Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I’d love if you did that at my house, laf! Tonight is the first HS preseason football game, the first game I haven’t attended in eight years. It’s against a suburban powerhouse about 40 miles away, and I figured we’d lose to them again, but now that I’m seeing friends post pics of their kids in band and on the drill team, I’m having a little withdrawal. In two weeks, we have out first home game; that’s when I’ll start going.</p>

<p>^^^No risk of us being empty nesters unless someone goes in the kitchen and tells D2 that sitting on the floor and telling the kitty how much she will miss her this semester really does not make any progress toward actually being packed for vacation or to return to school. And no, you can’t paint the cat orange and black and bring her to school as a mascot. Any volunteers? ;)</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>I’m coming on here to rant about myself … </p>

<p>Oh, ye of little faith. I skipped the preseason HS opener, and they won! I’ve made the drive to this God-forsaken, backward little town for six years, and we’ve always lost. But last night, the one time I don’t go, my team WINS. What an upset!!! The game came down to the last play, when we intercepted as they were throwing to the endzone. Holy cow. I had several friends keeping me updated on FB and Twitter. :)</p>

<p>YDS figures, maybe you brought them luck from a distance</p>

<p>YDS–obviously you were bad luck when you were there. ;)</p>

<p>Our HS team won against a supposedly good rival team. And our college team (UCincy) beat Purdue! Bwahaha. In front of the largest audience Nippert Stadium has ever seen. :)</p>

<p>DS even watched the game from the “free seats” in the dining hall overlooking the field. And he is not a football fan…maybe just becoming more social? :)</p>

<p>Ok - the last couple of days, I’ve posted…I can see it did. Then when I check back later, it’s no where to be seen !!!</p>

<p>I’ll recap…</p>

<p>Last night was our first HS football game . Heat index at 5:00 was between 105 & 111. They moved kick off to 8:00. I think that’s a first. D15 isn’t cheering this year, so this is the first football game I’ve attended since 2006 that I didn’t have a player or a cheerleader. :frowning: Definitely a different perspective. Oh, & we lost, miserably.</p>

<p>In good football news, Mizzou is playing Murray State right now and we’re winning by a lot. S is on the 30 yard line. I saw 4 local Mizzou kids last night at our HS game - home for the weekend. NO WAY S would miss a home game. He has been to every home game since Freshman year.</p>

<p>Attended a wedding this afternoon. They used 4x6 engagement photos - laminated them, printed wedding info on the back like the names of the wedding party, etc and put them on a stick. Instant fan. Nice in today’s heat.</p>

<p>D15 took an exchange student from her HS to a carnival tonight. Usually, ‘our’ exchange students are the only one’s at her school. Kind of nice to see them in other homes too. </p>

<p>S is considering Study Abroad programs for next summer. (Remember, we’re on the 5 year plan…). In the running are Australia, western Canada, and South Africa. I think Africa will be his first choice, he’s always wanted to go on Safari. He’d be working with wildlife management & spend time with lion prides, etc.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>africa would be incredible checkers!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. No news here, unless getting a pedicure is news.</p>

<p>What color polish did you choose ?! :D</p>

<p>Toes are Sure Shot, fingers are Mademoiselle. </p>

<p>Coffee is ready. Happy Labor Day. </p>

<p>We have Red Sox today. Hope we don’t get too wet.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice! happy labor day to all</p>

<p>I put my coffee & milk over ice. Supposed to be the last really hot day of the summer. When the pool closes that should be the end of hot weather, right?</p>

<p>I had a great weekend–got to see a college friend I hadn’t seen in YEARS. Like, 33 years? We keep up on FB but hadn’t seen each other physically. She has had serious health issues so it was wonderful to just hug her. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>And I’m definitely not a helicopter mom–just now wondered if son’s suitemates are still here or all gone home for the long weekend. Most of them are from nearby. Well, I guess if he has to resort to entertainment from his parents he’ll call!</p>

<p>We did make it to vacation. Yay us!
Eat… Swim… Paddle… Nap… Fish… Bike… repeat</p>

<p>I take D2 to the airport to go back to school at o’dark hundred in the morning. All was going well tonight until DW and D2 decided to make blueberry muffins together for the morning. DW burst into tears while D2 laughed… not at DW, but at the “dynamic between the two of you. Mom crying and you looking like you don’t know what to do.” :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Nothing says “Welcome Back!” like an email to parents from the school that starts like this…


<p>Oh well. D2 did go visit my parents and my FIL before leaving. We are driving to NJ on Friday and have to unload between D2’s two-a-days on Saturday before turning around to head back so I can catch a plane on Sunday morning. D2 officially has an advisor for her Senior Thesis and it is the professor that she wanted, so all is well on that front.</p>

<p>I’ll catch up on the rest later, but did want to mention how nice Alice’s nails look. Is that a mélange of Sure Shut and Mademoiselle? ;)</p>

<p>D’s summer draws to a close tomorrow, we take her to the airport in the morning. She had a good summer and is ready to start her senior year. She has been researching grad school and even a bit of GRE prep.</p>

<p>Is Munequita still around? Is your D running the half marathon this weekend? My D is. That plus regular preseason training will keep her busy until classes start.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>For those of you whose child may have worked an unpaid internship, here’s a video about a guy who worked on the movie “Black Swan” and decided he could sue to get paid.</p>

<p>[The</a> Intern Who Won’t Work For Free](<a href=“]The”>The Intern Who Won't Work For Free)</p>

<p>It’s part of the “moral courage” series of vids, for which my DIL wrote the very cool music theme. :)</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>^^Regarding intern work for free. One of a girl i know well got an intern work for a local US Senator. The competition is fierce and you are allowed to a four week term. Students from all Hpys apply for the positions, and it is none paying intern. </p>

<p>So, is the guy ready to sue an US Senator?</p>

<p>Warm weather continues here in SoCal. Met a friend for a walk by the beach yesterday then went boogie boarding to cool off. D2 came by the beach after class and we did some more boogie boarding. This is the best time of year in San Diego since the kids are back in school, but the weather is perfect and I can park in the beach parking lot!</p>

<p>I’m guessing the difference is being an unpaid intern at a for-profit company vs. a not-for-profit congressional office? Ds2 has done unpaid internships for our congressman, but ds1 only has done paid internships at business and state agencies.</p>