Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Hang in there, ML! Also, requesting the PVC be pointed S1’s direction today - his grad check is at 10 a.m. …</p>

<p>footballmom, any news about how the grad check went?</p>

<p>You’re doing great, ML. One day S2 will look back and realize how much you did for him. :)</p>

<p>Thanks, DB! My counselor said the same thing! “This is temporary,” in her words. I will hang on to that!</p>

<p>(((Hugs))) to ML.</p>

<p>Great minds think alike. I just took ds to lunch for his beginning of the year goal-setting lunch. He says he’s in great shape for graduation, that he only needs three classes – one PE, one math-type class and one for his senior comps. He seems to have it all worked out and on the drive home was positively giddy at the thought of returning to school. He said he’s still thrilled with his college decision and says fall trimester apparently is when people do all the work to find a job. Didn’t know that. It’s fun to re-evaluate and hear all positives. His goals for the year – make good grades, do well on comps and have fun. What more is there??? :D</p>

<p>Greetings all. It has been a long week here. Between being still sick all week, turning one year older, sitting in all-day meetings, and working 6:00AM – Midnight every day, I’m whipped and can’t wait to get home tonight! I sure hope I find some good news here.</p>

<p>YDS – I wish I was as in-shape as your S so I didn’t feel so worn out. There really was a time that this week would have been nothing.</p>

<p>Adding my support for ML (and family)!</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – P56’s newly employed S3!</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week – The newly retired donnagal for providing a logic puzzle to solve on all that has been happening in her life. ;)</p>

<p>Hey Alice, it really is afternoon this week! March 2015… I thought that D1 was doing things way in advance with April 2014. Although as YDS mentioned, her venue booked 1+ years in advance.</p>

<p>Mommusic – Nice lawn. :wink: Oh, and I’m an iced coffee fan too.</p>

<p>DB – Welcome Back! Is that coffee ready yet? :wink: re: Spreading oneself too thin, a guy that I work with was saying that he had to have a talk with his HS Senior D to cut back on her work hours and try to have fun this year.</p>

<p>Tx5 – Many congrats to D1 and S3! D2 called me between practices this week to wish me Happy Birthday. She said that there was some sort event at the Career Center, but she thought that she might be too tired to attend. I did my best to encourage her to get there.</p>


Mine Too!!! I tell her that I will not “tell her” what classes to take as long as she graduates on time.</p>

<p>IL and LIMOMOF2 have my condolences in advance with the impending app process. ;)</p>


So I don’t have the only DW who says things like, “How can you be home for only one day and this place already looks like a mess?” ;)</p>

<p>In wedding news, the band is booked after a little contract snafu.</p>

<p>In dad’s news, DW has started cleaning out her dad’s house to put it on the market. She reports that she found the hummel that we broke “fooling around” on the couch and glued the head back on. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Look for me on Monday Night Football. I went ahead and bought a ticket for the fun of it. The dilemma is for whom I should root. Cincinnati is my adopted home, so I like the home team. However, Mike Tomlin went to HS in my home town and played football at my alma mater, so I like the Steelers too.</p>

<p>We made it to and fro VA / NJ relatively unscathed to return D2 to her rightful place. Smooth sailing on I-95.</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Hopefully your quick trip was uneventful too. As usual, I am a day late / dollar short sending PVC to your DS with the MCATs. Re: Graduation – All the Marriot hotels in Princeton (except Forrestal… which is $$$ and I do not like) filled up a year in advance and I had to get a room about 20 miles away. However, I kept checking and something freed up in South Brunswick about 5 miles away.</p>

<p>We unloaded Phase 1 of D2’s stuff Friday night. Saturday we took the rest of her stuff and one of her friends’ stuff out of storage and delivered it to their respective dorms. Friend made a note… Grad school must have elevators. We managed to get both kid’s belongings delivered and take a couple of cheerleaders out for lunch between practices. The only casualty?.. We forgot to bring D2’s stuffed tiger. :rolleyes: Isn’t she in college? Oh well, the tiger will go with us in a few weeks when we return for a football game. At least, unlike one of the kids in her dorm, she did not feel the need to bring a Ferrari back-to-school (lest she be terribly disappointed ;)) . ;)</p>

<p>We can tell that orientation was still going on early this week as D2 was sending DW pictures of her and her friends. Once classes started… <chirp> <chirp> <chirp>.</chirp></chirp></chirp></p>

<p>ML continued positive thoughts for your sons ongoing progress and your strength and patience</p>

<p>G# Happy B day!</p>

<p>DD is on track to grad and continues to waver between working and grad school</p>

<p>DS completes his first full week of his new job and seems to be making the transition from carefree college boy to working man well so far</p>

<p>Thinking of all in Boulder hoping for the rain to let up</p>

<p>happy bday gsharp!!! </p>

<p>nothing exciting here… just waiting on the stupid mcat score before we know what thenext move is.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready! such a pretty morning, temp low 60’s, sun shining on the water.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. Great weather here too. S is home for the weekend. Have a great Saturday all!</p>

<p>ML–hang there and here’s hoping some maturing and some missing home will happen for D2 on his gap program. Hopefully he will return with a better attitude and more appreciation for all you do for him!</p>

<p>G#–Happy birthday, get well soon, and Thanks for the head’s up on booking a hotel. I sound like a Hallmark card! :slight_smile: I will look and see if I can book this far in advance–DH uses Marriot for all his travels, so we like to stay at their properties too. Thanks for the PVC for DS—I am of the opinion that positive vibes are in full force until the scores are posted!!! Move-in went smoothly. 2 of DS’s roommates helped bring stuff up, and since it was early on Sunday we were the only ones that seemed to be using the elevator!!! Although the scanning of card to get in building, then to make elevator move then to get in dorm room is a bit much! :frowning: (At least there IS an elevator!)</p>

<p>Congratulations to all who are looking at graduation in 2014! Exciting times!</p>

<p>Just a little brag on my D2–he is a HS junior and owns his own business. It is amazing to me how much money he is making twisting balloons. He worked a festival last weekend and then worked an event for a Dentist’s office today and he’s made almost 1/2 of what he made all summer as a lifeguard! Believe me, he worked a bunch more hours lifeguarding! (balloon hat, anyone?)</p>

<p>We did a move in last weekend, but not for the DS’10, but for grad school for DD’08. THIS week-ending, DS came up to see her and her hovel. He is in a MUCH nicer apartment than she got in the draw for her grad school. DH feels some guilt he didn’t offer to pay for better for her, but she wanted the friendly old grad apartments and not the new stuffy rich kids apartments… oh well. She’ll have more $$ for groceries. Sometimes <em>I</em> worry about DS having enough grocery $$.</p>

<p>But it was nice to have them together. No move in for DS because he stayed in the same place from last year. He was there near campus all summer. He is happy/sad about the last all college welcome BBQ. He also is wavering (hi, coskat) between work and grad school… but first he has to finish the paperwork TO graduate. He has had enough units for a while but not the exact right units. He has enough in his 529 to finish this year, if he needs more, it will be on him (but he IS on track!) </p>

<p>I haven’'t mentioned career fairs to him as we parents think he’d be better off heading right to grad school. </p>

<p>We also booked the grad weekend hotels about a month ago. GAK.</p>

<p>happy BDay g#.</p>

<p>I’ll take a hat VAMom, DH did balloon animals for the preschool once upon a time, long loong ago…</p>

<p>ML, strenght</p>

<p>parent56, waiting on the MCAT, yet another vigillllll</p>

<p>Happy Birthday G#!</p>

<p>P56:too bad the MCAT isn’t like GRE where you know the results right away. </p>

<p>VA mom: I think I have spent too much time here, the first thing I thought of for your son was: wow! What a great topic for a college essay!</p>

<p>No real news here S2 moves back to school on Thursday. It will be effortless because he already moved the bulk of his stuff into his apartment. S3 sent a picture of himself in a banana suit. I believe it has something to do with his joining a fraternity. </p>

<p>We are spending the day watching college football which can be exhausting. We were happy that the Bruins beat Nebraska.</p>

<p>VAMom - my D used to make balloon animals and hats back when she was in elementary school. I wonder if she remembers how? </p>

<p>GSharp - Happy Birthday!! Hope you feel better soon!</p>

<p>Thanks for the good wishes for getting our S through his college apps. It’s not going to be easy given that it’s football season and the coaches think football is more important than anything else. </p>

<p>P56 - good luck to your S with his MCAT results!</p>

<p>Eso - glad your kids got to spend some time together! S is hoping to visit D at school this year along with a friend who plans to apply to her school. Not sure that’ll ever happen with football dominating their lives these days.</p>

<p>tx5 - lol at your S3 in his banana suit. </p>

<p>I forgot who asked about whether our kids are on track for graduation, but I believe D is on track. I know she’s been to numerous career fairs, met with advisors, taken her GRE, and sent out at least one job application, so she’s certainly acting like she thinks she’s graduating this year. Hopefully there won’t be any unpleasant surprises!</p>

<p>G#, happy birthday! Have fun at the game. This Cowboy fan hopes you won’t root for the Steelers.</p>

<p>p56, good luck with the MCAT results.</p>

<p>VAmom, that’s so cool. It reminds me of the kid on here who made origami earrings!</p>

<p>OK, OK I’m gonna break down and book our hotel tonight for graduation. There’s an option to stay in an un-air-conditioned dorm that dh said would be fine with him. I’m not so sure. I’ll book the hotel just in case.</p>

<p>Ds, who left this morning, just texted that he’s in his room and that the whole set-up is sweet. For those who don’t remember, he is in a single this year as part of a three-person suite that’s part of a 14-person, I think, townhouse. This should be fun. I hope not too much fun. :)</p>

<p>And so ends my first day with an empty nest. Ds2 texted me, “How was your first day of freedom?” I think he’s worried about me. :heart:</p>

<p>YDS - make those reservations! :)</p>

<p>Spent the day in Columbia (Mizzou territory) at the State HS Cheer competition. Our squad got 3rd ! D15 & I took S out to lunch beforehand so a bonus for me. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I learned to be a ‘clown’ for one of S10’ birthdays. He wanted a clown & there were none around here. I can do some magic tricks and make balloon animals. I did a program at the library during the summer reading program one year, made balloon animals for the local July 4th festivities, and walked in our local parade. It’s been awhile since I’ve done any of that, but it was fun.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready</p>

<p>i would love to know how to twist balloons!! has to be an easier way to blow up those skinny long ones though!</p>

<p>congrats to your D’s cheer squad checkers</p>

<p>good luck on hotel reservations yds!!</p>

<p>bet is was wonderful to have everyone together esobay!!</p>

<p>it seems like an eternal pause while waiting on these mcat scores…S2 says he hopes he either bombs it, or does realllllly well, he doesnt want to be in the middle with a decision to make whether to retake the exam. he says if he doesnt do well, he will go straight phd, if he does well will continue down the mstp path. so really nothing is going on while he waits</p>

<p>Congrats to checkers’ D, and I think VAMom’s S’s business sounds incredible. I have worked enough jobs that I’m convinced being self-employed would be the way to go… if only I had a self-employable skill. Happy belated birthday G#!</p>

<p>D’s broken leg seems to be improving, at least it’s a lot less painful. She goes back to the doctor in a week - at that point it will be a month since she broke it. I’m wondering if they’ll let her start putting weight on it. It doesn’t seem to be holding her back too much though.</p>

<p>S’11 is having second thoughts about law school. He’s still going to take the Oct LSAT and see how he does. It’s not that he really want to go to law school, he just think he might like being a lawyer… maybe. He has gotten used to his decent salary and isn’t looking forward to being broke for 3 years and then looking at a mountain of debt. His goal is to work for a regulatory agency or non-profit, but he knows he’ll probably have to work for a big firm for a few years to get experience and pay down his loans, and he knows entry-level lawyers at big firms lead generally miserable lives. I guess he’ll have to see where he gets in to make a decision. His latest practice LSAT puts him in the range he needs to be in, so we’ll see.</p>

<p>just read my post and it sounds silly to say ::if he doesnt do well he will go straight phd.<br>
he needs a really good score ie above 35 to be considered for mstp… so he dreads getting a 30-34. which are good scores but maybe not good enough. he would be happy in a phd program as his main goal is medical research, which he could do with either path. </p>

<p>laf fingers crossed for your s on his lsat!</p>