Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good afternoon!</p>

<p>12rmh18: My husband hates when things i put in the backyard kill his grass (including the dog).</p>

<p>Alice: Your not-really pasta salad sounds “interesting”.</p>

<p>mommusic: Sorry about the leak! Ugh!!</p>

<p>T-C: Sorry, I am no help.</p>

<p>I just heard from S2. Viber is working great. He said “another awesome day”. So all is well. After some probing I got out of him that the group is really cool, the girls are cute, he likes the food, he is not having problems with his allergies, and today they saw the Temple of Poseidon.</p>

<p>tx5athome - so glad your S is doing well!</p>

<p>tc - are you sure you don’t want to go to a grad school here in SoCal!</p>

<p>showmom: As much as I’d love to enjoy your beautiful weather, the field I’m in is still pretty small and there’s only about 20-30 Master’s programs offered in the U.S. I would love to be on the West Coast eventually, though, and my girlfriend is planning on moving to Portland after graduation, so maybe I’ll end up closer to your neck of the woods :)</p>

<p>I guess it’s college boy news if I can report college boy was good enough to go in the attic crawl space for me to investigate the roof situation. DH is out of town and I sure couldn’t have hoisted myself in there!</p>

<p>He saw daylight around the vent pipe. I’m calling a roofer tomorrow…</p>

<p>T_C: I’ll touch base with you about UA in the next day :)</p>

<p>T-C, ML can tell you about Southern Maine. Sorry, I have no info on any of the other schools or areas. </p>

<p>D started her summer job as an aide in a summer special ed program in the local public schools yesterday. She loved it! She worked mostly with the daughter of a family she knows. Her grad school list is slowly coming together. Meanwhile, she’s been studying vocab for the GRE. Yesterday she quizzed H and me after dinner. It’s amazing how many words we felt familiar with, yet out of context we weren’t quite sure what they meant. Obviate? Inure? Perspicacious?</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone. I haven’t been by here in a while. I’m glad to see that you’ve been keeping the thread warm. </p>

<p>Not much to report. Although, there was a brief day-and-a-half when D thought she’d be rooming with a boy for her soph year. H and I ultimately ruled that out. So, her house leader is still looking for someone to fill the vacant bed in her room. (It’s a sustainability theme house.)</p>

<p>Have a great Thursday. Remember, it’s 7/11. Slurpee Day!</p>

<p>Just bought DD’s air ticket back to college!</p>

<p>D1 had another job interview today. Same district, different school. She hasn’t heard anything about last Friday’s interview, but today they told her they pick who they want and send it to Human Resources and that they let the candidates know, either way, in about a week, so probably we won’t hear anything until next week. They have been asking some wild questions. Most are about classroom management, collaboration, common core, blah, blah, blah… Last week they asked what song would be your “theme song”, and who from history would you like to invite to dinner.</p>

<p>tx5athome - crossing my fingers for good news for your D!</p>

<p>I am really looking forward to this weekend as this week has been a rough one.</p>

<p>tx5athome–yes, weird questions! Good luck to your D.</p>

<p>Turns out I don’t need a roofer–I have a friend who does handyman work on the side. I will buy the “boot” for the roof vent and he will install. (DH is out of town so that’s why he’s not doing Any. Of. This.) ;)</p>

<p>DS (did I mention I have a wonderful son?) went up on the roof to measure the vent as they apparently come in various sizes. I just love learning all this stuff that I will never hope to need again. /sarcasm</p>

<p>But I figure it’s good experience for S who will someday impress his wife with the random things he knows how to do. :D</p>

<p>Dd was home for a few weeks in between her Hong King semester and her internship in London. It was a whirlwind but so enjoyed her being here. Now her older sister will have her for a few weeks. Sharing is sometimes difficult! :slight_smile:
She has a difficult year ahead. But hoping it will all work out. Thrilled that I only have 2 more tuition payments. This year, finally, financial aid was better than in the past.</p>

<p>good morning all, coffee is ready. good luck to all job seekers!</p>

<p>can i borrow your handyman mommusic… was planning on a few updates for S2’s house…boy was i off on estimating the costs!! now may just not do any of it. thought he just needed the outside unit of the A?C…but nooooooooo! they say i need the outside, the inside and all ductwork replaced. my guess of about 3-4k has become a quote of 12K. may just be keeping the window a/c’s</p>

<p>parent56–if the inside furnace is old, it may be more cost effective to get new and more efficient everything. But the ducts too? Get a second opinion.</p>

<p>Good morning! It’s lovely and cool here. I may walk to get a haircut. :)</p>

<p>Cheers to those who are paying their next-to-last tuition bills. How exciting! Now is the time to firmly tell your child they are on their own for graduate school. It’s called a Fellowship, or something… ;)</p>

<p>lol mommusic, the furnace is scary looking! but it works. the quote without the duct work is about 8K. but for example, the return air duct in the floor is right beside the main duct that blows the air into the living room. in one duct and sucked out the return. the house is 100 years old and dont think it was ever ducted with the thought of central heat and air.</p>

<p>then the window quote… all the windows are single pane, and painted, glued, caulked shut… replacing those with mid grade double pane is over 10K.</p>

<p>S2 is taking a gap year…dont think it has hit him yet to find funding for that :slight_smile: he is looking at programs etc, but not mentioning much about gee i have to have money too</p>

<p>Good morning, it’s been a while since I posted and it’s nice to be among familiar screen names!
S decided not to come home for the summer. He’s going to summer school and working instead. He informed us that he would need an extra quarter to finish up. So, he’ll be a mid year grad. Where has the time gone?</p>

<p>lol lilmom…yep wasnt it just a short time ago they were doing undergrad apps? on to grad school and jobs!!</p>

<p>Back to the glamorous travel life… Oh well, it keeps me off the roof… ;)</p>

<p>I hope someone had a free Slurpee for me.</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – Mommusic’s S for going to new heights to hone his future wife impressing skills.</p>


Yes, but the problem is that it is subject to change at any moment. ;)</p>

<p>How’s that last nerve doin’?</p>

<p>P56 – Life is about compromise. I say bring your dirty dishes to S2 and have him wash them. :wink: Oh, and how hot can it get in Alabama anyway, huh? ;)</p>


Wow, your S really knows how to make the most of his time! :wink: I’m worn out from following your holiday travels. Enjoy MN in August. Most of the snow will have melted by then giving way to mosquito (the state bird) season. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Congrats to S1 on the Grad School acceptance. When D1 did hers, she had to sign a pledge that she would not work more than 20 hours / week. Sorry, that darned Post Office must have lost my “July 4th Blow Out at the 12rmh18’s” invite again. :wink: Again, I missed a ride on the awesome grass killin’ monster.</p>


DW is FB friends with D2, so she let me look at D2’s DC pictures. What I liked most was D2’s comments about how much she loves her job and how “blessed” and thankful she is to have it. She has one picture of her in front of the sign at work with the caption, “Me when I was at the bottom of the ladder.” :rolleyes: Glad to hear that your S made it safely to the allergy-free land of cool groups, cute girls, decent food, and Poseidon! Continued best wishes for D1 in the job search!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Not exactly your idea of new boots is it? The theory was that D2 was going to be checking out Fellowships in her “spare” time this summer. We’ll see. ;)</p>

<p>T_c – I would be of zero help with your list.</p>

<p>DB – Just say “No!” seems like the right approach. ;)</p>

<p>In wedding news, the first shot has been fired across the bow of the “SS Sibling Rivalry.” D2 is not happy with the lack of waistline definition in the bridesmaid’s dresses. I have no idea what that means, but let the games begin…</p>

<p>In dads news, my father was able to go up and down the stairs at the house several times this week! Not any progress with my FIL though. :(</p>

<p>In internship news, D2 had an exciting week…</p>

<p>D2: <pix of=“” a=“” painting=“” and=“” chandelier=“” with=“” the=“” caption=“”> “Greetings from the Supreme Court.”
Me: Why are you there? (since she doesn’t work there).
D2 (a couple hours later): Meeting with Elena Kagan. </pix></p>

<p>She apparently scored one of the coveted intern spots to a meeting and tour of the Supreme Court conducted by Justice Elena Kagan.</p>

<p>D2 also got to be the official escort for someone to a state dinner. She’s going to call me this weekend to give me more details. All I know so far is that entails lots of sitting in another room waiting for the dignitaries to finish dinner so she could eat. Yet again this year, finding free eats is a highlight of the intern experience. ;)</p>

<p>Her department invited her to come back in December for their “Holiday Party.” She wants to go, but she will still be in school and it is during the week so that probably won’t happen.</p>

<p>Good afternoon. </p>

<p>It just poured down rain here right when I was running errands so y’know great timing on my part. </p>

<p>I am hanging out at Panera doing some homework so just starting off my weekend right ;)</p>

<p>Happy Friday, ya’ll!</p>

<p>I’ve been picking up some tutoring jobs in the area since my internship is only 15 hours a week. So I finally have some way to make a little money, yay :)</p>