Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Congrats on the cheer competition victory, Checkers! And good luck to all those kids out there with difficult test to take and huge decisions to make. My dad, God rest his soul, always told my brother and me that the decisions you make when you’re 18-22 years old are the ones that determine how you live for the rest of your life and for the most part, it’s true.
And on that note … S1 had his grad check Friday. He needs to take three more classes for his sports journalism degree, all of which he can do next semester. He still needs to check on his History degree (which was an afterthought anyway) but I do know he’s taken all the required history courses. He will need to do an internship in sports journalism too, but if he finishes all his classes in the spring, does the internship next summer and is officially an August graduate, I can live with that. All I want is for him to finish his classes before he finishes his scholarship money.</p>

<p>Evening, all! </p>

<p>VAMom–cool balloon business! Way to go!</p>

<p>It’s quiet here as DH just left for the airport (NYC) and took S back to campus on the way. (H was home from Brazil for a whole 2 days before he had to leave again.) But here’s the shocker-- S made his bed before he left…the 2nd time this has happened! I think he may finally be trained! :D</p>

<p>I did try a watermelon mojito with the cachaca (rum) H brought back from Brazil. I think I’ll wander over to Sinner’s Alley and offer to make a large batch. :)</p>

<p>Waving to everyone as the weekend draws to a close. :frowning: Why do they go so quickly ?!</p>

<p>Laf: I’m self employed and love it. :slight_smile: It does have some drawbacks once in awhile, but not often. This is a 3 day week for me. I’m going to Minnesota Thursday. Hooray for a 3 day work week. :D</p>

<p>S is definitely on track to graduate. Sometime. :rolleyes: </p>

<p>D15 is taking the ACT prep and college prep classes at school this year. Hard to believe I’ll be starting this all over. Planning a few college visits in the next months.</p>

<p>mommusic, leave a batch here. Those sound great.</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. S is back at school and I miss having him around. I don’t know if he made his bed as H stripped it before I had a chance to look. We will be using his room for company and need to have clean sheets. I am looking forward to a report of how his first few days of senior year are going, but I guess I need to give him a few days. :)</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!! good morning all</p>

<p>Reporting for jury duty. Last time I did this, I sat there for 20 minutes, and then we were let go. Let’s hope it’s that easy this time.</p>

<p>Have a great day, all.</p>

<p>happy Monday in the suburbs. D moved into her apartment yesterday, after couch surfing for a few weeks until the first summer subletter moved out. Her other two roommates will be abroad in the fall, so there will be two other new subletters, hope logistically things go well with rent/utility payments etc. There was missed communication on who would get a bedroom and who would be in a sunroom, that seems resolved.</p>

<p>She is trying to find a prof to do an independent study with her this fall so she doesn’t have to take a course too similar to earlier one to have a broader background for grad school apps. No success so far, so hope she finds someone. She did start gre practice tests, so yay for that.</p>

<p>Good luck to all others both college and hs kids doing test prep.</p>

<p>We are going to visit her this coming weekend, first time since we dropped her off three years ago. Don’t want to fully wait until graduation to do some touring.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>P56–good luck to your DS on the MCAT. The wait is probably harder on us since they are immersed in school and hopefully not thinking about the scores too much! I’m hoping DS does well enough so he doesn’t have to re-take!</p>

<p>YDS–good luck on jury duty, or should I say getting released from jury duty? I’m surprised I haven’t been called. I’m sure it will happen one if these days. In the past whenever I was required to report, I had to send a letter because DH was active duty and we were never living close to our home of record, so I couldn’t participate. Now that he’s retired, we are living where we are registered so I could serve if picked.</p>

<p>Jackief–enjoy your visit. How exciting to visit after three years! I guess I’m spoiled since DS is within driving distance (but he’s happy it’s far enough away that we only visit once or twice a year).</p>

<p>Happy Monday. Thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>G# - Congrats on completing your latest trip around the sun. And, since tonight’s football game is AFC North v. AFC North, I’d like to request that you root for both to lose. :wink: :p</p>

<p>laf - hope your D gets good news about her leg.</p>

<p>I have also prodded D to see who/how would do a grad check on her. She has a BA (aka thesis) advisor, and another advisor but who is not for her major. I don’t want her to be surprised when things she has been told before would count towards different requirements turns out not to be the case. She plans to take the winter term off to save money, it will be an expensive mistake if she needs it to complete something she didn’t realize.</p>

<p>The landlord’s maintenance guy starting working on the stair rail today! Will have to check with D on how it’s going. Persistence has paid off. (And cost me $100… oh well).</p>

<p>I think D is feeling better DB, thanks for asking. She seems to be getting out and about and living her life… at least based on the photos that have been posted on FB. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Watching the 17th season of Dancing with the Stars. I just realized for this year’s HS seniors, there has ALWAYS been a DWTS! :D</p>

<p>A local guy is on this season, Brant Daugherty. He danced first and looked great!</p>

<p>Also watching DWTS! FYI, I think they do two seasons a year, so I don’t think it’s been 17 real years. More like 17 dog years! ;)</p>

<p>Yea, laf! About time.</p>

<p>Ds went to his opening convo today and loved it. I watched it online, and it was in fact awesome. I posted a link over in the Carleton forum is you want to watch …</p>

<p>Youdon’tsay–that makes sense. I didn’t <em>think</em> it had been 17 real years, but you know time flies and we all get older, somehow… :D</p>

<p>good morning all!! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>P56–thanks for the coffee. Is today the day???</p>

<p>nope not for S2,… might be for the ones that took it the week before? when are yours coming out? S2’s come out the 24th i think. He is such a good guy… i was talking to him last night and reminded him to call me as soon as he knew… he told me to go ahead and look, as he will be in class and unable to call me… but i am not supposed to call him, in case he hasnt seen it yet.</p>

<p>Yes today is release date for two sittings. My ds will get results on Oct 8 so we still have several weeks wait. PVC’s for your results!</p>

<p>vamom… the waiting is AWFUL!! i’ll cross my fingers for your ds</p>