Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>have a wonderful trip DB!!</p>

<p>happy bday to laf’s S!!!</p>

<p>S1 and S2 had a great time together at comicon…pictures with adam west, gillian anderson, christopher lloyd and patrick stewart!! S1’s life is now complete as gillian anderson was his heart throb as a teenager…!</p>

<p>IL–If the hydration and sleep don’t help the headaches, consider the “migraine diet”. DS had major migraine issues in HS. We tried meds, sleep, hydration and nothing stopped them. I found the migraine diet book and gave it to him. I was surprised he read it and decided to try it (tells you how much pain he was in and how much school he was missing). Amazing results–turns out preservatives and especially MSG are the biggest problem for him. No more migraines. If he gets a headache we review his food and usually discover something that we didn’t think had MSG in it but did (foods change ingredients and sometimes even though we both read labels, we’ve missed it before). </p>

<p>G#–we find it hard to visit DS because of all the homework and stress. He enjoys seeing us but has so much to do that he stresses out about spending too much time with us (which he wants to do) because he has other things to do. Hopefully the sugar and chocolate from the b-day cake helped your DD to de-stress!</p>

<p>Laf–we get junk mail every so often addressed to MIL who had never lived anywhere near where we do and also has been deceased for 27 years. Where do they get these mailing lists?</p>

<p>Will we or won’t we? Snow may be headed our way, or maybe not. Guess we’ll find out on Wednesday. I’m good with a snow day if it happens!</p>

<p><em>Sigh</em> It is snowing. HUGE flakes. Please, no more snow days, we’ve had 6. </p>

<p>I have migraines. Key factors for me are dark chocolate, Low pressure fronts (I can predict the weather! Literally) from May-October, and if I’ve gone a few meals without a vegetable. For example…pizza Monday night, Reuban’s Tuesday, Spaghetti & garlic bread on Wednesday, Sloppy Joe or Tacos on Thursday. I have been known to open a can of green beans & eat them cold. Almost always works within 30 minutes. The sun reflecting off the snow also does it. I am classic “I wear my sunglasses at night”.</p>

<p>We could probably start at whole migraine thread. Sunlight reflecting off anything does me in, changes in atmospheric pressure (I know when the Santa Anas are coming), lack of sleep, lack of caffeine, air travel, BBQ potato chips, and imitation “Krab”
@checkers, my condolences about the dark chocolate!</p>

<p>DS inherited the “affliction” as well, and as early as the first grade used to avoid the bright sunlight during recess. The irregularities of the college sleep and nutrition regimens can be consistent migraine triggers, unfortunately.</p>

<p>Coffee/tea ready!!! </p>

<p>Laf: Happy Birthday to your D! :)</p>

<p>GSharp: Glad that you got to spend time with D2! I understand about the school stress! :eek: </p>

<p>Parade/Party was so much fun! The mass was beautiful. It’s so funny because at the mass everyone is on their best behavior, after the mass all hell breaks lose! I got to wear a sash and carry a clip board so I felt very important! Hearing all the pipe bands warm up was just so magical, and seeing all those men in kilts was Heaven. ;)</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee! I’ll have just a little bit to put in my hot milk.</p>

<p>I have an inefficient sinus on the left side of my face that is a focal point for headaches. They either start or end there, inevitably. The weather definitely is a cause, and decongestants don’t seem to help–they dry me up but the sinus still hurts. And the meds make me sleepy or jumpy! :(</p>

<p>The forecast here is for rain, thank goodness, but to the north they’re getting some of the snow that is supposed to end up in New England. The novelty has worn off and we want to be done with snow!</p>

<p>Edit: Thanks for the well wishes for my nephew. His hip was successfully pinned, and he probably will leave the hospital today to stay with his mom (his apt. is a 4th floor walkup!) and he has crutches, not a cast or traction. So the overall news is good. :)</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee proudnj!</p>

<p>glad your nephew did well momusic!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, proudnj, and glad you enjoyed the “parade” ;)</p>

<p>mommusic - glad to hear that things are moving forward for your nephew - here’s to a speedy recovery.</p>

<p>Both my kids have headaches that can be triggered by chocolate, but not always. D says her triggers are hot beverages, chocolate, and lack of vegetables. She says the chocolate and hot beverages do not always cause a headache and that she can tell before she eats/drinks them at any given time whether it will trigger a headache or not, but sometimes she indulges anyways. I think to some extent it’s a balance between eating enough vegetables and some of these other things. I will have to ask her if she has ever eaten vegetables once she already has a headache, checkers. You are the only other person I have ever heard mention vegetables in connection with migraines.</p>

<p>I am looking forward to going to see D on Friday. Praying that the storm comes and goes before our flight.</p>

<p>Having a really rough week. Blergh. </p>

<p>Bumping our thread up.</p>

<p>hope your week gets better soon mdem!</p>

<p>stormy and windy here and back to cold.</p>

<p>Quick check in… so excited that dd1 has a business trip to Malaysia and has arranged a 22 hour stopover in Hong Kong to visit dd2! So happy that they’ll have a quick get together. Just wish I could be there.
DB, enjoy London. Try to buy an Oyster card for the tube and buses. We love the Geffrye Museum, a bit off the beaten track but a great place, as is Broadway Market on Saturday mornings. Enjoy!</p>

<p>Long day. I was up & down from 2:30 until about 6:00 this morning. Sometimes I feel like I’m suffocating. I’m fairly sure it’s my asthma. I am so ready for bed.</p>

<p>Learned this today <(") …should’ve turned into a penguin if it turned out right.</p>

<p>S had a crazy hard test today & was a little concerned. He walked into the lab and there were 30 different fish. You cannot touch them at all. Once preserved, they all turn brown. He had to answer several questions about identifying, scales, gills, etc. Hope it turns out ok.</p>

<p>keep an inhaler handy checkers… i have a feeling allergies and asthma are going to be bad this year…we are already having high pollen counts. hope your S did well on the test</p>

<p>waving at bonnienj~~~~~,how wonderful that your girls will get to see each other</p>

<p>2nd page middle-of-the-night rescue!</p>

<p>Ha–on Monday they were predicting above freezing temps for our part of the country, so rain. Now we’re getting the several inches of snow everyone else is getting. And north of us…as much as 8 inches! Looks like a snow day for the schools. Good news, if you like that sort of thing. :D</p>

<p>Well, all those kids who wore their pajamas inside-out last night were rewarded: schools in our area are cancelled today. And all those adults who wore THEIR pajamas inside-out last night (& that would include S1, who is almost 25) were also rewarded with a snow day: federal govt & many offices are also closed today. :D</p>

<p>alicew: didn’t anyone tell you that airplanes & snowstorms don’t mix? :wink: I hope the runways are clear by Friday so you can go visit your D. She’s had a rough couple of weeks & I’m sure a visit from you is just what Dr. Mom ordered.</p>

<p>Laf: belated 21st birthday wishes to your DD!</p>

<p>DB: wishing you safe travels. Wave to the Queen for us!</p>

<p>mommusic: thanks for the update on your nephew. It sounds like he is beginning to recover from his fall but still has a long road ahead to recovery. Sending healing wishes for him.</p>

<p>munequita: I hope your DD made it home & you are enjoying the break with her.</p>

<p>ProudNJ: the St. Pat’s parade sounded like a lot of fun. It sounds like you were the life of the party.</p>

<p>BonnieNJ: it’s nice to “see” you again. How wonderful that your DDs will get to see each other, albeit on the other side of the world.</p>

<p>Checkers: sorry that you are not feeling well. I’m sending a virtual Pepsi in your direction in hopes that it compensates for the snow blahs.</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, S2 is on spring break. He & his merry band of road trippers safely arrived in Panama City, FL. When I called to check in on how the long drive was going, he informed me that they had detoured to Charleston, SC & he was on a private boat. Who knew?</p>

<p>good morning all… coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>doing a ditto…thanks 12rmh!</p>

<p>ditto 12rmh18 here too.</p>

<p>Still hoping this storm passes through and we get to go on our weekend jaunt to MN. We purposely waited till March in hopes of better weather. The best laid plans . . .</p>

<p>We only got about 3 inches but it is beautiful, all over the little tree branches & bushes. Might as well enjoy the last (we hope) storm of the season. I took an early morning walk and shoveled a minimal amount of the driveway (the stuff is going to melt tomorrow, why overdo it?) :)</p>

<p>And UC was on a delay but now is closed, so S can go back to bed or whatever.</p>

<p>Good luck to those in Northern Va. & DC area!</p>

<p>Thanks 12rmh, D is arrived on time and she brought a friend. We’ve been showing her the area, lots of driving and lots of fun. She is from Alabama and had never been to California</p>

<p>have to watch out with those alabama people munequita!! :slight_smile: we’re a strange bunch… or at least you would think so reading some posts about the south on cc LOL
glad your D made it home safely</p>