Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Afternoon, all. Home from moving ds2 to college. Ds1 had a great time as it was his first trip to D.C. I was happy to have him with me. Made me less sad. :)</p>

<p>He’s applying today for a credit card. This is his last summer working at the credit union so he figures this is his best chance at getting one through them with no prior credit history. He’s thinking about going back to school a little earlier than planned just so he can have fun this final year!</p>

<p>Add me to the list happy to cross one kid’s tuition off the list in the foreseeable future. At least we’ll only have one in school at a time for the next 6 years…</p>

<p>Hi gang, first post in quite a while, though I have been doing a bit of lurking…</p>

<p>S1 starts his semester tomorrow, but has been at school for pretty much the entire summer. Took a class after getting back from GB, worked on his senior honors thesis, and started an LSAT review class for his October 5th test date. He started his RA job last week and moved in the incoming freshmen starting this past week. Seems like just yesterday he was the nervous freshman. </p>

<p>S2 had his Last First Day of HS today. The college search continues, and he is taking his own sweet time narrowing down the field :rolleyes: </p>

<p>Bittersweet moment: S2 went to his Senior Picnic on Sunday, held in a local county park. He was hiking a trail with some classmates when he recognized the clearing they were in from a geocaching trip they took a number of years ago. He located the container they had found back then, and it still had the original log book that he and three of his buddies had signed back in 2004 when he was nine.</p>

<p>She’s packing up for sophomore year. Last day at the summer job. We are going to miss her.</p>

<p>good morning all… coffee is ready!</p>

<p>waving at all~~~~~</p>

<p>good to see you IL… thought i was going down to bham this weekend, the thought of yardwork has suddenly caused S’2 to find many other things to do this wkd… maybe the weekend after now? if that happens we can try for lunch?</p>

<p><em>waving to IL</em></p>

<p>Tomorrow is ds’s last day at the internship he wants to stay with during the school year. Turns out he hasn’t talked to them yet and he doesn’t really want to do a lot of unpaid work for them; he just wants to stay a FB administrator so he has posting rights and can follow activity. I’m not sure his boss will got for it. I guess he’ll find out tomorrow.</p>

<p>Got turned down for the credit card, not surprisingly. Anyone know how to help a student establish credit?</p>

<p>YDS - My son’s credit union at school offered a credit card with a low credit line, and a setup where each month after the bill came out, the CU would automatically pay the bill out of his checking account. The only snag was that they send his bills here instead of to school, but he learned how to check them online.</p>

<p>S got his first credit card from the major national bank where both he and I have our checking accounts. I co-signed for him. It had a tiny credit limit (maybe $1000) but as time has gone by and he has made his payments on time, graduated and gotten a job, he has requested higher limits several times and they have raised it each time.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready</p>

<p>yds…we got one for S2 through our local bank (rather than a big bank) low credit limit…i an the cosigner on it</p>

<p>Need to remind D2 that next week we should go to the bank so she can apply for a credit card. I have been thinking of this all summer. By the way, today is August 29th. Where did the summer go!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. I can sure use something this AM. I have been neglectful of the gym, and then traveling, and went back this morning - the regular old workout was so tough! I guess that will teach me not to back off.</p>

<p>YDS - that reminds me, S applied for a cc and I haven’t heard whether or not he got it. He applied at the Wells Fargo in NoFo with their encouragement. (And no, he doesn’t have an account there - he was there on Ultimate business). I will let you know what I learn.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday to all. Can’t wait for Friday!</p>

<p>So co-signing will help them build credit? I didn’t think it would …</p>

<p>YDS, why wouldn’t it? S has gotten approved for two apartments leases with a credit rating that just included this credit card and a student loan that we paid in full before it started accruing interest.</p>

<p>Well, when the week begins with Hanna Montana dressed as Cindy Lou Who dancin’ in her skivvies there’s no place to go but up… ;)</p>

<p>If you don’t mind airport coffee and whatever I can scrounge up in the Sky Club, I’ll share. Heading home early to pack the trucks to head to our beach vaca tomorrow. D1 and D2 will be with us for a couple of days. :)</p>

<p>Mommusic – We also attended “Salsa on the Square” (Fountain Square). DW asked D2 if she danced… “No, dad doesn’t dance.” Just call me the bad guy. ;)</p>

<p>P56 – How’s that weekend demolition shapin’ up? Or is the question, Which Weekend? ;)</p>

<p>LAF – Dang! Sorry to hear about your D’s broken leg! And No, post-HS there is no rest for the weary.</p>

<p>TWINMAMA - Add DW and me to the list of those glad to be almost done with tuition payments!!! We’ve been doing it since 2005!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – If you’re going to give us an extra day in the week, try not to make it Monday. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Student credit seems to be a crap shoot. D2 applied for a card on-line and was rejected. This summer letters for pre-approved MC and AMEX came. I guess she should send one of them in… probably the MC.</p>

<p>IL – Welcome Back! Good Luck to both S’s (and you / Mrs. IL) this year! I was thinking of you the other night when I purchased one of the last 3 seats available at the 9/16 Monday Night Football game where some team from Pittsburgh that has towels will be playing the Cincinnati Bengals. ;)</p>

<p>In dads news, my dad now has pneumonia, ergh! Oh well, I managed to knock out some yard work for my parents, so I can enjoy vaca. I always learn some weird, previously unknown fact about my family when I go to my parent’s house. I gave D2 permission to one day write a memoir titled, “My Genetic Disadvantage.” ;)</p>

<p>Speaking of genetics, D2 inherited my walking fast gene and the “people who walk slowly in front of me in the airport drive me nuts” gene… that is not a good thing. However, she does appreciate G#’s 1st Law of Airport Terminal Locomotion… “The speed at which a group moves is inversely proportional to the amount of terminal aisle space consumed by that group.” ;)</p>

<p>In college news, we received a “Graduation Basics” postcard from D2’s school this week. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to the parent/student prom. :wink: On the agenda for this weekend is to figure out which football games we will attend. D2 says that she will finally put us on the list for free tickets… we’ll see. Maybe the 4th season is the charm. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>gsharp has definitely become “which weekend”. this weekend has been taken off the list LOL. (and actually it is so humid, that i may not mind) sorry to hear your dad is ill again, hope he feels better soon</p>

<p>yds, i’m not absolutely sure on the credit card thing. S2 is also on my am ex as an additional card holder…my understanding is that does not apply to his credit as it is billed to me. but the one from the local bank is actually billed to him…and i think that does apply to his credit rating. ( as gsharp said zillions of credit card apps are suddenly appearing as he is over 21 now)</p>

<p>G# - does the fact that you’ve posted mean it’s Friday afternoon and I can start thinking of going home? I guess not. Hope your dad feels better soon and you can enjoy your vacation. </p>

<p>I still have two tuition payments left - trimester system. Looking forward to that last one along with everyone else. Hard to believe that little guy is going to graduate. </p>

<p>Happy Friday. At least I think it’s Friday . . .</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday!!</p>

<p>G# Sorry about your dad!!</p>

<p>S2, my mom(75) and my sister are in NYC. They were at the US Open yesterday and the day before. Last night they stayed until midnight watching Monfil and Isner. My son and my mom are a very good pair because they are die-hard tennis fans. On their agenda today is 5th Avenue and Cinderella (S2 says sometimes you have to take one for the team). I am very jealous!</p>

<p>All reports from my college freshman have been positive. He is making friends and adjusting to dorm food. He started classes yesterday. Last night was the first night of fraternity rush. </p>

<p>D1 “officially” started her job on Wednesday, and the first day of school for the students is on Tuesday. She is teaching at her alma mater and has already been referred to as “S3’s sister”. She has been busy decorating her classroom and I think she is very excited. </p>

<p>Thank goodness for the 3 day weekend!!</p>

<p>Boo-hoo…our new neighborhood directory came out and we are listed for the first time as just DH and me, no kids. The last one turned 21 so we’re empty nesters in their view. </p>

<p>It’s kind of sad to look at the listing and realize people new to the area will have no idea we raised 4 children in this house. We’re just the “older” couple in the gray house with the flowers by the mailbox or whatever… :(</p>

<p>mommusic, that makes me sad. :(</p>

<p>mommusic, now I’m depressed too! </p>

<p>One of our neighbors just sent their oldest (of 2) to college, and our next door neighbor just dropped their youngest off at college today. I think they’re really going to feel the emptiness - their kid was very social, there was always a crowd in their basement and cars parked on the street in front of their house. I told our other neighbors we should go barge into their house, leave our shoes by the door, troop down into the basement, crank up the video games and yell upstairs to ask if they can order pizza. That would make this feel more like a normal Friday night!</p>