Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Just stopping by to say hello, and Happy Wednesday.</p>

<p>D had one internship that she offered to do unpaid, and they said they would only take her if they paid her. So she allowed them to pay her ;). She did have one unpaid internship at a publishing company where it was probably illegal. She will not be sewing. S had an unpaid role (not sure if I’d call it an internship or a volunteer gig) at a 501(c)(3) organization, though even they paid him when they had him come back during his winter break.</p>

<p>Summer is quickly drawing to a close here, as we get ready to begin the Jewish New Year this evening. Shana Tova to all who celebrate, and wishing a happy healthy and peaceful new year to all, whether you celebrate or not!</p>

<p>good morning all!! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>IL are you in town tomorrow?</p>

<p>Just wanted to stop by and say HI! It’s been a LONG time but lots going on IRL. Will try to catch up here in the next few days.</p>

<p>waving to all! (slow-ish day at work)</p>

<p>hey folks! not much new here. just work. </p>

<p>We are heading down to Philly this weekend to see S1 and pick up his University standard issue bed and store it at our house. As a second year RA he has a larger room, so we bought him a full sized bed. But his extra long bed and frame won’t fit under the new one. Apparently the storage options at school are not so optimal…:confused: </p>

<p>We have a few school visits planned with S2, and he has started his early action apps. </p>

<p>P56- I’m in town in the morning for meetings but then I have a noon flight. Fridays are tough right now because of football games Friday night. Does Monday ever work for you? Dreamland barbecue awaits! :D</p>

<p>well poop IL… then again i could eat extra and pretend it was for you :). rare that monday would work unless it was a long wkd…but assume you probably head home for those. i may need to eat a lot, sledge hammer, pick ax, sawsall, all loaded in my car already… i will probably hurt all over by friday night</p>

<p>safe travel to you</p>

<p>Mostly just stopping by to offer a little coffee / breakfast and mess with Alice’s mind for the second week in a row… No, it’s not almost time to go home for the weekend. ;)</p>

<p>Vacation is over. :frowning: That’s OK, I spent the better part of Tue – Thu with some sort of head cold, fever thing, ergh!</p>


It’s time to work towards becoming “the mean, old, crazy woman” whose house no one would ever go near cuz’ no one ever heard from Hansel and Gretel after they went there. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Good Luck Charm much? ;)</p>

<p>IL – I vetoed bringing D2 her “real” bed for the year. I won’t tell her that some kids have good parents. ;)</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – I assume that S2 is also moving in this weekend? Good luck to him for this final year!</p>

<p>The rental SUV is all packed and ready to bring D2 all of her worldly possessions. To NJ today and back home tomorrow. I-95, here I come. It is going to have to be a well-timed move-in between D2’s practices and team meetings.</p>

<p>good morning all… coffee is ready gsharp, help yourself! safe travels for move in!</p>

<p>S3 has a job!!! woohoo… his first ever…so we will see how that goes. and he is progressing well with his ged classes…we seem to be on a good roll!</p>

<p>S2 is madly trying to find things to keep himself occupied this weekend to avoid the dreaded yard work.</p>

<p>D got a real bed (queen size) and a fold-out couch when her grandmother went into assisted living in the spring. It is great for now, but I am not looking forward to having to store it if she goes south for the spring semester as planned, and then moving it multiple times over the next few years. Ugh.</p>

<p>In college news, D is likely starting her last full semester of classes if the spring internship plans come to fruition. Her final year at Hampshire, they design and carry out an original research project, then write a senior thesis on it. So that last year she would only take or TA 1 or 2 classes. It is nice that she likes most of her classes this semester as it makes the slog at the end of the semester more bearable.</p>

<p>G# - I’m not working today!!</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all.</p>

<p>Happy Friday indeed. How can a 4 day work week be SO long ?!</p>

<p>No college news. Home football for S10 tomorrow afternoon. Classes are going well so far.</p>

<p>Taking D15 into the city tomorrow for Homecoming dress shopping. </p>

<p>H will be in Vegas next week for a conference, which means my house will be clean & quiet. :)</p>

<p>Happy Friday! :)</p>

<p>D is back at school and already sounds very busy, so no real college news to share.</p>

<p>IL - nice to hear from you! Sounds like we’ll both be going through the whole college app process again this year! Not sure about your S2, but this is going to be a completely different experience for me. </p>

<p>Anyone else have a h.s. senior this year?</p>

<p>Checkers - have fun shopping with your D tomorrow. Homecoming isn’t a big event here - at least not the traditional Homecoming dance. The game, otoh, is a very big deal. </p>

<p>GSharp - sending get well wishes to your father. It’s so hard to see our parents suffer. </p>

<p>P56 - congrats to S3. Wishing him the best of luck!</p>

<p>Happy New Year to all who celebrate. Meant to post that yesterday, but never made it here.</p>

<p>Hello all. I’ve been busy this summer and negligent in popping in to say “hi”.</p>

<p>Good luck G# and PNJmom with move-in’s. We will be there Sunday for a quick turn around in one day. Why? Because DS is taking the MCAT today! :eek: Positive vibes requested all around!</p>

<p>Hope everyone’s students are enjoying there senior year? Wow how did that happen? I’m going to keep touch to see how you schedule graduation hotels and what great things will be happening for you all this year!</p>

<p>Thanks for keeping a great group going even when they exiled us to the boonies. It’s a little more effort to get to the threads these days.</p>

<p>Checkers–my H will be in Sao Paulo for a conference, which means MY house will be clean & quiet as well! </p>

<p>Positive vibes to VAMom2015’s DS for the MCATS (which I realize probably already happened…)</p>

<p>DS is home for the weekend. Came home for Friday night dinner, is going to an open house tonight at some friends, and choir practice Sunday so he can sing with us on Yom Kippur. Nice to have him around. :)</p>

<p>Oh, and proof that my DH doesn’t listen to me–this morning I asked if he had his passport, and he said yes. Just now I took him to the airport and guess what–forgot to pack the passport. Claims not to remember our conversation. DS had to run it out to him as I was driving home. Lucky S was home and available!!! H made it through security & is on the plane.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>YDS, regarding establishing credit for a young person: Suzy Orman told viewers to get an additional card on your account in the young person’s name. Assuming that you have good credit, that good credit will convey to the young person. The young person doesn’t even have to know that you have gotten a card in their name on your account.</p>

<p>Top 10 News items since I last posted:
10. We cruised the Caribbean on Princess.
9. DsS became an English major.
8. DsS became a Psychology major with an English minor.
7. DsS became a dual major History/Psychology with an English minor.
6. DsS became a dual major History/Psychology with minors in English and Russian.
5. DsS did research in English, Psychology, and History and presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference in English (2012) and History (2013).
4. DsS admitted to Psi Chi, Sigma Tau Delta, and Omicron Delta Kappa honors societies.
3. DsS got a perfect (170) Verbal score on the GRE!
2. We cruised in the Greek Isles, the Baltic, and around the UK.

  1. I celebrated the 2013 Summer Solstice by retiring!</p>

<p>Coffee and bagels, anyone?</p>

<p>Man, don’t you hate those once a year newsletters that make the rest of us look bad? </p>


<p>Congrats to donnagalfamily on all the accomplishments & travels! :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee and bagels, Donnagal. And thanks for the update!</p>

<p>By contrast, my big news is that I am heading to yoga class, and later this afternoon to an engagement party for my nephew. When he and his fianc</p>

<p>I know you’re all busy, but do stop by for some coffee!</p>

<p>And I just realized the back yard needs cutting (why didn’t I have S do that before he went back to school yesterday?) so my day just got a little less pleasant. Better hit it before it gets even hotter.</p>

<p>OTOH, I can post in the Exercise & Diet thread that I got my exercise for the morning! :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, mommusic. Hope you managed to get the yard cut before it got too hot. I am not happy to be back at work after four days off, but there’s no help for it - it had to be done.</p>

<p>The engagement party yesterday was low key and a lot of fun to see family and meet the bride-to-be. Wedding isn’t planned till March of 2015, so I will not be buying plane tickets any time soon. Is it just me, or is that a long engagement?</p>