Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>P56 - I would think this is his theme song…</p>

<p>[White</a> Rabbit - I’m Late Scene - YouTube](<a href=“White Rabbit - I'm Late Scene - YouTube”>White Rabbit - I'm Late Scene - YouTube)</p>

<p>lol scu… is that me chasing behind him and looking down a very deeeeep hole</p>

<p>I despise Kaplan. IME they lowball the first test score to make it look like they are being effective. And don’t even get me started on how they scored essays on the practice tests.</p>

<p>^^^wellll they do have that money back guarantee so that might help them avoid that.</p>

<p>S2 chose examkrackers for his study material</p>

<p>what study material are people using for mcat, gre, lsat etc… online, in person classes, books ?</p>

<p>Roads are finally somewhat cleared (main highways anyway) from last week’s snow. D15 did not have school Thursday or Friday and Mizzou was also completely closed both days as well.</p>

<p>Just looked at the weather…looks like we’re in the 9-12 inch range for tomorrow & Tuesday. :eek: Did I mention that I do not like winter? </p>

<p>Having a 31 bag party this afternoon. Why did I say I would do this? I did extensive cleaning yesterday . It’s those little things that you don’t really notice until a bunch of people are coming over. </p>

<p>We have a “Polar Bear Plunge” here where people run out into a lake, dive in, and come back for charity. A friend of ours does it, he’s a highway patrolman. I’d watch, but not plunging. I’m cold from December until May anyway. :)</p>

<p>howdy everyone! Yes, a couple weeks since I posted, I think it was the last snow storm. Will I develop a habit of posting during snowstorms, as G# posts from airports?</p>

<p>In any case, I missed mommusic’s wedding and G#'s engagement news. Congrats to both of those!!!</p>

<p>For the current snow, we have 6+" right now. Very pretty. Very sticky. Hope the power lines hold up. But if they don’t I can take a break from this massive work project.</p>

<p>Liked reading about others study abroad experiences. D will have a couple coming up and hopefully we will work in a visit also. </p>

<p>I saw way back when I started catching up that a couple people are taking nutrition classes, D is also. Not that it is very relevant now. </p>

<p>For the first time, both Ds will be home for part of spring break. For D1, it is before she goes abroad. D2, she requested it during first year in college, no reason to stay at school and no good programs to do, so we said yes. D1 had previously needed to stay for preseason.</p>

<p>Hopefully I’ll be able to stay current. Not making any promises. But I will throw in some snow people for good luck.</p>

<p><<<< </p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>I have not talked to S2, but I saw that he was in a luxury box at the Clippers game on FB. His birthday is tomorrow. My plan was to go up and take him to lunch, but his plan is for me to go up and take him to the Post Office to renew his passport. Fun stuff. Oh, and he is definitely a member of the procrastination club. It is possible that he inherited it from me.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone! Just doing one of my ‘it’s Sunday afternoon and my pile of homework is glaring at me so I’m going to be on the Internet instead’ check in :D</p>

<p>I have found a place to live next summer! My internship is only going to be 15 hours a week, so I need to find a part-time job as well; I have some leads, but I think that might have to wait for a little closer to summer.</p>

<p>Classes and such are going pretty well. This week is a little crazy; I had a 6 page paper due Friday, 2 2-pagers and a 5 pager due tomorrow, and a 4 pager due Friday. Plus my girlfriend is in tech week for a show she’s in, which means she’s also super stressed right now. And it’s going to rain/snow/hail/slush/stupid weather all week. Bah.</p>

<p>GSharp, congrats to your family! I’ll never forget the look on my dad’s face when they presented him with the bill for my wedding/reception (not long before the receiption ended). I guess Mom and I forgot to warn him about how much it was going to cost!</p>

<p>We’re already at the upper end of the snow that was forecast here (4"-9"). Church was not called off today, but I think it should have been! Roads were very slippery. I was glad for our monster SUV.</p>

<p>mathmom, we paid for a Kaplan SAT prep course and D hated it. Said the teacher was awful, and she dropped out halfway through. I am absolutely positive they stack the pre-test so they can show improvement. However, D has no intention of taking a Kaplan course, and the pre-test was FREE so it gave her some idea of how it works, where she stands and what she needs to work on. She came out in the forty-somethingth percentile for verbal and the exact middle of the pack for math, so definitely room for improvement. She says she needs to improve her vocabulary, which I don’t doubt. She doesn’t enjoy reading and only reads what she has to for school (with the exception of Harry Potter and Hunger Games, both of which she devoured). She’ll have her work cut out for her. Her math score is actually fine for her first choice grad school, but the verbal is too low. At any rate, now we can begin investigating options. I suspect we’ll end up with a couple of books and an online class. I’d tell her to start reading the NY Times and the WSJ, but I know that’s not going to happen!</p>

<p>IL, my brother suffered for years with severe headaches that he thought were migraines. After he finally went to a neurologist he was diagnosed instead with cluster headaches. (Cluster meaning you tend to get a bunch of them over a few weeks or months, then go a few months or years with none, then they come back). I think the treatment for them was different than the migraine meds he had been taking. Anyway, I would echo that you push him to get himself to a neurologist so he can get a correct diagnosis.</p>

<p>Congratulations gsharp!</p>

<p>What do you guys consider the best way to prep for the GRE?</p>

<p>GSharp - congratulations to you and your family! How did your DW take the exciting news? You’ll have to give us all the updates. :)</p>

<p>Yikes about all the kids prepping for the GRE! I don’t think D will be taking a course, but she did buy a study guide…</p>

<p>zooser - I think it depends on the student when prepping for standardized tests. I’m not completely against test prep courses, but I don’t think they’re for everyone. I recently signed S up for an SAT/ACT prep course because he will not practice unless he has no other choice. D didn’t practice much on her own, but she didn’t need to - S NEEDS the practice!</p>

<p>Checkers - eek about all that snow! Sorry you have to deal with that!</p>

<p>Oh, and before I forget, what is a 31 bag party?</p>

<p>t_c - congrats on the apartment, and good luck with the job search!</p>

<p>Jackie - at least your snow is pretty! Ours rarely stays that way for long. I hope you don’t lose your power - even if it gives you an excuse to stop working on that massive project. After losing our power for so long during/after Sandy, I don’t wish that on anyone else.</p>

<p>SLUMOM–you misunderstand. We’re bumping up the page so it stays on p. 1 of the “hot” threads you see when you go to the parents’ forum. Not anyone’s individual page.</p>

<p>That way we can always find this thread.</p>

<p>Congratulations to G# & family! Weddings are fun…after all the planning is done and you can enjoy the event!</p>

<p>Lovely weather here today…sunny…I feel sorry for those of you still having winter! Even if you do like to ski or snowshoe or whatever you’re supposed to do in snow. ;)</p>

<p>S said someone pulled the fire alarm in the dorm at 2:30 a.m. Not fun.</p>

<p>Well, as S2 will not schedule classes for himself until college, the next FAFSA I do will be for him. It feels kind of strange.</p>

<p>IL: Pointing the PVC to your S! </p>

<p>GSharp: Congratulations!!! Let the planning begin! :D</p>

<p>Laf: The pickpocket stories are pretty scary. </p>

<p>Tx5: Happy Birthday tomorrow to S2! :)</p>

<p>Sorry to hear about all dealing with the snow. :(</p>

<p>Getting ready to watch the oscars. Too bad I haven’t really seen any of the movies but I love to see what everyone is wearing. I did see Helen Hunt on the red carpet. What is going on with her? It looks like she’s aged 10 years. Maybe it was the camera angle, but something about her mouth/teeth just didn’t look right. I was at my boss’ house and he looked it up and she is the same age as myself and his wife. I told his wife, man we look really good compared to her! ;)</p>

<p>Welcome back to Jackief and her snowman entourage.</p>

<p>IL – I got home early BECAUSE OF problems in ATL. Because the earlier flight was delayed 2 hours, I arrived just in time to get on it instead of my flight 3 hours later. Definitely sending more PVC rays your S1’s way! Maybe you’ll have better luck finding out the medication than we did for D2’s nausea. Her answer was “It starts with ‘S’, I think.” Now that was helpful. ;)</p>

<p>Footballmom – Sorry that the wrestling tournament did not work out as planned. It sounds like you have 2 fine young men though!</p>

<p>DB – Your S sounds like yet another fine young man willing to be seen with the ‘rents for a couple of days. I hope your D has good luck on the job front.</p>

<p>LAF – We are putting together D2’s 21st B-Day loot to bring to her. I switched our rental to a Tahoe. :wink: Actually, I mostly switched it because DW likes the heated seats. :rolleyes: Besides, the Kate Spade collection doesn’t take up but so much B-Day space (by volume). On a $ per Cubic Inch basis, it takes up much more space. ;)</p>

<p>Thanx everyone for the well wishes for D1. Welcome to the Drama-Zone. :wink: It has been years since I saw “Father of the Bride.” I guess I should see it again, I think. :wink: DW and I had our lunch with D-zilla (oops, did I say that ;)) and BF yesterday. Actually, as best as I can tell, BF and I were there solely because someone had to provide the ideas that got immediately shot down. :wink: P56 – I mostly behaved, but D1 is my over-the-top, dramatic, big-a** production, volume on 11 kid (hence the HS Theater major), so we had to have a bit of a reality check discussion with her. I also brought along a copy of D2’s academic and departmental calendar for next spring to emphasize that if D1 gets married anytime during the spring semester through graduation, she could be effectively excluding her sister from the wedding. D1 is considering either an October (this year) or May next year (ergh!) wedding mostly to avoid it being too hot or too cold. We are hoping for October to avoid a lot of potential drama. D1 wants time to save more money. I think that DW was just a “little” stressed about the lunch. On the way she brought some of D2’s HS dresses to a place called Plato’s Closet that essentially buys used clothes in decent shape to resell (if they think that can resell them). They told DW that some of the dresses were “too juvenile” to resell. DW’s response was, “That’s because I didn’t allow my child leave the house looking like a sl*t.” :eek: Me, “OK mama bear, it’s time to go to lunch now.” :wink: More to come, I’m sure, ugh!</p>

<p>D2 called DW to give her interesting reaction to D1’s news, “Well did <bf> ask dad if it was OK for them to get married? I would expect that if I ever get married, he would ask for dad’s permission. That is how it is supposed to work.” That led into tears of “That mean’s he’ll always be there, but she’s MY sister.” Good Lord, they’d like to have killed each other when they were little. Can you tell that D2 is a “little” stressed too?</bf></p>

<p>glad to hear the lunch went well gsharp!! sounds like you and the bf have easily recognized your roles :slight_smile: keep all the details coming</p>

<p>lafalum, my kids verbal scores are entirely due to devouring junk fiction - mostly sci fi and fantasy. That said, the year I had a subscription to the New Yorker I got sucked into reading a lot of stuff that I didn’t think I was interested in.</p>

<p>I’m very happy, took out a useless bar in the basement. (Two weeks no help from DH who was writing grants and/or had a bad back the whole time.) This weekend we stacked two wine fridges, put back together a bookcase that had been in our bedroom and upacked a bunch of stuff from my mother’s house. I even managed to stuff a bunch of the dorm mountain into an empty steamer trunk. I no longer look like an episode from the hoarders, though there is still another weekend’s worth of work to do, getting rid of the stuff under the foosball table.</p>

<p>Slipped to page 2!</p>

<p>Coffee is on</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee IL… thanks to the oscars and late night text from S2 (no details but says he has news) i am dragging butt this morning</p>