Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Hi all, can’t believe another summer draws to a close. DD and her BF left this morning for their 7 hr drive back to school. DD is taking a car this year. She took her GRE and is still in a quandary about which way to go grad school vs work but I think she is leaning towards working. I hope all our 2014’s enjoy their senior year.</p>

<p>I meant to post earlier, but it sure is hard to type with the skirt on my new Speedortkini getting in the way. :wink: OK, actually D2 and I caught an earlier flight and we’re home!</p>

<p>Gotta wish everyone the best with their impending move-ins!!!</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week #1 – Mdem!!!</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week #2 – tx5’s alpha-D1 for so many reasons! ;)</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week #3 – DB and her new job. (Despite the fact that this no longer makes you a “Spice Girl.” ;))</p>

<p>Villains of the Week – Checker’s neighbors! </p>

<p>Mommusic – If it’s any consolation, I really liked working in Brazil… after I got out of Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo traffic is horrible. I was so glad to have a driver who actually knew what he was doing.</p>

<p>Tx5 – Thanx for checking in and letting me have vacation vicariously. :wink: Actually, DW rented a cottage at the Outer Banks for Labor Day week for us! D2 will be with us for a few days until she flies back for school. </p>

<p>LAF – Best of luck with the admission process for both your D and S!</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – The D’s did enjoy the concert. DW gave up her ticket so that she could stay home and take a break.</p>

<p>RobD – I promise that I did not break my future SIL’s arm.:wink: </p>

<p>Showmom – Why are you reading this? Shouldn’t you be out spoiling D1? ;)</p>

<p>YDS – FWIW, I agree that your S’s opportunity could be great, but he will need to figure out how to establish limits.</p>

<p>PAVenturer – Glad to hear things are going well for your Spider D! re: your son – my brother dropped out of college due to less than stellar grades, but eventually went back and did much better when it was coming out of his pocket. ;)</p>

<p>ML – Thanx for the update. It’s always good to hear from you. Remember, one more month. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Wishing both S’s the best this year! Try to be as unobtrusive as possible. ;)</p>

<p>Thanx everybody for the well wishes for the “dads”! I plan to visit my dad tomorrow.</p>

<p>D2 came with me to Cincy this week, so we hit the sights, restaurants, mall, and Graeter’s ice cream. You can tell she has been in NJ / DC. She planned on visiting a friend in Columbus by hopping on the train/subway from the Cincy suburbs… uh no, there is no such animal. She and the friend never did figure out how to meet, especially since he was just getting back from summer research in Kenya Tuesday night, has to be back to school this weekend, and had not mentioned it at all to his parents… kids. :wink: Regardless, she came to work with me for a little while and put my office to good use. I now have a Princeton cheer and Tiger on one of my whiteboards.</p>

<p>In post-intern news, I took D2 to the mall this week. After visiting, Nordstrom, Anthropologie, J. Crew, and Lilly Pulitzer she proclaimed that all of the price tags were laughing at her for being an intern. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>In college-ish news, one of D2’s 2014 classmates was signed by the Yankees organization last month which “delays” his senior year. Another friend called her this week to tell D2 about her first day of school… law school! :eek: D2 is ready to get back to school, but knows that within days she will be so swamped that she’ll wish that she was back home. She knows what lies ahead with her Senior Thesis and hopes to survive it. She said that last year for her Junior Paper her advisor would give her a book to read that night and report her impressions of it the next day, on top of her regular work.</p>

<p>Coffee anyone? It’s mocha java. D gets a free half pound a week as part of her barista job and she doesn’t drink coffee. </p>

<p>S joined us last night and it was nice having the four of us together for dinner. Lots of laughing. </p>

<p>~~ waving to G#. Thanks for your update/recap. Nice that you got to have D2 travel with you, and that you got to head home early.</p>

<p>good morning all, thanks for the coffee alice!!</p>

<p>can you believe it is return to school, final undergrad year already!!! it would be nice if things were now slowing in down, but instead major gearing up for all with plans for grad school, work</p>

<p>In the middle of nowhere on our way home from launching S3. It is my 8th move-in so I am getting pretty good at it. Our long drive up last night was 90 min longer due to a motorcycle vs big rig accident that blocked 3 lanes. He was making friends everywhere he went so I think he will be fine.</p>

<p>Son launched with all his stuff (which is not much–there was room for 3 adults in the car with it!) His suitemates were all playing video games in the common room when he showed up, the last one to arrive. They all greeted him like a long-lost friend, tho they had never met, so they seem to be a friendly bunch.</p>


<p>Seems awfully quiet around here…</p>

<p>G#–funny about the Cinti. subway. Did she think she was in a major metropolitan area or something? :smiley: Glad you had Graeter’s anyway.</p>

<p>We’be been to Sao Paulo and know what you mean about the drivers. And the motorcyclists zipping through the stopped traffic like the lines on the pavement are for them. Not to mention the non-drivers who will rob you at stop lights. :eek: (So we’ve heard.) We did spend a lot of time in Minas Gerais, however, which was wonderful. Cowboy country. :)</p>

<p>Good morning! H made coffee for us all. :)</p>

<p>He pointed out the value of living in the same dorm for 4 years–we knew exactly where everything goes. I made the bed while S put his stuff away. In about a half hour everything was stowed and he was on the internet with a new password for the semester. We had lots of time to go out and enjoy the newly built area near campus–tons of eateries and a small green area where they had the UC pep band for a time and then a campus Dixieland group. Great fun! </p>

<p>A couple of guys (MT majors from the conservatory, I surmised by their expertise) were swing dancing and trying to teach girls to do the same. The girls were NOT at the same skill level!</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee mommusic…sounds like a great move in!!!</p>

<p>had to chuckle yesterday… S2 has had hectic schedules every year, has just finished a full summer of courses, research and mcat study… classes start monday and no worse schedule than usual… plan for next wkd was for me to go down and do some major work on the backyard, tear down a shed, rip up some concrete, cut down some trees… so i get a text saying…uhhh can i let you know about next weekend…i might be tired after the first week of class :)</p>

<p>Well I’ve done laundry, packed my bag, and cleaned my room. Classes start tomorrow for me around noon and don’t end until about nine. Long day but I am excited to get back in the groove again.</p>

<p>Good luck and PVCs to all those heading to school this week.</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee is ready. </p>

<p>Thanks for the great recap, G#!</p>

<p>Have great first day, mdem. I hope it doesn’t feel as long as it sounds.</p>

<p>Hi all. Good luck mdem!</p>

<p>Rough week/weekend here. D broke her leg (a piggy back ride across a slippery wet lawn off-campus ended badly, with her ankle taking the brunt of the fall). Doesn’t look like it will require surgery, but I am trying to convince her to ask her landlord to finally put railings on stairs and front stoop of her off-campus apartment. She can’t put any weight on the foot in the cast, and has to butt-scoot down the 4 unusually steep cement stairs. I fear she will lose her balance when she finally gets to a walking cast/boot and has no railings for support. She’s going to campus security today to request a handicapped sign for her car. Classes start tomorrow.</p>

<p>And 24 year old son lives in an older 4th floor walkup in a beautiful but old city. His hardwired smoke detector in his apt has been disconnected (“It’s fine mom, the one in the hallway outside our door works.”) A stuck child-lock was preventing him from being able to open the window to the fire escape. He finally made the effort to figure out how to get the window open after I pointed out that it was the ONLY route to the fire escape: “Oh yeah, I didn’t think about that…” And although I smelled natural gas in the first floor hallway, he swears he smells nothing - but promises he will call the gas co if he does smell it. </p>

<p>How do our kids get to be in their 20’s with no sense of self-preservation? And I thought I’d be able to sleep at night after they graduated from hs… (sigh)</p>

<p>I hope everyone has a good week!</p>

<p>good morning… coffee is ready</p>

<p>sorry about your wkd laf!!</p>

<p>Hello everyone…it’s been way too long since I posted here, but I was thinking of all of you as we finished our 12th (and hopefully last!) college move-in yesterday. 3 daughters and countless first days of school, and it’s almost over. D1 and D2 are now settled in at their respective schools for their SENIOR years…it just doesn’t seem possible. They are my babies!! :slight_smile: I’m wishing all of your kiddos a great start to the school year. One positive…DH and I are excited that we only have one more semester of tuition payments!</p>

<p>I’m already doing the happy dance for only having one semester of tuition left!
Hard to believe dd started her last year of college classes today. She keeps saying that she is ready to be done, done - that she likes working and just want to get to it. :)</p>

<p>good morning all!! coffee is ready</p>

<p>Good morning. I am back at my desk (:() after 5 days in MN. It was a very nice, and very relaxing trip, and the best part, of course, was seeing D and bringing S home with us.</p>

<p>Laf - hope you and your family are recovering from the less than perfect weekend.</p>

<p>Best to anyone launching this week. Happy Monday to all.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday to you too Alice! Of course to the rest of us it is Tuesday!!! </p>

<p>S3 seems to be enjoying college life. Of course classes don’t start until Thursday (which would be Wednesday to Alice, LOL). </p>

<p>S2, my sister and my mom are off to NYC for their annual trip to the US Open. I went the last two years, but couldn’t swing it this year. I am beyond jealous.</p>

<p>D1 is on her way back to NYC this morning. We had a great time with her, but 8 days is too short :frowning: I’m glad we will get to see her for a week in October when we visit NYC.</p>

<p>This is D2’s second week of classes. All seems to be going well. She is really busy since she is still working her retail job until the weekend. She could have kept working if they would have let her come in 2-3 times a week, but they wanted her at least 4 days a week which is too much. She will be able to work 6 weeks over the Christmas holidays so that should give her some good money to shop with! They also want her back again next summer!</p>
