Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Ditto what DB said. And DB - glad your S is enjoying himself and best to your D in her job pursuits.</p>

<p>All seems well here.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready</p>

<p>doing a ditto here too! :)</p>

<p>ML - sorry about your son’s ticket. So far S1 hasn’t had a ticket or at-fault accident, although he did hit a telephone pole driving to school his senior year. The truck still passed inspection so we didn’t turn it in. </p>

<p>laf - Cluster headaches are the worst! My uncle has them and they are absolutely debilitating.</p>

<p>Thanks to DB. I will add another ditto! :)</p>

<p>Have a great Tuesday.</p>

<p>(((HUGS))), ML! $185 is a lot, but a DUI would have been much worse…</p>

<p>Good morning! I am back to work after a week + off. </p>

<p>ML: Sorry about the ticket! S3 got a ticket for going through a red light last year (he swears it was yellow), which was I think more in the $600 range by the time we paid for traffic school etc… I guess everything is more expensive in California!</p>

<p>Adding congratulations toward the G# family! </p>

<p>Been a little rainy here in the Sunshine State lately. I think it is finally over though. <em>crosses fingers</em></p>

<p>Just been strolling along with classes. I’ve gotten two papers back with As on then and a test with an A so I’ve been in a good mood. I do have a paper due tomorrow that needs some works though.</p>

<p>My last class of the semester starts next Monday so I’ve been getting ready for that. Thankfully it is online, a retake, and only 8 weeks long. </p>

<p>Time to power on through to Midterms and Soring Break ( a month away for me).</p>

<p>tc, Good luck with grad school! How exciting!</p>

<p>Hello, friends, sorry I have not been around in awhile. Speaking of grad school…my grad school classes are going great but I also had to take an undergrad class and I am really struggling with it (Grammar.) Wish me luck!</p>

<p>Mr. PMKjr is absolutely loving life in London. I think it’s going to take some work to coax him back over to this side of the Atlantic!</p>

<p>I hope all is well with all of you.</p>

<p>~~ hi pmk! what part of London is pmkjr in? (That grammar error is provided free of charge, to help with your class. :wink: ) My S is in the Islington/Bloomsbury part of town. This is kind of near the London School of Economics. And, yes, he’s having a wonderful time, too.</p>

<p>pmk, I am SO HAPPY to hear that your son is doing well! Your news made my day.</p>

<p>Thank you, ML!</p>

<p>DB, He lives in Shepherds Bush, works in Southwark and is enjoying the nightlife of Soho. I’m glad your S is enjoying London as well! Are you going to London to visit? We were planning on it but our niece just announced her engagement and they have not set the date yet. We’ll have to see how far our little travel budget can take us this year!</p>

<p>glad to hear all going well for pmkjr and that your grad classes are going great.</p>

<p>congrats on the A’s mdem!</p>

<p>Great news PMK! It is so cool that two of the group’s kids are currently in London. Good luck with the grammar!</p>

<p>pmk - Glad to hear your updates. London sounds sooo exciting. I hope you get a chance to visit!</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready!</p>


<p><em>waving at pmk</em></p>

<p>^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Those are the mountains of snow in our yard.</p>

<p>I tried to post yesterday, but everytime I hit post, CC disappeared altogether. :confused:</p>

<p>We had about 10 inches of snow yesterday and another 3 in the night. Still snowing. But according to the KC news…it’s just a dusting since yesterday. ??? It is just over knee deep on our deck, bundling up to shovel it off later.</p>

<p>In college news, Mizzou was closed again yesterday. Apparently , last week when they closed at noon on Thursday, there were 3000 students stranded on campus, because the city bus system that they all use closed at 11:00. Someone wrote a letter to the Editor in the Columbia Tribune about “Tuition Paying Students” safety should come first, not protecting their reputation of never closing campus. Good point. On Thursday, S did catch the last bus back to his apartment and it took 3 hours. (normally 10-20 minutes)</p>

<p>MaineLonhorn: I sent you a pm about cruises…</p>

<p>I’ll go back & catch up on the posts I’ve missed.</p>

<p>:eek: Just remembered our FAFSA has to be done before Friday.</p>

<p>It is currently in the raining part of the snow/rain/hail/wintry mix nonsense we’re getting this week. Everything is windy and icy. Dear February, stop being a drama queen.</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>Sorry about all the snow. We are expecting a “winter heat wave”. They are forecasting 75 today and in the 80s this weekend. </p>

<p>So we are about 30 days away from having all the admissions results for S3. I feel like I was pretty cool up until now and now the waiting is killing me! </p>

<p>Happy Wednesday!</p>

<p>Bumping us back to page 1. No COLLEGE news, though I think ds registered for classes this week.</p>