Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Happy Summer Solstice All!!! I have a tight connection in ATL, so wish me luck</p>


I think you’ll find it parked next to the Tardis. ;)</p>

<p>Jackief and Aliceinw – Can we just pretend that your children’s respective backpacks and bicycles are off somewhere having fun together? Doesn’t that stuff just burn you up?</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I like your term for Bourbon and Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream and Cocoa Shavings… “warm lemon water” ;)</p>

<p>YDS – I think your DS has a good plan for his one day off.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Glad you are back among the living. Try some of alice’s “warm lemon water.” ;)</p>

<p>DB – Keeping my appendages crossed for you!</p>


Do you have an Urgent Care close by in case this continues? ;)</p>

<p>Congratulations to your new Graduate. New-Born to New Graduate… doesn’t take long, does it?</p>

<p>ML - Also Congratulations to your “little one” on the driver’s permit. It sounds like S2 has found his place for the summer! You have my sympathy dealing with medical bills. I’m not sure what it is, but there’s gotta be a better way. I too feel sorry for people who have to find their way through the maze.</p>

<p>LAF – Congrats to your D on landing the perfect job! D2 is going to follow your D’s plan and take a minimal course load in her final semester… mostly because she knows the Senior Thesis will be kickin’ her butt.</p>

<p>In “Dads” news, DW had a rough week. She decided to re-purpose the wooden table where the D’s used to do their homework as the place to keep all of her dad’s business straight. She was in tears one night this week looking at the years of imprints of the kid’s homework etched in the table and thinking about that being where she used to help the girls with multiplication tables, spelling words, etc. as compared to its new purpose. :frowning: We will be making a joint visit to the rehab facility this weekend.</p>

<p>In a feeble attempt to come up with something college-ish to say… One of D2’s 2014 college friends is the new “Miss New Jersey” (how’s that for a stretch? ;)). She will be taking next year (senior year) off from college to “fulfill her duties” (I have no clue what that means… but I assume it involves drafting legislation, signing peace treaties, revamping a space program, and other regal burdens. :wink: ). Because of the way that the school’s FA handles outside scholarships, the scholarship itself probably does not benefit her much (if at all). I wonder if she can decline it so someone else can use it?
[Princeton</a> student crowned Miss New Jersey - CBS News](<a href=“]Princeton”></p>

<p>In intern news, it just wouldn’t be summer without D2 making a trip to the Urgent Care (the same one she used last year). She’s nursing a foot injury this year, ergh! Unfortunately, one of her pain meds made her sick and she had to leave work a little early (and miss an event at the Capital). She said that when she left work, there were a bunch of foreign journalists blocking the door and she was afraid that she was going to puke on them… luckily she made it out without causing an international incident. :wink: It turns out that it is the same med that made DW violently ill a few years ago. At least they also prescribed an alternative. Oh well, she is able to work and gave me some more updates…

  • I received 2 (yes, 2) “I’m just calling to tell you about my day” calls. Clearly, school is not in session. :wink:
  • She sounds genuinely happy with her work and has had the opportunity to do and see some really interesting things! :slight_smile:
  • It is good to not have to work on homework to all hours of the night.
  • She sent me a pix of John Kerry (our Massachusetts contingent might remember him ;)) at an event at which she worked this week.
  • She was allowed to write her first two official “Diplomatic Communications” to Embassies this week. Her supervisor basically gives her a topic and reviews the results before they are distributed, but she’s kinda proud that the letters go out with her name on them.
  • She thinks that she is going to an Embassy dinner next week, so that is one night she won’t have to cook. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>ML, I agree with you that taking incoming calls is WAY better than making cold calls. This way, the people chose to call in, and hopefully won’t be angry…</p>

<p>ML, the summer job sounds great.</p>

<p>G#, sending hugs to your DW dealing with the dads. Your D2’s summer job sounds amazing! We sorely miss Secretary (formerly senator) Kerry. The two guys running for his seat have done ZILCH to inspire me to vote for either of them. </p>

<p>'Tis the hs grad party season. Heading to a party for my nephew tomorrow. There’s also a big party for 5 boys from our neighborhood this weekend.</p>

<p>Happy Friday, all!</p>

<p>My summer is going pretty well so far. Internship is good, I’m studying for the GRE and starting my grad school apps, I’m working on research for my senior thesis, etc…Lots to do! I like being busy and having my own place.</p>


<p>Wow, where am I? Quite the echo in here. I guess it might take a while to get used to the new digs. </p>

<p>Like the summer solstice and a sears white sale, IL comes around twice a year. </p>

<p>Nice to see everyone is doing well as we approach the Final Year. S1 is back from jolly old England, having apparently broken no new ground in the race to determine the root cause of the 100 year war. IDK when he presents his honors thesis, I guess I should know that? He is starting LSAT prep soon, which I happen to know because I saw the $$ on the AmEx:eek::eek: His mom apparently green lighted this, similar to how the Iran/Contra thing got approved. </p>

<p>Jackief - fortunately, my ride on the Penguins band wagon started late this year. Pirates, OTOH, :)</p>

<p>P56 - I still owe you lunch at Dreamland. I’m in BHM next week on Friday if you’re around. </p>

<p>Looks like we will be below 10,000 shortly>>></p>

<p>oh wait, the summer solstice only comes around once a year…</p>

<p>Initiate Launch? That sounds kind of familiar - where have I heard that name before? ~~~waving to IL. </p>

<p>I’ve got coffee on. I’ve been up for hours today so the early morning lemon water is all gone. </p>

<p>D called H last night to report on crazy storms that included waist deep water in the streets near her apartment. She seemed to be amused and energized by the experience. Ah youth. </p>

<p>Best to everyone, especially sending well wishes to G# re the dads. </p>

<p>Happy Weekend.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!! </p>

<p>good thoughts for gsharps dads!!!</p>

<p>tc, glad your summer is going well </p>

<p>waving at IL… will check with S2…i think he is out of town next friday :frowning: ! If not then we have a date, if so, then we’ll just have to find another friday?</p>

<p>Good morning. Let me get the coffee going. </p>

<p>Hi initiatelaunch! We’ve missed you. Glad your S enjoyed London. And, good luck to him on the LSAT!</p>

<p>Thanks for checking in G#. Good with the ongoing trials of the Dads. :(</p>

<p>Have a great Sunday, everyone. :)</p>

<p>Good morning! Did anyone see the moon last night? It was really cool.</p>

<p>I was outside last night but it was cloudy here. :(</p>

<p>Yesterday was HS grad party day for us. One party for my nephew and niece in the afternoon, and another party for several boys from my neighborhood in the evening. The neighborhood party was huge. They set up a big screen outside so we could all watch the Bruins game. Unfortunately we didn’t like the way the game ended, but the party was lots of fun.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, DB. I’ll put some ice I what’s left for this hot afternoon. Skyped with S this afternoon and he seems good. He is finding the idea of having the weekend out there with no schoolwork to do to be an interesting novelty. He is looking forward to celebrating his 21st this week, but definitely in moderation, he says. At the very least because it will be a work night.</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee’s ready. Pretty quiet around here today. </p>

<p>I’m thinking hard trying to find something COLLEGE-related to say. The best I can come up with related to Son’s stafford loan. We know the school offered it. He says he accepted it. But, it’s not showing on the June statement. :frowning: Full payment is due Aug 1. I hope it comes in. </p>

<p>Have a great Monday.</p>

<p>Good morning! It is very gloomy (drizzle) here this morning. </p>

<p>I guess the only college news I have is that I have still not seen the financial aid offer for next year for S2. I have been so concerned about S3 and S2’s Travel Study that I have not paid it a lot of attention. Speaking of financial aid, I have a mini-rant. D1 has been at School X for her teaching credential and masters (one full school year plus 2 summers). This school is in the same system as S2 and S3 and is a cousin to where D1 went to undergrad. But their financial system is horrible. She got a grant, from them, to the tune of $1000 a quarter. You would think that they would know that and credit it, but they make us pay the full amount and then credit us the $1000 about midway through the quarter. I don’t know why, but it really annoys me.</p>

<p>So I have been thinking about doing this - and finally got around to it… looking at our thread:</p>

<p>Post # 39374 was made on June 24 (today)
Post # 39274 was made on June 7
so 17 days elapsed time to make 100 posts</p>

<p>Rolling back 1000 posts to a different time:</p>

<p>Post # 38374 was made on March 14
Post # 39274 was made on March 7
so 7 days elapsed time to make 100 posts</p>

<p>so the volume has slowed more by more than half</p>

<p>I hope they are getting the results they wanted… doesn’t seem desirable to me…</p>

<p>^I know this thread has slowed considerably and the HS 2013 has REALLY slowed. Doesn’t seem desirable to me either.</p>

<p>Do you think it will seem desirable to the advertisers? I don’t.</p>

<p>My college news is that S passed his courses from the spring term. This was not a surprise, mind you, I just got around to asking yesterday. He doesn’t tell me his grades unless I ask. He started work last Monday, and seems to like it okay. He is experimenting with cooking. This will no doubt be the cause of some number of amusing (on our end) phone calls. But any kind of phone calls are good in my book.</p>

<p>Happy Monday.</p>

<p>My evening class continues on so I have a midterm to take tonight. It is like a weird flashback towards Honors Biology in 10th grade which I remember having a horrible time with. Lucky in a Biology for Non-Majors class it is a lot easier. </p>

<p>Today starts the last week for three of my classes as they are of the 7-week variety. I have an in-person final on Thursday with some miscellaneous assignments due tomorrow and then the rest is online coursework. Oh boy am I am ready to be done. </p>

<p>I have to go up to the university this week and talk to an advisor so I am able to register. Found some classes that look interesting so I am excited for that. </p>

<p>Hope everyone has a good week.</p>


<p>So the same numbers from the HS class of 2013</p>

<p>Post #25104 was made on June 24 (today)
Post #25004 was made on June 7
so 17 days elapsed time to make 100 posts - identical to the 2010 and beyond crowd</p>

<p>Rolling back 1000 posts:</p>

<p>Post #24104 was made on April 23
Post #24004 was made on April 21
so 2 days elapsed time to make 100 posts</p>

<p>That group was really flying in the April time frame - so I went back another 2000</p>

<p>Post #18104 was made on Jan 8
Post #18004 was made on Jan 7
so 1 days elapsed time to make 100 posts</p>

<p>At which point I decided you guys were flying - as is appropriate - all spring…</p>

<p>Scualum: For comparison I looked at the HS 2012 thread from last year. In January and April they were at a 100 post count every 1 or 2 days, and for June 24th were still at a 100 post/2 day count.</p>