Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning! Happy Tuesday!! </p>

<p>DB: If you figure out Hermoine’s time turner let me know, I could probably use it this week.</p>

<p>We are rooting for the Spurs and our favorite player Kawhi Leonard (he was at SDSU with D1).</p>

<p>S2 has been home a couple of days and has been helping out around the house. I am shocked. Last night he made dinner and did the dishes.</p>

<p>Not watching the NBA but… go Bruins!</p>

<p>D got a part time summer job that is perfect for her - and it just kind of landed in her lap. My friend is a teacher for the local public schools, and she forwarded an email looking for college students to fill a few remaining spots as classroom aides for the special ed extended school year (summer school). It’s 8 - 11, Mon - Thurs for 6 weeks. It gives D plenty of time to continue to organize her grad school info and study for the GRE. And for someone who wants to go into Occupational Therapy, a stint with special needs kids is great. She’ll be in the middle school “life skills” classroom. </p>

<p>D doesn’t need a ton of credits next year to finish up and graduate. She’s going to take the minimum full-time load in the fall, a winter-term class, then she’ll only need 5 credits in the spring (with all her requirements for her major and gen ed fulfilled). She’ll take more than 5 credits, but I may only have to pay part-time tuition.</p>

<p>Good morning iPeeps. I have coffee to share this morning, but alas it is from the Amtrak cafeteria car so you may prefer to supply your own. I have been in NYC for work for the last two days, and am on my way back to my office. It’s gonna be a long day. Hope I can stay awake. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to try to connect with any of our NY team, but my time was not my own. Looking forward to seeing my H tonight, and to catching up with S to hear about his first few days at his summer research job. According to H, he is a bit sad about the fact that his bike had been stolen when he got back to school, though it was locked and he was only gone a few days. It was a bike he had resurrected from the college scrap heap, but he liked it vey much. Ah well. He is searching Craig’s list for a cheap replacement, and failing that he has a a birthday coming up in a week (a 21st!!). </p>

<p>Happy Wednesday to all.</p>

<p>Good morning. I’ve made a pot of coffee. Please help yourself. </p>

<p>Laf - that job sounds great. And, so does your D’s senior courseload. </p>

<p>Not much college news here. </p>

<p>On my job hunt, the recruiter at the company where I interviewed sent an email on Monday. She thanked me for my patience and said the remaining first round interviews will conclude on June 25. Then she said she would, “follow up with you next week and let you know where we are and any next steps moving forward.” </p>

<p>:confused: Is that a good sign? I’m trying to think it is b/c she contacted me. I didn’t inquire with her. Must remain hopeful.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee!</p>

<p>sounds like a good sign to me db!</p>

<p>happy early bday to alice’s S…sorry about the bike</p>

<p>DB - sounds like good news to me in that she doesn’t want to lose you as a candidate just because they’re taking so long. </p>

<p>Laf - great to hear that your D has a summer job that suits so well. And nice to hear that she has her senior schedule figured out and it won’t be awful. When I heard my S’s planned fall term schedule, I came on so hard that my D was glaring at me, but I think he’s crazy! He’s planning a full course load, including “double comps’ing” - meaning writing his research paper for his math major and beginning his computer science major project (which lasts two semesters) plus a CS course and a basic science course (that he says is supposed to be easy). In addition, he has agreed to be a grader again even though it takes up valuable time and he doesn’t really like it because he doesn’t want to say no to the department, and he will be co-captaining the ultimate team - which is a lot of work since there is no real college/adult support - no coach, no trainer, no help with travel arrangements, etc. and then he decided he’d take golf as a PE course that he doesn’t need since his PE requirement is already fulfilled. Oh yes, and it would be good if he had some time for applications to whatever will be his next move (job, grad school, Americorps, or wwhatever). For some kids, this would be great - but S is a kid who really needs down time. Yes, I’m concerned. But I guess it is his load to handle.</p>

<p>DB, I think it’s at worst neutral news, and probably good news. If you were a no-go after the first round of interviews, they’d have probably told you.</p>

<p>Alice - that DOES sound like quite a load. Why is it 21 year olds always think they have it all under control and then get surprised when things turn out to be more work than expected?</p>

<p>good morning all… coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>Thanks, p56. </p>

<p>No news here. Have a great day, everyone. :)</p>

<p>Thanks, p56. </p>

<p>I spoke to S last night. The first three days of the job went fine, the interesting part is still to come. And he likes his house. So all is well. He was at the bike graveyard when I caught him, looking for a worthwhile frame to start working on.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday. Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice - longest day of the year!</p>

<p>Good morning! Feeling emotional today. My baby is graduating high school. How did that happen?</p>

<p>Congratulations to your baby, tx5. :)</p>

<p>good morning all, coffee is ready…congrats tx5!</p>

<p>nothing in college news to report</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. You beat me to it. If anyone prefers warm lemon water, I’ve got that too. Have a great day.</p>

<p>alice, I wish I was as healthy as you.</p>

<p>Ds has his only day off today perhaps for the rest of the summer. I imagine he’ll sleep during most of it.</p>

<p>I’m really enjoying the coffee which is my first cup this week. I picked up a summer virus last weekend which flattened me this entire week. I discovered that daytime TV Is a wasteland after marathon episodes of “Rehab Addict” on HGTV, “Ultimate Treehouses” on the Discovery Channel. I think the low point was “Pit Bulls and Parolees” which is an honest-to-goodness reality TV show. I kept getting it confused with “The Real Housewives of …” franchise. I’m glad to be smelling the coffee once again.</p>

<p>tx5, I can relate - my baby is getting her driver’s permit today!! I cannot figure out how that happened! And tomorrow, she is flying to Texas by herself to see her grandparents, cousins, etc.</p>

<p>S2 has gotten a job for a telemarketing firm. He will be taking calls from people who see ads on TV or receive mailings. So it will be better than making cold calls. He’s very extroverted and friendly, so I think he may be good at it. DH and I are astonished that he’s managed to leave the house around 7 am for three mornings in a row! I’m hoping that his hours may be a little later once he finishes training.</p>

<p>Now I’m working on getting financial assistance with DS’s huge hospital bill. It really makes me feel for people who don’t have the time or ability to navigate the mental health and state assistance labyrinths. I get different answers when I talk to different people. I almost missed the deadline for applying. Etc! It’s making me a nervous wreck. At least I finally got hold of a knowledgeable state employee who was kind and gave me her direct number. She said there’s a disability program based on a person’s diagnosis, not his family’s income level. So we have our fingers crossed!</p>

<p>Good morning! I officially have 3 high school graduates, and for the next five weeks I will have 3 in college while D1 finishes up her masters. His speech was well received and he had a great time at Grad Night at Disneyland. But was exhausted 3 and half hours later when I got him up for his first day of his summer job. I gave him my Starbucks card so hopefully that helps.</p>

<p>tx5athome - congrats to your S and graduation. I’m sure the Starbuck’s will get him through the day!</p>