Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>DB, I hope your quiet breaks soon in a good way and you get some good news you’ve been waiting for.</p>

<p>Happy birthday to all the 21 year olds!</p>

<p>Once again, it will be a kid-oriented weekend at our house. D is having some friends from college here for the weekend to go to a concert. H and I are excited to meet them, since she goes to school so far away we rarely get to meet her friends. Of course she invited them for a concert on the same weekend that we promised S we’d help him move from his old apartment to his new one. The apartments are only 3 miles apart but they’re 200 miles from here. I wish I could tell you how excited I am to move him into a 4th floor walkup on a hot, rainy, sticky weekend :stuck_out_tongue: At least we’ll be here for part of the weekend to meet D’s friends before we head down to S’s.</p>

<p>Have a good Friday, everyone.</p>

<p>Good morning! Up early for college orientation for S3. We flew up to the Bay Area last night. Orientation is all day today and half day tomorrow. S3 will stay in the dorms and I am staying at my aunts house nearby.</p>

<p>Happy Friday! We have house guests coming in (son & his wife) so the weekend should be pretty lively. :)</p>

<p>good morning all!!! late with coffee but here it is</p>

<p>IL sorry meant to post yesterday…S2 will be out of town, but i will be going down next friday … i am assuming that you may be out of town as its a long wkd but if not…lunch?</p>

<p>howdy all, just poppin’ in…</p>

<p>D is enjoying her summer program. Her host family is great, a girl her age and the parents. The awkward part is that the home stay requires she have her own room, the three of them are all sleeping in the living room! She thinks the bedroom is usually the daughters but it is spacious when viewed over skype.</p>

<p>D2 is coming home for a week vacation next Tues, looking forward to that.</p>

<p>Just waving at everyone.</p>

<p>Love reading everyone’s newsy posts. DGS is really enjoying the California Bay area. He bought a used car to get around and will sell it at the end of his internship. He’s rooming with 2 other interns. I’m betting we’ll lose him to the west coast after graduation. Sigh!
Finished all the bookings for his graduation May 2014 - Yea! Award bookings for our hotel rooms for 3 nights, and I just finished booking Frequent Flyer Airline tickets - I’m patting myself on the back for saving $$$. It took a lot of planning ahead but it worked out! (I remember a few years back when #1 granddaughter graduated MIT - that year Harvard and MIT graduation was on the same day & Boston bookings were scarce). Hope everyone is enjoying summer, DH is happy walking in the pool, it’s good exercise for him!</p>

<p>Just poppin’ in here to add quantitatively, albeit not qualitatively, to our thread! Not that I spent much time in other Parent’s Forum threads before, but I all but ignore them now. I wonder if that was CC’s intent? ;)</p>

<p>Was that an IL sighting? :wink: Thinking of you as I try to get home… my flight to ATL is delayed which makes me miss my connection home and the next 2 flights are full, ergh! Wish me luck with Standby!</p>

<p>And an mdem and t_c sighting? Stopping in to be sure the old folks are behaving, I’m sure. ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I’m not sure if we beat you to the first amusing (snarky) cooking text… “I just chopped my first pepper. Aren’t you proud?” :rolleyes: Happy Belated 21st B-Day to your S!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Yeah, you might want to have that kid checked out or the next thing you know, he’ll be gettin’ all grown up like Alice’s kid. ;)</p>

<p>ML – You might want to contact the Maine border patrol to be on the lookout for me next month. :wink: I promise not to smuggle out too much Moxie. ;)</p>

<p>Hero(ine) of the Week – Showmom’s D, Employment = :). Good luck to D on the nanny jobs. If they work out, take this bit of advice from D1… always bring a spare pair of shoes in case your charges throw yours on the roof. :eek:</p>

<p>Jackief – I’d go with strong and awesome! FWIW, my one CSI claim went very smoothly.</p>

<p>Tx5 – Good luck to your D1 with the interviews! I’m not sure what this means, but like 12rmh18, my first thought was… does S2 have 2 or 3 toes? :wink: BTW, you sure were up early on a Friday morning… the fog probably hadn’t even had time to get back across the mountains.</p>

<p>Coskat – Maybe your DS saw my D1 in Vegas last week? She has to go back again next month for work.</p>

<p>Checkers – Neither of my kids went to a Montessori school. We didn’t have such “luxuries” in the country, but they both literally rode the “short bus” to HS. Good luck with the trip planning… I hear that the exchange rate on free is really favorable. ;)</p>

<p>LAF – How about this for a Plan B… send D & Friends to help S move while you and H attend the concert? ;)</p>

<p>Bubbe – Congrats on the Graduation bookings! You made out better than I, so far.</p>

<p>The “Dads” news this week is mixed. On the plus side, my dad made a marked improvement in the past couple of weeks and will be coming home tomorrow! I am going to help my mom get him home and in the house. On the minus side, my FIL is markedly worse in the past couple of weeks and is down to basically just nodding/shaking his head yes or no with no other real communication. Obviously, this completely breaks DW’s heart.</p>

<p>In college news, the coming year’s FA awards were released this week. No surprises. Unfortunately, we did not win the NJ lottery. :wink: I was hoping for some sort of miracle, but alas I need to run out and buy another roll of duct tape in case we need a major automotive repair this year. :wink: I made graduation reservations. The hotels where I normally stay were already booked, but I was able to find one within 15 miles, so I’m good with that.</p>

<p>In intern news, D2 was asked if she would stay an extra week… I’ll take that as a good sign, but it makes for a housing dilemma so we’ll see. My totally apolitical / pragmatic D2 did get to attend an Embassy dinner this week. Her report is that it was “interesting.” “I met several diplomats, some actual Ambassadors, and an array of crazies.” (I didn’t ask if they were mutually exclusive sets ;)) Included in the “array of crazies” was a journalist who supposedly has been thrown out of multiple countries and went on for over ½ hour about what is wrong with the US, why Eric Snowden is a hero, and why genetically engineered food is an absolute abomination. I asked who he worked for and she said that she assumed that he must be unemployed “otherwise why would he be spouting all of this off to random undergrads like me?” :wink: That’s my kid. ;)</p>

<p>Anybody home??</p>

<p>Echo echo echo</p>

<p>My 7-week summer classes end tonight at midnight and I am rejoicing. </p>

<p>Hope everyone had a nice weekend. At least it’s only a 4 day week.</p>

<p>Just got back from orientation with S3. Interesting to see the parents going through it for the first time and remembering how that felt. The third time around is much easier.</p>

<p>We are sweating out here on the west coast!! How about the rest of the country?</p>

<p>Broiling yesterday in Texas, but I woke up to rain today. It was fabulous.</p>

<p>Congrats, mdem.</p>

<p>After going back and reading, alice’s post prompted me to look up ds’s grades. He never mentioned them so I was a little worried. They’re fine, still on track to graduate with honors.</p>

<p>Haven’t been here in awhile, so I thought I’d check in.</p>

<p>Congrats, mdem! Does that mean you can relax and enjoy the rest of your summer?</p>

<p>GSharp - thanks for the updates on the dads. Glad to hear yours has improved, and sorry to hear that your FIL is not doing well.</p>

<p>Nice that your D2 was asked to stay an extra week. She must be doing something right! :)</p>

<p>I made my graduation reservations a few weeks ago, but thought they were a little pricey so I’m thinking of expanding my search of hotels into Boston and its suburbs. For now, I’m relieved to have them.</p>

<p>Bubbe - glad your DGS is enjoying his time in California. </p>

<p>tx5 - the humidity here is just awful. Not as hot today, but just icky. Some rain, on and off, but not enough to help get rid of the humidity.</p>

<p>YDS - you get to look up his grades!? Nice that he’s on track for honors. </p>

<p>Just got back from the memorial service for my cousin. Her kids are AMAZING - each of them spoke and the were terrific, if heartbreaking. Long trip - three hours each way. I’m sure I was in someone’s neck of the woods, but obviously no chance for visiting. Good thing this coming work week will be a short one.</p>

<p>I think he’s only given me access to final semester grades. I’ve never tried to see anything else.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 - I will have two classes that go until the end of July giving me three weeks for a summer break. First time I’ve had a break longer than a week since starting school down here in Florida. </p>

<p>Weather has been so gross down here. We’ll get afternoon showers that just cause horrible humidity but it does finally cool down at some point in the evening. Sadly that is when all the mosquitos come out :frowning: and they are horribly attracted to me.</p>

<p>Good morning. Welcome to July. :)</p>

<p>mdem - congrats on the end of your 7-week classes. </p>

<p>g# - sorry to read about your FIL. Glad to see your dad is coming home. </p>

<p>alice - sorry I missed the news about your cousin. You have my condolences. </p>

<p>~~ waving to Bubbe. </p>

<p>Not much going on here. Still waiting to see if I’ll get called for a second interview…</p>

<p>Just stopping by to pour some coffee (almost wrote “pout some coffee” - think there’s any meaning in that?).</p>

<p>DB - Hoping you get that call.</p>

<p>mdem - congrats on finishing some classes. Bet you are looking forward to that real vacation time coming up.</p>

<p>Have a good day, all.</p>

<p>good morning all, thanks for the coffee!! only college news…i’ll be seeing S2 this weekend</p>

<p>Good morning! Thanks for the coffee! College boy leaves for Greece in 7 days!</p>

<p>Just stopping in to say hi. I hope many of you get to have a short week with the holiday. I have the 4th off, but will have to work Friday as this week is our accounting close.</p>

<p>Very hot inland here in SoCal. It has been in the low 80’s for us as we are near the beach. Spent a few hours yesterday stand up paddleboarding in a lovely area of the bay. It was perfect weather for it! </p>

<p>To all those with super hot temps please take care and stay indoors and drink lots of water. My poor nephew repairs heavy construction equipment and has been working in Death Valley where it has gone up to 130 degrees!</p>