Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Just got a mental “lift” from seeing 2 new pieces of art my D in Israel did. She’s hoping to get an illustrating job, but even if she doesn’t, she has 2 new pieces she can sell (or make prints of.) They’re gorgeous–I’m so proud of her! (And she got the art talent from DH’s mom, not me.) :)</p>

<p>And I have 2 different pots of soup on the stove on this rainy day. Even when it gets colder, I’ll be ready!</p>

<p>Hi ML, hoping things moved in a positive direction for your S today. Also hoping our under-the-weathers (T-C, Checkers) are feeling better.</p>

<p>Feel better, T_C and Checkers. You too, GSharp! ;)</p>

<p>And GSharp, thanks for the congrats for the Crimson, but I take no credit for their success! Sorry your D won’t be home for spring break this time around. My D will be passing through (staying overnight) before heading out to visit friends. She’ll come back before returning to school, but I’m not sure when or for how long.</p>

<p>ML - sending good thoughts your way! You are strong, and your family is so lucky to have you! Hugs.</p>

<p>Mommusic - 2 pots of soup! I am jealous! I love homemade soup! </p>

<p>Yay for your talented D. Will keep my fingers crossed for her to get an illustrating job!</p>

<p>YDS - have fun in DC! Walking around The Mall can be exhausting - there’s always more to see!</p>

<p>wish we could see them mommusic!!</p>

<p>well the day is over and i still hate the time change…i couldnt care less about driving home in the light…i want the sunrise as i drive in…inspiring enough to get me through the day</p>

<p>btw gsharp have you booked gwar for the reception?</p>

<p>p56, how could there be a wedding in the g# family without gwar? That goes without saying, the father of the bride has to have at least something to contribute (that does not have multiple 000000)</p>

<p>I do hate the time change too</p>

<p>G#…You sound like my DH will most likely be when our D decides to get married. I remember watching “Father of the Bride” with him and he could not get over how much the dinner costs per guests. He still talks about it. Our wedding was fairly extravagant, but he’s raised a bit of a princess so I can only imagine what kind of wedding she’ll want. In fact, tonight she texted me to let me know how she “approved” of the ring on the Bachelor – a mere $75,000!</p>

<p>DB & IL…Hope you’re having fun on your trips!</p>

<p>ProudNJMom…Hope the move-in continues to go well. I agree about the artwork – it really does make a place more homey. I’d also suggest getting some plants when you finish unpacking; they also make a room more hospitable. </p>

<p>Mathmom…Hope your S’s hard work pays off on these apps. I agree about not having him close the door on the Tufts job. If he decides to turn it down, can I take it so I can live in one of my favorite cities this summer? ;)</p>

<p>Checkers and TC…I hope you feel better soon!</p>

<p>Tx5athome…Hope you and your mom have fun at the tennis tournament, and I hope your S has fun in Greece!</p>

<p>YDS…I hope you’re having a fun time in DC with your S! Ironically, one of my former students (now hs junior) was one of 25 selected to participate in an all expense paid summit in DC next month. Since I nominated her (wrote rec), I’m supposed to accompany her (expenses paid as well). We’ll be there for four days (conference is 2 days). I’m hoping to catch up with some of my CC NOVA friends while there!</p>

<p>Mommusic…Would love to see the pictures! Are they abstract? Charcoal?</p>

<p>P56…I remember when DH and I lived in AZ briefly at Luke AFB (Phoenix)…I thought it was weird that AZ didn’t participate in DST. I had grown so accustomed to having springs and summers with more sunlight in the evening that it just seemed weird. I really appreciate it now. I am SO not a morning person, so it works for me!</p>

<p>DD is still grinding away at MCAT prep and DS is happily relaxing and playing video games this week (no spring break plans). He did help one of his fellow scouts with his Eagle Project today. DS has been brainstorming ideas for his but hasn’t come up with “the” perfect one for him yet. He’ll probably do it this summer, so the clock’s ticking.</p>

<p>jc40–they are acrylics, I think. One is VERY colorful, and both have her young son in them. I told her he is the world’s cutest model and it’s true!</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready… i’m not!</p>

<p>YDS: Enjoy DC! </p>

<p>ML: Continuing to send you prayers and support. </p>

<p>Rainy day here, but it’s not snow so I’ll take it. :)</p>

<p>Honey Bee lovers: I have to admit – I’ve been cheating on our guy with Luke Bryan. ;)</p>

<p>Good morning, and thanks for the coffee. I had a very hard time getting up this morning, and I admit I did not make it to the gym yesterday.</p>

<p>I did have a lovely time in Minnesota this past weekend, spending some quality time with D, and having Sunday brunch with S as well. It makes me sad to think how long it may be till I see them again. S’s spring break starts on Sunday, and he is heading to Georgia for a frisbee tournament and beach escapade. D has no plans to come home for her spring break either. It is clear that she loves Minneapolis, and wants to stay there - at least for the foreseeable future. I can see some of its good points even though we had very suboptimal weather when we were there. But I wish it weren’t so far away! S is hoping to get a research job at school this summer too. I think I see myself becoming a frequent flyer on Sun Country Airlines.</p>

<p>Hope all who have been ailing are feeling better, and that ML’s family can have a better day.</p>

<p>PVC’s my way, please. D15 is at the doctor with either appendicitis or a kidney stone. I couldn’t just leave the preschoolers so H took her. (They worked her in quickly). I’m gritting my teeth…my guess is H sent her back in alone. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>oh no checkers. pvc’s headed your way… hope she is ok</p>

<p>Sending PVCs. My D did this a week and a half ago - it was a ruptured cyst, and all was fine afterward.</p>

<p>Checkers: PVCs aimed to your D. Hope she is ok.</p>

<p>Thanks for the PVC’s !! Antibiotics & lots of water is all D needs !! Turns out it was a severe Urinary tract infection instead . Good news ! She is not a soda drinker & always drinks quite a bit of water. Strange. </p>

<p>On with your regularly scheduled programs…</p>

<p>Checkers, those UTIs are pretty wretched. I hope your D is better very quickly and am glad it wasn’t sometihing requiring surgery!</p>

<p>Hoping ML’s soon is making progress</p>

<p>Checkers - glad your D won’t be needing surgery. Hoping the antibiotics kick in and that she feels better soon.</p>

<p>Phew Checkers, I am relieved not worse.</p>

<p>^^^ me too checkers…hope she will be 100% shortly!</p>