Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>130 degrees should be cause for shutting down business if you work outside! I saw picture of some guy’s shoes that melted when he walked on the sidewalk.</p>

<p>I am looking forward to the 4th of July as a chance to play my piccolo in a (get this) stationary marching band. A local parade route goes by a retired band teacher’s front yard and apparently they always organize something that combines watching & playing. Sounds good to me! Bring a lawn chair, an instrument, and…beer? :D</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee"s ready. Too bad I don’t drink it, because I am going to have a lot of trouble staying awake today. Had trouble sleeping last night - for no particularly discernible reason. Happy Tuesday.</p>

<p>Morning all. Can I share some warm lemon water with you alice?</p>

<p>Things are quiet here. Started dorm pre-shopping for my minimalist D2. She does not need “all the things” like D1 did/does. </p>

<p>It’s unseasonably cool here. After a cooler than normal spring. I’m hoping to have a restful 4th as our weekends have been busy & I’d love some quiet time. But I’m working Friday too.</p>

<p>Warm lemon water coming up, RobD. </p>

<p>I am looking forward to my weekend(s), but suddenly there seems to be a lot of travel involved. We will spend the 4th in RI at my SIL’s, then leave on the morning of the 5th to spend the weekend in ME with my BILs. The following weekend I leave Friday morning for VT for my 3 day yoga retreat (#1 of 2 this summer). Then, having completed a tour of the New England states, the following weekend we head to DC for a weekend with my sister and mother (and a special box at a Nat’s game). I think I’ll be home for the last weekend in July. Whew. My life doesn’t usually work that way. Hope everyone gets some good weather for the 4th.</p>

<p>Good morning!!! Thanks for the coffee Alice! Your July schedule sounds fun. Mommusic a stationary marching band sounds like great fun! I think in my next life I want to be a musician.</p>

<p>Rob: Dorm shopping is very different for different kids. S3 does not care whatsoever about sheets, towels or duvet covers. D1 did take him shopping for clothes and taught him how to use his ATM/checkcard. </p>

<p>No real news here. D1 has a few interviews coming up for teaching jobs that we are crossing our fingers and toes about. She has about 4 weeks left of her Masters in Teaching program (MAT) and it is making her very cranky. At first she was moving out no matter what if she gets a teaching job, and now she is leaning towards living with us for a while and saving some money before moving out. I am not sure which I am rooting for. </p>

<p>4th of July: No real big plans, I have Thursday off, but have to work bright and early on Friday so likely it will be a quiet day. Not really quiet though because we are one of few towns in our area that allow fireworks, so Thursday night will feel like a war zone.</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday!!</p>

<p>Unseasonably cool here also. Which would be great, but I feel guilty cause I know where all the heat is right now. Condolences to those in plus-100 degree temp areas, and esp. to those in the area of the fire. </p>

<p>S posted a photo of his workstation in his office. TWO monitors and something else, plus a laptop. Looks pretty important! :D</p>

<p>Coffee or green smoothie, anyone? Looks like I’m the only one at work today. I can deal with a slow day. Had a nice chat with S last night. He is definitely bored, but I’ll take it because it means he’s happy to chat on the phone.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday to all.</p>

<p>good morning! thanks for the coffee. yay for being off tomorrow! going to see S2 on friday too, so a good weekend!</p>

<p>waving to all</p>

<p>Morning, all.</p>

<p>Ds starts his three-week house-sitting gig tonight, but he’s coming over tomorrow to pick up clothes and other stuff like, oh, food that dh is cooking out tomorrow. I think I’m sad that he won’t be around for most of the month, whereas last year I was delighted to have him gone. I’m guessing part of it has to do with the impending empty nest when ds2 leaves in six weeks. <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>Morning! Thanks for the coffee Alice! I had some sort of green/red/brown juice concoction this morning that my husband whipped up, so I will pass on the green smoothie. I am at work today! It will be busy because we are off tomorrow, plus someone called in sick. I am looking forward to tomorrow, I really need a day off. I have started misplacing things (keys, clothes, etc…), which means my life is a little out of control. June was super busy with 2 graduations, graduation parties, S2 moving home for summer, etc… So I think I need to chill out a little.</p>

<p>I made myself Turkish coffee this a.m. cause DH didn’t make any, despite getting up early. Trust me, that’s weird. </p>

<p>Anyway, it gave me energy to do what needed doing–de-mildewing the basement. This seems to happen every summer…sigh. Nobody lives down there now so I don’t clean regularly. It doesn’t get dirty, but it gets dusty and cobwebby and mildew starts growing.</p>

<p>Hope you all are having more interesting days than I am! Looking forward to the 4th & 5th. Both H and S will be off work! We will probably do something we’ve long wanted to do–a day trip to a couple of KY distilleries. S doesn’t drink so he can be the designated driver. :slight_smile: </p>


<p>Afternoon everyone. </p>

<p>I have an hour before I need to leave for my class so I thought I would check in. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is doing well. We are having a big family get-together for my dad’s birthday on Saturday (birthday actually on Sunday) so we are starting to prepare. I might be finally getting a bookshelf after living here for a year and half so that is exciting. But family get-together’s mean cleaning which I am not excited to do :(</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a good 4th! Going to be quiet here which I am happy with.</p>

<p>Mommusic - I did the Woodford and Buffalo Trace distillery tours (very different business models), but like your S, I don’t really drink so I gave away my bourbon samples and volunteered to be the DD. The root beer at Buffalo Trace was very good though.</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – A mid-week treat just for you. A “hot” guy in a kilt…
<a href=“Redirecting...”>Redirecting...;

<p>Have a wonderful 4th everyone!</p>

<p>Hi all! D and 3 college girlfriends are heading to Cape Cod and spending 2 days with a guy friend from college whose family lives near the beach. (Won’t he be THE man when he shows up at the July 4th party with 4 girls in tow…) S is with his college roommate and roommate’s family near Atlantic City. Since H and I were left here alone, I got Red Sox tickets for the Fourth, and we might hit up a beach on Friday. </p>

<p>Paid D’s fall tuition bill. It might be the last full undergrad tuition bill I pay. She has enough credits to only take 2 classes in the spring, and she’s trying to convince us that it will save us money by only paying part-time tuition. Fingers crossed we’ll be helping her with grad school tuition next year… I hope! There’s not a whole lot of GRE studying going on, and the lists of schools she wants to apply to keeps getting shorter instead of longer, despite the competitiveness of the field. I’m hoping a sense of urgency will increase as we get further into August - she’s taking the GRE on 8/17.</p>

<p>Red sox on the 4th sounds awesome!! Have a great time…</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee, Pepsi, and lemon water available. Help yourselves. </p>

<p>Enjoy that Sox game, Laf. Hoping for the sweep!</p>

<p>Happy Fourth to all!!</p>

<p>Just dusting, don’t mind me.</p>

<p>It is so quiet here…</p>

<p>I still follow (lurk) on everyone, so I hope people still drop in. </p>

<p>Its been quiet at home too. No college news or news from semi-college kids. I say semi because DS is staying at his college and doing research for the summer. He’ll be here in a couple of weeks for a gum graft/dentist work, then on to a niece’s wedding with us.
DD is still vacationing on her gap year. She’ll meet back up with us at the wedding as well. Not sure what her plans are after that but she will start grad school in Sept. (yes, I think I bragged already about Stanford and being near HOME). </p>

<p>Happy 4th of July everyone. be careful with your sparklers, now!</p>

<p>Happy 4th of July everyone! I’m partaking of the lemon water; I’ve become quite accustomed in the past two weeks.</p>

<p>It’s raining here. We’re supposed to get up to 4 inches between today and Saturday. Most fireworks & parades have been canceled. D1 is working so it’s a very quiet day which I am greatly appreciative of.</p>

<p>TX5: I am so glad that your S3 had to be instructed on the debit card use too. I don’t remember this with D1, but I think she was born shopping. D2 is numb about stuff like that. She used her debit card to buy something for the first time at orientation. Then she asked me “what do I do if I need to buy things like shampoo?” Um, there’s a CVS a block from your dorm, and you have a debit card. Sigh. Reasons why DH says “we should frame the test scores.” LOL.</p>

<p>happy 4th to all. watching the weather here at the lake, might not be able to take the boat out for fireworks tonight. We were already caught in a nice storm earlier today out in the middle of the lake. Not sure I want to go through that in the dark!</p>

<p>I can’t remember a rainier 4th of July than today was. Most parades cancelled, and probably the fireworks too. Even if the rain stops, the field will be a swamp. :(</p>