Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>lafalum - We had a phantom line for about a year so S2 could replace his phone. Just as I was about to drop it, DH’s employer started tracking their phone use so I activiated it again for him. </p>

<p>CD - we have Verizon too and you’re right about the selection of flip phones. DH couldn’t use a smart phone to save his life and there weren’t many choices. </p>

<p>S2, a HS junior, got in the car yesterday after wrestling practice and said, “Well, the next time I schedule classes, it will be for college!” The hair on the back of my neck stood up! And if we could aim the PVC his way, the state wrestling championships start tonight and he’s in the top bracket. I’m hoping he does well enough to attract a little scholarship money - it’s the only kind he’s going to get, his grades are absolute dreck. He’s out athlete, S1’s the scholar.</p>

<p>~~Good morning all ~~ Didn’t realize I’d been gone for a bit until I had 6 pages to catch up on this morning. :rolleyes: I do love to read all our posts !</p>

<p>Waiting for the snow. It was in KC early this morning with white out conditions. It was suppose to start here anytime after 9:00. Well, it’s 9:10 and just very dark. The storm has slowed, and now they’re saying up to 12", followed by freezing rain/snow tomorrow too. I thought we’d almost made it through winter without much. All schools around us are cancelled. That means a quiet day for me as well. :)</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn: I am sailing the Freedom in May. I might send you a PM for tips, hints, etc. Our itinerary is Key West, Grand Cayman, and Jamaica. I can’t wait. Airfare is killing me though. Yesterday (usually on sale on Wednesdays) the tickets were $80 higher each than just a few days before. Everytime I see a sale…it doesn’t apply to this or that. So glad you had a good time !</p>

<p>D15 is done with basketball season. She actually had time after school yesterday to get her hair highlighted. The notorious coach said some nice things about her on a radio interview this week. Now, time for golf. (We don’t have enough girls to play in the fall, so they play co ed in the spring). </p>

<p>No college news really. 3 tests this week, and all hard. One class, no one was finished by the end of class. That is not a good sign. You don’t get to finish it later.</p>

<p>checkers - I’m paying close attention to your snow. My S is supposed to play in an ultimate frisbee tournament near KC this weekend. Even if the snow has ended, 30 something degrees and snow covered fields really doesn’t sound like much fun, not to mention the 8 hour drive to get there and back.</p>

<p>Other than that, no college news.</p>

<p>I’m so glad it’s Thursday and this week will not last forever.</p>

<p>D1 is coming home to SoCal from NYC for spring break. Since she is graduating in May and doesn’t know yet what she will be doing this summer we wanted to at least get her home for a little while. </p>

<p>H booked our tickets on Southwest last week for D1’s graduation in May. He was able to get $347 each roundtrip from SoCal to La Guardia. We are going to be in the city for a week then go up to stay at my Aunt and Uncle’s log house in CT for a few days before heading home. We will be leaving D2 on her own for the first time since she will be taking finals.</p>

<p>Checkers, I can’t believe you’ll be on the same ship we were! Be sure to try the fish and chips! There is a Statue of Liberty statue in the food area, and you go up the stairs next to it to get to the fish and chips place. Ymm!</p>

<p>There is an area at the back of the ship, on Deck 9, with a retractable roof! That way, you can get in the pool or hot tub and be covered up if it’s raining. We needed it only part of one day.</p>

<p>You might already know this, but DH figured out a trick. It’s hard to get from one end of the ship to the other on the “public” decks, such as 5 and 9. So we would go to any deck that had only cabins, and walk the length of the ship that way. You need to figure out where each set of elevators takes you, and you’re all set!</p>

<p>Up on the VERY top (small) deck (I can’t remember the number), there are some nice, two-person hammocks. Very fun.</p>

<p>Be sure to try breakfast/brunch on day in the Posh restaurant. You don’t have to eat at the buffet every day!</p>

<p>On our cruise, there was a crew member named Victor who was a dancing fool! It was fun trying to follow along as he danced. The cruise director was a guy named Hennie, from South Africa. He ended every announcement with a hearty, “Buh bye!”</p>

<p>I’ll see if I can think of anything else!</p>

<p>Woke up this morning thinking it was Friday meaning I could sleep in a bit. Then woke up an hour later realizing it was Friday, it was Thursday and I had class to get to. Ugh. </p>

<p>This has been a long week even when I had Monday off.</p>

<p>I keep thinking it’s Friday too, but it actually is for me since I’m taking tomorrow off to go to the state wrestling tournament.</p>

<p>alice… hearing the roads are very icy over in kansas city.</p>

<p>Lots of snow ! I have drifts about 3’ on the deck ! It started about 10:30 and blowing too. The ‘heavy’ stuff isn’t suppose to get here until 4:00 :rolleyes: </p>

<p>I talked to S in Columbia. They cancelled all classes & events just before noon -probably should have sooner. A normal 15-20 min bus ride took him 3 hours. His bus was the last to run, they cancelled all routes.</p>

<p>Good afternoon! Happy Thursday!!</p>

<p>PNJ: you don’t have to be flexible to do yoga. I am strong, but VERY inflexible, I have super tight hamstrings. The yoga definitely helps with my flexibility though. You have to find an instructor that suits you. I like the kind of fast-paced rock-n-roll type of yoga class vs. the more mediative type classes.</p>

<p>Tx5: Thanks. I didn’t realize there were different types of classes. Our parks and rec offers a class, I might have to ask around and find out what it’s all about.</p>

<p>Hoping everyone stays safe in the latest storm!</p>

<p>Oh I know watching the Weather Channel right now…hope all our Midwest friends stay safe…
We are getting about 8 to 10 inches from Sat into Sun…but it could change…</p>

<p>So we have a performing arts center near by and the touring production of Wicked arrived yesterday. Last time it was here we tried 3 or 4 times to get tickets via the Wicked Lottery (you go about 2 hours before the show and put your name in a hat and they call about 10 names each of which gets to pay $25 a seat for 2 seats in the first three rows) without success. Today I went over and put my name in and as I was waiting I was talking to the lady behind me in line. She and her sister both put their names in. When her sister won she told me that if they called her name she would give them to me. Sure enough they called her name and I got two tickets! D1 and I went and sat in the second row!!! Definitely a different perspective. It was really, really fun.</p>

<p>good morning all, coffee is ready!</p>

<p>really foggy here this morning but supposed to be in the high 50’s today</p>

<p>congrats on the wicked tickets tx5! i saw it last year but had nosebleed seats!</p>

<p>Good morning! Ice storm here last night, the driveway’s downhill, and we’re out of salt. DH has to slide out to go to work, I guess. I’m getting jealous of those of you who went or are going on cruises! </p>

<p>Son had a good long 2nd interview with large company about summer internship, but he’s really excited about the smaller company he interviewed with yesterday. It’s good to see him learning about the different possibilities in the CS field. :)</p>

<p>Sorry to post here, as I don’t know where to post. I am a college Junior looking into grad schools for a Masters in Education. My mother used this site, and suggested you may have an idea for me. I want to apply to a grad school, preferably in the northeast, but willing to expand this, (warm weather or maybe midwest). I was a B+ student in hs, and an A student at a public university. </p>

<p>Is there a site to compare grad programs based on GRE and GPA, similar to undergrad programs. (I know I can’t name the site here, but thought you would know what I mean). It would provide a great starting point: size of school, acceptance history, school retention, etc. </p>

<p>I am sorry that this post is not thread-appropriate.</p>

<p>teacher92… welcome … you could check out thegradcafe dot com . other than that i guess each schools website? usnews , princeton review have some publications about grad schools petersons dot com has some online info And of course you can check with some of your professors</p>

<p>TGIF iPeeps!</p>

<p>teacher92: CC has a graduate school forum ([Graduate</a> School - College Confidential](<a href=“]Graduate”>Graduate School - College Confidential Forums)) but it has limited information. The site P56 mentioned might help you get started with your search. good luck!</p>

<p>Checkers: it sounds like you really got pounded with the snow storm. Take care & be safe!</p>

<p>mommusic: ugh to ice! I’d rather have snow. OTOH, aren’t you glad that the ice arrived AFTER that wonderful wedding? Stay warm & be safe too!</p>

<p>footballmom: wow - your S2 made it to states? Congrats & good luck in today’s state wrestling tournament! </p>

<p>IL: I’m filing away your comments about comatose students for future use. </p>

<p>Could I ask for PVCs for S2? He has an important internship interview today.</p>

<p>pvc’s streaming to your son 12rmh!!!</p>

<p>congrats footballmom!!</p>