Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>good morning all, coffee is ready</p>

<p>Good morning! I am back to reality after a great couple of days in the warm sunny desert. We had great weather and watched some great tennis. But today, getting up at 6am in the dark to walk the dog before work was painful. And the morning fog didn’t help. </p>

<p>Hugs to ML! I hope everything gets better soon. </p>

<p>Checkers I hope your DD recovers quickly. Ouch! </p>

<p>College news: D1 is very excited for Pi Day tomorrow. She is bringing pies for her math students (and of course planning to wear her Geometry Toms). S2 is in the last week of the quarter (with finals next week). He had to give a presentation yesterday in his sign language class. He seems pretty calm. No word on when he will be coming home for Spring Break.</p>

<p>tx5athome, I’ll take Southern Cali morning fog over Ohio surprise morning snow! They didn’t predict this snow, then they said “morning snow showers” but high of 37; well, it’s still snowing lightly and still below freezing. :(</p>

<p>I’m having hot soup for lunch and feeling miffed. I SO want it to be spring!</p>

<p>D15 woke up this morning covered in a rash and hives. “Mom, I have all these hard bumps…”. Geez . Get out the Benedryl. Picking up new meds this afternoon.</p>

<p>S called today & talked for about 40 minutes ! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Love those chats. He has a big break on Wednesdays & calls when he goes to lunch. </p>

<p>OH…big news. Remember our ridiculous basketball coach I needed pitchforks for? He resigned. Woo Hoo ! D15 did’t say a word. Just smiled ear to ear. One thing that man underestimated or just didn’t understand in the first place…“This was MY gym a long time before it was his”. :)</p>

<p>Come on spring…suppose to be mid 60’s on the weekend & I plan to be outside. It snowed again last night. Ugh.</p>

<p>We got so much rain yesterday and last night that it melted a lot of the snow that was on the ground. This morning it was sunny, although still cold, and we remarked that it looked like spring because so many of the snow piles were gone. It can’t get here soon enough.</p>

<p>Putting away the pitchfork, checkers, though I was really looking forward to a few pokes at that coach.</p>

<p>S just called to say that he has gotten a research job for the summer at school. I am happy that he is happy, but sorry that he won’t be coming home. It sounds like an interesting project.</p>

<p>More well wishes for the “under the weather” crowd.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday.</p>

<p>checkers did they give your d any antibiotics yesterday for her uti?? she may be having an allergic reaction?</p>

<p>Sending good wishes to all! Still feeling pretty awful on this end, so I finally went to health services. Here’s to hoping it’s just something viral and not strep throat…</p>

<p>In other news, the new Pope looks cool! I’m excited that he’s so many firsts: the first Jesuit, the first from outside of Europe since the 700s, the first from the Americas…</p>

<p>I work at a Catholic non-profit and people were so excited when the white smoke came out! I’m not terribly devout but it was fun watching to see who they picked. </p>

<p>D called the other night. She’s taking a one credit p/f class about how to apply to grad school, and it is freaking her out. I’m kind of glad, at least she’ll be prepared and won’t be giving me the eye roll this summer when I make suggestions.</p>

<p>Just bought tickets to the Bon Jovi concert next month. :slight_smile: Gotta get the new CD so I sing along !</p>

<p>D15 not feeling so well. I’m worried, but H is ‘taking care’ of her. My gut is go to the ER, his is pain meds and follow up with Dr. (It’s the calm, collected paramedic in him. Sometimes it irritates me). I am just sure she has had a ovarian cyst rupture. Didn’t someone just say their D had that? PM me , please. I read on the Mayo Clinic site that they sometimes are accompanied by hives. Hmmmm…maybe she isn’t allergic to those UTI drugs afterall.</p>

<p>sorry your D isnt feeling any better yet checkers!! pvc’s coming your way. </p>

<p>laf that sounds like a great idea for a class… but not convinced thats enough to avoid the deadly eye roll. if we breathe we get an eye roll!</p>

<p>i know nothing about the pope…hope you got a good one.</p>

<p>Beautiful weather here, spring is definitely in the air.</p>

<p>Thinking about ML’s son and hoping he is making progress</p>

<p>Checkers, I will be thinking of your daughter! That sounds scary. Boy, I learn over and over again that you can’t always trusts the doctors. They just don’t have the time to think a lot about any ONE person. I’m happy the coach resigned, though! </p>

<p>To be honest, DS really doesn’t seem any better yet. He lies in bed all day, usually staring at the ceiling and telling me he’s going up to heaven any minute. Our pastor, as well as I, have pointed out that he’s been saying that for six days and nothing’s happened yet, so he obviously can’t predict the future! It doesn’t get through to him, though. He did agree to start taking another med two nights ago, but it will take awhile to take effect. EVERY professional I have talked to has said he WILL get better - it just takes time. His regular doctor told his brother that, plus the fact that he will remember very little of this episode - whew! I was wondering about that.</p>

<p>I took the other thread down because someone posted in DEFENSE of the church group and it creeped me out. It was a new poster, so he must have found the post through googling the church name. I don’t think he alerted the local group, because we haven’t heard anything from them. They do keep texting DS’s phone every day. I’m looking into power of attorney/restraining orders, but it’s a little too early to do anything until we see how he does. The social worker assigned to him said that will be one of the issues we discuss at the family meeting she will schedule before he is released.</p>

<p>MLH–holding you and your son in my thoughts & prayers! </p>

<p>Today is Pi Day (3/14) and also my college son’s 21st birthday! I texted him and he said he didn’t go out for a drink at midnight as he had work to do (yay for priorities and he doesn’t like to drink anyway!) but a friend is taking him out tonight. No idea if this is a female or male friend, come to think of it. </p>

<p>He’ll be home for spring break on Friday afternoon. :)</p>

<p>happy pi day bday to your son mommusic!!</p>

<p>checkers and ML…hugs for you both!</p>

<p>coffee is ready</p>

<p>Happy Pi Day to all.</p>

<p>Sending healing vibes to ML’s S and checkers’ D.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56.</p>

<p>Happy Pi Day and Happy Birthday to mommusic’s son! It is also Albert Einsteins birthday so he is in good company.</p>

<p>howdy everyone! I at least used the trick this time of finding my last post and starting to read from there. I have to get back on here more often to keep up with the G# wedding planning news!</p>

<p>I was reading about passports way back many pages ago. Did you guys know that a second passport is an option in cases where you need to get visas etc? Thanks to the wonderful advice of our globetrotter scualum, I am going through this process now for D. She is doing a spring study abroad in location A and then spending the summer in location B. She needs a visa which she can’t get before leaving home. I hope it works out! The original rush strategy would not have worked due to delays. H and I are planning to spend the week between the two programs in Europe with her. That planning is still in the early stages.</p>

<p>Thinking of all those having struggles, esp ML’s S. </p>

<p>Happy pi day! and Happy Birthday to mommusic’s S!</p>

<p>Jackie, I think you should start a thread called Study Abroad Tips or something. I never would have known that either, and I bet it comes up more than we think.</p>

<p>Glad to be back on here. Ds flies in tomorrow, though we’re still at the grandparents’ homes. We’ll all drive home Sunday. We spent several days in DC this week checking out a certain school for ds2. He loved it. I didn’t love it, though I’m sure he’ll do great there. I’m just sad that I didn’t feel about it the way I did about ds1’s school. Can anyone relate?</p>

<p>YDS: I did not love D1’s school. The day we visited there was an accident on the freeway so it took twice as long to get there as it should of, they didn’t have a guard shack telling you where to go and where to park (like every other school I have been to), it was raining, etc… Part of the tour went through the gym (which is amazing) and there were tons of young, healthy, good-looking people working out and that was it she was sold. In the end, she was right and I was wrong, it was the perfect place for her and she had a fabulous and successful 4 years.</p>

<p>Oh, my son and his geeky hs friends used to enjoy Pi Day. He even mentioned it in a college essay. Yes, he’s studying engineering… and engi-nerd like him mom and dad ;)</p>