Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>tx - What a pain that passports require checks. </p>

<p>"he just got an offer for his #1 choice internship. (120 candidates for 2 positions). He is over the moon & so am I! " - Heck, I’m over the moon and it aint my kid. Congrats to him and Twinmama’s D!</p>

<p>12rmh18 - woo hoo for S2! That is quite a feat! And kudos to Twinmama’s D!</p>

<p>Yes, S2 broke his arm during football camp last year, but it wasn’t too bad. I think he missed about 4 weeks. He’s been working pretty hard at the weightlifting since the season ended. And now on to baseball! He may go to one more lifting competition at Ohio State this weekend.</p>

<p>t_c - paper free is good!</p>

<p>So dehydration - check! Lack of sleep - Check! I think we’re closing in on the root cause of S1’s headaches…:rolleyes: Taking care of himself is not one of his strengths</p>

<p>PVC pointed toward PNJMom</p>

<p>congrats 12rmh!!</p>

<p>S2 is winging his way to his brother’s for the weekend!</p>

<p>Good news from S–had two interviews for summer internships on campus and at least one of the professors wants to hire him. AND he got a job offer from large company that he had two interviews with! But I think he really wants to work for the smaller company that he found more interesting & varied…so he’s waiting to hear from them.</p>

<p>And the REU–no idea when they make their decisions, or if they even notify those who aren’t chosen.</p>

<p>Choices! :)</p>


<p>woohoo mommusic!! great news</p>

<p>hope you feel better soon proudnj</p>

<p>congrats twinmomma!</p>

<p>Choices are a nice thing, mommusic!</p>

<p>Coffee, tea, Pepsi, and breakfast (I see heart shaped muffins in the kitchen) are on me this morning…</p>

<p>Internship/offer congratulations to 12rmh18, TWINMAMA, and mommusic!!!</p>

<p>ML – Sorry that you had a tough re-introduction to reality. At least DS was safe!</p>

<p>IL – I hope they figure out something for S1’s headaches. And congrats to S2 even if he did slack off and only went for a measly 415 LBS!</p>

<p>PMK – That ol’ grammer class ain’t gonna effect you none! You know what they say when you make a grammatical error, “It could be worse. You could have missed a period.” :wink: Thanks for letting us attend grad school vicariously through you. A couple of my favorites…
[Grammar</a> Girl :: Quick and Dirty Tips ?](<a href=“]Grammar”>
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Tx5 – I trust by now you’ve gotten most of the passport red tape off of you. I guess I’m spoilt’. Here we just walk into the Mayberry courthouse to get passport stuff done. Occasionally, there might be one person in front of you in which case you go to the Dairy Queen and come back in a few minutes.</p>


There are so many scenarios in which this would be so inappropriate. Luckily, the library is not typically one of them. :wink: </p>


Here we go again… :wink: Regardless, I hope you feel better soon.</p>

<p>Re: Graduation Tracker – I have been good and not looked at D2’s on-line version, but I do have a separate spreadsheet that I use to see if anything raises a red flag and help D2 with her decision-making.</p>

<p>D1 sent me her detailed “Budget” spreadsheet for her wedding plans. She left off 2 glaring items, “Cardiac Unit” and “Funeral” for dad. ;)</p>

<p>Y’all crack me up. I feel like I have unfairly slandered Plato’s Closet. I think that it is a chain and, to my knowledge, they have a perfectly legit business model. It’s just that the wrong person said the wrong thing to the wrong woman on the wrong day. Judging by the hangars and dresses being slammed in the backseat of my pickup truck, that woman was not happy. I’ll go to my grave denying it, but I thought that it was funny as h*ll. :slight_smile: All I could think was, “Damn, someone done got between mama and the cubs.” ;)</p>

<p>College-ish news, is related to my alma mater. I was in ATL last night wearing a W&M sweatshirt (yeah, I know, classy ;)) when some college-age young ladies started talking to me. As it turned out they were all W&M students and members of the W&M Honor Council on their way back from a conference. They had their Dean in tow. Small world. One of the young ladies actually went to HS at the same school that I attended in elementary school. Smaller world. You know, sometimes I talk to these “kids” and realize that there is hope for this world after all :)</p>

<p>So why am I home and up so early on Friday? DW and I are on our way to NJ for the weekend to bring D2 her B-Day loot (her actual B-Day is a few weeks away, right LIMOMOF2?), but I get to work from home next week, so we don’t have to rush back. :)The SUV is packed and ready to roll. We are going to the Harvard @ Princeton basketball game tonight (Good Luck to LIMOMOF2’s D’s school), so look for me on ESPN-U (it’s clearly a slow college basketball night for this game to be televised). I’ll be the disheveled old man in the Princeton cap sitting with Connie Britton. OK, I actually have no idea who Ms. Britton is, but DW has had multiple people (including D1) tell her in the past couple of weeks that they look alike.</p>

<p><g# steps=“” away=“” to=“” check=“” out=“” google=“” images=“”></g#></p>

<p>Yeah, they actually do kinda look alike. That’s creepy. I wonder which one is the “Evil Twin.” ;)</p>

<p>good mornng all! thanks for the coffee gsharp! have a safe trip visiting D2. LOL on the wedding budget… that is when it is REALLY nice to have sons</p>

<p>Morning, all. Note that I left the “good” off. Grrrrr. Don’t ask.</p>

<p>G#, you are one lucky guy if your better half looks like Connie Britton.</p>

<p>Congrats on all the good news.</p>

<p>DS called last night – something about ultimate, a PayPal account and the credit card. While on the phone, I had him check the degree tracker, and he assures me that all is well. There are six more classes he needs to graduate, and he has four trimesters to get it done, so that sounds good.</p>

<p>Pvc to the skies tomorrow please, D is coming home for spring break!</p>

<p>YDS and NJ - More sleep will cure just about anything!</p>

<p>G# - When I got married in 1989, before all these wedding shows were on TV and blew everything out of the water, my dad, God rest his soul, opened up a separate checking account and put a set amount of money in it for the wedding. If we spent anything over that amount, my H and I had to pay for it ourselves, but whatever was left over was ours to keep. I had the wedding I’d always dreamed of and we are still using the bookcase and chest we bought with the leftover cash.</p>

<p>So, it is snowing. I’m speechless.</p>

<p>S’ will be home about 8:00 tonight. First time since he went back after Christmas. Which, really, hasn’t been that long. His spring break is March 25.</p>

<p>D15 has no spring break, but no surprise. We had 5 built in snow days in the school calendar. They’ve had 6 , so one added on at the end of the year. New people moving in from out of district always complain, but the rest of us like it that way. School is out for summer by May 22. We’d rather lose spring break than be going to school up into June.</p>

<p>Mizzou FAFSA due today. Anyone else ? </p>

<p>I think our cold snowy day qualifies for ‘lion’ weather, right ? March is in like a lion and out like a lamb. I’ll take it.</p>

<p>Mornin’ all…</p>

<p>Happy March 1, even if we are going to have unsettled lion weather for the next week (cold, possible wintry mix.) I am happy to see the end of February!</p>

<p>Gsharp, you crack me up! But I like the way you think. And write. :)</p>

<p>Happy and safe spring break travels to all. Our S gets off March 15. It will be so weird having him home again. We really are adjusted to the empty nest! At the end of his spring break week, other chicks start arriving for Passover, so it will be nice to have most of them together again.</p>

<p>Hoping the skies stay clear for Munequita’s D.</p>

<p>We are looking ahead to spring break for D and figure we will only see her on the weekends bracketing it as she is picking up extra hours at her on-campus job. She nneds the funds for picking up the deductible for the fender bender she had a few weeks ago. She was pretty accepting when I pointed out that “accident” means exactly that- she does not get a free pass just because it was in great part nothing she could have avoided (two cars collided in front of her with little warning). That said we did lend her my car and are picking up the difference in the rental car rate and what insurance covers. </p>

<p>She also got a request to pick up some extra hours in the summer in a second job. If funding is approved for her campus library job then she could work these hours in the evening. Poor baby- once she starts working more we think she will start having to take taxes out. That will be a shock I am pretty sure.</p>

<p>oh my checkers… i cant believe you are getting even more snow. they say we might get some snow flurries here this weekend, probably a run on bread and milk but no accumulation. safe travels to your son coming home</p>

<p>S2’s spring break is 3rd week of march, but dont expect him to be home</p>

<p>mega pvc’s for munequita’s D… you seem to be jinxed by delays!</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Spring Break for D1 and S2 is the last week of March, for S3 it isn’t until the third week in April, which works out because we can do our last minute college visits before the big decision! </p>

<p>PVC for clear skies and no delays for munequitas D.</p>

<p>Hi and happy Friday. </p>

<p>Congrats to all our new interns. :)</p>

<p>And, {{hugs}} to everyone who feels crummy (like me). </p>

<p>Safe travels if you’re in the air or on the roads these days.</p>

<p>Feel better DB!</p>

<p>D has finally figured out spring break. She’s going to a friend’s house who lives on the Gulf Coast. Total of 4 girls going. Much cheaper than the previous plan. (It will be an 11 hour drive though.) And more good news - the guy she gave the money to for the beach house rental in Florida has enough people going that he says he will be able to give D her money back! :)</p>

<p>I’m home from work today with a cautionary tale. I was taking Bactrim for a mild infection. I’ve never had a reaction to any medication before but a few days ago I developed achiness, a low fever and my eyes hurt. Today I woke up with a bright red rash on my face and neck which rapidly spread to my entire body. So I went to the nurse practitioner, who told me it’s an allergic reaction to the Bactrim. Apparently I have developed an allergy to Sulfa drugs - she said people can develop sensitivities at different points in their lives. She also said it can be VERY serious so it’s a good thing I came in quickly. Now I’m on prednisone and an antihistamine, probably for at least a month, and if I take them as I’m supposed to I should be fine. The lesson here is to always report any kind of adverse reaction to a medication - especially a rash - to your doctor as soon as possible.</p>

<p>Same here, Laf. Sulfa allergy. My first (and only) bad reaction gave me a rash and caused my face to swell so bad my eyes wouldn’t open.</p>

<p>They say there’s no real scientific link. But, I find it very suspicious that my allergy was diagnosed around the same time red wine started making me faint. After 2 concussions, now I have to stick with white. :frowning: No hardship, though. I like beer best. ;)</p>

<p>DB, are you sure it wasn’t TOO MUCH red wine that was making you faint? ;)</p>