Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning! Happy Wednesday!!</p>

<p>Mune: glad your d made it home safe. </p>

<p>Work has been crazy busy. We still have patients getting the flu, and since our patients are very fragile that causes all sorts of additional problems. </p>

<p>No college news. It is March so we are waiting on a few more college admissions for S3, which I believe is causing me to have insomnia.</p>

<p>Stopping by to hope that everyone is safe in the storm! NO snow here yet, but winds are mighty fierce! </p>

<p>I know we discussed this before–can someone remind me why they are naming the winter storms now??</p>

<p>“They” is The Weather Channel…not any government agency. It’s purely a marketing move, so they can have a special logo and scary music for each storm. Boogie-boogie! :D</p>

<p>My laugh for the day: Watching squirrels hide peanuts under the snow! They eat some, chase each other away, and quickly hide one, patting the snow down with their little paws.</p>

<p>Thanks mommusic. After I posted this I asked my boss and he said the same thing. He feels it’s just to get us all to watch the Weather Channel.</p>

<p>Good luck to those in he path of the storm</p>

<p>S registered for Fall classes today. :eek: He also updated his resume for an internship. They need someone who can do some cold water diving to study Zebra Mussels.</p>

<p>I register for my summer classes on Monday. Only 10 credits left until my AA is finished :D</p>

<p>Stay safe all those dealing with snow. I am a little jealous as I miss the idea of snow but not the actual snowy product.</p>

<p>It’s my birthday! :D</p>

<p>(here’s to hoping that the snow doesn’t change my dinner plans)</p>

<p>Happy birthday TC! </p>

<p>Mdem, congrats on your progress toward your AA. </p>

<p>Checkers… is cold water diving for zebra mussels a common skill in the midwest? :p</p>

<p>Good morning. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>This is my last day of work before H, D, and I head to London to see S. Woo hoo. </p>


Checkers, if this describes your S, I am simultaneously impressed and amused. That’s what I’d call a niche. </p>

<p>HB, t_c! :)</p>

<p>mdem, there’s a light at the end of your tunnel. Keep up the great work. We’re proud of you. </p>

<p>The snowstorm was a bust here. Grass is nearly covered. Roads are clear. What a letdown. :(</p>

<p>Wow, DB, have a fabulous time! I love London!</p>

<p>We’re expecting only a trace to an inch of snow. Funny that UVa got 15", and Maine’s getting hardly any. People will start moving up here to avoid snow!</p>

<p>DS is not doing too great. He’s gotten in with a church group that’s pretty extreme - considered a cult when you look it up online. His dad and I are going into offensive mode now. It’s not a safe place for him to be, so we have to extract him somehow. </p>

<p>The GOOD news is that his younger brother is doing wonderfully - more stable than I think I have EVER seen him. He is sleeping well at night and good-natured all of the time. My daughter has remarked on how great he’s been the last month or so. I think his doctor has finally found the right combination of meds for him. Fingers crossed, at least!</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>happy birthday tc!!</p>

<p>woohoo mdem… so close now! congrats</p>

<p>love it checkers!!! </p>

<p>have a wonderful time DB!</p>

<p>hugs for ML!</p>

<p>♪♫♩♬ Happy Birthday T_C! ♪♫♩♬</p>

<p>mdem: woohoo! The finish line is in sight. Time to “kick” it in with a last burst of power. Congratulations!</p>

<p>ML: I’m thinking of you & your family, and sending all the positive vibes, (hugs), fist bumps, and good wishes that I can bundle together. </p>

<p>Wishing DB & family a smooth, uneventful flight tomorrow. Have a wonderful trip!</p>

<p>The snow was a non-start in our area too, but areas further south & west got quite a bit of the white stuff. S2, the rascal, tormented us by sending photos of a lovely beach house, swimming pool & sunshine from his spring break, as cold slushy snow fell on our area. But you know what they say about paybacks …</p>

<p>Good Morning</p>

<p>The lakes & rock quarries here are ‘cold water’ until summer. We happen to own a dry suit (A type of wet suit that keeps you warm & dry) and I’m hoping with his dive experience in the Caribbean, he’ll be one step ahead of anyone else who applies. :slight_smile: I think the Zebra Mussels may be the ones that quickly overtake areas ?!</p>

<p>Happy Birthday TC !!</p>

<p>Mdemzi: How cool that you are almost done. What a great feeling !</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn: thinking about you today. Oh…did you know that the Carnival Freedom is one of the ships with a live webcam? </p>

<p>DB: Woo Hoo.</p>

<p>The next town over is playing basketball in the quarterfinals at Mizzou arena tonight. If they win, they play for 1st place in State on Saturday night. Their star player has signed to play for Mizzou next year. Small world. D15 is friends with some of the girls, so we’re watching it on the MSHHA website tonight and if they win, we’re all going down on Saturday. Extra good news is we get to take S & GF out for dinner then they’re going to the game with us. Their school is red…not sure I have a red thing in my closet.</p>

<p>This morning I saw a couple of friends who just returned from Hawaii. Lovely to hear about their trip but also jealousy-inducing as they described the greenery, the breeze, the flowers… :smiley: Oh, and they said there are a FEW mosquitoes, but so many birds, they probably control them. NICE.</p>

<p>S needs to let one company know today and he hasn’t heard from all the other places yet! If only the job interview process were like the college app process, where everyone is on the same deadline. April 1, remember? :frowning: He’s going to send a couple of emails and see if his contacts can tell him anything.</p>

<p>Good news! S got an offer from the small company he likes! So happy for him. Summer work starts May 6.</p>


<p>Hooray for mommusic’s S!</p>

<p>Yea, mommusic!</p>

<p>Happy birthday TC!</p>

<p>Congrats mommusic’s son! (And thanks for the squirrely laugh.)</p>

<p>Hugs ML, culty churches are really scary.</p>

<p>Ugh, I didn’t get nearly enough work done today. All my fault, I am very good at procrastinating!</p>