Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>sorry about your FIL gsharp, but glad to hear your dad is getting better! sounds like your D2 is having a great internship…how are the wedding plans coming along for D1?</p>

<p>waving at tc and mdem!!</p>

<p>Hello, Friends! I wanted to stop by and let you know that Mr. Pugmadkate Jr. just returned today from his six month co-op in London. He had a wonderful time! You were also so supportive when he left in January and I was a worried wreck, so I wanted to let you know how it turned out.</p>

<p>I’ve got to stop by here more often! My best to everyone.</p>

<p>I’m in VT on yoga retreat. Coffee or spice tea for all. </p>

<p>Waving to mdem, t_c, and pmk. </p>

<p>Enough thumb typing for now. Happy Saturday.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!!</p>

<p>wow pmk, i cant believe that its been 6 months! glad he had a great time.</p>

<p>A kitten has taken up residence in our yard. It’s apparently lost or abandoned. Anybody want a kitty?</p>

<p>Meanwhile, we are feeding it outside, petting it, and assuring it that its family will come soon…and it will NOT be us. :D</p>

<p>Mommusic - good luck finding a home for the kitten. We have a bunch of strays outside of our office. </p>

<p>PMK - thanks for the update! Glad your son’s time in London went so well.</p>

<p>GSharp - very cool about your D’s internship! </p>

<p>T_C - sorry I can’t help you with any of your schools/locations, but congrats about the tutoring jobs! Which subject(s)?</p>

<p>mdemvizi - hope you got all your homework done so you can relax tomorrow!</p>

<p>Sharknado. 'nuff said.</p>

<p>LIMOM: Thanks! I’ve made a profile on a few big tutoring websites, but there’s one that’s definitely been more successful so I’ve mostly been pursuing that. And I’m open to tutoring anything that isn’t math, science, or foreign language, but the jobs I have now are SAT reading and U.S. history.</p>

<p>Tx5 - my nieces have also been applying/interviewing for teaching jobs in your neck of the woods. They’ve also applied to areas beyond and have started to hear back from them. One niece got an offer in another city which was actually her first choice. One district asked the other niece if she could come back and a present a lesson. Good luck to your d!</p>

<p>The one time S decides to come home for the weekend at the last minute, we have plans. So, H went ahead with D to an out of town sports competition and I stayed home. S and his GF came for a local music show and we went out to brunch the next morning. He has matured so much over the last couple of years. It wasn’t long ago when his claim to fame was winning a t shirt in a hamburger eating contest. Yesterday, he talked about his senior project redesigning the school marching band’s website and his design projects on the side. </p>

<p>Yet, he is far from being grown up…he also informed me of the latest parking ticket he says he’s contesting. This is his 4th one in 3 years. :(</p>

<p>He is a man of few words and if you don’t listen carefully, you may miss pertinent info. :).</p>

<p>I’m exhausted & ready for bed. DH got home this evening from a huge road trip/apt. and other moving event. Closed his NYC apt. (it was the company’s) and also moved the last few things out of his parents’ home in Boston. Dropped off furniture & other items at Salvation Army & our kids’ places; the rest of it came home on the (rental) truck. S and I helped him empty the truck into our garage & basement. Whew…</p>

<p>“The rest of it” is mainly of sentimental value, though there are a few things that are old, of actual value, and are going on eBay. Another project…</p>

<p>Good night, all!</p>

<p>Good morning and happy Monday. Coffee is ready. </p>

<p>Wow, mommusic. That sounds like a lot of stuff. Good luck. </p>

<p>waving hi to lilmom and pmk. :)</p>

<p>Laf, I missed sharknado. :(</p>

<p>G# - I hope both dads get well quickly. Sorry FIL is having trouble.</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for the coffee DB!!!</p>

<p>I made pancakes…</p>

<p>S10 moves into his new apartment Friday. I picked up new bathroom rugs & shower curtain over the weekend and he’ll need a shelf but otherwise, I think he’s ok. I am curious if he’ll have things packed when we get there or if it’ll be a ‘pick up & move’ kind of operation. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I took Friday off, H has a class reunion out of town and I’m observing at a Montessori preschool all morning. First thing Saturday morning we’re going to college town to help out & clean the old apartment.</p>

<p>I took a couple of my preschoolers to the zoo Saturday. It was so much fun. I love the zoo anyway, but little ones remind you of the simple things. :)</p>

<p>Hello iPeeps. I am back from my yoga weekend, and had a lovely time, as usual. My muscles are sore, but my chronic back pain seems to be gone (Shh, don’t say it out loud or you’ll tempt the evil eye).</p>

<p>Our town recently sent out a letter saying they are replacing water mains, and if you want to have your connector to the street replaced at the same time, the contractor will work with you and your contractor (and ditch digger, and plumber) to accomplish that. My husband looked into it and discovered that our connection to the street was still the original one, and had never been replaced. It dates back to 1898!! Who’s in favor of updating? Who’s in favor of "if it ain’t broke . . . "?</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee and pancakes. Hope everyone is having a Happy Monday.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday!</p>

<p>Alice: 1898?? I think I am in the “if it ain’t broke” camp. But I like living on the edge.</p>

<p>G#: glad to hear your D2 loves her internship so much! Glad to her your dad is doing better, hope your FIL turns the corner soon!</p>

<p>S2 is having an incredible time in Greece. S2 LOVES basketball (but at 5’8" it doesn’t always return the favor). He played through high school and plays on a couple intramural teams at school and has a regular “pick-up” game a couple times a week. His last message said that he was playing basketball with his professor, a couple of the other guys and some guys from Greece: “so much fun but now so tired”. It makes me very happy that he is happy.</p>

<p>lilmom: D1 realizes she may have to expand her search. A lot of her friends already have. She has another interview tomorrow which she has a good feeling about. Life is definitely not as easy as when we were getting out of college.</p>

<p>Our town water pipes are also old. One year, the main pipes to the library across the street and to the neighbor on our other side were frozen. We had water. The city kept calling, “You can’t have water…”. Well, we did. :rolleyes: They never did figure that out.</p>

<p>coffee is ready!!!</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>Good news in the past day: A young friend got engaged, and another young couple just had their first child. And another young couple announced they’re expecting their 2nd. So nice to hear these things!</p>

<p>Have a happy day, everyone!</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee. Spoke to COLLEGE boy last night, but mostly he spoke with H, since his primary reason for calling was that the lawnmower was smoking. Seems he has adopted lawn mowing as one of his house duties for the summer. Smoking lawnmowers are definitely H’s department, not mine.</p>

<p>Nice to hear that you are sharing in people’s good news, mommusic.</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday.</p>