Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>YDS, I knew somebody would ask that. lol. :smiley: And, yes, I’m sure it wasn’t too much. One little glass…</p>

<p>another good reason for hating red wine LOL. never found a red wine i like…</p>

<p>hope everyone got home safely that was travelling</p>

<p>Last winter I took Nyquil before bed. Same Nyquil I had always taken. I woke up several hours later…my feet were on fire. I mean, really hot, it’s what woke me up. I laid there a bit thinking about it when my lip started to tingle like it was asleep.</p>

<p>I woke H up & told him I thought I was having a reaction. On my way to the kitchen for Benedryl, I started itching & found hives all over my sides. A few minutes after I took the Benedryl my tongue started to swell & I talked funny.</p>

<p>We waited a couple more minutes for the benedryl to kick in, but H was ready to go to the office & get epinepherin. (Have no idea how to spell that !).</p>

<p>No more Nyquil for me. I still have no idea what the hot feet had to do with it.</p>

<p>S got home early because his afternoon class was cancelled. :slight_smile: He was here by 3:30 and it is so great to see him. </p>

<p>D15 began golf practice for the school team today. Ummm, not a lot you can do with almost 2 feet of snow on the ground. It was more discussion.</p>

<p>DB: Hope you feel better soon.</p>

<p>I can’t really drink wine. It just makes me feel bad. Now, a cheap Seagrams 7 peach wine cooler is just fine.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn: Got your PM about the cruise info. :slight_smile: Thanks ! I may have more questions later. I read a copy of the Fun Times & it says there’s an 80’s night. “Wear your big hair & your parachute pants…” I just happen to have a pair of black parachute pants in my closet. Have NO idea why I saved such a thing but there is no way I can fit into them. Was I ever that small? And why exactly did my parents let me wear them ? </p>

<p>Glad to hear that a lot of ‘our kids’ are on track to graduate in 4 years. S is definitely going to be on a 5 year plan. Hopefully, I won’t be the only one left here. </p>

<p>Gsharp: Congrats on D’ wedding. Breathe…:)</p>

<p>Checkers - I have one on the 6 year plan (May 2013 graduation mehopes) and one on the 5 year plan (for better reasons). Truly, if they both get traction in life… I’m ok with it all.</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. And in honor of Parade Day I also have Irish Breakfast tea. </p>

<p>It’s going to be a long day, mass at 10, then parade at 1 and then party at 3. Hopefully the wind won’t be too bad and I won’t freeze my shamrocks off! :eek:
Just in case you all are wondering, 12 pipe bands=lots of KILTS!!! :D</p>

<p>Have a great day!</p>

<p>Thanks for the tea, PNJmom, and enjoy your day! ;)</p>

<p>Keep those shamrocks warm, NJ!</p>

<p>Why am I up this early on a Saturday when I have nothing I have to do?</p>

<p>good morning all, thanks for the tea proudnj… have a wonderful time at the parade!</p>

<p>woke up to white stuff on the lawn…and a few flakes still coming down, but should all disappear shortly</p>

<p>checkers, if S2 takes a gap year i’m not sure what year plan that puts me on</p>

<p>Checkers, when I was at the doctor with my rash yesterday, she asked me if the bottom of my feet hurt or if the skin there was peeling. She was relieved when I said no. Then she told me about Stevens Johnson Syndrome. You can google it if you want - it’s a very rare but HORRIBLE reaction to some medicines. I think she told me about it to be sure I took my prednisone and antihistamine exactly as prescribed. I did have the early symptoms - fatigue, achiness, eye pain, then the rash, but that’s where mine stopped. The medicines got rid of most of the rash yesterday in about 6 hours, but this morning it was coming back. Took my once-daily dose again this morning and am waiting for the rash to go away. I’ve never had any reaction to any kind of medicine before so this has been an eye opener.</p>

<p>Plan to spend a quiet day organizing paperwork and doing the taxes. Guess I need to stop procrastinating…</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>S2 texted me at 5am. ESPN College Gameday is on campus today so they were in the stands at 5am. I was surprised he was up at 5am, but evidently they never went to sleep. If you are watching evidently he is behind a banana.</p>

<p>Good morning friends. </p>

<p>All this talk of allergic reactions has me knocking on wood. No big ones in our family…yet. </p>

<p>DB - If a glass of red wine ever knocks me out I’ll be really really bummed. At this point it takes two gin martini’s :D</p>

<p>G# - you certainly got to see a good basketball game. Were you on TV? </p>

<p>DW is out getting a mani-pedi for our cruise - we leave next Saturday from Miami. As luck would have it I am in FL all next week. Tampa M-T, and a conference in Miami Wed-Friday of next week, so DW will join me Friday. Today is the shopping/errand day from H-E double hockey sticks. She literally has a page long list of Things We Must Get Done. Just coordinating the packing is going to be a logistical challenge. I have to pack stuff for an entire week of “business casual”, and she has to bring everything else. :rolleyes: Packing bags is not my forte. I’m much better at a suburban or a car trunk.</p>

<p>I would be very sad if I couldn’t drink red wine.</p>

<p>Nice long talk with S2. He’s planning on a spring break trip to Egypt - let’s hope that it stays reasonably calm there! He says the crowd he’s with isn’t quite as into penny pinching so they’ll be flying instead of taking buses and ferries.</p>

<p>IL - Always in the wrong part of FL. Tampa and Miami really? Just kidding. It is probably warmer down there then it is currently up here in Jacksonville. Enjoy your cruise! </p>

<p>Sometime last year I broke out into hives because of some medication I was on. My mom rushed to the ER but then I took Benadryl and was fine. Stayed away from that med and now I am fine. </p>

<p>Getting my haircut this afternoon and then going to a family function. My cousin and her husband leave for Japan on the 11th so this is their big goodbye. Weird that is happening especially for three years. Damn Navy.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee & tea.</p>

<p>PNJ: May the luck O’the Irish be with you today. Keep those shamrocks warm. :smiley:

For the love of Pete, please refrain from asking about luggage! Wishing you & your DW a wonderful cruise.</p>

<p>I’m back from a meeting with local authorities about a stream restoration project. I learned a new vocabulary that included such bureaucratese as “bank stabilization,” “erosive velocity,” and “storm water mitigation,” but as the only woman in the group, I was already familiar with the concept of “water retention.” :D</p>

<p>D’s flight seems to be on time!</p>

<p>yippee munequita!! fingers crossed.</p>

<p>have a wonderful cruise IL</p>

<p>IL, I hope you have as much fun on your cruise as we had on ours! Wear lots of sunblock!</p>



<p>SJS is what the boys’ doctor thought that S2 might have, while we were on our cruise! My friend had to take him to the ER to make sure he was OK (he was). Scary stuff.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Good morning Been up since 5:00, on a Sunday. I am not usually an early riser on the weekend. Dog barking & H snoring. I’m up, dog’s outside, and everyone else asleep.</p>

<p>S is heading back to school about 10:00. He has a test tomorrow. Whirlwind weekend.</p>

<p>Weatherman just said 4-8 snow tomorrow night. The weatherman has to go.</p>

<p>Morning, all! I am done with my week of academic hell, and have been enjoying my weekend in the best way I know how - bought myself a new video game as an early birthday present and played LEGO Lord of the Rings with my girlfriend all yesterday afternoon.</p>