4 was FREE through Verizon?? That’s what we use. I will have to see when DH is up for a new phone. He is not happy with his Thunderbolt. The battery lasts for only a few hours, no exaggeration. It’s horrible.</p>

<p>munequita… i have no idea!! 5 options still on the table… IF he does yet another research project in senior year…he can switch that for the class that conflicts with analytical chem… but his still …"should i take a gap year, should i take a 5th year…should i apply this year, should i apply next year? “should i get both degrees, or should i drop one degree” </p>

<p>proudnj congrats on your smart phone!</p>

<p>ML, if you want good battery life look at the Motorola Razr Maxx - I had a Thunderbolt and hated it for that reason. I have to chargethe Maxx daily bit it goes about 14 hours with the GPS on, not much talking, lots of texting and web browsing</p>

<p>12rmh18 “>runs to mirror to check on gray hairs<” I hear you, I’m the same, will worry the whole time adding more wrinkles to the ever increasing gray hairs.</p>

<p>Good news tonight from DD she was accepted to her first choice SULI internship for this summer on Long Island, yeah she’ll be home for first summer since leaving HS!</p>

<p>ML, last fall when D lost her phone Verizon offered her a free iPhone 4 - the catch was that we had to add a line to get it. So the “free” phone actually cost $10/month. (We didn’t have to add a data plan, we already had a data plan on her phone number and they could swap the iPhone to her phone number. The new line is what they call a “phantom” - a number without an actual phone attached to it. But we could put a phone on it if we wanted to.) The other thing to know is that it’s an iPhone4 - NOT a 4S - and it only has 8GB of memory. In contrast, S has an iPhone 4 with 32 GB of memory.</p>

<p>My phone died today (dropped one too many times), but I did not get a smartphone. No way am I paying $30/mo. more for data! Wish Verizon would offer a decent selection of flip phones, though I know that is not where the market is leaning. The Verizon rep was stunned that I didn’t want email and internet on my phone. I am digitized enough already!
Thanks, p56!</p>

<p>how nice Coskat - what a win-win!</p>

<p>So I sent S1 a text the morning after his migraine incident " hey are you feeling any better?" </p>


<p>Monday night, I send another text: Hmmm… you must be in a coma, because no S of ours would be so rude as to ignore a solicitious inquiry regarding his health" </p>

<p>Silence, followed by whatever the texting equivalent is for crickets chirping. </p>

<p>Tuesday night, I sent another text: “Well, I guess comatose students don’t need an AmEx card, so I’m going to cancel it tomorrow” </p>

<p>This morning, I awoke to a lengthy text about everthing under the sun and then some. Nary a word about the missing hours…:rolleyes:. </p>

<p>During Spring break S1 is going to do the Habitat for Humanity gig again in NC. The one where they really rough it at the Yacht Club over dinner and drinks. :rolleyes: He apparently was promoted to crew chief or something like that. And I swear this is the kid who can’t swing a hammer to save his life. OTOH, maybe he just fakes it when at home??</p>

<p>IL - Loved your AmEx story! </p>

<p>The Motorola Razr Maxx is rated for excellent battery life. We got one for DS as a Christmas/Bday gift, even though he would have made due with the cheaper on with shorter battery life. </p>

<p>CD - I reluctantly switched to a smartphone. I was already paying $10/month for a tiny data plan and Vznavigator. Some days I still miss my Octane. I sent our stash of old dumb phones to my Dad in NY when he lost his phone. It really helped him since the Verizon choices aer mostly smartphones.</p>

<p>Coffee, tea, generic English muffins… :)</p>

<p>good morning all, thanks for the coffee Slumum</p>

<p>thanks for the morning laugh IL!!!</p>

<p>congrats to coskat’s D</p>

<p>How about some chicken soup? Still feeling poorly here. I cancelled my morning so I can have strength for more essential things this afternoon. Such as driving S out to an interview at a place not on public transportation. </p>

<p>Yesterday worked out great–I picked him up, he had a wonderful interview at a company he’s excited about, and then he took the campus shuttle back (we live near the branch campus). :)</p>

<p>initiatelaunch–that’s a great tactic! Glad it got results.</p>

<p>Anyone else sick of February? It just seems to be gray all the time.</p>