Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>G# what exciting news!</p>

<p>Nothing to report here, but should be talking to S2 soon.</p>

<p>Congratulations G#!</p>

<p>I talked to S yesterday and he sounded pretty good, and quite relieved that his tournament was canceled. It is clear that I am more concerned than he is about the fact that he has no Plan B for summer work.</p>

<p>Just stopping by to say congrats to G# and family!</p>

<p>Hello and happy Saturday. </p>

<p>G# - How did future son-in-law like your impressive gun collection? You didn’t scare the boy too much, did you? ;)</p>

<p>Just skyped with the kids. We’re starting to plan our visit to London. We’ll be there in 2 weeks! As it turns out, S won’t spend the whole week with us. On Wednesday of our vacation he’ll head to Paris, then Barcelona, to join his flatmates for spring break. It makes me :slight_smile: that he’s willing to stay with us until Wednesday. </p>

<p>D is waiting for a decision about 3 campus jobs for next year. She’s one of 96 students who applied for 18 RA positions; one of 18 who applied for 3 summer tour guide spots; and one of 50 who applied for 10 CPS (whatever that is) jobs. I hope she just gets one. </p>

<p>Enjoy the rest of your weekend!</p>

<p>G# - congrats! Now keep traveling for the next year to avoid all the wedding planning drama. ;)</p>

<p>DB, have a fantastic time in London! Remind your S that Barcelona is a fabulous city but its reputation for pickpocketing is well deserved. S was robbed twice during his semester there. Once it was a scam where young girls holding clipboards and chattering about some sort of charity came up to him at an ATM and got between him and the machine just when the money came out, then took off to the subway before he realized what had happened. (If your S goes to an ATM in Barcelona, go in pairs and have one person face out as a lookout.) The other was a traditional “jostle” by a group of guys as he exited a bar after a soccer game. As he and his friends walked down the street he checked his pocket and his wallet was gone. He turned to yell at the group of guys and chase after them, and they laughed and threw his wallet in the street before running off. They had cleaned out the cash and subway pass, but at least his debit card was still there. We told him to carry EITHER his debit or credit card, but not both at the same time, for that exact reason. I don’t think there’s much violent crime in Barca, but the pickpocketing is epidemic.</p>

<p>DB, I also hope your D has better success with on-campus jobs than my D did. She’s applied for at least 3 jobs, made it to the interview round twice but never gotten hired. (Probably didn’t help when she interviewed at the Career Planning Office fall of junior year and had to admit it was the first time she’d actually been IN the office…) :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Did Wake really just clobber Miami? Pass the smelling salts, please. :faint:</p>

<p>Oh, Laf, you can bet I’ll share your S’s pickpocket stories with my S.</p>

<p>Congrats to the G# family!!</p>

<p>Bump back to page one</p>

<p>We loved Barcelona. But yes, there is huge unemployment (especially for young people) and hence lots of pickpocketers. One lady from our hotel had a necklace stolen off her neck by a thief on a bicycle. We heard another story on the cruise about a lady exiting a hotel and having her luggage stolen before hailing a taxi.</p>

<p>Munequita, seeing as everybody has personal options to set their number of posts per page at 10, 20, 30 or 40 posts, just whose page are you really bumping up? It will not be for everyone. I am sorry it just seems like an unnecessary habit for you to have established in this group. Everything moves pretty fast in this group, and I usually struggle to catch up on everybody’s news. Bumping does not seem necessary to me, that is my opinion.</p>

<p>good morning all… coffee is ready!</p>

<p>ahhhh, sun is finally shining here… winter is so rainy</p>

<p>hoping i hear something from S2 today re final decision!</p>

<p>how is the grad school search going munequita? i cant believe S2 only has 11 weeks left for this year…senior year is so close now!</p>

<p>P56, it’s going. Right now she is trying to do an application for a small scholarship for summer research and has to apply for a summer program that looks perfect for her interest. The GRE is scheduled for next month, no idea what is going on and the appointment with the adviser has not happened, just hoping that the list of classes we think she has left is correct. When do they learn not too wait until the last minute?</p>

<p>Our 6 - 16 inches of snow turned into a half-inch of crunchy stuff and a lot of rain. I can live with that.</p>

<p>Getting a package together to send to D for her 21st birthday. She wanted a particular type of necklace (one with big initials: Google images “monogram necklace” to see it) and I didn’t realize they have to be special ordered - even with only one initial - so it will arrive too late. I’ll put a picture of it in a jewelry box and send the actual necklace when we get it. She also lost her rain jacket - we think it’s in the closet of the last hotel she stayed at for her study abroad trip, a consequence of having to leave for the airport at 3:30 am and deciding just to go out and stay up all night, then “packing in a delirium.” I wasn’t going to buy her a new one (teach her a lesson) but I finally decided it would be a useful and appropriate birthday gift. I may add a gift card to her favorite restaurant.</p>

<p>D is taking a “practice” GRE for free from Kaplan today. She says she’s taking it absolutely cold, no studying or test strategy knowledge at all. Yes, they will try to get her to sign up for their course at college but she is going to wait till this summer and study for the GRE when it won’t conflict with studying for classes. She plans to take the GRE late summer and again in the fall.</p>


<p>I think they learn around age 75 or 80… after all, I’m working on slides for my presentation tomorrow right now…</p>

<p>mune i’m waiting to hear if he is rescheduling his mcat booked for next month…he is so far behind on his study plan and he is off on a birthday trip next weekend. thankfully his summer plans have been set for a year. good luck on her gre!!</p>

<p>happy birthday to laf’s D</p>

<p>that is not helpful to know scualum…</p>

<p>LOL P56 - sorry but I resemble that remark… I think of it as just in time working…</p>

<p>Reading back through the thread, I see the reference to Barcelona which is where I am right now… </p>

<p>One of my favorite cities - but boy is there a lot of crime. Don’t assume your room is safe either - co workers have had stuff stolen from their locked hotel rooms. Yes they raised a fuss but to no avail. </p>

<p>I make sure I use the hotel safe in my room, carrying only my passport, one credit card and cash in a front pocket. Don’t carry a backpack - as the thieves are quite adept at both opening the pockets and removing stuff or slashing the strap and running away… </p>

<p>Having said that, I look forward to the annual meetings here every year. Food is amazing, scenery awesome - especially the architecture. You just have to be careful.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee! </p>

<p>Actually, I think our kids first learn not to tell us when the dead line is because we :eek::eek: I am regularly guilty of that:o</p>

<p>S1 called again and said the migraines are still happening, though the meds he has are helping. We asked him to send us the name of what he is taking but he has not done so yet. Anyone know what that would be?. He had a follow up with student health services and they referred him to a neurologist, but he does not have an appointment yet. Some PVC time please?</p>

<p>scu S2 doesnt consider it procrastinating unless its past due. last minute is his theme song i think</p>

<p>more pvc’s to your son IL. if you find out the name, pm me if you like. depends on whether the meds are to treat the headaches or prevent them… depends on what dosage he is on .also depends on the type of headache… not all severe headaches are actually migraines and that is why “migraine” meds may not work.</p>

<p>agree with you about not telling us deadlines anymore… S2 has a printout on the med school application process…said he would send it, but that would mean i would know when things were due…havent seen it yet :)</p>