Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Same boat here, YDS. I think my S registered for courses for spring term this week, but can’t be sure. He did tell me this weekend what he planned to take. He’s definitely reached the point where I have NO idea what it’s about. But he’s back into 2 CS and 1 Math course mode, which means very little writing and a happy student. He’s still saving Astronomy for the term he has to do his 2 theses. So I guess he’s thinking ahead.</p>

<p>alice, I decided to text ds and tell him to call us. :smiley: He likes his schedule, though he didn’t get one distro he needed, but he has all of next year to take it. It’s his only one left – well, that and a PE class – so he’s not worried. And he says he has classes covered for his major. He got an extra class from study abroad, so he thinks he’s in good shape. I told him to check anyway!!!</p>

<p>YDS - They have an application called “progress toward graduation” or something like that where they can check all these things, and I understand that the advisor also checks it each term when they go in during advising days to discuss their class choices - to make sure they can make it. So he probably knows from whence he speaks.</p>

<p>I know that my S has finished all his distros (except for the last PE, which he will satisfy with spring frisbee). I think after spring term he will also have technically completed all his major requirements except for comps, but he will continue to take courses in his majors because he likes them. He also had some AP credit, so in theory could take only two courses during winter term next year when he is “double compsing.” I will probably recommend that, but he probably will make a different choice (notice I didn’t say “he probably won’t listen to me”).</p>

<p>S2 has that degree tracker thing too…i know what he needs to take (when the silly thing opens up and lets me look…for some reason satellite has a problem with it) , how or when he will accomplish it…i have no idea</p>

<p>I LOVE the degree tracker.</p>

<p>P56, the problem may be that your S carries a load that would crush a mere mortal, and the software just may not be able to keep up. :wink: I need to pay more attention to S1, but my sense is he is on track. </p>

<p>DW and I are trading texts w/ S1, who is in midst of midterms. Headaches are less frequent, but still no appt. with neurologist. :mad: Leaves this weekend for his “Habitat Yacht Club” spring break. </p>

<p>S2 hoisted 415 in the deadlift tonight, which is his personal best. As I wasn’t there Not sure why he did not go for 425. I suspect they were close to placing and making a smaller lift vs missing a bigger might count for more?? IDK</p>

<p>good morning all coffee is ready!</p>

<p>wow on 415 lbs IL!!! hope other son’s spring break is not messed up by headaches</p>

<p>P56 - thanks for the coffee. Another difference is that I cannot see S’s progress toward graduation. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m not keeping score on my own. </p>

<p>IL - When my S has a migraine, he can often identify dehydration as a trigger. He has gotten very careful about staying hydrated, and interspersing Gatorade with water when he exercises.</p>

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>WOW on the weightlifting, IL. :eek:</p>

<p>All this talk about degree trackers has me wondering about S. I’ll have to check with him. Thanks for the heads-up.</p>

<p>I know DS was worried about fitting everything in if he took a second semester abroad, but decided he could make it work, though he will be overworked if he takes EPIIC again next year. (Crazy, crazy reading list, but a great place to make contracts and the theme next year is the Arab world and North Africa.) He just found a paper he wrote last spring is being nominated by a professor for an award. We also (finally!) got transcript from last fall, and it could hardly have been better. </p>

<p>Good luck on the headaches. Everyone in our family get a lot of headaches, mine are nearly always triggered by too little sleep.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday!</p>

<p>I just realized how far I’ve come from freshman year with S. He called the other day and told me about his schedule for next quarter and I didn’t even realize his registration window had come and gone. His degrees seem to be on track, according to him. </p>

<p>I’m still hovering a little over freshman D’s life - but she needs it, at least for now.</p>

<p>Checkers: wow, just wow on all that snow!</p>

<p>IL: congrats to Father of the Amazing Hulk on S2’s 415-lb lift! I’m proud of him vicariously because isn’t this the same kid who broke his arm back in the fall? Sending good wishes that S1 can figure out the cause of his headaches. </p>

<p>PMK & DB: I love hearing about “our kids” in London. Ditto all the other kids studying abroad (mathmom’s S, ??)</p>

<p>Another victory for the all-powerful PVC! S2 just called - he just got an offer for his #1 choice internship. (120 candidates for 2 positions). He is over the moon & so am I! He also apologized for being so irritable the last few times we have spoken. He said that he’s been stressed from midterms & internship interviews. He leaves for Spring Break this weekend. The swallows may return to San Juan Capistrano in March, but apparently the college students flock to Panama City Beach. :eek:</p>

<p>Congrats to your son on the internship, 12rmh18! I guess the 2014 PVCs were working for my D2 even though I didn’t ask for them, because she just let us know that she has been offered an internship at a local children’s theater group and she is very excited! Her merit scholarship comes with a $3000 stipend for one summer so that she can afford to do an internship…she’ll actually “earn” more than she did last summer at her paying job :slight_smile: </p>

<p>D1 is still loving Edinburgh…only about 6 weeks until we go over to see her! :)</p>

<p>Congrats on all the good news and on-track juniors! And to IL’s ds, who is doing the real heavy lifting.</p>

<p>^^ditto that.</p>

<p>I guess it must be my turn to bump us up to page one again, even though I have no new COLLEGE info. One of these days maybe my S will need some PVC for job/internship, but I suppose he would have to apply and have an interview first, wouldn’t he?</p>

<p>12rmh18: Congrats to S2!!!</p>

<p>Not much college news here. S2 has to do some classroom observations so he started that this week. </p>

<p>OK, now it’s my turn to ask for the PVC. I started yesterday with some sort of sinus headhache/throat thing and went home from work early and climbed into bed. Think I will be doing the same thing today. I need to be all better for Saturday. It’s our St. Pat’s Mass/Parade and I’m doing so much helping with that and also marching, so I need to be feeling my best. You all know how much I love this time of year with the KILTS!! :wink: We have after an the parade party, and tomorrow night we need to go and set up for that. I found out that setting up means making sure all of the kegs are in working order!! I don’t drink beer but it will be fun. Oh how I love March!! :D</p>

<p>I’m having allergies and just got up from a nap feeling much better. I recommend more sleep, NJ!</p>

<p>Congrats to 12rmh18’s son!</p>

<p>Not too much college news on my end, except that after one more paper due tomorrow I am actually paper-free til after spring break! So exciting. Just need to trudge through this one…luckily, I have 3 hours of work this evening which I don’t expect to be super busy, so I can work on it then.</p>

<p>Congrats to 12rmh18’s S and Twinmama’s D on their internships! Neither of my kids has every had any success obtaining one.</p>

<p>Passport update: DS had a friend take him today. He tried the first place and today there was a sign out front “no passports today”, so he went to Beverly Hills, everything took 5 seconds, except there was a hitch. DS had cash or a check card and they only take checks. So now he is in an enormous line trying to get a money order.</p>