Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning everyone!</p>

<p>May I offer everyone some Grand Marnier French Toast with some Peet’s Mocha Java?</p>

<p>I’m up bright and early here for a SoCal person who arrived home late last night from visiting family in the Seattle-Tacoma area. Our plane had mechanical problems that needed to be fixed before we were airborne.</p>

<p>I chose my screen name because our S (our one and only) would be looking to “find a place” to attend college. Giving many thanks to the bountiful information found on this thread and elsewhere on CC, we gave S some good guidance.</p>

<p>S will be spending this summer make a ten day road trip of CA with his other HS graduate friends. The balance of time will be spent volunteering half time at a food bank, and catching as many paid math tutor assignments as he can dig up.</p>

<p>He will be attending Northwestern University (along with one of momof3sons’s S), in the science honors program, the Integrated Science Program. He figures to go to grad school and after that, he’s not sure. Academia? Industry? Science intrigues him. Upon hearing a college roommate of mine is getting a dual PhD from Harvard (one in epidemiology) he sounded quite interested in it.</p>

<p>S doesn’t start his Wildcat Welcome until Sept 14, so he has one of those late quarter starts. Housing assignment and roommate information won’t be available until early August.</p>

<p>Back on the ranch (beach? okay, neither of those!) H is a math professor at USC. I work in finance for a CA city, previously as City Treasurer and now I will experiment with transportation finance.</p>

<p>It will be nice to rekindle old virtual friendships and make new ones on this thread. I hope that we maintain the respectful attitude, through thick and thin, that showed regularly on the old Parents of the Class of 2010 thread.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>welcome littlefalls! Great that you are going to help those coming after. I know we had several apply to UMich but don’t see any other thread members heading there. </p>

<p>I need to make a trip up to BBB. Since D being away for the summer I mentioned I wanted to at least look at XL sheets, she says she doesn’t care what I get. I think the rest could wait until she is done at camp in Aug. We will not go overboard because although we will drive her out we expect she will leave most stuff there in storage and fly home at the end of the school year.</p>

<p>Back right before when the 09/13ers were getting their decsions we were neck and neck with their post counts and had a friendly little competition. It will be interesting to see how the posts in this thread take off. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>“HELLO MY NAME IS…”, GSharpM7 ('cuz that’s the chord I was playing [G#m7] when I signed up… not very creative, huh?). Between DW, DD1, and DD2 I am completely outnumbered, and wouldn’t have it any other way. I would say that DD1 and DD2 have me securely wrapped around their fingers. I am deeply indebted to this group for its support, but try to pay back a little by providing the “clueless male” (is that redundant?) perspective at which I am embarrassingly adept. I am a William and Mary alum and an IT Consultant that lives in the backwoods of VA.</p>

<p>DD1 - B.A. Virginia Commonwealth University 2009. Working on Masters @ VCU 2011. Currently in LA / Hollywood doing an internship.</p>

<p>DD2 - Princeton University 2014 (hence the reason I am here) will be majoring in “I don’t know. Something impractical I’m sure.”</p>

<p>DW - My best friend in the whole world (even if she does want me to start that ballroom dancing thing) and has the super-power of actually being able to communicate with DD1 and DD2.</p>

<p>Welcome littlefalls! My D has many hs friends who will be attending UMich. They are psyched! Many we know who currently attend have felt right at home from the beginning.</p>

<p>I am also getting ready to be an empty nester…sigh…very quiet around here as well.</p>

<p>Nice to have you moving forward.</p>

<p>Jackie: I think we are already taking off…to the Beyond. ;)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hi all…
I’m a CC addict, but I’m generally a lurker (and infrequent poster.) I’m about to send my firstborn off to Yale next month. Like some others, it’s not as huge an adjustment as it is for others, as he’s gone to boarding school for HS. So we did get a head start on the idea of him being away from home. Still, this is a whole new ballgame, so I’m looking forward to the continued guidance and advice from those who have been there before or are muddling along for the first time!<br>

<p>omg i just realized something…as this thread will be for 2014 and BEYOND…if son does md/phd, i will still be here 12 years from now…seems fitting that that is the same year i will qualify for medicare!!</p>

<p>hi littlefalls and my2sunz!!! i’d offer you coffee but i think the mimosas would be better</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>I am the mom of 2 boys. S1 is starting at UNC-Chapel Hill this August. He plans to pursue premed as a chemistry major. S2 is a rising junior just starting his pre-college journey.</p>

<p>We live in NC, transplanted from New England. I grew up in CT. H and I lived in Boston/Brookline for several years and we also lived in CT, where our boys were born, before moving to NC. I’m a teacher and H is a physician.</p>

<p>I am happy to be a part of this wonderful group of people here on the Class of 2014 thread!</p>

<p>Oh no, parent56! You will need a LOT of mimosas! ;)</p>

<p>Welcome littlefalls and my2sunz. :)</p>

<p>Good morning my friends! And welcome to the new friends who’ve decided to join the fun. I have the mini bagels!</p>

<p>I’m zoosermom from NYC. I’ve worked for more than 20 years in recruiting/trademark positions in law firms, am married to my high school sweetheart (celebrating our 25th anniverrsary this year) and am stepmom to the world’s meanest dog.</p>

<p>I joined CC when D1 (zoosergirl) was looking at colleges. She started out at a small school in Pennsylvania but returned home to a CUNY after an illness requiring several hospitalizations and surgery. She has found her niche at the CUNY where she is a teaching fellow, works to save for the downpayment on her future house, and is the most stable person I know.
I came to this group with D2 (zoosersister) who will be a freshman Material Culture Preservation major at the University of Delaware in the fall. Her life’s dream is to the be the conservator of medieval weaponry at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We’ll see how that goes. I am also blessed to be the mom of an 11-year old boy (the “precious baby king”) who lights my life. He is taller than I am now but still flops on my lap. He is disorganized, always has sloppy hands, never works to his potential, has been known to attend doctor visits minus his underwear, but can bring me to tears with the beautiful music he coaxes from his clarinet. I am honored and overjoyed to be a member of this special group, some of whom I have had the great good fortune to meet in person.</p>

<p>Welcome my2sunz!</p>

<p>zooser: Thanks for the mini-bagels and most of all, as always, for the smiles!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: BUandBC82: Hope you are enjoying your vacay in Hilton Head! :)</p>

<p>GSharpM7, I met my H in a ballroom dancing class.</p>

<p>Welcome littlfalls and my2sunz.</p>

<p>Good morning all! I chose my screen name because I’m in the rare book business and also love to read. We live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, having moved here 25 years ago from NYC. </p>

<p>D just graduated from Yale this spring with a degree in Classics, and is about to start a paid internship in DC in a few days. S is headed off to the Univ. of Delaware in the fall (where perhaps he’ll meet zoosermom’s D!), majoring in Communications, minoring in Journalism, and hoping to be a sports writer. I have two very different children, so each college search process was unique, but both (at this point for S, anyway) seem to have landed in a great place for each of them.</p>

<p>I’m so glad we have this new thread - thanks, jackief! </p>

<p><em>hands around cinnamon and chocolate babka</em></p>

<p>Good Morning everyone! It’s me, lilmom. Thanks for the mimosas and coffee and mini bagels - I’ve brought the chocolate croissants</p>

<p>I am currently unemployed but when I do return to work, it will hopefully back to teaching English as a Second Language. DH is also in education as an administrator and teaches at the local university. There was still so much to learn about the college app process even with these backgrounds.</p>

<p>I came to cc because S was losing interest in schoolwork and I was panicking. CC helped me stay positive and encouraged me to step back and let him take on the responsibility. Things really turned around in his jr yr and with a good GPA and great test scores in hand, he was ready to apply for college. He’ll be going to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo majoring in Graphic Communication w/a minor in business. </p>

<p>D’12 has now taken the front seat in college prep - she’s interested in attending a school on the east coast and I’m ready with more information and support than ever thanks to the wonderful people on cc!</p>

<p>i just went to 2010 thread… got a little misty with the last few posts… Thanks BT what a great goodbye… Good night John Boy!!</p>

<p>parent56: LOL. I was thinking of posting a goodnight to John Boy as well! :wink: Unfortunately I fell asleep too early…and I loved BT’s technicolor farewell much better! :)</p>

<p>zoosermom, I, too, married my HS sweetheart! It’ll be 23 yrs. next month. Time flies…</p>

<p>must have had too many mimosas already… read Booklady’s post about son going to a school where zoozermom’s D is going… had a thought… what if one of our sons met one of our daughters, got married and 25 years from now they are here posting about their child’s college search??? LOL </p>

<p>BUT we all better get an invitation to the wedding!!!</p>

<p>I loved the BT’s sign off on our other thread! </p>

<p>I was up until midnight checking cc for the new thread - and cleaning out my closet. I even rearranged my clothing by color. It needed to be done so badly! D’12 walked in a said “Now, it’ll be easier for me to find something to ‘borrow’.”</p>